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The great war seriously undermines the global perception of superior western values.

plunged the world into new barbarism. An entire generation was brutalized at the
bitter. The German people were subject to a savage punishment for the mistakes of
their leaders. The Wall Street crash of 1929 caused a seismic shift in the international
border. Millions became jobless and millions more were plunged into poverty. There
was a global sentiment for change. Liberal democracy was under threat like never
before. Economic depression laid fertile ground with the rise of communism. Terrified
that such a prospect the anti communist right wing swung towards militarism and
fascism with the promise of a strong nation. Democracy in Italy Japan and Germany
turned sour under the heat of economic depression. In Italy Mussolini became more
radical after the depression. In Japan imperialism was seen as the only solution for
Japan's problems. In Germany Hitler seized power and began to build what was to
become the world's most vicious and brutal war machine. The defenders of the current
to stabilization with windy. Thanks them will Britain and France. Both nations possessed
empires that totaled a third of the world's surface. Neither state however had enough
money or resources to defend such a vast empire. The fashionable view was that
empires were a source of political strength and economic nourishment. This led to 3
revisionist nations to conclude that their only chance of salvation was entertaining and
empire. In 1931 Japan annexed Manchuria with little repercussions and leader waged
war with China. In 1936 Italy's support the nationalists in spring and invaded
Abyssinia. And Germany capitalized on the pier and appeasement to Britain and France
and began to re militarize the Ryland. And X. Austria the Sudetenland and eventually
the whole Czechoslovakia. Hitler also signed a pact with Stalin to avoid the mistakes of
his predecessors. But Poland was the red line. When the war broke out in 9/19/39 there
was widespread fear in the west that the March of Hitler's brutal lark signaled the end of
western civilization. The 3 revisionist powers vowed to establish a new global. On
9/27/1940 the axis powers signed the tripartite pact that unified their global
ambitions. By 1941 we were blocked it conquered most of Europe he wanted Ben an
extraordinary display of military might the French were crushed within 6 weeks on the
British retreat at Dunkirk. The Italians gained dominance over the mandatory. North
Africa while Japan established its hegemony over Southeast Asia. Barbarism was
taking the world hostage. Hitler now turned his attention eastwards towards
Russia. Lemons Rhonda was a long desired goal for Hitler and now was the opportunity
to achieve that goal. The rich step areas of Ukraine. The abundant oil on the caucuses
and the iron and steel basin of southern Russia all provide the necessary economic. For
Hitler's empire. Only the Red Army stood between Hitler's goal of world domination. By
late 1940 Hitler began to draw up plans to invade the Soviet Union. Stalin was advised
numerous times by Soviet as well as British intelligence a large build up of German
troops in the east. He dismissed these warnings as fear mongering. On 7/22/1941 the
biggest land invasion in history was conducted operation Barbarossa. 3000000 troops
marched eastwards with the intent of seizing Moscow Leningrad and the industrial
south. In the first few months of the war the fair lawn we're trialling. It was the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor on 12/7/1941 that tipped the balance of power as a drag to the
largest industrial power into the war. America. I. But the Congress well. But since we've
unprovoked. And does not. But Japan. On Sunday 12/7/1941. A state of war. Has
existed. Between the United States. And the Japanese number. Michael early 1942 the
axis we're reaching the limits of their power as they began to face logistical problems
although this wasn't known by the allies at the time. Laura wood often ignored the
advice of his generals and this would cost him dearly. The fear of global axis and sleep
and mobilized the allies to attain total victory at all costs. We should fight on the
beaches. The fight on the landing grounds we shall fight in the fields and in the streets
with a fight in the hills. We shall never surrender. By 1943 the allies had managed to
help reduce the axis in every department tanks aircraft trucks ships and so on while also
adapting to the conditions of mobilized warfare. 1942 to 1944 some major turning points
in all the theaters of war. In 1943 Sicily was captured. By 1944 the deuce was
overthrown. Japan had lost the battle of midway. And the battle of coral sea. And on the
Eastern Front the Germans have lost the battle of Stalingrad and the battle of course at
the hands of the Soviet steamroller. They were now in full retreat. On 6/6/1944 the allies
had launched the largest amphibious assaults in history. Region overlord better known
as D. day. The combined force of over 150000 allied forces stormed to the shores of
northern France. It was the final blow to **** ambition. In 1945 the Soviet Union and the
western powers competed over capturing Berlin. On 4/30/1945 the rapid advance of the
allied authorities confirmed that axis victory was impossible Hitler had committed
suicide. On 5/8/1945 Italy and Germany finally liberate. General Eisenhower informs
me. That the forces of German name have surrendered to the United Nations. But the
Japanese fought on. President Harry S. Truman decided to deploy the world's first
super weapon. A nuclear bomb. On 8/6/1945 he was she was obliterated by nuclear
bomb. 150000 civilians perished instantly. On 8/9/1945 Nagasaki was also decimated
by nuclear bomb. 75000 civilians perished. At the mercy of these destructive weapons
Japan surrendered on 8/15/1945. General Douglas McArthur has been appointed to the
Supreme Allied Commander. To receive the Japanese surrender. Although many
reports suggest that they were pursuing peace through neutral countries before the
deployment of nuclear weapons but it was simply ignored. On 9/2/1945 the most brutal
conflict in human history that cost the lives of over 50000000 people was finally over. It
was a victory for everyone involved. Apart from the USA.

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