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Casting director: Hannah Wayne 

Actor: Kate Wheeler Role: Wendy Butler (Agent)   Production: The Balance Girl      Date: 18/04/2021 

Suitability for role:  Ability to interpret character:  Audition notes:  Availability (dates): 
Kate looked and sounded ideal for I had imagined a ‘crisp’ sounding This was a strong audition where  Full availability next week. 
the role. I liked her business-like agent, aloof in style – and Kate Kate managed to present the
style of talking into her phone.  played the role in this way character in the way I had  
  instinctively envisaged.    
Her voice will contrast well with  
mine as Cara.  Voice and image ideal. 
Kate was keen to play the role. 
Kate Wheeler cast in the role of
Wendy Butler (agent). 

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