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March Madness Homework Challenge!

It has been a strange year for everyone. Education and school are drastically different then what

it was before. Moving forward we will be trying to get back to normal. To help with that we will

be implementing a homework challenge, to help us get back into the groove of normalcy. 

What is it: a challenge between classes to see who can complete the most percentage of

homework for the remainder of the month of March. At the end of each week the class with the

highest percentage of homework completed will get a point. The class with the most points at the

end of the month will win. This will only count towards homework turned in on time 

Who will be competing: AP Bio will be competing against Bio II. Bio I pd 4 will be competing

against Bio I pd 8. Both A and B days will be joined together as one class. 

What you’ll get if you win: Each winning class can choose between a food reward (donuts,

brownies, cookies, etc), watch part of a movie/TV show in class, or have a class period to nap. If

you have any other ideas for a reward, please let me know.   

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