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Andrew Abramov Coach Pass

2/11/2021 Health

Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Youth

This article is describing how children don't have enough of CRF(cardiorespiratory

fitness). CRF helps kids excel in school, have better mental health, higher
achievements academically, and higher self esteem/self-worth. Children with lower
CRF are more likely to contract early on heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood
pressure and are also at high risk for premature death. Studies show that between 55-
60% of all children have much lower CRF than past children do to all the new
technology such as tv video games. Back then children had to go out and chase each
other and play with each other by running around therefore giving them better CRF.
But times have changed sadly.


I agree with this article because the evidence does show that kids need CRF fitness. Staying
inside all day isn’t healthy for a growing up kid. I do play a lot of video games myself, but I did
not grow up playing it. I was always an active child, and advice others to be so aswell.

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