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Dorian Yates upper/lower split

yes that is right one of the best bodybuiders of all time trained with a
upper/lower split during his first 2-3 years of training and considering he turned
pro after 5 years i think this routine is definatly worth a look for some of you
guys out there.


Bench- 3x8
Incline press- 3x8 (can be dumbells or barbell)
Incline flyes- 2x8-10
Chins or lat pulldowns- 3x8
Barbell rows- 3x8
Deadlift 3x8
Shoulder press 3x8
Side laterals 2x8
Bent laterals (aka rear delt flyes) 2x8
Crunches- 3 sets to failure
Hanging leg raises- 3 sets to failure

Lower (+arms)

Squats- 4x8
Hack squats- 3x8
Leg curls- 3x8
Standing calf raises- 3x8
Barbell curls- 3x8
One arm preacher curls- 2x8
Tricep pushdowns- 3x8
Lying tricep extensions- 2x8


Just because you have reached the prescribed number of reps in a given set does not
mean you have to stop, if you feel like you can get 1-2 more reps out with good
form, do so.

All though yates was a big advocate of the HIT style of training he stil trained
with a fair amount of voume in his early years, he also recomends only taking the
last set to faiure with rest/pauses etc. but only after 1 year of serious training.

The shoulder press exercise can be any variation of a shoulder press, yates
initially recomends behind the neck press but he later goes on to state that the
lift is not good for anyone due to shoulder issues, fleibility, rotator cuffs etc.
You can choose to do OHP, military press, seated db press etc.

Each session should last apx. 60 minutes with 1-1:30 rest betwen each set.

When you reach the prescribed number of reps with a given weight for each set in
that exercise you can increase the weight next session.

At this stage in yates carreer he only trained 3 days a week alternating upper and
ower workouts so he had a 1.5x/week frequency per muscle group. You can always bump
this up to 4 days a week to get 2x/week frequency.

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