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Unit 4

Database basics
1. Could
2. problem
3. information
4. get
5. password
6. remember
7. field
8. column
9. on

Can / could / would you
- Asking someone to do something
- Could expresses possibility / would expresses certainty and intent
- Can / could / would you + infinitive without to

- Examples:
Could you help me, please?
Can you explain what a database is, please?
Would you give me your password?

Can / could / would you
1. Could you open the window, please?
2. Could you turn up air conditioning, please?
3. Could you turn down mp3 player, please?
4. Would you give me a pen, please?
5. Please could you answer the phone?
6. Please would you give me a password?

Data processing
1. Data collection - gather the raw data which you want to process.
2. Data coding - create categories to organise the data into
relevant groups.
3. Data entry - enter the data into a system.
4. Data tabulation - arrange the data into table format so that it
can be analysed.
5. Data sorting - arrange and systemise data.
6. Data validation - Clean the data and double-check for faults and

Complete the sentence
1. between … and…
2. for
3. about
4. at
5. of
6. retrieve … from …
7. into
8. in

Quick question to check understanding
- Use these to make sure other person understands the statement.

- ok?
- Got that?
- All right?
- Understood?

Should / would
- Use should / shouldn’t to ask for and giving advice.
“First of all, you shouldn’t spend so much time on the
computer. You should go out and join a club or start playing a
sport instead!”

- Use would to make requests.

- What would you recommend?
- I would recommend a flash drive.

Database system benefits
1. Finance = c.
2. Marketing = d.
3. Human resource = a.
4. Customer relations = e.
5. Production = b.
6. Technical support = h.
7. Sales = f.
8. Stock management = g.

End of Unit 4


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