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NIM : L041201030


Exercise 4 points a and e

On a separate paper, write a paragraph which begins with one of the senteces below. Make
the first sentence your main idea. Use signal words for the listing pattern to complete the

a) I would like to have a job as a lecturer because the first I want the kind of job that
every morning I wake up, I'll get an adrenaline rush and I'm sad to see my day end. The
second I want to share the knowledge that I have gained during lectures with other people
or rather I want it to be more useful participate in advancing indonesian education because
in my opinion knowledge is something that will not run out and decrease even though is
divided. And lastly because teaching is a job with unending rewards. I hope that some of
the reasons above can continue to be my motivation to continue to pursue my goals.

e) The best feature of my hometown are the first My hometown is a place that holds
many fond memories of your childhood and youth, All the trenches where I played ball, many
little shops around the corner, excursions from the tallo river and many more. The second is
its natural condition are beautiful with many trees, agricultural land is still wide and green, for
example rice fields are always can be a sedative, thirty in my hometown the government
provides various schoolarship for each student, for example underprivileged or poor and
high-achieving students and lastly My hometown will always have a special place in my
heart because it played a big role in making me who I am today. And it will always be Home
Sweet Home.

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