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[Name of Institute]

[Name of Writer]

[Date of Submission]

Cato III, New York Journal, 25 October 1787


While reading the paper "Cato III, New York Journal, 25 October 1787” I have noted a few

questions which I need to know. Therefore, I have mentioned those questions below:

1. Who was Cato?

2. Why he has written such a strong paper which reveals that Cato is opposite to the


3. What are the main points of the Constitution 1787?

4. Does America adopt the new constitution at the right time?

5. If all the arguments by anti-Federalists were accepted then what impact would it have

on the racial discrimination and other issues raised in the 19th century?

6. Does Cato has made a contribution in the anti-Federalist papers?

7. Who were anti-Federalists and what they believe?

8. Whatever Cato argues and answered: Was he right or not?


I believe that the arguments expressed in the reading “Cato III, New York Journal, 25

October 1787” are easy to understand if the beliefs of anti-Federalist are researched. In this

regard, the research aims to find the answer to the question “Who were anti-Federalists and

what they believe?”.

In order to understand that who were anti-Federalist, we must know that the

constitution of the United States is an important document. However, it was not approved and
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accepted many times. In addition, several amendments are made today. Cato raises his

arguments against the constitution in the reading “Cato III, New York Journal, 25 October

1787”. Although, this reading is not the only one but there is a series of readings that were

proposed after the American Revolution. These readings were proposed by Anti-Federalists

and the author Cato is also one of them (“Borowiak” p.1000).


Anti-Federalist made arguments against a remarkable document which outlined a

democratic republic. The constitution introduced a modern system of government in which it

was stated that governments should be subject to the will of the people. Here it is needed to

be mention that this modern system of government was launched in an era when many kings

were still ruling with absolute power. It is a fact many people including citizens did not

satisfy with the constitution and modern system of government. Citizens were confused and

unsecured about their rights. Consequently, a number of detractors back in 1787 and they

mentioned their complaints and argued against the constitution. Those complaints are in a

form of series of essays or readings and the authors are known as the Anti-Federalists.

Literature regarding the American revolution reveals that revolution got an end with the

Treaty of Paris, in 1783 (Alden et al.,1962).

Soon after a few problems were noted in the society. Even though, the citizens of

America were actively trying to put their nation together. At that time, there was a single

body or government was in a rule called Congress. However, that form of government means

Congress was organized according to the Articles of Confederation. But this government

appeared to be weak because citizens of Americans were scared regarding the concept of a

strong central government especially after the revolution. Later on, in 1786 made people

realized that the country needs a stronger government (Alden et al.,1962). Therefore, a new
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constitution drafted in 1787 was formed under the supervision of specified delegates.

Unfortunately, people were not agreed including anti-Federalists (“Borowiak” p.998).

Contrary to this, people who supported the new constitution are known as the Federalists.The

anti-Federalists believe that the new constitution is not in the favor of public hence they

published many editorials and letters to express their viewpoints.


The first review of the reading raises many questions in the minds of readers about the

credibility of the constitution. However, it might confuse readers that why anti-Federalist

have a lot of questions and insecurities regarding liberty, independence, territories, and safety

as well (“Sadat” p.339). The overall arguments outlined in the “Cato III, New York Journal,

25 October 1787” made me think critically over the points raised by Cato. However, I

realized that Cato seems to be loyal, dedicated, concerned regarding the decisions about the

citizens and country. Further research about the anti-federalist gave me a direction and ability

to understand the arguments outlined by Cato that although he was loyal and was trying to

raise concerns for the safety and liberty of the people but he was among the group of people

who were not ready to accept the new system of government. Even though, they were not

ready to make it implementable. Precisely, he believed that due to the large size of the

country it is impossible to rule all of the states with a central government (“Sadat” p.339).


In order to understand the questions noted at the initial stage of the report certain

credible resources including websites, book, and articles have been reviewed. The articles

were explored to gain ideas about the history. However, the literature reviewed is selected in

a way that history of the constitution, the reality about the federalists and anti-federalists can
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be analyzed. In order to contrast the points learnt from the literature websites mentioned

below are used so that different perceptions about a single constitution can be analyzed.



Alden, John Richard, and Robert Middlekauff. The American Revolution, 1763-1783. Harper

& Row, 1962.


Borowiak, Craig T. "Accountability debates: The federalists, the anti-federalists, and

democratic deficits." The Journal of Politics 69.4 (2007): 998-1014.

Sadat, Leila Nadya. "The Least Dangerous Branch: Six Letters from Publius to Cato in

Support of the International Criminal Court." Case W. Res. J. Int'l L. 35 (2003): 339.


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