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3/24/2021 Alchemical Vision | The Endocrine Glands - THE THYME



The Thymus

Gland : Source of Life and Will The thymus is the gland of youthful enthusiasm, of play and joke, of poetry and
imagination; unfortunately it tends to atrophy after puberty, when school and work discipline, family and social responsibilities
increase. A normal and healthy person and with the thyme in order, remains bubbly for life, bursting with joy from every pore,
is very happy to be in the world, has an overabundance of energy, communicates freshness and optimism, is a radiant
person. Yet doctors not only proceed with the casual removal of tissues and organs, but also of the thyroid and thymus, that
is, the gland of enthusiasm and the will to live.

The thymus gland is located in the chest, between the two lungs and behind the top of the breastbone. It descends on the
upper part of the heart and covers it, enveloping the great vessels that are there, It is a yellowish brown mass; it rests on the
trachea and appears as a growth of the wall, of the third portion of the pharynx (a tubular cavity of the digestive canal that
begins behind the tongue). It reaches its greatest size at the onset of puberty. It begins to decrease towards the age of
twenty; its gradual disappearance is, subsequently, very marked, due to a loss of glandular substance, which is replaced by
fibers and adipose tissues. The residues of the characteristic thymus tissue, however, remain and some secretions of its cells
persist throughout life. When many of its cells remain, the gland becomes five to ten times larger than normal and many other
aspects are highlighted, for this reason, the extraordinary individual becomes a victim of the thymic state, which in front of the
dangers of life, will react in a strange way. This will be covered later when we talk about the thymus personality. What is
certain is that the thymus gland is the one that protects from childhood vulgarities and sometimes transforms the outward
appearance of the child into that of an adult. The arteries that supply blood to the thymus gland are mainly the internal
mammary glands and this is proof of the close relationship between mother and baby. Nerves, which are very small, come
from the sympathetic or involuntary nervous system and from the cranial tenth or pneumogastric nerve. for this, the
extraordinary individual becomes a victim of the timic state, which in front of the dangers of life, will react in a strange
way. This will be covered later when we talk about the thymus personality. What is certain is that the thymus gland is the one
that protects from childhood vulgarities and sometimes transforms the outward appearance of the child into that of an
adult. The arteries that supply blood to the thymus gland are mainly the internal mammary glands and this is proof of the close
relationship between mother and baby. Nerves, which are very small, come from the sympathetic or involuntary nervous
system and from the cranial tenth or pneumogastric nerve. for this reason, the extraordinary individual becomes a victim of the
timic state, which in front of the dangers of life, will react in a strange way. This will be covered later when we talk about the
thymus personality. What is certain is that the thymus gland is the one that protects from childhood vulgarities and sometimes
transforms the outward appearance of the child into that of an adult. The arteries that supply blood to the thymus gland are
mainly the internal mammary glands and this is proof of the close relationship between mother and baby. Nerves, which are
very small, come from the sympathetic or involuntary nervous system and from the cranial tenth or pneumogastric
nerve. when we talk about the thymus personality. What is certain is that the thymus gland is the one that protects from
childhood vulgarities and sometimes transforms the outward appearance of the child into that of an adult. The arteries that
supply blood to the thymus gland are mainly the internal mammary glands and this is proof of the close relationship between
mother and baby. Nerves, which are very small, come from the sympathetic or involuntary nervous system and from the
cranial tenth or pneumogastric nerve. when we talk about the thymus personality. What is certain is that the thymus gland is
the one that protects from childhood vulgarities and sometimes transforms the outward appearance of the child into that of an
adult. The arteries that supply blood to the thymus gland are mainly the internal mammary glands and this is proof of the close
relationship between mother and baby. Nerves, which are very small, come from the sympathetic or involuntary nervous
system and from the cranial tenth or pneumogastric nerve. of the close relationship between mother and child. Nerves, which
are very small, come from the sympathetic or involuntary nervous system and from the cranial tenth or pneumogastric 1/3
3/24/2021 Alchemical Vision | The Endocrine Glands - THE THYME
nerve. of the close relationship between mother and child. Nerves, which are very small, come from the sympathetic or
involuntary nervous system and from the cranial tenth or pneumogastric nerve.

The secretion of the thymus is called thyrnovidine and is believed to control the growth of babies. When a baby is born with a
dilated thymus, the beginning of the breathing process, which is the first introduction of oxygen, can be difficult and
prolonged. It is then said that the child was born blue. For a few days, breathing produces a harsh, wheezing sound, followed
by spasms and symptoms of asphyxia, accompanied by bluish spots of the skin and threat of death, as there is an
abnormality of breathing, which normalizes some time later.

Thymus secretion controls bone growth and muscle metabolism during the infantile period. This gland particularly affects
the development of the adrenal cortex (the outer part of the same). Thymovidine has a specific effect in relieving the fatigue of
the voluntary muscles.
The thymus grows rapidly during the first few years of the baby's life. The reason for this is that the baby is then breastfed and
the vital ether contained in the mother's milk especially favors the growth of this organ. The thymus of children fed with human
milk is always larger than that of children raised with animal milk and the former respond to the control of the nurse from
whom they take the milk more than that of any other person. From the moment breastfeeding is interrupted, the atoms that
detach from the thymus circulate in the blood stream and since they are impregnated with the mother's vital ether, obtained
during breastfeeding, they maintain the close physical union between mother and child. until the thymus has shrunk
considerably. Babies who have been raised on human milk,

Babies don't make their red blood cells like adults do. The reason for this is that the positive pole or energy of the children's
desire body is comparatively inactive, because it does not act as a conduit for the (Martian) forces that take the iron from the
blood and transform it into hemoglobin ( red coloring matter of red blood cells). To compensate for this lack of activity in the
thymus of children, a spiritual essence is deposited there, which is transmitted by the mother at the moment of conception and
this substance intervenes in the alchemy of the child's blood, temporarily, until his body of desire. you become more dynamic,
as in adults, which happens around the age of 14.

The thymus controls the physical growth of the child which occurs mainly before the age of 14. During this period it governs
and restrains the other glands, delays puberty and stimulates normal brain development. 
When, after puberty, the influence of the thymus persists, in the event that its size is 5 or 10 times greater than normal, the
individual develops a thymic state, which is as terrible as it is interesting. This condition tends to manifest feminine
expressions in the male and masculine ones in the woman. In other words, it slows down the development of the virile
temperament in men and in women, the feminine one, so that it happens that men feel good in the company of women and
vice versa. Taken to the extreme, this phenomenon can give rise to narcissism, which is self-love.

Such is the case with people who constantly repeat "I"; these people love each other, admire each other looking in the
mirror, delight in looking at their hands, feet and whole body, coming to gently and affectionately caress their own image in the
mirror. Sometimes they feel an irresistible desire to use the clothing of the opposite sense. Some are content to do it halfway,
with measure, but others do it completely, to the point of being confused with people of the opposite sex. This category of
people does not belong to the one called pseudo-hermaphrodite, since their genital organs are perfectly developed. A case is
known, which is considered a record: it is that of a man, who lived for 48 years dressing normally, when he decided to change
his attitude from male to female and thus dressed as a woman until he died, 35 years later. During this last period she was
universally accepted as a woman; it was only during his autopsy that it was discovered, with surprise, that the alleged woman
was a man, physically normal. This type of person is misunderstood and often rejected by society, with the result that at times,
they fall into discouragement and abandonment; he becomes ugly with alcohol, drugs and sometimes suicide. There are also
those who, towards the age of twenty, change personality, regressing to that of a thirteen-year-old boy, because due to the
increase in their activity, the pituitary and thyroid become dominant. While in others, in which the thymus is the dominant
center, they combine unusual eccentricities, so that they end up becoming famous adventurers or exceptional
researchers. Their hearts are small and their blood vessels are very fragile. This prevents the blood supply in response to
emergency cases, as the vessels would rupture and result in sudden death. A shock, a fright or the administration of
anesthetic is capable of producing a collapse which, in many cases, can result in their death.

THYME-TYPE PERSONALITY:Until the moment when the permanent teeth emerge, the thymus gland is dominant and its
function in the infantile formation of both sexes is excellent. From then on, a gradual differentiation begins to be noticed,
although the change is not noticeable until the time of puberty. Usually, at puberty, as the other glands intensify their functions,
the thymus reduces its rhythm of work and thus, there are individuals whose life is governed by this gland. These are the so-
called thymus-centered types. The faces of these people are kept round and childish; they are well proportioned and with
delicate faces, the skin is transparent and blushes easily, the hair is generally silky. They are the personification of beauty and
represent the angels with the face of children,

The timic type is usually feminine; the figure is almost always sufficiently tall and slender, with rounded ends and a gracefully
formed body. The skin is fine, delicate, velvety and very white or pale pink, the hair is soft and silky and the face is almost
hairless. She has fine and delicately formed features, wonderfully proportioned and with blue or brown eyes, long lashes, thin 2/3
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lips and an oval chin. Sometimes in the adult the beard is not well formed around the mouth. The teeth are milky white, so fine
and shiny, they give the impression of being transparent. 3/3

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