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1. This text is for the following question.

Do not throw trash in toilet

The notice means that we …. trash in toilet.

A. cannot clean and collect. C. are not allowed to throw.
B. are not prohibited to get. D. should never use any.

2. This text is for the following question.

Picking flower is prohibited
Punishable by Rp.100.000
What does the warning mean?
A. A fine for stealing flowers. C. A punishment of Rp. 100.000.
B. A prohibition to pick flowers. A permission to pick flowers.

Reading text is for questions no 3 and 4.

To: Alex
You did it your way and I couldn't be happier for
Congratulations! On your achievement as the
best participant in the story telling contest for the
Junior High School level for the year 2014.
3. Susi congratulated Alex because he ....
A. achieved better way. C. had tried his best to tell story.
B. was good at telling a story. D. became the best participant in the contest.

4. “...on your achievement as the best participant ....”

The closest meaning of the underlined word is ....
A. success. C. participation.
B. failure. D. happiness.

Reading text is for questions no. 5 and 6.

Dear Ian,
My plane will take off at eight this morning, and I suppose to arrive at
your town at ten .
Please pick me up at the El Tari airport .
Thank you.
5. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To explain somebody the steps in doing something.
B. To ask somebody to do something.
C. To ask for information.
D. To retell what happened.
6. Who will pick the sender of the message up?
A. The writer. C. The pilot.
B. Greza. D. Ian.
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Reading text is to answer questions no. 7 to 9.
Dear Willy,
Hi! How are you there? I hope you are as usual. Mira, I am writing to tell you my
experience as a voluntary worker in school. We cleaned the area around our school,
mowed grass and bushes behind our classrooms and repainted walls.
As the chairman of the students organization (OSIS), together with our committee
members, we planned and discussed the right time to do this voluntary work. After a
long discussion, finally we agreed to hold it last Saturday.
On that day, fortunately we did not have to study as we had just finihed our final
examination. So, while waiting for our teachers who were busy writing our ‘report book’
and with the help of Pak David we did it. We were having a good time because we could
play while we were working. I wished you could join us at that time.
What about you? How do you spend your free time at school? How is your Karate
group at school? I hope to hear from you, write me soon, thanks.

Best Wishes
7. What is the letter about?
A. Cleaning the school. C. Final examination.
B. Writing the report. D. Voluntary work.

8. Who was busy writing the report?

A. Willy. C. Teachers.
B. Pak David. D. Clay

9. Why were the students happy while they were working?

A. The garden was very clean. C. They could play while working.
B. They could repaint freely. D. The teachers were busy writing report.

The following text is for questions 10 and 11.

To : All Students of SMP 4

Due to the fact that the next two days are national holidays of Christmas and
followed by the first semester holiday; all students are requested to study at home
during those days starting on tomorrow. School will begin on January 5 th, 2015
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday.


10. Why does the principal make the announcement?

A. To let students know about national holidays.
B. To celebrate the Christmas with students.
C. To inform the students about the holiday.
D. To ask students to study at home.

11. “... all students are requested to study at home ....“

The underlined word has the same meaning with ....
A. forbidden. C. prohibited.
B. asked. D. allowed.

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Read the text to answer questions 12 and 13 .
Compute the…..

Computer centre
2 days big sale
8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
35% off on all notebooks
25% off on all desktop computers
10% off on all monitors
5% off on all smart phones
15% off on all keyboards

12. Where can we probably find the text?

A. In newspaper. C. In a school handbook.
B. In a manual book. D. In an instruction manual.
13. From the text we know that there is 5% off on all ….
A. desktop computers. C. keyboards.
B. notebooks. D. smart phones.
The following text is for questions 14 and 15.
Jl. Alukama 10, Baa – Rote
To : All members
You are invited to join regular meeting that will be held:
Day/date : Saturday, March 8th, 2014.
Time : At 11:00 a.m.
Place : OSIS room
Agenda : Storytelling contest preparation
Please come on time.
The chairman of ECC
14. Why are the members of ECC invited to join the meeting?
A. To attend the opening of the ECC. C. To meet storytelling participants.
B. To vote for the new ECC chairman. D. To prepare storytelling contest.
15. “You are invited to join regular meeting….”
The underlined word refers to ….
A. the members of ECC. C. the students of the school.
B. the chairman of ECC. D. the storytelling participants.

The following schedule is for questions 16 and 17.

National Examination Schedule
For Junior High School Students
Academic Year 2013/2014
N Subject Date Time
o Allotment
1 Indonesian Monday, 5 May 2014 120 minutes
2 Math Tuesday, 6 May 2014 120 minutes
3 English Wednesday, 7 May 2014 120 minutes
4 Science Thursday, 8 May 2014 120 minutes
16. According to the schedule the third subject and the day/date of examination is ….
A. Math –Tuesday, 6 May 2014. C. Science – Thursday, 8 May 2014.
B. Indonesian – Monday, 5 May 2014. D. English – Wednesday, 7 May 2014.

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17. What subject will be examined on the last day?
A. Science. C. Math.
B. Indonesian. D. English.
The following text is for questions no. 18 to 21.

18. What does the text tell us about?

A. How to clean juicer. C. Cleaning juicer is important.
B. Keep your juicer clean. D. Things needed to clean juicer.
19. What should we do after unplugging the electrical cord?
A. Disassemble the juicer. C. Wash and soak the part.
B. Clean the juicer machine. D. Dry the juicer.
20. What should we do before cleaning the steel filter basket?
A. Wash and soak the parts of the juicer.
B. Dry the juicer using a clean dry towel.
C. Clean the motor base using damp scouring sponge.
D. Wipe down the juicer using a clean scouring sponge.
21. “Disassemble it by removing .... “
The underlined word refers to ....
A. wall. C. electrical cord.
B. juicer. D. pulp container.

Read the text to answer questions no. 22 to 25.

I have a close friend. She is beautiful, attractive and trendy. She always wants to be a
trend setter of the day. She always pays much attention to her appearance. Recently, she
bought a new stylist foot legs from blowfish shoes products. These shoes really match on
Her new blowfish women's shoes are wonderful. When she is walking on those
shoes, all her friends, including me watch and admire that she has the most suitable shoes
on her physical appearance. The style, bright color, and brand represent her as a smart
woman of the day. She really has perfect appearance.
She is really mad on those shoes. She said that the products covered all genders. The
blowfish men's shoes are as elegant as she has. The products provide varieties of choice.
Ballet, casual, boot athletic shoes are designed in attractive way. The products are
international trade mark and become the hottest trend.

22. The purpose of the writer to write the text is to …

A. describe her friend’s style and her new shoes. C. share her experience with her friend.
B. explain an international trademark shoes. D. tell blowfish shoes products.
23. The writer’s friend has just bought …. from blowfish shoes products.
A. a new match shoes C. a trendy and attractive shoes
B. a new stylist foot legs D. a brand and bright color shoes
24. Why does the writer admire her friend?
A. She likes wearing an international trade mark shoes.
B. She always wants to be a trendy and attractive woman.
C. She has the most suitable shoes on her physical appearance.
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D. She really has perfect appearance with her wonderful shoes.
25. “She really has perfect appearance.”
The word “she”refers to …
A. the writer. C. the writer’s friend.
B. a close friend. D. all genders.

Read the text to answer questions no. 26 to 28.

Sabu Raijua Art Show
Sabu Raijua Art Show is an annual event which is held in SMP Negeri 3 Sabu Raijua.
The goal of this program is to develop students’ talents and activities. The show is
conducted at the end of May. It is usually held on Saturday after the semester examination.
The show includes music show, dancing, and drawing.
The show begins at 8 a.m. The show is opened by SMP Negeri 3 marching band and
then followed by drawing. Drawing is a massive program because all students take parts.
While drawing competition takes place, the music show, and dancing are performed
one after another. The music show is the most popular program. Each class always takes
part in this program. Some participants use live music and the other are accompanied by
Dancing is also one of the programs students love. Most participants perform folk
dance. They began the dancing practice two months before the show.
The show usually ends at 2 p.m. All students are very enthusiastic to follow the
26. The purpose of the text is ....
A. to tell how to perform the art show. C. to inform the school program.
B. to describe the Sabu Raijua Art Show. D. to entertain the students.
27. The Sabu Raijua Art Show is conducted on .... of May.
A. the first week C. the third week
B. the second week D. the last week
28. What program do the students like very much?
A. Marching band. C. Drawing.
B. Music show. D. Dancing.

Read the text to answer question 29 to 32.

I have a very embarrassing experience last week. It happened in the history class.
That day, the teacher was explaining the lesson when I felt very sleepy. I went to bed
late the night before. I couldn’t help anymore so I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.
But, the teacher saw it easily because I sat at front row. He asked me to go to the toilet to
wash my face.
After washing my face, I just entered the classroom again. Without looking at others,
I just sat at the front desk. But, I was shocked when I found that the history teacher was
not in the classroom. In front of the class there was an English teacher staring at me. I
was so confused why she was in my class now. It should be history lesson so I told her
that it was history class not English. The class laughed me. Then I turned around and how
shocked I was, it was not my classroom. I just entered the wrong class. I asked for
apology and ran out of the class as fast as possible.

29. What is the story about?

A. Embarrassing experience. C. Washing face in the bathroom.
B. Falling asleep in English class. D. Studying History in the wrong class.
30. Why did the writer’s teacher ask him to go to the toilet to wash his face?
A. Because he closed his eyes. C. Because he entered the wrong class.
B. Because he was confused in class. D. Because he fell asleep in the classroom.

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31. “….there was an English teacher staring at me.”
The underlined word means ….
A. look at with the eyes wide open. C. say something softly.
B. smile with friendly look. D. ask politely.

32. “But, the teacher saw it easily because.... “

The underlined word refers to ….
A. the classroom the writer went into.
B. the order of the teacher to the writer.
C. the time the writer went to bed late the night before.
D. the happening the writer closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The following text is for questions no. 33 to 36.

Once, there was a rich farmer in a village. He had vast land, a lot of cattle, and plenty
of money. He had two sons and lived a happy life with them. After a few years, the
younger son became unhappy. He asked his father for his share of property. His father
advised him not to behave in such a way. His mother also advised her son to do so. He did
not listen to his father’s words. He got his share and sold them.
He had a huge amount of money after selling them. Once he got lots of money, he
travelled to a distant country and did everything he had wished. He befriended with
gamblers in this new place. They made him lost his money. Soon, he fell into debt and
went into jail because of it.
At that time, no one helped him out, not even his gambling friends. Then he
understood his mistake and returned to his country and his parents. Afterwards he
promised to obey his parents.

33. Why did the younger son sell his share of property?
A. To make new friends.
B. To have a huge amount of money.
C. To share the property with the gamblers.
D. To obey his father’s and mother’s advice.

34. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. The younger son’s life in distant country.
B. A misfortunate life of the farmer’s son.
C. A rich farmer and his two sons.
D. The farmer’s abundant weath.

35. “ .... no one helped him out, ....” (paragraph 3)

The underlined word refers to....
A. the younger son. C. the bad friend.
B. the rich farmer. D. the older son.

36. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Never befriend with bad people. C. Money cannot buy happiness.
B. Listen to your parents’ advice. D. Spend your money wisely.

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Read the text to answer questions 37 to 40.
Pharmacists are the professionals who dispense medicines to the patients, as
prescribed by the medical expert. In most of the cases, the experienced pharmacists can
even prescribe some better drugs and medicines to the patients. One of the most important
pharmacist job descriptions is the management of medicines and drugs in health care units
and hospitals. The pharmacist job description also includes assisting the patients, advising
the medical experts and helping the patients by recommending the right medicine.
Some of the job duties of a pharmacist are as follows; give advice and assist
doctors or surgeons in matters relating to dosages and prescriptions to the patients.
Monitor and analyze the health of the patient, with respect to the drugs that have been
given to the patient. Answer the queries of the patients about the probable side effects and
benefits of the drug therapy. Seek immediate help from the doctor in case the drug shows
some side effects on the patient. Recommend drugs to visitors of drugstores with minor

37. What does the text tell us about?

A. Pharmacists. C. Medical experts.
B. Drug therapists. D. Doctors and surgeons.
38. Which one is usually done by a pharmacist?
A. Giving immediate help to the patients.
B. Recommending better medicine to patients.
C. Helping surgeon in doing an operation.
D. Giving drugs to patients with major ailments.
39. “Pharmacists are the professionals who dispense....”
The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
A. doctors. C. druggists.
B. surgeons. D. medical experts.
40. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. Doctor and surgeon give prescriptions to the patients.
B. A pharmacist recommends drugs to the patients.
C. A pharmacist and doctor work cooperatively.
D. A pharmacist has some duties.

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