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Дзяржаўная ўстанова адукацыі “Гімназія № 14”

План урока
ва англійскай мове
ў 5 класе
па тэме:
“Traffic Rules”
(Правілы дарожнага руху)

Настаўнік: Здановіч Вікторыя Ігараўна


Урока англійскай мовы ў 5 класе

Дата урока: 21.02.2020

Тэма урока: Правілы дарожнага руху

Мэты урока:

Практычная: Спрыяць фарміраванню граматычных навыкаў

ужывання мадальных дзеясловаў must, mustn’t, стварыць умовы
выкарыстання новага лексічнага матэрыялу ў размове аб правілах
дарожнага руху.
Развіваючая: Развіваць у вучняў увагу і памяць, творчасць і уменне
рабіць разумныя здагадкі;
Вызаваўчая: Выхоўваць павагу да правілаў дарожнага руху, спрыяць
разуменню асноў асабістай бяспекі.

Дадатковыя задачы: Удасканаленне навыкаў дыялагічнай мовы.

Лексічны матэрыял: traffic lights, a zebra crossing, pavement, headphones,

a parked car, reflective clothes.

Граматычны матэрыял: мадальныя дзеясловы must, mustn’t.

Абсталяванне уроку: прэзентацыя да урока, наглядны матэрыял на дошку

раздатачны матэрыял, камп'ютар.

Літаратура: Английский язык / Англійская мова : учеб. пособие для 5-го кл.
гимназий с белорус. и рус. яз. обучения : (с электрон. прил.). В 2 ч. Ч. 2 / Н. В.
Демченко [и др.] ;
Этап урока Змест Час
1. Пачатак Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you. Take your
уроку How are you today? How is your mood? Did you sleep
Арганізацыйны T-Cl
Фанетычная зарадка: We are going to practise our pronunciation. Read the lines
and guess what sound we are going to practise.

1. Photo, monument, clothes, go, know.

2. Broke, bone, phone, floor, no, soap.
3. Grow, coat, spoke, home, Rome, cottage.
4. Cold, open, ago, road, porridge, role.

Nice, my dear pupils. This is sound [əu]. Can you find the
odd word out in each line?

You did a great job! Now let’s read each line together
Лексічная размінка Good! Now, please, look at the blackboard and tell me
what you can see there. (A bus, a train. a car….) Can you
name all these pictures using only one word?

I can see …. in the picture.
There is a…. in the picture.


We are going to speak a little bit about transport. Have a

look at the TV. There are some questions that you should
discuss in pairs.

1. How do you usually get to school?

2. How long does it take you?
3. How do your parents get to work?
4. How long does it take them?
5. What is your favorite way of travelling in Minsk?

Role -play these dialogues together. The first is for you,

boys. The second is for…
Праверка хатняга I see that you know our vocabulary because you have
задання: answered these questions easily. But I have one more
checking for you. I know that you like this activity very
much. Can you guess what it is?
I am going to check your HW online. Please take your
phones and go to the website: and write
there the code you can see on TV. When you are ready,
please raise your hand.
Now, do the tasks. Good luck!

(See Attachment 1 to study the quiz tasks)


Wow, children you’ve got great results. Let’s see your

mistakes and discuss them.
Who was the best student?
Who was the fastest?
Пастаноўка мэтаў і I see that you know the words very well. Let’s see how you
задач урока: can use them.
Do you like travelling?
Do you like travelling in Minsk?
What is the most popular place in Minsk in your opinion?

Of course, the National Library. So let’s travel from our

school to the National Library! Look at the blackboard.
Here you can see some pictures and words. Can you tell
me how we can get to the National library? Try to use our
active vocabulary.

The National Library — …underground >> …blue line

>>…bus 95 at Moskovskaya Station >> ….. at the National
Library (half an hour).
Great! We’ve got the library! And we are safe! Why are we
safe? What did we follow? (rules). So what is the topic of
our lesson? (Traffic rules)
Have a look at our lesson route and say: What are we
going to do today?
1. Learn new words.
1. Learn new grammar.
2. Do some grammar exercises
3. Speak about traffic rules.
Let’s follow this route, my friends.
2. Асноўная Let’s start with the first part of our plan and learn new
частка words. Please open your books on page 31. You can see a
Уводзіны новых picture there. There is a poem under the picture. Let’s
лексічных адзінак: read it and say what child it is about.

Stop, look and listen,

Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears,
Before you use your feet

And now, let’s see the new words. There are some
questions in ex 1b with the words. Let’s discuss them. Use
the picture to understand new words.

1. What colour are the traffic lights? 2. Who is going over

the zebra crossing? 3. Who is walking on the pavement?
4. What colour are the parked cars? 5. Who is wearing
headphones? 6. Who is wearing reflective clothes?
Фізхвілінка Do you wear headphones when you cross the street?
Do you look at the traffic lights?
Look around. There are some cards on the walls? Please
take one card. Pupils with pink cards go left and with
yellow cards – right. Make a line in order to make a

1. Do you cross the street on the zebra crossing?

2. Do you usually wear reflective clothes?

Imagine that you are traffic lights. It’s red colour. Close
your eyes. It’s yellow colout. Blink your eyes. It’s green
colour. Open your eyes and go to your places.
T-CL , P-P
Удасканаленне Now, do the task on my cards to understand new words
навыкаў ужывання better. Put the words into the sentences. Work in pairs.
лексічных адзінак.
1. There are a lot of ______in the streets in Minsk. Read
means STOP. Yellow means GET READY. Green means
2. If you want to cross the road go over the ________.
3. People shouldn’t go on the road, they should go on ____
4. There are a lot of ___________ near supermarkets.
5. When you cross the road don’t wear _______.
6. If you go somewhere in the evening or at night you
should wear ___________.
Nice, do you understand these words now?
P1-P2, T-P
Уводзіны новага Look at our lesson route. What is the next point of the
граматычнага route? (Grammar)
матэрыяла: Look at the sentences on TV.
You should brush your teeth every day. (50-60%)
You must wear reflective clothes at night. (100 %)
You mustn’t wear headphones when you cross the street.
Where is the advice? Where is the rule? What is the
negative form of must?
What should we use to give the advice? What should we
use to speak about the rules?
Agree with you. We use must and mustn’t to speak about
the rules. Can we use must and mustn’t to speak about
traffic rules?

Of course, we can. It’s time to practice. Let’s do the

exercise. Put must or musn’t.
1. If you are in a town, you … walk on the pavement
2. If you cross the street, you… cross it at the traffic
3. You can cross the street at the traffic lights when the
lights are green. You …cross the street when the
lights are red.
4. If there are no traffic lights, go over the zebra
crossing. You… look, look and look!
5. First look left, then look right and then once again
you … look left before you cross the road.
6. You … run across the road.
7. You … cross the street between parked cars.
8. You … play on the road or near the road.
9. You … use your mobile phone or headphones when
you are crossing the street.
10. You … wear bright or reflective clothes when it is
dark or the weather is bad.
11.You … be noisy on the bus.
Фізхвілінка Okay, are you tired? Do you want to play a little?
So you can see some cards on the wall in our class. And on
the blackboard you can see the words must and mustn’t.
Take a card and go to the must card or to the mustn’t card.
Present your sentence and sit down.
Удасканаленне Now children, we will work in two teams. Sit together.
навыкаў дыялагiчнай Imagine that you are the police officers and you are going
мовы. to present traffic rules to the pupils of your school. The
first team will make rules with must. Team 2 will make
rules with mustn’t.
Present them to the class.

3. Заключны Let’s look at our plan. Did we learn the grammar? Did we
learn the new words? Can you speak about traffic rules
этап урока now? What traffic rules do you remember?
Okay I think that will be easy for you to do your h\w in
Дамашнее заданне: workbooks. Ex 1.2 page 23-24.Open your workbooks. I will
explain your HW.
Выстаўленне адзнак Your mark will be a…. You should…..
Everybody worked hard today. Thank you for the lesson.

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