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Instructions: Please answer the following questions. Please type your answers.

1. What was the Agrarian Reform Act? (1 mark)

Agrarian Reform Act of 1959: land possessed by major American cattle ranchers, sugar, and tobacco estates
companies were confiscated without compensation and made the property of the government. Castro then
proceeded to redistribute it in smaller portions to landless locals at the rate of 27 hectares per family.
2. Who was Batista and how did the Americans come to own more than 70% of the arable
land? (4 marks)

3. Why did the Cuban government nationalize oil refineries and how did America respond?
(5 marks)

All of the profit made from the oil refineries belonged to the US when Batista was in power but
when Castro came in power, he nationalized the oil refineries so that none of the money would
go to the United States. The US responded by placing a ban on all U.S. exports to Cuba except
4. Examine FOUR changes introduced by Fidel. (12 marks)

1. There was no private property. All the factors of production would be governed by the state.

2. Health, Education, and other social services would be available. Syllabus reflecting the needs
and culture of Cuba were composed and carried out.

3. children born in hospitals were vaccinated as well as students in primary schools.

4. The ordinary man profited from the Agrarian Reform of May 17, 1959, that enabled the
distribution of land to small peasants. They could also access economic and technical assistance
through the various associations that were created.

5. Assess the measures adopted by the United States of America between 1959 and 1962 in
response to the Castro Revolution in Cuba. (13 marks)

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