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Name: Ghie-Ann M.

Quirante Professor: Ma’am Ana Muñoz Padilla

Year & Section: 1st year /BS Entrep 1 Course: BS Entrepreneurship

What I see and feel in

the painting.

 The first thing that I noticed upon looking at the painting there are eyes in the middle of
the artwork.
 It is a combination of different colors and shapes.
 This abstract painting is very artistic.
 The painting gives me the vibe or feeling of happiness or joy.
 This artwork holds different meanings and interpretations.

I have 2 interpretation in this artwork.

 The eyes represents ‘us’ while the different colors symbolizes ‘the beauty of life’ and
shapes depicts ‘the different aspect of life or situation’. Now a days people are so blinded
with temporary happiness, the only thing that they want to see in life is the beauty of it
and they want to live in comfort always. When they’re face with a difficult situation they
cannot manage to survive it because they are used to live in a colorful life and they fail to
see that it is not all always exquisite life but it is also a definition of a pitch of black –
hardship and failure.

 The eyes represents ‘us’ while the different colors symbolize what we think or our
‘imagination’. Sometimes our imagination pervades our entire existence. It creates art,
novelty, ideas, discoveries and inventions. Imagination is beautiful. Because there are no
rules to play by when we’re imagining. We can just dream about the things we want as if
we already have them in our hands. As kids, dreaming felt so real. But then as we grew
up, we became “realistic”. We lost touch with our imagination and our rich inner world.

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