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The Art & Science of Being a Doctor

local issues and activities, and I see this as inevitable for the
doctor working within the community.

Another quality I see as necessary in a leader is the ability to

think globally about issues that extend beyond the field of
medicine. Tenacity to see a problem through to some conclusion
is a characteristic I’d expect to see in a leader in medicine.
Imperturbability in working with others in the profession is
necessary for smooth working relationships within the clinical
area, as is the ability to work with a group and be able to foster a
single group opinion. An important quality for personal and
professional growth is the ability to take criticism and learn from

Leadership in medicine can take many forms. Some doctors

bring their expertise in medicine and their management of
personnel and communication skills to the organization and
administration of a healthcare system and a hospital. Their
leadership in ensuring the best care for patients in a pleasant
environment that is fiscally sound is a great contribution to the
profession and healthcare in general.

Professional organizations can benefit from the leadership skills

of a physician who will strive for the protection of the highest
standards of the profession. Other physicians become leaders in
the public health arena, working to ensure the health and safety
of the broader community, both nationally and internationally.
Their efforts protect our nation’s health while having an impact
on others worldwide. Similarly, physicians can provide their
leadership on the local level of their community or their state.


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