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+ Wee TUL LTT aca re oe aan ee ditow & creator ~ DAMON FOSTER Jayout/publicher ~ HUGH GALLAGHER ODDITIES OC infringes no rights over any characters, films, and TV TERROR YAK! oe Segre tenets ts Welcome to the 2ist iste of OC! If you'r e one of my ewer readers, you" @ probably confused by the misinformative ‘Number &"onthecav er. The'Six'r efersta t'sbeing the sinth issue published by Draculina, and is the sith editon of Volume 3, when in fact, OC has actually existed (n ene form or another) for 21 Issues, since I fist came out in the 1970s! “Anyway, onto the main topie of this issue: Fling fra tule Gamera! I suppote'v e always had an unfair prejucice against Gamera, dating back to when | was e snotty litle brat with a chip on my shoulder. You seo, by the time | was seven years ld, I knew | was a fan of Japanese monsters, manly just the Toho stuff like Godsila, But the frst time | recall Daie’s GAMMERA THE INVINCIBLE airing, | iat out missed itt Ether itwason toolate & fell asleep, or for gotten twas goingto bbe on, or maybe nobody told me it was shown. So the next day at school, ll the stuck up kiddies are raving about Gamera land felt neglected & loft out. | was envious & jeslous a hel, anda protect myself, adapted "Ididn’tw arto soe any: way'-type attitude. OF course, less than six months later, GAMMERA THE INVINCIBLE was repested and I saw it. Lice most twerps, | enjoyed i- but could never get the chip off my houlder. So I slays sort of looked down on Gamera and sil tend to, never really forgave the old guy for entertaining ev ceryone but me so very long ago. Throughout the eatly 1970s, the only Gamera movie shown here was the fist ane, s0 Id assumed Gamera w_ as one-shot monster like VARAN THE UNBELIEVABLE, DAGORA THE ‘SPACE MONSTER, or Gappa, that MONSTER FROM A PRE HISTORIC PLANET. Imagine my surprise when I saw a photo ‘of Gamera battling Jigen some thick menstor movie book. A year or two later, | ust happened to accident tune in and see to kids na fying saucer andthe commercial announcer cling i ATTACK OF THE MONSTERS. | tried to make a quess 25 10 Denon Foe ‘which monsters were going tobe attacking (Godalls? Ghideah maybe”), but was completely amazed to see Gamera fying ‘through space! What she hell is going on? Just how mary movies did that stupid turtle make?! In 1975, a TV station's 600 PM, movie ict had Gamera Week! Finally fé seen nearly all of Gamers feks, not including GAMERA SUPER MON.- STER, which did't come out unt 1980. But unlike Gadzil, stil king ofthe monsters, the impact of Gamers's g ooly fares did't hold up ov er the years. As an infant | loved these colorful kidd flims, But the older | got, ‘the more they annoyed and embarrassed me. The only Gamera movia whien reached the laval ofan intaligant Taha film was GAMERA V5. BARUGON (aka WAR OF THE MONSTERS), which wae Gamera’s biggest budgeted movie and apparently his least successful The remainder of Gamera's movies nat including the new one) are comparable to GODZILLA'S RE- \VENGE, the most infant of the Godtila pictures, But I do not hate Gamera's movies, if did, !aur e as hell wouldn't be making OC#21 s Gamera Issue, In one way or snothor, the Gamera movies basically succeed in being what they'r e meant tobe- entertaining, Gamera movies ware continually ignored Lunt now that Dale! has finally gotten ofits fat ass and made a new Gamera film, tentatvely tiled "Gamera: Showdown of ‘the Giant Monsters” (oasically ar omako of 1967's RETURN OF THE GIANT MONSTERS). So just watch, this hyped new film vill eeate the usual group of trendies and neweamers who'd raver have watched an older Gamera movie, but because of this new movie's slik loo, willie, and claim they've always liked Gamers, Expect these two-faced geeks to start having serious debates as to who's str onger,Zigra or Jiger?” “Golly willckers, if Zigrs end Jger got into fight who'd win? Gosh! Noriaki Yuasa is my hero! Gee wi2!” Supposedly. they'r @al- ready making 2 sequel, with Gemere batting Jiger (aka Mon ST ster aga, bout to experience the mischievous fun of ‘prank answering “As mentioned earler, OC has enstedoratoast 21 issues, instead of prank phone call. Sem some bubbly headed, ‘0.88 you can Imagine, fmrunnng ut of tings to wite about! sem teenage babe was tying to leather new boyiend “This problem is especialy fusrating when t comes tne to Oscar, andhad Galedmy number by misiake, She was'loled ‘make theae elon. Sofrom nowen, by Bar's voce, but was sil unaware recount watever comes to mind st. she had the wrong number. Bare: tes rom my past whieh mayor may not "You're right Fm not Ose, get him’ tolate deel to Asian moves. For ex- Barrie exstedy handed tha prone 13 frp, one hiarious event happones ime, tying desperately not to laugh Gling th te 1960s, ring a ehearsl Bante (ome) said "Damon, com for avapanese supemero stage-show auick i's wong rumbot! You be Os: for some selfl convention, Several cart” But she drt belleve me ether. fends, including August Ragone, Butch She sald: "Hey, you dent sound Ike Portlo & Tony Delgrosso played de Osear eter I recognize your voice, moni, njaite vilars, who Bara you Jason” said was Indeed Ja. Evans and mysot nad the seemingly on, but ehe asked whatwe were up hopeless task of performing maria ets Twas Ronest to her fo once, and tod & serobates in vsionsmpating Kamen her wae paying Keren Pderina mini Fier outs. After choreggrapting the play, Sho alo, Hun?! What the hell bat (with no casuals, might add), fre youtakingebout" Bare eatzed ‘we stepped nie my hoa] era luneh Tray have blown ou cover, and qucky break The phone just happened to grabbed the phone fom me and sald tng, and thas wher the un begs $m sony, but Oscar tld me fll you 7s fate would have lt Barre Evans he doosrTke you any more”. Gi (her was closec othe phone. Barrio an: ‘lee no suddenly conoarned and ‘weredit ac his eyes itup and he row dead serious): “Wew-w- why not?” had the grin of boy ina candy shop, Bare: “Well ts isnt my personal anNAromberate gunshow anore MEROMNCOEGMSRONME opiion, but Oscar himesl said that a the gerol section o a pet store, et. Youre Ualy, youre sti, and youve Wry was Bare eo amused& excted over tis phone cal? We gota smal pussy” Clk. realzed wnat wes going on when he sald, Why, ye. This is Oscar. wes 8 wrong number, and on tht day, we were Sincerely, Damon Foster (Editor), RO. Box 576, Fremont, ca, 04887-0576 = ter, the costume actually ex ploded uel, no porson was Inside i) because ofthe gaso- line inside i whieh was sup. pose to ignite his fiery breath While there were no injuries, the costume was severely damaged and took a whole ‘week t rep, therefor delay ing production for a week. But even when production was going well for GAMERA's crew, the whole thing was a pain. Gamer's shells skeleton consisted of bolts and seal girders, not 10 ‘mention the plastic spikes Glate®) on the back, which had all been stuck on indi ORIENTAL CINEMA -7 DAIGUNLU NEZURA vidually,adling tothe weight So the Gamera costume ‘weighed what fet lke a ton, And the original actor suppose to be in it got too tired and quit. Next they hired some parttime student who also happened to be a body builder! But even he got tired of the incredibly heavy cos: tume after a mere three days From that point on, all the crew members took tums in the costume, practically hav- ing to draw straws each day, until ll the footage was done (with several exhausted people “doing time as ‘There were minor prob- lems at the beginning (Gamer's attack on Kurobe Dam) of GAMERA VS. BARUGON (oo, mistakes which altered the scene ‘Though these small accidenss were lft in the film (as men- tioned in the Japanese lan- ‘guage book, DAIEI SPE. CIAL EFFECTS MOVIES) somebody not looking at them would never spot them, For ‘example, the dam was meant to break the moment Gamers Riyng shell banged tavo it, The dam kel was constricted of «thin, cement like substance, with Gamera dangling ia font, and a tank holding 12 tons of water be hind it: The idea is, wien the Technicians open the tank's door, the force of the water will immediately flood out and break through the éam. “The problem was timing the door man’ didn’ know ex actly when Gamera hit the dam, and a gap in time oc cured which aceidently made it look like a struggle forthe supposedly almighty Gamera to damage the dam! The ‘ther error mentioned, tiny though i i, is of the dam's water puting outa fire below: Youll note that the fie is @ bright orange-red-ish color, this was done thanks 10a red light down there, shining on the fire, But nobody realized the red light needed 10 be turned off unit was 00 late, and 121s of water was pour Jing down to put out the fire! Not only dd the water on the light damage some wiring, but you look closely, yout can sce 8- ORIENTAL CINEMA part of the building appear Slightly red, even though the fire was supposedly put out (Of course, these are: measly problems virally invisible 69 the casual viewer, end the whole sequence comes off Desutfully i the fm, All the Gamera films had similar problems, like Gaos's beam in GAMERA VS. GAOS. ‘The super imposing, sliced targets & explosions averaged 10 about three-thou- ‘sand ive hundred yen what fever the hell that amousts 0) every time Gaos fired it, so the movie went over budget. Set backs like this were more ‘common than pro-lifers with Jats of dime on theie hands, and they happened through ‘out the entire Gamera series, bbut Datei continued to make the ficks, as Gamera had be- ‘come their biggest yen maker ‘While the Gamera movies ‘were made in Tokyo, the fms (of Malin Caiel's ether profit- fable monster series) were ‘made in Kyoto, since being, Period fllms, Kyoto's locales proved useful For example, in RETURN (OF GIANT MAJIN, during the seene of Majin’ walking actossa lake (which he makes spilt in half, an effect accom: plished by mating to shots of, the lake together, photo. graphed from opposite angles), it was filmed at Kyoto's famous Komogasat ake, Whats tosally amazing is that alkough Gamera and Majin were made by Daiei, both sereses aze completely different, the contrast sets them at opposite ends Gamera is modem, Main is jidaigeki. Miraculously, all three Maja films were made in 1966 (the Tokyo branch ‘ook. whole year o complete { release the average Gamera film), despite super, almost Aawless production Values. “The Majin logy was very much influenced by B&W, 5 lent German movies Ge 1914's DER GOLEM, 1917: DER GOLEM UND DIE TANZERIN and 1920's re snake, DER GOLEM) abou a marauding statue: The Golem. $0 the Japanese took a basic premiss ofthe Goler and tumed tinto the old Japa nese Majin (god of evil) leg fend abouta stone warged who fcomes to life. For the Nin flicks, they made wo huge props, fll Majin statues; 4.5 ‘meters igh (at leas twice the height of an average man) cach, Both these models were ‘made to increase fear and re als, and weren't to0 big to ‘build as opposed to an abso- Iuvely humongous beast like Gamera, making a fullsize prop wasn't possible). One ‘was in Majin’s dormant stage, and the other was his ‘evil Samurai on the loose phase’ ‘The expense 10 make them was five ailion yen (about fiteen thousand dollars based fon the exchange rate back in 1966), and took three months to complete. Despite these two creations’ awe in the films, they were compara lively easy to produce, and could have been made much larger, Bt the 4.5 merers size was chosen to it it inthe su do, and for easy transport tion, Atleastone ofthese two models was stil intact when the studios dosed, and some body bought it “Ti this day, fone of the Majins remains stored in a warehouse some- ‘where! There were addtional Majins constructed, including two costumes (wom by Riki Hoshimoto) and lege props of (iji's hands and feet ‘One effect which Daiet perfected was the blue-screen matte (2 way to combine two films, creating double expo- sures & super imposition. ‘Though many Japanese mon ster movies (including Daie’s ‘Gamera flicks) have used this effet, it was done exception- ‘lly well in MAJIN, MON- 'STER OF TERROR, thanks to usage of 190 light bulbs shining brightly to capture all, the detal, Even so, there were sltches to be worked out ‘One problem was trying 10 coordinate both films, ike a scene where the angle wasall ‘wrong (you see samurai in the foreground, watching ‘afin, but he's off in the cor rr, barely visibleD. ‘This told [asaichi Nagata Gvho by this time, was investing a lot of ‘money on FX flicks) how im- portant it was forthe directors and cameramen {0 get to- ‘gether and carefully, precisely plan everything out ‘The final Majin fick was MAJIN STRIKES AGAIN he only one of the three never released to America, and possibly doesnt exist in ‘any English pris anywhere, ‘which sucks lke a black hole), the mos farfetched of the w- ogy. Among other things, ke snow was made out of not 0 fake plastic, rocks, and shred ded potatoes of al things, for scenes which supposedly only Jas. on fllm for thineen sec- fonds (that's according to a Japanese hook, though T've ‘not watched the flick in years), These tiny white par- ticles were blown around by fan electric fan, 10 simulate a storm, The sct had Majin coming out of a 3-meter ‘hole, accomplished by hav ing him lited by crane. For the last scene, Majin ‘melt- ing, foaming’ effect was done by making @ Majin form out ‘of wily vanilla ice roar (re- ally liquidy) and blowing it full force with an electric fan, togive the illusion of explo ing. Yet MAJIN STRIKES AGAIN ad the most prob- lems of any Majin films, De- tails are incomplete and ‘sketchy, but it appears that 10 so the many optical effects re- quired a cenain type of film developing (which normally took about two days to de velop propery). This proce dure was forgotten, and they had © stat over from scratch again, basically shooting the whole flick tice! Yet despite the interna tional success of Gamera and afi, i was also during this period that Dalei weat bani rupt, and closed in 1971. It's Iheen std part of the reason Dalels films started falling ‘was because talented FX men like Yonesaburo ‘Tsukiji & Komestburo Kikuchi retired from the business. Also, there had been ramos, suspicions accusations of comuption in the management over polit cal involvementand of course, money. The long bankruptcy conflict continued on into April, 1972. Daiei’s bank ruptey administrator sued former Daiei president Masaichi Nagata, and three other ex Daiei executives for about a million bucks, for damages compensation, Ac cording t0 2 suit which was filed at the Tokyo District Court, all four execusves had ‘made illegal donations to some political parties and ad ditional accounts beyond Daiei's nomal business prac tices, resulting in major loss to Dalei unuil ts demise on December 23,1971, Daiei had ‘gone the way of dinosaurs Russian communism, unsafe sex, safe sex, and any possi- bility of there ever being « Pezz dispenser of Nicole Brown Simpson, Though Daiet would revive aherwards {as we'll see, this resurrection ever hal as big an impact as the original company that founded anything from Zat0 Ichi to Gamera, Newspaper publisher Yasuyoshi Tokuma came to the rescue in 1974, when he became president of the ‘newly reincarnated Dat, he cause you can't keep a good Daiei down. Though their movie making reputation wasnt a5 big as before, the company survived through alternate business ventures. [AC this point, Daiei had four subsidiaries: One did movie distributing, another dealt ‘with production, a branch in ‘Tokyo, and one in Kyoto. ‘They were also affiliated with ‘Toko Tokura Oo , which deak largely with importing Chi- nese fils, and exporing Japa nese movies into China, that place where a tremendous ‘amount of Chinese happen to live. Up until 1978, the new Datel had made eight films, fone of the more well known, tones being YOBA, an occult thriller. Iewas co-produced by former Dalei president Masaichi Nagata, apparently rnot concerned by his legal problems in the past So far as | kaos, Dale stability has Huctuated over the years. I's cbvious 1980 ‘vas @ bad year for them, be Cause their GAMERA SU- PER MONSTER was such a cheap piece of crap, shot on the budget of a deaf-mute panhandlers wellare check However, available photos would indicate 1987's SHUTO SHOSHITSU Capitol City’s Disappear- ance’) to be a decent disaster film with tolerable FX and miniajuces Daiei ‘moneymaker Zato Ichi scems to make a comeback every few yeas, and atthe time of this ‘wring, their latest Gamera movie sounds like an FX filled, smash hit. Those sho Ihave seen it say i easily tops the last couple Goda licks Go major accomplishment) Time will rl “Assuming this long anicle didnt bore you to tears or snores, you now know litle something about Daiei. Info for this article came from a Japanese-language book called Daiei Special Hffect Movies , Greg Shoemaker’ Japanese Fare Fim Jour __- nal—*12 (1979), Gnefaniasique «3 (971), ‘The Japanese Bim — 0%0), japan (1971), and the article “Daieis 8 Pix Since its Re- vival Under Y, Tokura from Natty (May 9, 1979). Now that you're at least vaguely familiar with Dati, le’s con- tinue our look a! Gamers roots with these biographies Of the Daiei boys who helped create Gamera, that is, un less you've got something bere 10 do. ORIENTAL CINEMA -9 SENET v' 1935: Bom in Tokyo 1954 Graduated fm Hosei Universty (a college which spe- alized in law studies) 1955: Began work at Daiei 1964 Direced his fist film, a musical (literal English trina tion of the film's tile: “Clap Your Hands if You're Happy"), starring Kyu Sakamoto 1965: Began directing the series of Gamera films, and often iceced spedal effects 43970, Diected the TRS comedy/dram series “Wife is 18 Years Old” Giteral tansiaion) 1971: eft Daict because they weet bankrupt 1980: Directed episodes of Taoburayas ULTRAMAN 80 and several other TV shows = INOTE. The following article on Gamera director Noriaki Yuasa was translaed under deadline as best as we could. The ‘matin difficulty wos that even in Japanese, consisted ofa oe of echnical terms we were unfamiliar wit, so sometbing may def- nity be lost tn tbe translation, an then ofcourse, Tried patching up the rongh edges Dy pating sts my oun words. Regardless i “boul presenta least a vague idea of working with Gamera, and 4 big thanks goes 10 Kime Jobnson for ber translating it! -DP) Acconding fo an interview with director Nodak Yuasa from Japanese language book called ‘Dail Special ET fect Movies’ ‘Gratslated into English by Kimie Johnson), Yuasu's directorial ‘debut (te 1964 musical) must have really sucked (of course i ‘id, its @ musical, i the lest poplar of all is films and i bombed, despite it's starring then-popular singer Kyu Sakamoto. "The next sep Was to jump on the FX flm band: ‘wagon, sting off with some obscure fick called DAK GUNJU NEZURA. Originally, DAT GUNJU NEZURA was assigned to somebody else who refused i, s0 i got dumped on Nodak Yuasa, who was new and had less seniority & experience. [NEZURA dealt with gant rats on the loose, and using actual rodents as props crested inevitable problems. An epidemic of fleas prevented completion of the fm, so instead they came ‘up with DAT KAU GAMERA (rubber turtles dont have eas), "Naturally, Yuasa was ecstatic to be given the opportunity to direct DAI KAYJU GAMERA, since the musical and giant ‘at movie really went nowhere. However, Noriaki Yuas's boss 10- ORIENTAL CINEMA the main thing Foran FX fick Js obviously props, without ‘which, no FX film can be pro- ‘duced, So needless 1539, pro- ducing & completing GAMERA was a major chal- lenge for a relatively unsic- cessful & generally inexperi- fenced director who had the ‘xids against him from the ‘Yet despite a generally low badget, Yuasa cime up with resourceful ways to create a watchable, ambitious film ‘which umed out 0 be one of Dales mos wellenown mov jes ever During production of GAMERA, he viruslly lived in the film studio and film processing & lab, learn- ing the ropes day and aight. ‘Through experimenting with some piece of film equipment called an “Optical Prints" don't know what the hell they're talking about, 1 shink ‘of an Optical Printer asa high- tech xerox machine), he fi lured ut how to combine im- ages for matte, super impos tions and blue screen- type FX It abo proved handy to have friends at Toho, one of their special effecs assistants helped Yuasa ou! occasionally, since at the time, Dale's FX technology was sll imted It ddidait exactly generate conf ‘dence when company presi ‘dent Massichi Nagata & other bigwigs would come into look at rough dats in production and story boards and say Japa- During tests and pre-prodve: tion, there was a lot of con- troversy and: disagreements ‘Among other things, there ‘were two older cameramen who insulted Noriaki Yuasa ‘and pat im dowa for his lack of experience, So TAL SHIKOTE (which 1 believe 10 be about China or Manchuria) instead concentrated on Fancy ‘Gnematogeaphy, and FX were left to Yuasa's next projet, 2 follow-up to his bit DAT ANU GAMERA GAMERA was on what Daiet called a “B-Class Bud- set’, but its sequel, the supe- Hor Gin my opinion) GAMERA TAI BARUGON ‘vas on a higher “A-Class Bud get", However, the actual tain director of BARUGON ‘was Shigeo Tanaka, and Noriaki Yuasa was only pas ally involved in overall di- recting, but was putin change of special effects dane by sn even younger crew). One problem was when Gamera pat out his fire, originally hhad an actual person in the costume manning the gasoline pumped out from Gamera’s neck. This proved (00 be way to dangerous. Water, lke fire, ‘cused problems top. Because ofthe foam rubberlike mate- sal the Barugon costume was ‘made of just wouldn't sik, it hhecame neatly impossible to film his climactie death at he lake. The costume jus kept eating so they cut the al off, ‘An easier, more successful af fect mentioned is the int view was in Kojito Hongo's aiplane scene, the actors are n'a mock plane, and is the set (on ralroad-like tracks) ‘which is actually moving past them. This stme gimmick ‘vas uted for the ‘sliced heli copter” scene in GAMERA ‘TAL GYAOS. ut unlike GAMERA, FX ‘weren't necessiily the main high point for GAMERA TAL BARUGON, 25 the script i+ self concentiated more on = ‘man characters and a complex Series of subplots. GAMERA. TAI BARUGON was moder ately succesful, but cnt top the original GAMERA, so. they cit the budget for Noriaki Yuasa’s next flm, GAMERA TAL GYAOS. Yuasa was reumed 0 the role of main director, but his ‘suggles & burden were in creased by puting him in charge of FX soa} With less help and money, was 2 ma- Jor pain to do the complex scenes of the ‘fying Gamer ‘model in GYAOS. The fuel linsered into Gamer's shell for Gamera’s flight jets was ‘only enough to burn for a ‘minute and a half, making the scenes all the more hectic and difficult (0 film. One trick ‘Yuasa used 10 compensate for the 90 second limit was co flm all the Flying scenes at high speed, $0 that the finished footage comes out slower, and ‘when Gamera's fire scenes ‘vere completed Details are a bit sketchy, but then Novak Yuasa's in Terview goes on to explain why, afier GAMERA. TAT GYAOS, the series became ‘exclusively a kiddie film se fies. Seems that in the ey 1960s, many Japanese kids bad pet turtles Gust like ia GAMERA 2nd | GAMERA SUPERMONSTER), and mary named their turtles Gamera, and: younger ones honestly thought their pets siete Gamera, or would grow to Gamer's length. GAMERA. TAT BARUGON seemed 19 be less successful than the other films, and co- incidentally, was the only one not to involve an ieitaing bit Another reason so many boys ended up in Gamer's Alms i because young actos helped cut the cos, allowing the movies t be as cheap as possible, without looking it Foreign markets considered Japanese acifi to be kid stuff regardless, and requested them to be as naive and fam- ily oriented as possible American buyers also re ‘quested some of the Japanese sccors wear military uniforms, fearing US. audiences might think all the Japanese ‘look alike Yet another suggestion from American & probably European distributors was for more caucasian familles, ‘which explains why so many ‘Breclance Apt Dis. and Prop maker) 1926: Boon in Aichiken, 1954: He worked with Toho on GODZILLA KING OF THE MON- STERS 1956: Began working at Dale 1964 He briefly left Dail, only w0 return 2 year later vo assist on produce tion of GAMERA. Of all the monster costumes & models he helped ce ate, which include Barugon & Gos, his favonte is Vins, for its realistic squic-like appearance. Also, in bis memoirs, he states he had a hard time creating the Vines costume, and learned a Jo in the process _In comparing monster props he's worked on, he states the Godalla costume was heavier than the later Gamera costumes. He'd had bad experiqnees with Godzilla, because the sifety of the actor in the costume was a concer. ‘The cos fumes had 10 be thick t protect actors ffom pyrotechnics (ire & explo- sions) on the set. So when i came time t9 create Gamer, he designed a safer, more comfortable costume, something he'd leamed from Godaila But the Gamert suit too had 10 be| thick, because une God, it used teal fre, and there was feat the cos: ‘ume might melt or catch fie ‘YONESABURO TSUKIN Born in 1923, Tokyo. He entered] Shinko Kinema in 1937, one of the companies which would later evolve nto Daiei, Originally a prodvetion assist, he became 2 special fect technician & cameraman in 1946. Movies he worked on include: 1958's NICHI REN TO MOKO DAI SHU RAT “Gome son of religious adventure set in Man- chusa) 1962's SHIKOTE (2 Japanese tle ofa stony set in China) 1963's HUSAKU, THE 75 METER | He worked on many other Daict FX flicks Ibefore his final one, 1965's GAMERA, af ter which he retired TAKAHASHI NISSAN Born: 1926, Guma See meal eal namer Tash Yuki ee ae Meo BERNA wrote fr Dae in 50. Ae SRE cea Gee eee a tee fee Cores ae te fees eV te ‘AKIRA INOUE Born: 1929; Tokyo, Entered Dale as an Art Disector in 1953. He debuted we | 2 ee ee as > tatters. Also Worked on 19658 THE GUARDMAN TV show on TES. In 1971, he Fetied, much like Dale's money GAMERA IN THE 1960s: Gamera’s first appearanc was in the Dail 1965 fick ‘which fist came 10 the USA as GAMERA THE INVIN. CIRLE, The movie proved {0 be litle more than another Japanese monster-on-the loose farce. Again you sgotcher’ prehistoric reptile Gaho spits fie, of course) re vived from hibesnation by rnclear foolishness, nosey re porters after that big scoop, rltaristic Fares in destroy Ing the creature, ec. Like its big inspiration, GODZILLA KING OF THE MON: STERS (Toho, 1950) it was in BAW, snd featured the obliga tory scene ofthe Japanese gh ant destroying tain and sev: feral buildings. Perhaps this sounds more fur than it really 4s (hough I personally prefer tosce monsters fighting mon- ers, not monsters fighting army tanks & jet planes), but looking back on it, Yd say Japan's original movie 1s bland, One advantage is American version, GAMERA ‘THE INVINCIBLE has over its Japanese original is its elimination of « stupid scene involving misfit Toshio's (the lead kiddie inthe movie) rock collection (thrown into the ‘water by an obnoxious bully) he claims be was going 0 use to ‘build a home’ for Gamera’! just who wrote this, and was he sniffing Crazy Glue?! On the whole, GAMERA (Sandy Frank: 1985) is the more futhFol of the two versions, except for two scenes: 1! GAMERA ‘THE INVINCIBLE's open ing credits, whose the graph fesare the same a in the Japa nese version, except, of course, that the Japanese version's graphics are in Japa nese, 2, A scene of an old man seeing Gamera is dubbed, “A fireball” in the Sandy Frank version, yet GAMERA THE INVINCIBLE scxully leaves the dialogue in Japanese, amazingly ‘Over the years, Gamera appeated in more movies, in- cluding WAR OF THE MONSTERS (the series's peak, in my opinion), and the comparatively childish RE TURN OF THE GIANT MONSTERS, where the pa tem was set Yee to me, DE STROY ALL PLANETS, though even more fnfaotle than RETURN OF THE Gl ANT MONSTERS, was more fon. 1¥e watched both the English & Japanese ver sions of DESTROY ALL PLANETS. ‘The only major dlference is near the beain~ hing. after Gamera destroys ORIENTAL CINEMA Viras's first spaceship, ‘makes more sense ia Japa- ‘nese, since ater Gamera’ le= thal atack, the alien sues a warning about Gamera to fther Virans. He describes Gamera as "a deadly crea- ture’, and says “its name is In the Japanese version, the doomed alien's Hne is com- pleted by the opening ttle, ‘hich then says GAMERA, asin GAMERA TAT BAIRASU. In the English DESTROY ALL PLANETS the allen just seems abruptly cat off, and seems 10 fal 0 Finish his sentence for n0 ap- parent reason, ‘GAMERA IM THE 1970s: “With infaniile soupy at its peak, the Gamera movies reached & childish low GAMERA YS. MONSTER Khas got tobe one of the mest dd movies I've ever sat ibrough, but see my review elsewhere in this issue Gamera’s second and final 1970s film was GAMERA YS. ZIGRA, which didn't come to America until around 19851 While it basis pathetic moments, I must point out that 1 disagree with some of Frank Strom’s scathing at tacks on t when he reviewed {Cin this issue. Contrary 10 ‘what that meany said, 1 did enjoy the FX in ZIGRA, and some of the miniatures were okay. [just thought let you Icnow that, GAMERA IN THE 1980s: GAMERA SUPER MONSTER (Daiei; 1980) was the first hint that oldman Gamera wasn't really going «0 ‘make much of a comeback in the 1980s, unlike Godzilla, ‘who was abour to be back in action big time, thanks to GODZILLA 1985 and its se- duels, Bur if nothing else, a umber of Gamera’s older movies were getting re-re- leased yet again under ‘new (kind of utles, and were even given all new En- ssh soundtracks, though the nal English dubbings were good enough. Here's the deal, Sandy Frank buys the nights to Japan's DAL KAU GAMERA, GAMERA TAI BARUGON, GAMERA TAI GYAOS, GAMERA TAI GUIRON, and GAMERA TAT JIGURA, now calling them GAMERA (formerly GAMERA THE INVIN- CIBLE- confused yer”), GAMERA YS. BARUGON, GAMERA VS. _GAOS, GAMERA VS. GUIRON and GAMERA VS. ZIGRA. ‘As mentioned earlier in this brilliant article I've blessed you with, many of these mov- Jes were already availble in English, in alternate, 1960s dubs like GAMERA THE INVINCIBLE, WAR OF THE MONSTERS, RE- TURN OF THE GIANT MONSTERS and ATTACK OF THE MONSTERS. Be- tween these genesc tiles and the “Gamera vs" tes, it ap- pears as though there were twelve Gamera films, when in Jac their are only seven. Generally, the differences between the 1960s versions ‘and 1980s versions are in the dubbing (anslated dlifleently from ver sion to version), though there were cceasional visual cedils too, For ex- ample, it’s com- GAMMERA THE INVIN- CABLE is more enjoyable than just plain GAMERA, partially because of GAMMERA THE INVINCIBLE’ cool opening credits sequence. The credits ddonit appear in the film until Gamera himself does, about five minutes into the movi. ‘The graphics are super im- posed over tight close ups of ‘Gamers face and shell, as he marches to attack a ship. But in both English dubs of this movie, there are supid Ameri- ‘can soldiers, but which of the two are sillie? The ones in (GAMERA are just plain bad actors Daiei probably picked off the streets in Tokyo, Their sereentime is minimal, their humor unintentional. In GAMMERA THE INVIN- IBLE, the Americans are seen much more and pute posely ham it up with inten tional, humor. Ie’ all pretty dumb in bosh prints GAMERA YS. ZIGRA really only has one American dubbing, since ALP. TV never released a version, but Sindy Frank did. While nobody seems to like Sandy Prank re- leases, were it not for them, ‘we'd have no English print of GAMERA VS. ZIGRA Like Sandy Frank's other Gamera movies, this one too starts of with generic footage of water for the opening credits, The start also features an llogically spliced:in shot of Gamera & Zigca battling underwater, causing confusion and screwed continuity, since in the story, Zigra doesn't et a ant until after bis ying sau- ‘et is destioyed in the middle fof the movie! In this respect, the Japanese version is beter, the’ film stants off with the Zigra saucer destroying some ‘of of exploratory base on the moon, followed by the open ing credits (in Japanese), ac- companied by the cheerie "Gamera" song, sung by kiddies, At least in Sandy Frank’s version, the ‘waves! opening bas less iertating, surFish tunes supplied by Shunsuke Kikuchi (also used {nthe scene ofthe space lady ‘uasing co children at some Seawordike park GAMERA SUPER MONSTER, like ZIGRA, ‘only has one English version in America, bat #'s not from Sandy Frank, nor do I think its from ALD, TV, GAMERA SUPER MONSTER was dubbed by Britain's “but stil” people, and there's virually no difference between the Japanese and English version. Tris, however, interesting (0 rote that under ifs Japanese language tide UCHU KAU GAMERA, there's also the English subtitle, SUPER MONSTER, 2s it appears in the film ale GAMERA IM THE 1990s; From the beginning, Gamera was always 1 Godzilla fmitao, This new Gamera continues that tradition, i tating the new Godzilla! So the success of the ‘new age Godzilla movies caused Daiei toannounce on Apsil 25, 1994 that Shuske Kaneko will d- rect GAMERA: | SHOW- DOWN OF THE GIANT MONSTERS (though possi bly renamed GAMERA THE GUARDIAN OF THE UNF. VERSE), which should be completed and released bythe time you read this (your ¢is- tant past is my future). So after a 15 year absence, everybody's favorite Japanese turtle is back in action, as is everybody's favorite laser spite ting Rodan-wannabe, Gaos! This time, the longtime nvals (bat not really, as this new movie is more of a remake than a sequel, ignoring the existence of Gamer's older flicks in fact Gaos is no longer ‘ prehistoric eave dweller, but a manmade mutant!) will tangle in a number of cites, including Tokyo and Fukuoks. Though I hope to review Ea I a z rf = 4 a A Fa 4 oe cs x s cd # Ei ES = ra i SB D, ES ES a s Z td 5S 3 this movie in a future OG, all have to go by now are photos. Despite impressive ‘miniatures and an over-all high-tech, polished look, I think the new Gamera & Gaos look stupid! Perhaps the sappy ‘cuteness’ of the folder movies is what gave these wacky movies their charm. As near a5 [can fig lure ott, Dail was tying to ‘make Gamera and Gaos look realistic (which they don’, which defeats the whole purpose of a Gamera film Other changes Include Gamer's size, who, like Godailla, had to be enlarged to fit the times (buildings ae bigger now, so monsters ‘gota’ grow 100). Gamera is now & whopping 80 meters tall and fies at speeds as high as Mach 3.5. Tronically, US, martial ans sar Steven Seagal’ hal Japanese daughter Ayako stars in this movie! 14 year ld Ayako Fujani makes her movie debut In GAMERA, though she's also done TV ads for Mitsui Rehouse, ‘While fm no fan of Steven 16- ORIENTAL CINEMA Seagal or any American ac- tion stars (more on them next issue), T was intrigued that this karate actor has a slaughter who's in a Gamera ‘movie. It seems that st the age of 17, Seagal had moved tw Japan (around 1969) to train with Aikido masters, and because of an interes in the Omoto-Kyo religion. He mariied Miyako Fujiani and the marriage lasted. ten yeuss. They had two kid Keniaro (who's now 18 years old) and of course, GAMERA star Ayako. Daiei is producing the film, anc amazingly, the one and only Toho will be dis- ‘wibuting it! In fact, Toho ‘owns the propery in Tokyo's Chofu District, where Daiel’s studios até, so Daiet is a commodity of Toho, With the two companies working together, irs long, been speculated that a movie finally featuring both Gamera ans Godzilla is in- evitable! Nothing is definite ‘or official, but both Daiei president Kokal Tokuma Gon of Yasuyoshi Tokwuma, ‘who revived Daiei in 1970) and director Shusuke Kaneko are interested in the possible team-up. Person ally, [think the best time for them to mest would have been in the 1970s, some Where inbetween GAMERA YS. MONSTER X and TER- ROR OF MECHAGODZILLA. Ia that dimension, both mon- sters had plenty of battles be hind them, and both were much more exciting. This ing it ever happens, which it very well may no1) will be between newer, less expert enced adaptations of classic movie monsters, Whethe ‘of not Godaila ever tackles Gamera, one thing is for Sure: Gamera Is back in ac- tion, already Dail is prepar- fing for his rematch with new & improved Jiger! G R' A tT meeps a0n—m Sereenplay: Nizo Takahasht, “Additional Dialogue: Richard Kraft, The Gammera theme song by Wes Farrell & Artie Builer, Produced by Masaicht Nagata, Dir: Noriaki Yuasa, Starring: Albert Deer, Brant Dontery, Diane Findlay, Jobm Baragrey, Dick O'neill, ijt Funakoshi, Michiko Sugata, Harum Kirtac, Reviewed by Daman Festor Way back when I fist sat through this movie as a young, twerp, I missed large pieces of ‘because I continually passed fut OF course, that’s because [had to stay up until midnight to view it, but guess what? Now I've got GAMMERA. ‘THE INVINCIBLE on video, and it il has the potential © be an effcive narcotic) Lets face it, GAMMERA THE IN- VINCIBLE, even though it's In English, is one boring movie! 13 being in B&W (out-of-date even in 19659) oesa't help, and it doesn't hold up (0 today's exciting standards. The human char acters ae downeght uniner festng, and the scenes of 5 entisis talking about Gamera fate as dull as always. Some (ofthese long conversations are fn the original Japanese ver- sions, while others were ‘added for the American re- Tease (yep, just like in GODZILLA, KING OF THE MONSTERS) “The footage of American actors (press conferences at the United Nations) is gener- ally dull, bu he scene of over acting scientists who's debate ‘on live TY (2 does Gammera fexist or not argumend, which tums into a shouting match $s kinda’ amosing, Otherwise, the American footage is okay, at least i's better than the “original Americans cut out of the Japanese version, who's acting rivaled that of a. com- zon tape worm. 0 1 think this s one of those rare occ sions where the American ve sion #8 better than the Japa- nese version, The opening scenes of sclentise up neat the Nomh Pole are more Fast paced & quickly edited, and Ie features 2 coo}, surflike rock song called “Gamera”, not tnlike the old BATMAN theme. Interesting (© note that one brief scene (an old man see's Gamera fling one night) is left in its original apunese dialogue But whether were talking about the Japanese version, ‘Ametica’s GAMMERA THE INVINCIBLE or the exact same movie's later release & re-edit. GAMERA (Sandy Frank; 1985), the high point 's always Gamera's rampage in Japan. Gamera's costume is decent, and the miniatures ake a5 excellent a5 always for ‘Japanese fim. The scones of Gamera fying, 2s well 25 the explosions age frst rte. This $$ one polat Il debate with anyone! Sure, GAMMERA. THE INVIN GEBLE may be stupid at times and dull at others, but dirt cheap it noe. TFT hear one ‘more asshole complain about its supposed “cheap “chine special effects, Fil bit him ‘with his white cane! Hell, 1 dae say the miniature sets are S50 convincing that, were it not for the appearance of what's obviously s man in a rubber costume (ve all knows turtles lon’ get that big), they could easly be mistaken forthe real thing GAMMERA THE IN- VINCIBLE isn't without its flaws, The early scene of Gammera destroying a ship didn't convince everyone it Tooke like Gammera as 1 ally that huge. So later they add some superimposed ‘ots of people running, and these litte guys obviously look animated. Though this did indeed accentuate Gammera's size, these tiny humans are obviously escap: ing death, yet the script says there were no survivors! 1s ‘even dubbed in the English version, shorly after we jet planes which accidently lrespassed (whether they're identified as Russians in the Japanese version is un- known) So the tigger happy Americans shoot a jet down, land the jet just happened 10 be carving an atomic bomb ‘which explodes and releases Gammera from his 10 mil lion year hibernation! The ‘skims get scared, and so do De. Hidaka, his assistant Kyoko and a reporter called ‘AyagiIn the Japanese ver- sion, and Sandy Franks fa= ful GAMERA, Ayagi has a crash on Kyoko, but that m= ‘or subplot (ike much of the boring dislogue scenes) was completely removed from GAMMERA THE INVIN- CIBLE, Unfortunately, one thing not removed. from GAMMERA THE INVIN- CIBLE is an irritating kid called ‘Toshio Sakurai, who talks like SPEED RACER's Tix (familiar voice dubbors hough out) who happens 10 ove turlles, including Gammera, Meanwhile, We keep splicing over to semi-hu- ‘morous seenes for American audiences only. There's an ‘American army general who ‘seems to have dificulty know- ing his lines, a Russian ambas- ‘sao anda Japanese guy who confuses his ks and Rs quite stereotypically (he says Excerent’, ete), unlike the ‘dubbed Japanese, who have a much better grasp of En lish! Regardless, ke De Hidaka, these guys agree that the only way to defeat dis y= ing, fie breathing tule is to trick him ito a spaceship and. send hit 10 Mars. Being 2 fre eater, military weapons have proven ineffective against him. So Ayagi stars a fre ‘which Gamers follows, and ends up concealed in the rocketship. So against his wil, ORIENTAL CINEMA - 17 its off to outerspace. * -DF [Gamera Tat Barugon’) Presented by AL-TV, Dir of Photography: Micbso Takababasbs, Music: Chui Kiosbita, Special Effects Noriatt Yuasa & Kazufumt Fujt, Produced by Masaiebs Nagata, Directed by Shigeo Tanaka, With: Kojiro Hongo, ‘Ryoko Ena, Yuzo Hayahao, Revfewod by Damon Pastor In Gamer's 2nd film, he's sal prety much considered menace by the movie's hu- rman characters Net ati the very end when he destroys fellow menace Baragon (60 ‘neers lang, weighing 70 tons) ‘does he seem 10 get even the slightest respect from the main characters in the story. ‘And even then, nothing Is sald to indicate that they now ee gard him a8 a hero, This is the kind of level that, at least to me, works hes ina Gamers movi. Its boring 1 just keep seeing him desteoy buildings & Japanese artillery yet on the ster hand, he’s not playing round with kiddies, This is the only Gamera movie that bas no kiddies in ic tall This isn't the only good poiat which makes i my favorite Gamera film, WAR OF THE MONSTERS is well made nearly fawless, and can be considered the GODZILLA YS. THE THING of Gamers movies, T use that compart son for a number of reasons such as 1. Both are consi cred by fans of serious ice ter cinema’ to be the best it their serieses. 2. Both are rade in a serious, dramatic, nomnonsense manacr. 4. Both hhave human subplots depict Jing the evil & consequences of peed. Tm comparing WAR OF ‘THE MONSTERS with its al- ternate English dub GAMERA VS. BARUGON (Gandy Frank; 1985), Te say 1 prefer this here original 19605 version, All the cool jungle adventure scenes are left in tact in WAR OF THE MON- STERS. However, unless some fan ccllecior has edited imissing scenes from both ver sions) together to create an uncut Enalish version, there is no complete print of it WAR OF THE MONSTERS omits @ ten miaute scene of Scientists talking about how they plan to destroy Barugon, and they decide 10 bribe the beast with a diamond! “Though the seene of Barugon following this glimmering bait owered from a helicopter) remains in WAR OF THE MONSTERS, the sciontisi actual discussion does not instead WAR OF THE MON. SSTERS offers abrupt, hasty narrating to suddenly explain ‘what's going on. But stil, at least WAR OF THE MON- STERS docsn deag as much as the other version does WAR OF THE MONSTERS stars off with « cool back ground (ome abstract, color Ful painting) behind the cred its, yet Sandy Frank's release again offers gener footage of -Bven in Gamera's second fm, ie becomes apparent that them Daici dudes wanted their slant monser bates to differ from those ia the Godsilla movies. Godrilla’s battles consisted mostly of ‘men in suite sanding upright, ‘while Gamera and Barugon seem 10 spend most oftheir time on all fours. Though Doth creatures fire things at cach other, they also bite and Spend some time jest sting ateach other, sizing each other up, lke to alley cats using their instincts to know when to atuck the other Gamer's only humai-like move is ‘when he gives Barugon a swift punch la the face, allowing plenty of biue blood to ooze ‘ut and Js my favorite shoe in WAR OF THE MONSTERS! Former Daiei superstar Kojo Hongo (whatever hap pened to hiz®) plays Keisuke, 2 pilot sent to some strange pa of New Guinea inhabited by Japanese natives! Also on hand’ are some nasty scorpi- fons who seem to guard an ‘opal they're sent 10 find. S0 yes, they find this opal, not knowing it's acually 4 dino saur egg which hatches Barugon, a ‘quick freeze liz- ard’ Who goes on a rampage } in pant So along witha Japa nese native girl from New Guinea, heroic Keisuke watches as Gamera (who re tamed to Earth because his rocket crshed into a meteor) battles it out with Harugon, Subplot Evil man Onodera 1s up t0 no good! isthe al lows a commde to die of a scompion’s sng (or abit, as {hey seem to call 1, then he bombs Keisuke ina eave, and then he kills Reisuke's handi- capped brother! But wait, there's more, despite KKesake's attempt to best the living crap out of nasty COnoders (a decent fist figh0, COnoders sill manages *0 get in the way of things until Barugon (a hero, for once) de~ ces the madman might be kind of tasty. Hventually, this serious, intelligeatly written fale ends afer Gamera drags Barayon underwater. ~~ DE RETURN OF THE GIANT MONSTERS 1°Gamera Tat Gyaos") Pre- cnted by American Interna onal TV, Screenplay: Fumt Takabashs, Muste: Tadashi Yamauchi, Dir. of Pootagrphy- Aliya Uebara, Spectal if Pootngrapby Kazufums Put Directed by Noriaki Yuasa, With Kojiro Hongo, Kichijira Ueda, Hisayule Abe, Reviewed by DE Having just watched is later English version (GAMERA YS. _GAOS), which came out nearly 20 Yeats later, #'s hard not to Compare the two, though Sandy Frank's GAMERA ¥S. GAOS appears to be the more faithful of he two. But sll the dubbers of RETURN OF ‘THE GIANT MONSTERS least tried to dub star Kojiro Hongo in a Japanese accent! ‘Also unique is the scene of Gaos slicing a reporters ca in half (a scene later in both GAMERA V5. GAOS and GAMERA SUPER MON- STER), and one guy scrambles to get into the main half of the ear he'd gotten separated from, As he nuns his buddy yells out the Jape nese word (with a slight ‘American accent) “Hayake ‘which means “hurry aed was no doubt actual dialogue from the Japanese version, Also lunijue to RETURN OF THE GIANT MONSTERS arc a couple bref inserts of English ‘writen sigas, “Stop the Ex pressway" and “To Summit Mt. Futago” (both writen in ‘rientalTooking signs, much lice OCs logo), yet is obvi ‘ous the Japanese actors are really looking at Japanese signs. Any other diferences between RETURN OF THE GIANT MONSTERS, GAMERA TAI GYAOS 20d GAMERA VS. GAOS ze ‘only minor editing differ- fences, and basic choice of ‘words in the dialogue. This Is one of the few old Japa nese monster movies which makes use of naive stereo- types, at least twice, Japa- nese ‘characters (a couple bumbling road workers, sort of a Japanese Abbot & Costelld) ae dubbed saying Ah so" [As 4 film, RETURN OF ‘THE GIANT MONSTERS is only slighty beter than aver- age for a ciimorster romp, though there are those fans ‘who swear this i the bes in the Gamer series. Personally, Til take WAR OF THE MONSTERS/GAMERA VS. BARUGON, for jis non non sense and serious, sem-real fstle approach, and feel this follow-up comes ina else sec- fond. Part of the problem Is 5s a throwback to the Kidde content of GAMERA THE INVINCIBLE, in that i, like the rest of Gamer's movies, features a child protagonist Fortunately, the token brat Eich is nowhere near the ad- verisement for the absolute necessiy of bith contol that GAMERA's Kiddie was. Eichis screentime is a litle less (move of the story deals with goad construction, of all things), and he only draws ‘one stupid drawing ofa tune! Trouble begins when some fat ki called Bich leads 2 reporter (Soon to be lunch) in search of that ‘big scoop’ {nto Gaoss cave. Unforu- nately, Gaos just happens to bea prehistoric bird who spits (out a razor sharp lazer beam, find can fie some wed yel fw smoke out of his stomach, But back to the laser beam Not only does almost cutoff ‘Gamer's arm (in this version, Echt call ft Garnera's “hand and in RETURN, he calls hls “leg’, but its his am, lama i asm), but slices jet planes in half. One spiffy fect isa helicopter being split down the middle as scents siding it fall wo thei deat. If ‘nly it weren't so obvious that fone of these stupid cocksuckers was carefully jomping? to his death! Who hied these stunimen, Helen Kelle! Anyway, after some subplot about scents tying 1 destroy Gaos using sunlight and dizziness, we get 10 see more of yet anther subplot! Fichi’s grandfather is telling ‘mountain villagers to be very stubborn when it comes (0 selling theie land to contrac- tors tying to built a road. But ‘once this heavy dialogue i out fof the way, and Gamers has bitten off part of Gaos's foot, the twa monsters contront feach other for their third and final battle (not including stock-footage rematches in later flicks), where Gamera drags Gaos into his volcanic death. -DF DESTROY ALL PLANETS Gamera Tas Ucbu Kae eis’ 3/20/68) Presented by “American Internattonal TV, Photography. Akira Kitazahi, Screenplay: Fumi Takabashi, Music: Kenjiro Hirose. Pro duced by Hidemasa Nagata, Dir Kenpt Yuasa, American Re- Recording: Tian Prod. Inc [Dir Bret Morison, Ete by BIL & Boil Have), Staring: Kojiro Hongo, Yoru Tabasute, Kurl Grane, Roviwed by DF Here's where the infantile pattern officially sets in, though GAMMERA THE ANVINCIDLE and RETURN OF THE GIANT MON. STERS offered the first hint Of chilishness to come, Stt- ing with this here DESTROY ALL PLANETS, the Gamera ‘movies are kiddie fms all the way, rivaling something from Disney faasy. So although DESTROY ALL PLANETS is a naive kiddie movie, ts definitely one of the better naive kile movies Ive seen! Is big fys, and T really like a (pronounced time). Game's fight with Barogon rom WAR OF THE MONSTERS) consists of shots from Both Fights int which may” took conviaéing 10 the unini- ated, but Mot fo those. who know the Serpe for WAR OF ‘Theie the affec, 20 Gamera is free from alien control, and the brilliant brats even figure out the teleportation system and beam down from the space- ship! So Gamera desvoys the strange looking vehicle, and then battles out with lead alien Vira, who, despite be- lng + suid, seems to have ei salty with water and col Iness. Despite an over abun- dancesofillogie throughout ‘ALL, PLANETS, ‘duel berween level of stupidity sins because he takes ‘up to a high altitude and ess real cold. “= -DF ‘meuoing it 2 scries of d charactors telling pointes ‘bout Gamers ia fa “eoniroliof era angles and lighting second thought, maybe ATg any rate, this movie has all the colar and motion you could want, plus the scene that to me defines what Gamera movies are all bout: Guiron hurls Gamera through the als, but Gamera catches a cube mysteriously running between two bulld- ings (a pipe? A skyway? Are the buddings mating?) Any- way, Gamera begins to spin around faster than Michael Jackson materializing in a day care center and flings himself back though the ait You'd never se that ina bor ing old Godzilla flick! GAMERA VS. GUIRON i> by fi the best out ofall the films bastardized by Celeb- Home Video. And, atthe kc of sounding kaijblas- phemous and like a geek at the same time, {have to ace ‘mjc tar the MYSTERY SCI- ENCE THEATER 3000 tweatme flick Is re fy ocean! ‘Now Pitotly lost Oh wait, ATTACK OF THE Saka, first of of the soundtrack has en switched with one done oe salesmen, and net ac. Fortunately, the plot is Rime, Two kids, one ort- and one dsorental, find nd Up on a distant planet they see an outer-gal- Ga0s get uashed by Giron, a ksifeheaded dino- saur, Then some gioory space chicks with plastic the Kids’ brains! find out “Rosebud amusing. Gamera himself hero of KAMEN RIDER X tration shot in a kiddie GAMERA WE. MORSTER NK iivesome, tis ls plod. Tock 1770. Anoer tse uoviel Bot sriousy, two ably my faverite Gamera esting thing about GAMERA idles, Hiroshi & Tommy get FGamera Tai Maly costume (like Godzilla, VS. MONSTER X is that the info the same mint-submarine ‘bea’ 312701 fortish tle: Camera's "appearance only stock footage occurs seen in DESTROY ALL GAMERA YS. JIGER) Pre- SAIS from fl to fim, Gucng the opening crete. PLANETS and. crise inside sented by American inerna- though ane ciferences are Some black chief guy Gamer Using sound wave, tonal TY, A Datet Motion Ple- oly slight). ‘There are out- who looks & sounds more they kill the larva (@ mini Jiger ture ne: Production, Produced Sanding miniaties throvgh- African than Polynesian with a smaller horn) so by Hidemasa Nagata, Dir: Sao ine se of Osaka city Is wns Us not to remove “The Gamera can wake up. S0 yet \Nortakt Yuasa, American Ver- gress, and 1 was partculatly Devil's Whistle” from Wester again, Gamera engages in a sion: Titan Production Inc. Ed- jmpressed by the one for Island (hardy har har) be- campy duel with Jiger, and ted by HH & En Harty Dit: nce Nana es, spooling cause the removal wll re> tone to oat eo the et ‘Bret Mornson), Gast Tswom easter (sland, Try to hold lease giant Jiger, aka Monster pid-looking villain’s forehead! Tahara Cg VEN eR aetna wee iT Oanita EAEESCRTN Games ata MeO Katberine surpoy, Kon Omura, Garsera gets whipped by express concem that remov- 3, maybe 4 stars wort of fun, Junko Yashiro, Reviewed by DF ing of this ancient statue will but the three dreadfully ob- aes Se ee ish that even Se 5 Peal reretee tira) when I vas 2 Ree z Gamma “vs tle and sar tes TIGER’ sigaili about 20 years fanily. “DP ago, 1 con: sidered it | P=| GAMERA SUPER Infante... even way back teal : MONSTER Fora Kd fick (uss ne to be too naive apanei tle ven for kiddies vot eae ie prey pa GAMERA, which thee, Now tm snaons "Space Mo Sold tha when Sor Gamer | Pro 1 far, dost ‘ tice 6 Dstt Comes out; and ty Det bm Di you can imagine trucon Con Now meron 1580, Manned by childis Maxoa Teena, GAMERA | VS Pros Maya woxsrer “x Tokyo, Sige seems today! ("Plots ie th peared press Sbinobara — & Pat of the prob: | acetonth trig erumer a the ke 9 Hirokazu Obba, lem is that god | iam wet gong tobe a GOLLLA Yo GAMERA move, Bi fs Ses ot to bo, tho photo fst 9 cut Scroenplay. Nisan awiul “Gamera |and/parte, and merely camara tho bo ranatrs pers Takahashi, Aust: ‘mureh? song, just Sbunsuke Kikuc', who the “hell Despite the unrealistic Gamera leaves when a Dir: Noriati Yuasa, Cast ccame up with this S8PP¥- approach, GAMERA VS. ncarby volcano erupts again, Mach Punta, Yaeko Kopin, ‘uppity assasin of the e219" MONSTER X is interestingly So the satue is tken oUt of Ketho Kudo, Koichi Maeda, But no matter how stupidly yriuen, almost educational. the ground to be an exhibit Tosh Takada, Hirt Hayashh, ute this bubbly tune f8, in- Ajuch of the stony takes place at Expo 70. A shalt carved Tetsuaki Toyosums, Hideats, finely more annoying is 8 Scxpo 70 (a World Expos! in the Devils Whisle would Kobayasbi, Makoto fheda & litle gist named Susan! I on of international exhibits create a whislelike sound Kao Fda, Reviewed by DE don’t like looking at her g’suuth in Osaka. believe which kept Jiger @ mutant Easily Gamera's ‘worst she’s enough f0 eife ay these scenes were actually tceratops who fires needles movie ever, it's the pedophile stright! WO'Se fimed at the real Expo 70, Sa death beam) dormant. GODZILLA'S REVENGE of yet is the phenomenally bad ince it resembles Expo 85, But with the talisman fe- Gamerafickal It to has some Yolce she's got, it made me iich [attended in Tokyo and moved, up comes Jiger who lonely boy as the protagonlst, want to shove siinch For sunburned Causes the havoc Mentioned the kid decams of monster, reels into my ca. Though not credited in ealer, During a gravity de- and all the monster bales are fet despite ts many the opening graphics, a guest fying duel wih Gamers, Jger stock footage from older many flaws, GAMERA YS. 5, Ryu Hayama, playing ses a lager onthe end of Gamen sags This dca MONSTER X is never dull. Expo 70 worker KaiZuki his tall and basteally impreg- film no doubt came out du. Hes immensely enteraining sowada, Ryu Hayama would nates him with lavat Thats ing Dai’ revival in the late throughout." Far-fetched, tier go on to play the tle right, we actually sce a pen- 1970s, a5 k's +o cheap when imaginative, and consistent ORIENTAL CINEMA -21 compared to any of the ear pet who flies, Other than his when Gamera ‘again’ fies to pronounced Kaichi, Doubly lier Gamera movies, 50 on bottom jaw which opens and an alien planet to destroy unfortunate is that he likes the whole, Td say thi ste closes mechanically, he's Guiron, In the original to sing and play the organ. pid movie sucks like an in- motionless. GAMERA YS, GUIRON, Hell, | slmost wanted to play Gustrial strength vacuum Laique to this movie i a Guiron wns destroyed by mis with my organ when the Jeaner; it stinks like stale tendency to throw in injokes, slles sent by a human charac- three alien ladies Marsha, milk, et Ta one scene, Gamera acer ter from that particular flm. Klara, & Mitan (ho's own Yet despite its many flaws, dently knocks over a poster With human characters gen- planet was destroyed by the this unbelievably childish with a picture of Godaila on erally temoved from Zanon empire) appeared in romp docs manage to enter it though the sitiial monster GAMERA SUPER MON. their outfits, and later de tains an unintended comedy, iscalled-Dojia’, Gamera also STER, these missiles just cided «0 help super monster and is never dull, Former meets cartoon spaceships seem to pop out of nowhere. Gamera protect Japan from pro-wrestler Nach Fumlake Space Cruiser Yamato (o the In another stupid sequence, atacki Yesitee, them Zanon Sars as one of three upethe- accompaniment of the old the Zanon spaceship takes invaders, in @ spaceship min- focn and she sung the movies SEARBLAZERS theme) and possession of Gamera himself, ature (One of the few props theme song, ‘Love for Future, Galaxy Express 999 while $0 the space babes use an X- mde for this film) looking Her and two other sexy space cruising through space, His ay of Gamera fora diagnosis. like a STAR WARS prop are ladies steal the film, and 1 pearcalison with the Yamato Gamera is ving, yet whoever interested in conquering the think more of the movie Cargo", in Amerta) isa k's did this anatomical painting world now, so they're rev’ Should have concentated on team sequence, but the brief forgot Gamera keeps his hind ing & unleashing all those these characters, and not ran encounter with Galaxy Ex- legs inside his shell when he monsters Gamera destroyed domly edited shows of press 999 happens on his way fles! The moron did a paint in previous mavies; in order Gamera, Gyaos ete. taken back from some planet where ing of Gamera fying like we see Gaos, Zigra, Vita, from older movies. The thee he klled Guiron, Again, I Ultraman! The destruction Jiger*Guiron, and Barugon, heroines look nice in their suppose these guest appear- scenes include Gamera's de- As such, this movie is form fitting superhero leo- ances ate atempts at humor, molshing 2 dam from tbe be- showcase of entertaining de- tards, their flying FX are 30 ty to bold back your un’ ginning of GAMERA VS. stucion scenes and monsier wwelldone & convincing, and controllable laughter BARUGON, and of course, battles, never a boring Mach Fumiake's brief, Kxate- I suppose to the uninit: B&W shots from GAMERA, minut! We've seen all these Inspired fight with aa aero. ated, ths could seem lke all- shown on a TV screen as part shots before, but I guess batie villainess (who looks one movie, as the stock batles of a aews cast! You think watching them again, reed Setsatinal in bot pans) is one come and go rather effectively, maybe the ‘ews station ited won't hunt mich. Any Of the better scenes in And unlike Godzilla in couldn't afford full color way, eventually Gamera GAMERA SUPER MON- GODZILLA'S REVENGE, stulf?! crashes ino the spaceship to SHER. Other FX, as scant 25 the changes in the Gamera Unfortunately, our main his apparent death and the they ae, inclade the simplest costume, from film to film, character is an unbelievably heroines take the kid on a Vivals & super impostions, were only slight, But chere initating litle boy normally flight over Japan one night. The only ‘new’ shots of are continuity problems, ike called Keichi, but sometimes | * -DP Pu sete Le ary ra er rw ered domeste Sars for US. release. ‘The only major changes were the beginning and ending tres, now set against the Same water which would ap- Pear in every Sandy Frank Gamera re-release to follow Also, there are shots of Gamera, taken from the fiddle of the film, smashing some buildings, added 10 the very beginning This was to ‘make the opening more exci ing, but instead damages con tlauity, as we're accidently lead t0 believe Gamera is al- ready up & about, when in fact he doesn't awaken unt five minutes into the fick. Of the {0 English dubbings of this movie, this one is the more faithful to the Japanese Possibly released to home video around 1985, is nice 12 see that, 20 years after the movie's Japanese theatrical debut, we can finally soe the ‘movie as Daiei intended i, though wit English dubbing But predictably, GAMERA ‘comes off s 4 fypical Godala imitation, and the only say breaks new grounds i that its probably the first Japanese ronster movie released to America that dealt largely vith annoying lle kids. Oth- cerwise, its got the familiar ci ches & formulas more com Inonly associated with Taho/ ‘Tauburaya producions: Inter rational newspaper headlines Announcing the monster's at tack, 2 dranken old man sing ing at night and becoming scared of Gamera, monster revived from prehistoric hi bernation via atomic explo- sion, monster rampages city ‘nd people ran, kids go-go ancing to susf music 1n 2 ‘lub, and of course, a news reporter after that big scoop. Also on hand, of course, are the ingenious ecienists Who ‘devise a plan t0 eliminate the marauding giant afier miliary attacks prove as effective as 2 phoio of Roseanne Bar used ‘When I first saw this movie under the ‘other title, GAMERA THE INVIN: CCUBLE, as « ite Ki, Lmssed Inoge pasts of it because I Kept dozing off OF course, thats because it came on at mid- night, but guess what? Now ve got the home video ver- sion, edited moch differetly and with some diferent foot age, and my cyelids are sill fetiing heavier than a guik trip! Could i be that even though I'm watching it round noon time, is ust a plain boring film? Is ia BAW (out-of-date even in 1965), and fails to hold up by today’s exciting standards. The human characters are downright uninteresting, and the soenes of scientists talking about Gamera are as dull as always, The English dialogue, however, offers a few chuck Jes, with lines like this conver: sation between Kenay, Dr Hidaka and Nor “Gamer's good tut” “He is good hhe good!" and “Yes he is! ‘These English names are 1yp ‘al in ths print of GAMERA. In the final analysis, GAMERA is average 1960s Japanese sci Whi the human characters border somewhere berween slightly Gull to slightly dumb, the £41 Tsuburaya-wannabe FX are fine & dandy. Coolexplosions, ‘good miniatures, and a Inter testing looking monster cos- tome. Ive never seen a fer, fanged giant turtle who walked on his hind leges in real life, but I imagine Gamera is exactly ike one would look like! The most far-fetched thing about this Fire-breath- ingen tune is his ight cx pabilty. I would assume he Achieved it as a result of some nuclear mutating, but some Ancient eskimo markings re veal that this prehistoric race (of urs could always do that naturally, Gamera bimself walks to0 clumsily, lke an Irishman on Saint Patrick's Day, after his elevendy leventh green lager Hut one problem with GAMERA {5 that even in 1965, ewe out of date. The BAW tales of ridioactive rep- tiles stomping Japan was more fof a postatomic 1950s thing Hell, GODZILLA, KING OF ‘THE MONSTERS came out a fill decade before! By the time Gamera awoke and ram- paged Hokaido & Tokyo, Godella already had a con plex social life dealing with Mothra, Rodan & Ghidrah! Get with i, Gamera! Abosher ORIENTAL CINEMA - 23 problem with GAMERA is that nobody had made a Gamera movie Before! They obviously weren't sure how this should be done. In GODZILLA, KING (OF THE MONSTERS i: was inhabitants of Oda island who prophecized doom, in KING KONG YS. GODZILLA, it ‘as primitive natives, 20 in this one, ifs eskimos up non somewhere who warn us of Gamera, the “devils envoy" 30 brilliant zoologist Dr. Hikada, who just happens to Ihave a theory there were once slant runes up near the nomh pole goes up there and guess whatl He must be psychic! Seems some jet planes are having a fight, and the myste rious plane that failed t0 in troduce itself is shot down, and since it also happened to be carrying a nuclear bomb, the explosion revives a prehis toric tile eho's een hiber- nating as long as Godzila, Rodan, Dan Quayle’s brain, ete, Strangely, everyone for ‘gets about this unidentified Plane and its potential threat Cine could be more of these terrorists) once we realize litle boy Kenny fas no fitends and is obsegsed with his pet tule! Since Kenny loves litle turtles, big turtle Gamera spares Kenny's fe when the ssupid brat runs inside alight house Gamera is destroying. Kenay ia moron indeed, he later climbs on board a tain Gamera is smashing, end ‘must once again be rescued. Tater, Gamera reveals he can Aly by puating his bead, limbs 8 tail in his shel, so jetlke flames can shoot out and nim him into a flying saucer. Speaking of Aying, has how the United Nations eliminates Gamers, the Z Plan is where they lure him into 2 rocket (ite is the bat, he ‘eats fire) which then shoves of to Mars 12 -DE GAMERA VS. BARUGON ‘A Sandy Frank ine. Presen- tation, a Daiet Motion Picture o, Lid. (Tokyo, Japan), Pro duced by Masaich Nagata, Planning by Yonesiro Saito, Screenplay Nézo Takahashi, Dir: Sbigera Tanaka, Photog. raphy: alicbica Takabasb, Spe Chal Effects: Kazufiont Fup, Cast: Kojiro Hongo, Kyoko Enami, Akira Natsu, Koft Fyjiyama, Yuzo Hayakawa, Iebiro Sugas, Reviewed by Damon Roster ‘As I mumbled whea 1 re- viewed the original English version (WAR OF THE MONSTERS), this is my fa- vorte Gamera movie. But of the two English adaptations, this is the inferior print, as T heliove it deletes a whole seg meat involving our heroes teiveling through a dangerous jungle (its hard to say, L mean, the TV station could have been the ones who cut that ‘out to show more commer ial). But also, the native gi Kars is dubbed in too meek a voice this time. She sounded such better the Fist me she was dubbed in English in WAR OF THE MONSTERS, Otherwise, GAMERA VS. BARUGON at least retains a scene of scientists talking, missing from WAR ‘What's to be said about this fic that hasa been sid before? I reviewed this movie nan old back sue of OC Gn the mid-19605), and have just reviewed the other English dub a few pages ago, Wel, let me again remind you that ofall the Gamera movies (nce Including the new one, which ve yet to see), this clase is the least laughable of the bunch. While Barugon is only mildly realisic, the FX gener ally are excellent Amazingly, there are a couple minor flaws at the opening scene of Gamera demolishing Kurobe Dam (see Daiei article for complete detail), yet neither are visible w anyone not look- fing for them. Gamera comes back 10 Earth to tangle with some homed alligator called argon who hatched from. a jewel everyone is fighting lover. Borugon likes to freeze 24- ORIENTAL CINEMA things by fring rain- bow dhuh? Who's idea was this? And what- lever drags they're tak Ing, send some to me in a plain brown wrap- pert at them! Okay, $0 Barugon likes the cod, Gamera is into fire, 30 already we got conflicts arising, Strangely, for a cold monster, Barugon doesn't like water! Bven stringer {8 that Gamera preters fire, yet he drags ‘Banigan_ into a lake, 0 bis death? Oh well, mi- nor continuity prob: lems aside, GAMERA YS. BARUGON is 20, epic combination of tense human melo- ‘drama and the Instinctive 1- valies of overgown reptiles. “1/2 -DF GAMERA VS. GAOS Produced by Hidemasa Nagata, Planning: Kazutada Nakano, Screenplay: Fumi Takabasbi, Dir: Noriyake Yuasa, Photography: akira Uehara, Special Effects: Kazufams Fup, Film Editor Tatsijt Nakachizn, Biko Xanam, samt Seok, Miktko Teubouchl, Yasusbt Sakagams, Kofi Fugiyama, Reino Kasahara, Reseed by Damon Foster ‘where a the human sub- lets of Gamer's second fick Were in good meaning with the central monster story, these in this 3nd fick ave silly, boring and obviously mere filler inbetween monster se- ‘quences. Much of this non- Sensical script deals with con- struction workers trying to build a road in Nagoya, and how some local old men ar- ‘gue among themselves while tying to decide how much 10 sell their lad (o the company building the road) for. Dale's ‘main Superstar Kojo Hongo Gvho’s name is somehow missing from this prints open Ing graphics) reruns 10 play ‘Tolsumi, the supervisor of the ead crew. Another support Jing character is a liule boy called Eich, Like allapanese Kiddies in these movies, Ficht i fay annoying. though not fone of the worst, 1 must sy, he was more irting in the old RETURN OF THE GI- ANT MONSTERS version (American International than in this more recent Americmn dub (GAMERA VS. GA0s), because of the choice of voice dubber, ‘The fst English dub had 2 voice for him (also sed 4s the voice for Takei in MAJIN THE MONSTER OF TERROR) that was way t00 female ‘Youll note to the left that the credits (a8 they actually appear on Sandy Franks’ re- issue of the film) lack aot conly the name Kojo Hongo, but anything to designate where Crew ends and Cast bepins! Eeher that, or Tsu Nakashizu, Eiko Yanan, Isami Sacki, Mikko ‘Teubouchi, Yasushi Sakegami, Koll Fuglyama, and Reino Kasahara realy all worked on fm editing! Thats about the only screw-up in this version ‘The new dubbing was done by the same British who al- ‘ways say “But sl? when dub- bing Chinese kung fu frees, But in this Japanese monster movie, T only counted three but sills. Hes sembamusing to compace both English vor sions of GAMERA TAI GYAOS._ In WAR OF THE MONSTERS, when Kojiro Hongo reaches out to help Fichi down from Gamera's shell he says: "Gamera, Teant Teach!” In the GAMERA YS. ‘GAOS version, the exact same scene has him saying Alright, stand upl™ liked the scenes of the two giant monsters much more than I liked the scenes fof human characters; but thars lke saying I'd rather ave sex. with Kitten [Natividad than Kate Smith Gaos isa really slick costume. “The creature isa mutant bid, and a well designed one at that, Is powers (fazor sharp laser beam, 2nd yellow smoke ‘which puts out fires) are tra- Gitlonaly farfetched. The buatls between the two giants seem rushed and badly ected, “This really screws up continu. fty, with Gamera flying & tucked ito hls shell one sec- ‘ond, then magically on the ‘ground, wit hs limbs & head fut of his shell in the very next frame, Another element of fakeness is the occasional mechanical eyes that contin ally Took back & forth auto mauically, which make Gamera look more lke 2 1 bot than acre 65 meters high, and weighing 25 tons, Ga0s is rudely awakened from prehls- toric hibermation when vol ano erupts. By this time, Gamer is regarded as a full AAcdged hero by the Japanese humans, especially 2 panic Jarly young Japanese human called Eich, Gaos happens to find young Japanese humans tasty, #0 i's up to Gamera to reseve the litle Japanese hu man from japaniese monster Gaos,Inbetween all three Japanese monster battles, and maybe 4 biief Japanese de~ struction seené we see the Japanese military's Japanese akempts 9 destoy Japanese Gaos. None of this Japanese stall works, not even spinning Japanese Geos 10 get him e- ally Japanese dizzy. Japanese meanwhile, Japanese villagers don't know how much to charge the Japanese company building the Japanese road, and let's see, what Japanese ‘le happens? Oh yeah, Japa nese Gamera bites off Japa nese Ga0s's Japanese toe Japanese not only that, but Japanese Gameza drags Japs nese Gaos into 3 Japanese vol ano 1 his Japanese death, but Japanese Gamera sure vives, as does the Japanese road, 1 have one final word to say: Japanese. * -DF GAMERA VS. GUIRON Presented by Datei Co. Planning by Kaeumasa Nakane, Produce by Hidemasa Nagata, ‘Screenplay: um! Takaka Music: Shunsue Kec, Cam- feraman: Akira Kitazal, Dir. Norlaki Yuasa, Featuring. Nobubiko Kazsma, Chrisoper Murphy, Mizuki Akiyama, Yuko Hamada, Bi Punakosb, ‘Reviewed by Daman Foster “Though Ive always Hed the Knife-headed design of Guiron's costume, and other giudy FX in GAMERA YS. GUIRON, this infantile fan- tasy was just t00 childish & cembarnissing 10 wate ice! S0 no, I did not sit down to watch GAMERA VS. GUIRON and ATTACK OF ‘THE MONSTERS back to back! Hutt have bath on tape, and have seen them both This is the only instance where I think Sandy Frank's ORIEN pit & superior 0 the ALP tersion, Though both involve leritating kiddies dubbed in fentating voices, at lease this version retains that cool seene ‘of Guiron bloodlessly chop- ping off Gaus’ head Ie was fo nce t finaly see this shot, since ATTACK OF THE MONSTERS so. foolishly lacked it. Yet GAMERA VS. {GUIRON also includes one of those annoyiag “Gamera March” songs, sung by kiddies. naive fn highlights this une fntentonal comedy about two dumb kids abdcted by alien space babes wo eat brains 60 1 goes this Bl's wters have rthing 10 worry aboud. $0 now these «Wo brats are get ting chased all around the loony space-age is of Planet ‘Tera, AS serious sci, its at least as enthvalling a5 (and ‘quite similar to) Dafly Duck Being chased by Marshall the Martian. in DUCK DODG- ERS IN THE 24TH AND A HALF CENTURY. Some of the props & miniatures are ‘ook, while others (ike under ‘water sea plants obviously made of pipe-cleaners) are, well, not quite as cool. Let's fee, what else happen? Oh yes! As s often the case when alien invaders are up 10 no good, the aliens watch siock Footage from old Gamers mow- is to refresh their memories and the movie's budget Speaking of Gamera, he ar- fives, attacks and Kicks 25s Reptiian bate axe & ninja- star shooter Guiron suffers defeat. So Gamera brings both twerps back (o Earth, ‘unfortunately for Barth DF GAMERA VS. ZIGRA ‘ASandy Frank Syndication Inc Presentation, & Datel o- ton Pleture from 1971, Pro- duced by Hidemasa Nagata, Screenplay: Fumi Takabashi, Dir: Novia Yuasa, Pootogra- phy: akira Uehara, Special Ef “fot: Kazuo Fu, Pm Editor. Zonko Mazak, Music (CONTINUED ON PAGE 52) TRL CINEMA - 25 Unless” you're ate interested in revlewing the HEAVEN) Produced by Run mentioned ie credits! binder than a cyclops oldies too, go for lt Anyway, Run Shaw, Directed by Ho Could it be that, despite With an eyepatch, my 1940s section is a8 short Meng Hua & Chen Yk Staring: her dominance through: you've prebably noticed as always, i's «0 hard (0 lo- Rang Yin, Ha Wechiw, Chang out, this boring musical il tat, tating with OC's cate HK fms from the 1960s L-Chu, Pan Ying Tse, Sbirley just so damn ancient that previous issue, HK HEROESs To make up for fm includ: Hwang, Yeb Ching, Ly Chen, way buck when they made 1990s section is growing like ing a rare aricle on 1960s sta Hao Lt uy Ling Po? Revsoued it, Ling Po was obscure? 4 cock in a stnp joint, while let Ivy Ling Po, translated by DF Plenty of other actresses (ike the sections on 1960s, 1970s . from CINEMART #12 @63ed Fang Vin) ae credited, But not X 198Ds films remain com- edition; Dec, '91). Though Have any of you dudes or Ling Po, the only one T hap- pparaively small, That's be- she's not of inlerest to most babes sat through this old pen to be familar with Any cause everyone and his of you because she hasn't musical? OF course not, body know whats going on? brother seems interested in been in Jet Li or Tsui Hark youve no reason to, afterall, Could ic be that Ling Po has a contributing reviews of new flicks, please read her bio any- Im the one making OC, and lookalike who stats in A ‘movies, Nataly, Im grite- way you might acwlly learn tying to keep 1960s fantasies MAID FROM HEAVEN? ful and only too happy to in- Something within us pages. But af by But beleve & or not, Im clude these recent reviews in some miracle, there’ an ind not exactly dying of curonity (0c, because it saves me the 19608: idhal as Supic as Tam, who's [know i's Ivy Ling Po, but ih tats envions aia A IAD ROM frog etaeeeaieros eve uae ceeiagee eer Thopeto even anes out, HEAVEN Tswear they as one ofthe te musical in fact the mos S50 if any of you fans & writers main characters! Yet she's not musical of musicals Ive ever [aba 7 ANGELS FROM THIS MUSIC SHOULD ONLY BE HEARD IN HEAVEN, HOW COULD IT BE POSSIBLE TO BE HEARD ON STAGE TOO 0 EAU a a es aes Ling Po started her career when she staredin RED CHILD, THE BURNING OF was a chi, She beceme famous after RED LOTUS TEMPLE, etc. although she starred in LEUNG SHAN PO ZHU there were a lat of movies made, It was YING TAI ("Father Takes a Bride". She not at her poak yet. Ling Po's adopted has made dozans of Mandarin movies mother started her own movie company ‘over the past 40 years, has her shares of called China Amoy in 1957, Ling Po also Contibuton to the mova industries. Ling made mary movies there ike FAKE MAR- Po's original name was Kuan Holtang, RIAGE, SHIAO FUNG, COLOR CHAN ‘She was born in 1839, Amoy Fujian prov. BER STORY, THE STORY OF LI SHAN, ines. Unfortunately, she was torn dur- THE STORY OF JADE CARP, and THE ing World War Il, her family was very poor. STORY OF LAU HOI, allin Amoy accent. Hor patents gave her away for adoption Her ife ike this wasn't bad, until an When sha was ony hres Unpleasant event happened. She was 18 In 1950, Ling Po and her adopted par- then, and beautful. Her adopted mother fonts camo to HK. Sho had grown inlo a forced her to lve with a Phiippine Chi- Deautitul woman in 1954. She made her nesebusinessman, Ling Po was helpless first movie in Amoy accent LOVE OF and hed to ive with that man, and re- YOUNG PEOPLE, using the sage name tired from making movies. After two ‘Shiao Juan’, Afr thal, she made over yeas, that Philppine Chinese business- 20Amoy ima allin supporing‘oles. She man bankrupted. Since they only lived became a litle known in 1986. She together for convenience, they went theit seen, ‘There's a lot more an- man yet again), helt bish- they had a chill. AMter they friend Unicom Chan, 2. Glent Chinese opera singing ful foicking in a forest Gn watch ducks swimming in a Brice Lee was cecal fimed than actual dlalogue, there's obvious stage se is naive & pond, the fairy’ father Cas: behind the scenes and these song every five minutes, and predictable, ss only high sume its God, or whatever Lee shots made it into the thos ofthese ballads ssem to. point being a tlling tree (aot the fellows name is) gets mad movle nd psd off Lee. The tas a leas hve minutes 'SO Goo! ike the ones in H.R. that shes living among fi- only scene of Brice Lee isa (5 mostly singing, and that PUFF & STUFF) the fairy mans so he sends hi oper sill shot during the opening dainty way of running around brings to life, After much armled soldiers down to re. creda, and | do believe Lee inva eile while flinging coaxing the twa get maried. tee her and they both cy. choreographed some of the Streams of toilet paper the By ths time, | was Ieraly The ending didn make qe fighs a8 favor to Unicom, Chinese cll dancing. This i= dozing off sotsall quite hazy ry, but the boredom did. -DP the fs star. There's plow ancient, traditional Chinese fom this point on. Seems this presented on page 28 to Opera ats bes or worst, de= fairy, and ber sb sisters who prove i, Unicorns hand Is pending on your opinion of vs her fom Heaven can spin : on Lee's stomach, This hot romantic musicals and gen- silk magically, and create lots ts1ts: actually happens in the film, eral. AS is always the case of beautful Gothing, By tis though is some other actor ‘with antique Shaw Bros. mu- time, Imust have spent a good THE UNICORN that tnicom is batting. So eal soap opens the ets and twenty minutes unconscious, let it be known that there's costumes are epic, lavish, very and could still hear the Chi- PALM really no Bruce Lee in this 5004, ee ewe singing in whatever vas movie (despite some grap Naturally, there's abso- dreaming! ‘The TV jus played pling scenes in the fights luely no swordfighting Cor on, oblivious 1 my nap. You Which look Lee-inspited), action of any kind) inthis cate ever notice that no matter however I aid spot a young litle, charming fantasy ahout show short your sleeping pe- Mars Reviewed by Damon Fes- jackie Chan in a microscopic fairies up in Heaven. By the riod is, you feel all greasy and‘ cameo as a background way, I dont necessarily con- ned to take shower” Even henchman (blink and. youl sider ‘cute’ or ‘charming’ to be a five minute nap makes me J can now officially dispel ise him). z ‘good things. One of the sing- feel unclean! By the time Tg ith some rumors about this But {ng fairies is bored in Heaven gotten out of the shower, 1 flim; rumors which turned out ‘80 she comes down to Earth guess the fairy and Tung Yung ‘© be false, they're eumors and romp, it's okay. There are to many a Chinese man called have been married a while, OY rumors. Here they are: oof fights, but most of the Tung Yung (Ivy Ling Po and her magic has helped get |- Bruce Lee made a walk-on better ones don’t involve tanconvincingly portaying a them rich. They mentioned cue in this fl to help his Unicorn, ‘There's some let 1973 (aka FIST OF UNI- CORN and BRUCE LEE AND 1, Starring Unicorn Chav, Yasuaki Kurata, Wang Ing Sik as a_ typically schlocky early 19706 kung f0 ee te ZS) \ 9) As MES aOR aga Tass separate ways. shewastalented, sone usedherinamale CHAMBER, Ling Po needed meney to support le in the movie LEUNG SHAN PO AND’ and THE IM: hersalf, so she tied to make more mov- ZHU YING TAI (‘Father Takes a Bride”), PERIOUS. les. But Amoy movies were not doing andgave her the stage name Ivy LingPo. PRINCESS. Well at that time, Instead, with the help This movie was a success so Ling Po In Juno, Of her nominal father Chow Shi Lu (who became the top actress in the Mandarin 1986, Ling Po worked forthe Shaw Bros), she became _ movie industry. Sne even won the Golden martied actor the singing gi for Jia Pao Yukin the Man- Horse Special Award. Later on, ehe won King Man. darn movie DREAM OF RED CHAMBER the 11th Aslan Pacific Best Actross Award Thay both lef behind the scenes. She became famous in 1964 with her performance in LADY Shaw Bros. in overnight. twas her tuning point. Fun GENERAL HUA MU LAN. Sho won the 1974. They un Shaw liked her voice, and thought th Golden Horse Best Actress Award in and Tang Wel, 1968 with the movie FIRE AND LOVE, Han Hsian and the best movio porformance award Quin (another from Chinese Culture Organization. Af couple) started ter winning several times, she made her thelr own. place in the Mandarin movie industyy. movie com: Ling Po gave her youth to movies, she's pany called To made dozens of them. Some of them day. Ling Po were even produced by herself, like was the CEO CROSSROADS, RETURN OF THE RED and the pro- translation of any kind), but duction, chin Hsin CK) it seams to have something Co, Dsimbution, Prducer Wie to do with a Buddhist mon- Tung Tsai, Cameraman: La fastery and some monk Wen bving, Lighiing: I Lung accupunctures his palm. Yu, Film Eaitor Chem Hung Anyway, Unicorn befflends Min, Sti Photos: Lat Ming ‘kid amd some acrobats be Fang, Dir: Lf Chao, Starring fore he and his swifv-kicking hi Kuan Chuo: & Liang Chia sitlfriend finally waste the jen, Reviewed by DF villains. ** -DF THE WAYS OF Haven't 1 reviewed this KUNG FU ‘one a billion times? I've had ‘A Champion Film Co. Pro WAYS OF KUNG FU on ‘ape FHMIUNICORN PALME) for at least ten years Ge ro, and heroine who do ° sockey farce about revenge thei share of asskicking, so. evil Japanese slaughtered a the bates are fastpaced and family who's son grows up enjoyable. Otherwise, ss sot become vengefil Unicorn Uultra-average and predic- Chan. His hand was slashed able, Im at a loss for words. by a vilain, and I'm not sure 1s Interesting that Yasuaki but the sear tse on his hand Kurata plays a Chinese trans- either inceaces his hated and lator working for the Japi- adrenaline so he fights betes, nese, and its Wel Ping Ao or maybe the scar tissue aselr Who plays an accual Japanese (on his palm) Js so tough it this time (with a Hiller mus- makes him more lethal. Tm tache), not the interpreter, not sure what the connection ‘Another low budget chop _is (my print has no English ducer. Aside from making movies, she Po had kept a low profile. Last year, ‘also has appeared in several TV shows. Ling Po and Si Jing-ting periormed ‘She slared in the TV series LIFELONG LEUNG SHAN PO AND ZHU YING TAI COUPLE, and SPRING SOUTHOF THE on siage forthe fist time. People were RIVER, In 1961, shehostedtheprogram very enthusiastic about . And this time THE 18 YEARS OF GOLDEN HORSE with the retirement concert, they invited AWARD. ‘Sun Chi-fung to play Zhu Ying Tal. Bo- Ling Po made her fame with the _ingver0 years old, Ling Po when play. movie LEUNG SHAN PO AND ZHU _ing20year old Leung Shan Po, was stil YING TAI (Father Takes a Bride"), she very good. The program was two hours has also sang the songs from the movie long, she could still sing and act very (on stage several imes. This time when well, Even Siving-tng and Sun Cu-tung, she sald goodbye tothe stage, she sang were good, They got a lot of ovation. ‘again the songs from the movie. Being When answering acurtaincall, twas calledbest parners, Ling Po and Siding- the most touching moment in Ling Po's, ting held concerts last month in Taipel life. Later she recalled that LEUNG TTalwan Gaoshiong culture center. They SHANPOAND ZHU YING TAI has made ‘sang the songs rom the movie formany hat a star, over the yaars, she sang the Fights. Of course, the tickets were all_songs many times. But she fet difer- sold out fent each time. She remembered the Being a grandmother, Ling Po is stil deepest was when she started with Li very attractive. This time, she brought Di who is now dead. Ling Po thanked back the wave of LEUNG SHAN PO fans for thelr support. She will bring ‘AND ZHU YING TAlagain. Those grand home the wishes of her fans and being ‘mothers and grandlathors wore Ling Poa house wife. Although Ling Po loved fans, they went to record stores buying stage, she said goodbye to stage and LEUNG SHAN PO AND ZHU YING TAI went home. cassettes. Overthe pastfew years, Ling

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