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GSMO Mi aU aay CA Holly the Eco Warrior ela NZ CCR dae Se eee) Helbling Readers Red Se —_ mae : Cen Cu 5 ei Pree) om Sener by top international FL autho. formation and downloadable acts: Spans About this Book For the Student £4 Uisten toa of the story and do some activites on your Audio CO De Tate about the story tip? When you se the Bue dat you can check the word in the glosary on page 64, For the Teacher Go to our Revers Resource site foe information on using readers and downloadable Resource She's, photocopiable Worksheets, Answer Keys ad Tapescrips. Plus free MP3 ample treks fom the stony. womhellingeaderscom For ats of grat ideas on using Graded Readers consult feding Mates, the Teacher's Guide to using Hebling Readers Level 2 Structures - Pte be Gimpiatve Patsinole Campa with 25 Prtsinplelommon impure) Supeatve esos Tote pore Pt Connon ove oe Pt ile pt carina, ‘an abut, ease Prien estins ine a) Bast use Contents Before Reading Holly the Eco Warrior After Reading Cte] c OE Before Reading Before Reading 15 usten, look atthe pictures then write the names of cach of characters 1 Find these things in the picture and label them oak weed) bane yee house tent fghtning 1) banner fz3:] 2 The things in exercise 1 are important to the story. Why are they important? Can you guess? In groups, write a story, Include all these things in your story. Then tell the class. Choose the best story. 0. 6 What were Holly and her friends and family doing last night ‘3 Find these things in the picture and label them. when Hollys father came home? Look at the picture and write sentences, adant 1 blanket 1) ow ‘) ucksick 8) Holly's mam was curing a tray sleeping bag lawn Hall J) 4 Talk about the picture. ©) Zadie and avid Wier are the people inthe picture? A Ee0, her dog What are they doing? Deseite the gan, 6 Sophie, her sister . 7Can you guess? What happens to theo oak tee? {GY That is so untae "Holly angrily threw down her napkin® and jumped up fom the table. 'Sit down and finish your dinner, her mother said "No way!" sod Holly. Her face was red, her eyes lashing. "Don't talk to your mother lke that said her father. He was angry, too. Her sister Sopie looked down at her plate and smiled a secret litle smile Holly walked towards the door. Her father stood up, “Where are you going?” he asked. Holly looked back from the open door ‘Vm leaving ‘What do you mean, leaving? ‘Vm not staying here another minute. 'm leaving home!” And with that, Holly walked quickly out of the conservatory* and noisily shut the door behind her, n “Come back in here her father shouted. But Holly didn't come back. ‘They heard her footsteps banging up the stairs. "Ths is ridiculous! he sad loudly Holly father was very red in the Face. ‘She's only thirteen years old” he sai, picking up his knife and fork "You know what she's like! Sophie sad, playing with her long blond hain.'She's just protesting. She always as to protest about something: ‘Leaving home! her father said, shaking his head. ‘Don't worry, Alan Holly’ mother Sandra said. Holy isn't going anywhere’ And then they heard 2 door stam. ‘What was that?’ Sandra looked up, surprised. ‘Was that the front door? Alan! Holly the Eco Warrior All tree stood up. Alan rushed to the doar, but Sophie stopped him. "Relax, Dad! she said, ‘Look’ Sophie pointed to the window. They saw Holly walking across the 1123s to the od oak tre at the end ofthe garden. She was careying a rucksack. Her dog Eco was running along beside her. ‘What on earth* is that git! doing? her father asked. His face was only pink now, but he was stil very annoyed: Holly stopped atthe bottom ofthe tree, She looked back atthe house, picked up* Eco, then waved at her Family Itall started four hours earlier. It was. Friday afternoon in July the last day of term. The school holidays were starting, Six weeks of freedom*| Holly was walking home with Grace in the hot sun. Holly loved sunny days, but they also made her feel nervous. She always thought, Is ths usta nice day, ori it global warming*?” But today she was happy and laughing, and full of plans forthe holidays like ‘going to the seaside, hanging out” in the park, going to the cin and jst ying in bed in the morning, doing nothing. But wien they were walking across the green, Holly saw a sign N) > G) yo Holly the Eco Warrior ‘Wey, look at tis said Holly. Grace read the sign, 25 NEW HOUSES Building to start 12 August ‘That's awful said Grace, She didnt really think t was awful, but she knew Holly di, and she didn’t want to annoy” her fiend. "WS worse than awful; said Holly. 'Itsterible. I's a disaster Holly looked around her “Thisis happening al the time. They're going to fill up every piece of land with these stupid new homes. Then what are we going to do? We need trees and plants to make oxygen. Where are the birds and animals going to go? We need Nature!” ‘When Holly got home her mother was putting away the shopping, ‘There were supermarket bags ll over the table and on the floor. Her «dag Eco was seeping under the table. Did you have a nice day, honey"? her mother asked. Holly's mother ‘was pretty and Holly looked like her. But Holly didn't think so*. She diet like her mother’s nie clothes and make-up, She preferred her T-shirts and patched! jeans Holly threw herself dawn on a chair and explained about the new houses. Then she looked at the shopping bags ‘Look a¢ all that plastic! ‘And then she studied her mother’s shopping, Holly always checked that the vegetables were organic® she never ate meat) and the coffee and chocolate were Fair Trade’ Holly the Eco Warrior Holly was examining a tub* of yoghurt when Sophie walked in ‘Hit Hi sid thee mother. Holly looked up but didn't say anything. Her sister really annoyed her. The world was in danger but all Sophie ever thought about were new clothes, new earrings, and new boyfriends, "What do you think, Mum?” Sophie asked, Her mother sniffed the ai. Is that a new perfume? It’s lovey she said. “it smells like old socks! said Holly. Then she picked up a chicken, “Wey ths isn't organic, Do you know what they do to these chickens? “Oh, get lie’, Holly said Sophic, "You don’t even eat chicken, Think about something else fora change’ “This is important! said Holly ‘Not like your stupid perfume 2 Later, at dinner, with the cooked chicken on the table, Holly was talking about ear. n fact, she was taking about the two cas her parents had. Her mother'ssmal one fr driving around tow, and her father's huge four-wheel drive She hated her father’s cr. Ieused too much petrol It made too much noise. And it cause too much pollution. “Youhaveto changeit, Dad Holy si. Ws destroyng the envionment “You don't complain when Dad gives you ait said Sophie Holly gave her sister a horrible lok “Actually said er father," am thinking of changing my car “Really? asked Holy “Ys! he sid. Tm tied of commuting” to work every day. spoke to my manager last week and he said ean work fom home if | want to! “That's grat eid Holy. Her father looked quickly at his wife then decided to continue “That means fm going o need an office’ “Which room are you gong to usc asked Holly Erm, wel, nce alo of space. sol'm going to build one! Build one? Where? Fora moment, her father looked nervous. Then he sai, 't the end ofthe garden! Holly was confused, "What do you mean, at the end of the garden?” "AC the bottom of the garden; her father repeated, but it didn't make things any clearer to his daughter. ‘But where atthe bottom of the garden? On the lawn?" ne “Then wiere? There's the old oak tree Holly didn’t finish her sentence, Her face turned white with anger, "Dad, you must be joking! Holly's mother said, That tree's very old, Holy. And your father ean have his new office there. I's perfect "You're going to cut down my tree fora stupid office?” is just a stupid tree! Sophie added, not very helpfully “That isso unfair’ Holly sai, jumping up. Then she walked tothe door ‘and sai, 'm leaving home!’, and slammed the door shut behind het Holly ran up to her room. Her dog Eco woke up and ran after her, wagging*his tal happily. Holly was so upset. She couldn't believe this was happening, The old ‘oak tree! ‘She emptied her school rucksack onto the bed. And with tearsin her tees she filled it up with clothes, her MP3 player, and her favourite books. Holly walked quickly down the stairs towards the front door. But then she stopped, She couldrt leave home, She had nowhere to go. And she didn’t want to leave Eco. What could she do? They were going to cut down her tree! Then she had an idea. She tuened round, walked through the Aitehen, and out into the garden, a Holly topped under the old oak tree. The un vas sinking* now and the tre was huge and dark against the sky. She turned back to the hause, picked up Eco, and waved goodbye. Then she climbed up the rope ladder and disappeared among® the leaves and branches. A few moments late she pulled up the rope ladder. and she was safe She looked inside her old tree house. It was her favourite place in ‘the word, her secret place, There were holes in its roa and there were ld birds’ nestsin the corners, But there was little chair some broken toys, and some blankets, eo was very excited. It was his frst time in the tree house and he barked® and wagged his tal. Holly cuddled® him, then she sat down at the daor and looked out at the garden and the sky, She could see the lights inside her house ‘She eould see the moan and the stars. She could hear a bird singing. There was only one bird, t sounded very lonely. Suddenly she felt very strange Now she was in the tree house, Holly didn't know what to do. Eco sat down next to her He didn’t seem very happy either. Holly looked at the blankets. It was time to make her bed. 2 Holly the Eco Warrior AL Tivee hours tater, her parents walked up othe tree. Her mother was That evening her father walked across the lawn towards the end of carrying tay with a glass of orange juice and a bowl of organi the garden forthe second time that day. He looked down atthe empty cereal Her fater was wearing suit He was ready to goto work lass and breakfast bow then he looked up atthe tee. Holly 've got some breakfast for you; her mother sad ‘Holly he called out. re you up there? Holly looked out of the window. She ad dark rings "Es; sid Holly She was inthe tee house, She didn't under her eyes want tose him ‘0h, darling, you look terrible" How long are you going to continue with “Thanks, Mur: Holly replied this ridiculous behaviour? he asked. His ‘Now Holly her father said, 'm going face was going red to the office now. And when | come “it depends aid Holly. home, I want to sce you back in im not going to change my mind the house! her father sid need anew offic “And\'m not going to change mine, either said Holy Dini ie iM a Holly was playing with Eco, rllng® a ball across the floor for Eco to catch, when she heard a different voice, Her sister's! “Holly: Sop sai, Holly waited, ‘And then she heard, ‘Mmmm, this is so cold Holly was feeling very hot And finally she heard, Mmm, it’s delicious! Holly was feling hungry. She looked down. Sophie was holding an ‘enozmous ice-cream. i's strauberry, said Sophie, ‘Your favourite flavour. I's. a pity* you can't have amy! “don't want any, Holly said angrily. And she looked atthe ie-cream again, It really did look delicious” Holly the Eco Warrior “Oh, by the way*, Holly, this is Jason’ ‘\ tall good-looking boy with dark hale stood next to Sophie. She kissed him on the cheek. "Jason's my new boyfriend ‘Wi; said Jason, He smiled at Holly. He looked nice, too nice for her sister. “Jason; sad Sophie, ‘thisis my ister Holly. ntshe funny? She doesn't live in house like normal people. She lives in a tree. in fac, she prefers tees to people. That's why she doesn’t havea boyfriend. She's, too weird" Sophie giggled. Then she grabbed* Jason's hand and they ran back to the house Holly sat down on the branch, Eca licked her hand, Holty had another bad night. The owl didnt ‘came ack, but there wasan army of ants that decided to march ll over her bod Eco got very excited and tried to eat them. The next day, after breakfast, Holly waited for everyone to leave the house. Then she let down the rope fader and took Eco fora walk. Eco loved it ~ he was happy to be on the ground again - and he ran and jumped and seratched* and chased ther dogs, Holly wanted to see her fiends ~ but she couldn't stay away from the oak tree for very long, She had to be there in case her father tried to cut it down, When he came home from work, Hallys father tried to get her down fram the {yee again. This time he was ready for faction! He walked up ta the tree ‘eareyng a ladder He leaned it against branch, ‘RightZhe said. You're going to come down from that tree right now. 'No way, sai Holy Eco barked in support "0K, if that’s the way you want it, I'm joing to come up and get you! But before her father could step on the ladder, Holy climbed onto the bbraneb, and pushed it away. The ladder fell witha crash Then Holly saw her mother coming from the kitchen, She was carying a tay with abottle of fizzy? water and a large mushroom pizza Hall favourite But Holly didn't eat the pizza, Her father took the tray and sal “Don't think you're going to eat this, ‘young lady. You're nat going to get any ‘mare food from us while you're up in that tree? ‘And with that, he walked quietly back to the house ‘and threw the piza into the waste bin Holly's mother said sadly ‘Oh Holly don't be sity. Come down and have a nice dinner with us But Holly did't answer. This was war. Holly the Eco Warrior Holly satin the tree house with Eco by herside and made plans. She hhad to find something to eat. She had to contact her fiends. And she had to get her sleeping bag those blankets were really horrible! The food, her mobile phone and her sleeping bag si were all in the same place. The house. She had to get in there when nobody was watching. he had no choice* She had to break into™ her own house. So Holly tured on her MP3, listened to her music, and waited for night to come. Holly the Eco Warrior 61 ut her father was to late The next morning, aftera breakfast of applesandl cereal without milk, Holy called Grace. i, Grace ‘Wi Holly! Where are you? | called lots f times but your parents fre really weird on the phone! imupa tree said Holy. "Youle what? said Grace. ‘And then Holly explained the whole story ‘That’ s0 coo! said Grace."You'retving ina tree ~ and you're fighting fo save it You're biliant, Holly! You're an eco warrior? ally smiled, She didn't feel alone any more. ‘Awant to ave the battery in my mobile*.Can you tell all my friends?” ‘No worries! said Grace, ‘Leave it to me! That afternoon, Grace, Zadie, David and some other friends arived At Holly's house. Holly's mather was surprised to see them. She didn't know what to do so she let them in. They walked straight Hhrough the house and into the garden to see Holly. They were carrying ‘extra food, cartons*of fruit juice and magazines, Holly dropped dovin the rope ladder and they all climbed up. It was a bit crowded” and the branches of the oak ree bent under their weight. But everyone fagreed with Zadie when she sai, Hey, this is really cool!” ” Holly the Eco Warrior The next day, Holl’s mother opened the front door and saw Zadie She was earying a large bag and had a rucksack on her back, ‘Wello, Mrs Wells; said Zaie Hello, Zadi! said Holly's mother. ‘Come in! Fen minutes later, Grace atived. She was carrying a large bag, too And then David knocked at the door, followed by Luke, Lisa, Tom, Jessica, Dan and Chloe Holly’ mother watched them from the kitchen window. They were ailsiting under the tree, or sitting inthe tee. They were talking and laughing, But what are they doing here? she thought ‘And then, at about six o'clock, they started putting up their tents. "You're doing the right thing, Holly, said David. He thought that Holly was a real hero, She was fighting for what she believed in, Hw long are you going to stay up here? asked Grace “As lang as it takes, sid Holy. They aren't going to cut down this oak tee. 'm going to win That's right! said Zadie, ‘And I'm going to help you! ‘How?’ asked Holly. And everyone looked at Zadie. They didn't understand either. "Well 'm going to join you. Not up here in the tree. There isn't roam". But Ive got a tent. can sleep down there! They all looked down at the garden, Then Grace sad, ‘Im going to stay here, to! 38 Holly's mother couldn't believe her eyes, Holly's friends were putting up tents on her beautiful lawn! They were planning to stay “Stop it she sad, calling out from the kitchen. ‘What are you doing?” "Sorry Mrs Wells said Grace, ‘but we're going to stay hope you don't mind” Holly's mother didn't know what to say. Her garden waslikea campsite! When Holly father got home from work, he was furious" "They can't do this! he sid. "Its against the law! 1s. i." His wife waited for him to finish his sentence. But he didn’t know What to say. Then he turned to her ‘Sandra, you have to phone ther parents Holly the Eco Warrior The patents arrived later that evening. They were confused, They didn’t understand what their children were doing They walked to the end of the garden and talked to their sons and daughters. But their sons and daughters weren't listening, The parents said, Come home now! But the reply was, ‘Sorry, Mum: or ‘Sorry, Dad, wwe can't! ‘Holly fight i our fight! explained Grace. ‘We have to save this tree! said Zadie. ‘We have to save the planet added David, Holly looked her friends and smiled. And their parents were secretly proud oftheir children, But they couldn't Say this to Holl’ parents! They went back tothe kitchen Am sorry, Alan; they said, There's thing we can do! Over the next few days, more friends arrived and the camp grew bigger and bigger: Eco was really happy. He hid inside the tent, played games and generally made alot of noise, Holly sometimes came down from her tree house and joined them. twas great to be with her friends again and to feel the grass under her feet. But when anyone saw her mother or father or Sophie, they sald ‘Watch ou, Holl! Its the enemy! And Holly climbed up the rope ladder again They decided to make 9 banner. And at seven o'lock one evening, Holly's parents saw a large sheet* tied to two poles. And on the sheet they read the words: SAVE OUR TREE! Holly the Eco Warrior At the end of the first week, they made a fire and had a simple barbecue. Nobody could cook very well, bt they ate the burnt sweetcorn and uncooked potatoes. Most af them preferred burgers and sausages, but they didn't cook them because of Holly “Let's have a celebration; said Zadie. ‘A celebration?’ asked Lisa. What are we going to celebrate?” "The frst week of our camp! sid Zade. "That's a great idea! said Holly. ‘We can have a party! "When? asked David. ‘Let's have a party tomorrow! So they all sent text messages to all their fiends Bf fie tall ew though te air...) ia wind, 6° The days after the party were very depressing. All the friends were very quiet and didn't talk much, They read or listened to music or slept Holly's father fixed the broken window, but he did't complain In ‘act, he didn't even look at them. And that made Holly's friends feel ‘And then they started to get bored. The tents were uncomfortable, the food was boring, their clothes were dirty, and there was nothing to do. {And they ll thought, This srmy summer holiday. My daysor freedom. My chance to have fun! And they looked around their campsite at the end of Holly's garden. It wasn’t much fun any more. ‘Ten their parentsstarted to come back tothe garden. They had quiet ‘conversations with their children near the house. They talked about their summer holidays ~ ther special holidays ~ holidays atthe sca in nice hotels, in ather countries. Theie children listened and looked back at the tents, and then at Holly sitting in the tree. They didn't want to leave. They Wanted to help Holly save the tree. But this was their summer holiday. It was the best time of the whole year! ‘When they walked back to the camp, a voice from the tee said ‘Listen. Don't worry. Go on your holidays. You ean come back here after that That's right!’ they said happily. We can come back to the camp after our holidayst 46 That evening, Grace, Zadie and David were sitting on a branch ofthe ‘ak tree with Holly. They watched ther friends take down ther tents Then their friends looked up, waved, and walked away across the grass. twas a sad moment. "ey aren't going to come back, are they?" said Davi. "I don't think so Holly replied. ‘We don't want to leave you, Holly: Grace said, ' know; said Holly. ‘But | want you to have your holidays 'm OK, really. And the eamp was good fun! "Yeah we had a great time} said Grace twas coal sid Zadie But nobody was smiling, Grace, Zadie and David left. Holly turned to Eco. He gave a litle bark ‘and rubbed his head against het. ‘Listen, Eco! she said with tears inher eyes.'I decided to live in this tree. I's my ight, and 'm going to stay. But | want you to have your freedom. You have to go back to the house! ‘And with that, Hall picked him up, kssed him onthe nose, and carried him dawn to the ground. Sophie was looking out of her window when she saw Eco running towards the house, She thought of Holly siting alone in the tee. And she fet sorry for her. Holly and Eco hit the ground with a bump. The broken branch of the tree landed on top of her ~ and the tree house just missed” her! Holly was lying on the wet grass when she heard her father’s voice. ‘Holly! Holly ‘She turned to see her parents running towards her. They were wearing ‘their pyjamas. And they were very worried. "Wolly, are you allright? her mother aske. Her father removed the heavy branch, ‘Don't move, Holy’ he said. He turned to Sandra. ‘Darling, eal an ‘ambulance! "W'S OK, Dad Holly said "im alright. Really "Are you sure? he asked. "Yes! she said. ''m fine. 'm just very wet! ‘And then they hugged each other forthe first time in nearly two ‘weeks. Holly the Eco Warrior ‘They took Holly inta the house and gave her a hot bath, a hot drink, and dry clothes. Nobody talked about the tre or the plans for the office. Then Holly went to bed ~ her own warm soft bed ~ in her ‘own warm dry room. Sophie came in and sat on the bed. She was wearing a new pink nightdress. "Holly, 'm really sorry she said "What for? "The things | said to you. You know, about food and stuff”. And the tree. And boyfriends .” "That's OK said Holly." did't mind’ And then she asked, How's lason?™ ‘Jason? said Sophie, ‘Oh, he isn’t my boyfriend now. He said I was horrible to you. He believes in saving the environment, He thinks you're cool The next day a tree surgeon called Harry examined the oak tree. He did some tests, then he talked to Holly and her father. “This i lovely tree; he said, I can see why it’s so important to you, Holly. Unfortunately, its very old, and it has a disease. It really isn't safe, im afraid it has to come down’ Holly nodded". Her Father put hs arm around her. ‘Can you cut it down?’ he asked. “Yes, of course! said Harry “And after that can you plant a new tree?” “Anew tree?" asked Holly, surprised. Where? “Inthe same place, of couse; her father replied, ‘SoHarry cut down the old oak tree and planted a new one inits place. Holly helped him fil the hole with earth, and Eco jumped in and out of it while they were working Later the whole family stood around the new tree, “Its smal, isnt it? said Sophie, “Its small now! said Holly, but i's going to grow. It's going to grow 8 big as my old tre! Ten she turned to her father. ‘Dad, where are you going to build your new office?” “Over there! said her Father, pointing “On the lawn?’ asked Holly. Her parents were crazy about their pid lawn! '5 OK! her mother said, The tree's more important. In fact, | want you to have a party in the garden for your new tree, And | want you to invite all your friends! Sophie smiled It was going to be a great summer after al st After Reading Understanding the story 1 How much can you remember about Holly? Circle the correct, words and complete the paragraph without looking at your books. Holly is weve fthiten years od Sh s pretty and she has got long svaight, ‘wavy broum ic Se Ties wearing skits jeans and shits Sheis very earful {1 azy about the ood she eats Se eas orpanic rut and vegetables and she buys Fir Trade meat f chocolate and coffee. Se likes musivoom / sausage pizza and chocolate / strawberry ice-cream. She cares about the environment ‘her make-up and clothes. Her rend call eran ec slr / wari. 2 Complete the sentences. Circle 1, 2 0r 3. 1 er ater wanted ta cut down the od ook tre. her parents wanted to sl the hose 2) Holy was angry because 2 her ster was wearing her make-up 1) Hos dad wanted to cut 1 bid an offee own the oak te and 2 have a larger garéen 3 bul bigger house «Holy was very hungry in 1 er mother id give her any fod the tre hase because 2 her father thew herpzz inthe bin 2 sheclont want ta et pia. 4) Hats tends 1 stayed inthe treehouse with her 2 built tree houses in their gardens 23 camped in tents in er garden 56 After Reading 3 Complete the sentences wit the names of the characters. Then use the numbered picture clues to complete the pure, Read the letters in the coloured bones to find the mystery slogan 2) Sate es ening) BOS Onncmsecinton fle ete nto work yin is) 8 sc ted sheesh gS qinn tench 2) onda (8) e& 1 on tes the (PAF n ne we tase aon 1 BD 1) When... broke into the house, her mum and dad thought she was BN 1 so was very angry wen ea the ION inthe aren, The mstery logan. T 7 After Reading Vocabulary 1 What does Holly take to the tree house on the fist night? Tick. »Q&a »o ea 0 wo » Ba 0 GPeu 1 @o 2 You are going to stay in the tree house for a week. You can only take five things. What are you going to take? In pairs, discuss And make alist Tell the lass and give reasons for your choices. 3 Complete the adjectives from the story. Then mateh the synonyms. as0/01 1 (OriDus 8 «Dir 2) Cpa 9 e090 3) bOs0n00O QridDeuDoOs sane ory 5) teOrOooe sa ‘After Reading 4 Complete the speech bubbles with the adjectives below, Tim aly Aw Tens are going to come sd jon the protest Tm very th Tat you man? Te’ 1b tee at the batt ofthe ‘aren Ther’sno cm fora tice rm NS NR tena a gota BP after the party, They bred ho nd hey depressed excited annoyed confused 5 Read and circle the correct reply 8) Wil yu take part in the marathon with me? That’sso cool. 2 You must be joking. 1) satin my room all ast weekend playing computer games 2 0h, get if, Joke, 1 Asong ait takes. <9 Lam going 0 ein film. 1 Na worries 2 Thats 0 co 4) gave your ast ehocoate to Tom. No worries 2a dsaster 6} Ofna. They going to build new housing estate where the parks itsadisiste,, 2 That'sso coo, 66 Now find the replies in the story. Who says them? Write their ‘names next to the phrases. After Reading After Reading Practise Comparatives. Grammar 3 Find ten adjectives in the word square. Then use some of them to ‘write comparative sentences about the people and things below. Practise the Future with going to, KINDONOLDNOW 1 What is Holly planning to doin the summer holidays? Look at YOUNGERTALLS the pictures and write sentences using the verbs in brackets NDIETYCATOMA One ofthe pitures i alse. Tikit UEANEBAATEDE ESMALENGPOTA +O | BBR 2 TAWARMT RANDE i TOPRETTYLADA 1 (Sophie ad Ho oo 2 (Moly’s Dad and Hol 3. Hols Mum and Holly Dag) 4 {house and tee house) 5 (Eco andthe ants) Practise the Past Simple. 4 Complete the telephone conversation with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Practise must/mustn't. (race: i, Holy. (1). (ty) tcl you ast ight. Were (2) (be) you? 2 You are an eco warrior like Holly. Complete the sentences with Holy: a ongston (3) (bs)inthe treehouse and esi nee ‘must or mustn't. 1a) (an not phone you because | (5) leave) my mabile phone in the house 2) YOU Ea orgie fat and vegetables. Grace: What () eappen? Wy re you in the tree hose? 1) YoU nn eat meat, Holy: My dd isging to cut down the re ard build an offen the garden. 6) Yau. Buy Fir Trade coffe and chocolate. So im protesting, You use laste shopping bags Grace: Tat'ss0 00! Hol! o 6 After Reading Test ) i Listen to the conversations and choose the correct picture to answer the question. Aa oy ‘After Reading 2 Complete this letter with the words in the box below. Dear Holy, Well done. think youte 1d tke to bo an eco too. think alot about the environment ' all our newspapers and waste paper tothe recycling bins. | usualy {o school on my bike, Some mornings ! but I never goby car. Last wook, when L was. with my fiends, we ‘amie. It sald: NEW SHOPPING CENTRE COMING SOON. cout inthe par They are to build a new shopping contre whore the park i. My friends and | were vary. when we saw this sign We love our park I's the only green area in ‘ur neighbouthood. We foatball there, people take their for walks and lots of bids and ‘animals lve there What can we do to our park? Any ideas welcome. Love a Glossary 1 conservatory: om with Its of 22 among: in between bored nose made by dop viedows napkin: piece of oth ar paper you cule hugged Use when eating 28 delicious: very ce taste ‘No way Fm nc ding that) Iesapityzexamation when youare 12 slam: bang sorry 12 pike up took in hears roi: roving bal along the gourd What on earth. exclamation of 29 by the way: yousay ti when somthing surprise isnot important | 14 freedom: being free ‘sigled ugh | Global warming: phenomenon of grabbed took the earth getting hoster eid strange hanging out: being ina place with 30 sratched: rubbed himself your ends 51 Teane: put against fr support ‘geen per green area 32 fiz: with bubbles 18 annoy: make cos Fd 23 beak into: ener egal awl tebe ‘hice: things choose betwen 16 Fae Trade: ogonization that gives 96 burglars thie fair money tothe farmers ‘rept walked slowly and quity honey: there) dear 27 arts: packets quid) ‘organic without chemi ‘rorded with 1s F people patched: with oth tacoverholes motile: mobile pone | think so: think tat 33 room: space 17 Getalfeesclaratonwhensomecne 40 furious: very anny ’s annoying you hope you done mind hope Wt’ not 4 = Fd tubs plate conaines 2 problem 18 commuting: raving everyday Law offiial es Fourche deve: jeep 4 proud of: pleased with ge: very big 42 Sheet: lath you put on a bed lteter) when someone takes you 45 Wembley: staium in ondon 45 complain say what hes ke intheiecar polltion:tneproces of making the $0 So what: That's not important! aifvater ete ity S52 mise: didnt ht 53 stuf things 21 wagging: moving ati S54 nodded: moved er head toy yes Berea

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