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Democracy in Africa:

Successes, Failures and the

Struggle for Political Reform

Extended chapter bibliographies/

Democracy in Africa reading list

Nic Cheeseman, Democracy in Africa,

Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Democratization against the odds

Ake, Claude. The feasibility of democracy in Africa. African Books Collective,

Anderson, Benedict. "Imagined communities: Reflections on the origin and
spread of nationalism." Nationality and nationalism. London: IB
Tauris (2004): 293-297.
Anderson, David, Histories of the Hanged: Britain’s Dirty War in Kenya and
the End of the Empire (London, 2005).
Anderson, David M. "‘Yours in Struggle for Majimbo’. Nationalism and the
Party Politics of Decolonization in Kenya, 1955-64." Journal of
Contemporary History 40.3 (2005): 547-564.
Bayart, Jean-Francois, The State in Africa: Politics of the Belly, second
edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Bayart, Jean-François. "Africa in the world: a history of extraversion." African
Affairs 99.395 (2000): 217-267.
Beetham, David. "Conditions for democratic consolidation." Review of African
political economy 21.60 (1994): 157-172.
Bratton, Michael, and Nicholas Van de Walle. Democratic experiments in
Africa: Regime transitions in comparative perspective. Cambridge
University Press, 1997.
Cheeseman, Nic, Anderson, David, and Andrea Scheibler, eds. Routledge
handbook of African politics. Routledge, 2013.
Cheeseman, Nic, Democracy in Africa: Successes, failures and the struggle
for political reform, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Coleman, James S. "Nationalism in tropical Africa." American Political
Science Review 48.02 (1954): 404-426.
Cooper, Frederick. Africa Since 1940: The Past of the Present. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Dahl, Robert Alan. Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven &
London: Yale University Press, 1971.
Dahl, Robert Alan. Democracy and its Critics. Yale University Press, 1991.
Epstein, A. L. 1981. Urbanization and Kinship: The domestic domain on the
copperbelt of Zambia, 1950-1956.
Erdmann, Gero. “Neopatrimonialism and Political Regimes” in Nic
Cheeseman, David Anderson and Andrea Scheibler (eds) The
Routledge Handbook of African Politics. Oxford: Routledge, 2013.
Herbst, Jeffrey. States and Power in Africa: Comparative Lessons in Authority
and Control. Chichester: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Hodgkin, Thomas. Nationalism in colonial Africa. London: Muller, 1956.
Hydén, Göran. African politics in comparative perspective. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Iliffe, John, Africans: The History of a Continent, 2nded, Cambridge, 2007
Joseph, Richard (ed.) State, conflict, and democracy in Africa. Lynne Rienner,
Mamdani, Mahmood. Citizen and subject: decentralized despotism and the
legacy of late colonialism. Oxford University Press, 1997.
Mazrui, Ali. "On Heroes and Uhuru-Worship." Transition (1963): 23-28.
Mbembe, Achille. On the Postcolony, London & Berkeley, 2001.
Médard, Jean-François. "The underdeveloped state in tropical Africa: Political
clientelism or neo-patrimonialism." In Christopher Clapham (ed.),
Private Patronage and Public Power: Political Clientelism in the
Modern State. London: Frances Pinter 162 (1982): 192.
Ndegwa, Stephen N. "Citizenship and ethnicity: An examination of two
transition moments in Kenyan politics." American Political Science
Review 91.03 (1997): 599-616.
Pitcher, Anne, Mary H. Moran, and Michael Johnston. "Rethinking
patrimonialism and neopatrimonialism in Africa." African Studies
Review 52.1 (2009): 125-156.
Posner, Daniel N. Institutions and ethnic politics in Africa. Cambridge
University Press, 2005.
Przeworski, Adam. Democracy and the Market. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1991.
Przeworski, Adam, et al. "What makes democracies endure?." Journal of
democracy 7 (1996): 39-55.
Ranger, Terence O. "Connexions between ‘Primary Resistance’ Movements
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Journal of African History 9.03 (1968): 437-453.
Riedl, Rachel Beatty. Authoritarian origins of democratic party systems in
Africa. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Schedler, Andreas. "What is democratic consolidation?." Journal of
Democracy9.2 (1998): 91-107.
Sklar, Richard L. "Democracy in Africa." African Studies Review (1983): 11-
Sørensen, Georg. "Democracy and democratization." Handbook of Politics.
Springer New York, 2010. 441-458.
Spear, Thomas. "Neo-traditionalism and the limits of invention in British
colonial Africa." The Journal of African History 44.01 (2003): 3-27.
Tocqueville, Alexis de. "Democracy in America. 2 vols." New York: Vintage
Vail, Leroy, ed. The creation of tribalism in Southern Africa. Univ of California
Press, 1989.
Wallerstein, Immanuel. "The construction of peoplehood: racism, nationalism,
ethnicity." Sociological Forum. Vol. 2. No. 2. Springer Netherlands,
Whitehead, Laurence. Democratization: theory and experience. Oxford
University Press, 2002.
Chapter One
Fragments of democracy:
Participation & control in authoritarian Africa

Baregu, Mwesiga. "The rise and fall of the one-party state in Tanzania."
Economic change and political liberalization in sub-saharan
Africa (1994): 158-81.
Barkan, J.D. & J. Okumu (1978) 'Semi-competitive elections', clientelism, and
political recruitment in a no-party state: the Kenyan experience. In
Elections without choice, edited by G. Hermet, R. Rose and A.
Rouquiâe. London: Macmillan
Barkan, Joel D., and John Okumu, eds. Politics and public policy in Kenya
and Tanzania. New York: Praeger, 1979.
Barkan, Joel D., ed. Beyond capitalism vs. socialism in Kenya and Tanzania.
Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1994.
Bienen, Henry. "The ruling party in the African one-party state: TANU in
Tanzania 1." Journal of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 5.3
(1967): 214-230.
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NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1977.
Bienen, Henry. "Military rule and political process: Nigerian examples."
Comparative politics (1978): 205-225.
Bienen, Henry. Armies and parties in Africa. Holmes & Meier Pub, 1978.
Bienen, Henry. "Populist military regimes in West Africa." Armed Forces &
Society 11.3 (1985): 357-377.
Branch, Daniel, and Nicholas Cheeseman. "The politics of control in Kenya:
Understanding the bureaucratic-executive state, 1952–78." Review of
African Political Economy 33.107 (2006): 11-31.
Branch, Daniel, Nic Cheeseman, and Leigh Gardner. Our turn to eat: politics
in Kenya since 1950. Lit Verlag, 2010.
Carter, G., ed. (1964) African one-party states. New York: Cornell University
Collins, Carole JL. "The Cold War Comes to Africa: Cordier and the 1960
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Diamond, Larry, Anthony, Kirk-Green, and Oyeleye Oyediran (eds).
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Babangida. Boulder, CO. & London: Lynne Rienner, 1997.
Englebert, Pierre. Africa: Unity, sovereignty, and sorrow. Boulder, CO: Lynne
Rienner Publishers, 2009.
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Westad, Odd Arne. The global Cold War: third world interventions and the
making of our times. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Chapter Two:
Cultures of resistance:
Civil society & the limits of power

Adelman, Kenneth Lee. "The Church-State Conflict in Zaire: 1969–1974."

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Englund, Harri. "Pentecostalism beyond belief: Trust and democracy in a
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Fatton, Robert. "Africa in the age of democratization: The civic limitations of
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(1998): 69-91.
Gifford, Paul, ed. The Christian churches and the democratisation of Africa.
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Larmer, Miles. Mineworkers in Zambia: Labour and political change in post-
colonial Africa. IB Tauris & Company, 2007.
LeBas, Adrienne. From protest to parties: party-building and democratization
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Lonsdale, John. "Moral ethnicity and political tribalism." International
Development Studies Occasional Paper 11 (2014): 131-150.
Mama, Amina. "Feminism or femocracy? State feminism and democratisation
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Nyayo!". Univ of California Press, 1992.
Young, Crawford, and Thomas Edwin Turner. The rise and decline of the
Zairian state. University of Wisconsin Pres, 2013.
Chapter Three
The second liberation:
Economic decline, the Cold War & the struggle for democracy

Bracking, Sarah. "Structural adjustment: why it wasn't necessary & why it did
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Kelsall, Tim. "Governance, democracy and recent political struggles in
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Chapter Four:
Exporting elections:
International donors & the era of democratic dependency

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Tangri, Roger, and Andrew M. Mwenda. "Politics, donors and the
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Modern African Studies 44.01 (2006): 101-124.
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(2007): 138-151.
Chapter Five
Subverting democracy:
The advantages of incumbency & the politics of violence

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