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3/24/2021 16 - The seven major centers - Brotherhood of Miriam

16 - e seven major cen rs

Posted on April 8, 2019by oldatanor

From Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey

Let's resume the study of the centers. So far we have examined the four located above the diaphragm:
the three centers destined to be instruments of the Spiritual Triad and the fourth, synthetic, the ajna,
which ultimately expresses the integrated personality and becomes the direct agent of the soul. Three
others remain, all of which are located below the diaphragm: the solar plexus center, the sacral center,
and the one at the base of the spine.

For aspirants today the most important is the solar plexus center;  the most active for humanity in
general and as a whole is the sacral center; the most quiescent one in the body (for the spiritual man)
is the center at the base.

5. Solar plexus center. It is located on the spine, somewhat below the shoulder blades, and is very
active. It had a great development in the time of Atlantis, just as today, in the Aryan era, the center
of the gorge develops rapidly.  It is peculiarly connected to two other centers - heart and ajna,
composing a remarkable triangle of energies in the human body, which the Hierarchy observes
with eager care. There is a flow of energy which goes from the ajna center to the heart, and which
comes from the soul, according to the extent of contact of the aspirant with his soul.  It follows

a) The heart center is stimulated by it.

b) The heart reacts and in turn stimulates the ajna; this leads the personality, sooner or later, to
recognize group consciousness.

c) The heart center in the head is evoked.

All this, however, is favored by the elevated development of the aspirant's solar plexus, since it acts on
the heart with reciprocal effect on the ajna. There are therefore two important triangles.

There is an astrological Science of Triangles, and in the future

another will be born, which will study the triangles in the
human system.  But for now, the time is not ripe.  I will limit
myself to this brief hint, on which the disciple, if he wishes, can
exercise his intuitive capacity.

a) The solar plexus is the reflection in the personality of the "Heart of the Sun", just as is the heart
center.  The solar plexus is the central element in the life of the personality, for all men not yet
probationary disciples. At that level the mind begins to act, albeit weakly. The solar plexus is the
outlet, as it were, of the astral body into the external world, the channel through which emotional 1/9
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energy flows. It is the organ of desire. It is of supreme importance in the life of the ordinary man,
and it is indispensable for the aspirant to come to control it: he must transmute desire into

b) The solar plexus came to full maturity in the age of Atlantis, during the development of the
second great human race.  The lower centers are not related to initiations specifically as those
above the diaphragm, as they are centers which concern the personal life, and the soul must
already have completely mastered them when certain great initiations are reached.

c) The solar plexus center is the great switch of all energies below the diaphragm. By this I mean
the three major centers and the minor ones already listed on p.  72 eng.  The relationship of this
center to the astral plane is intense, so to speak. It receives all the emotions, desires and energies,
and as humankind sets out to be active as a group and has never been as inclusive as it is now, the
situation is extremely serious and difficult.  Humanity, through both the collective and the
individual solar plexus, is under almost intolerable pressure. Such are the initiatory tests! I do not
intend to examine here the processes by which the lower energies are attracted and centered in the
solar plexus, and there transmuted and refined until they can be transferred to the heart
center.  Much of this is the preparation which the accepted disciple undergoes for the second
initiation.  It would be too intricate, and not entirely free of dangers for those who are not yet
ready;  however it is a process that - fueled by the needs imposed bylife  - takes place almost
automatically. The solar plexus is therefore the most separative of all the centers (except the ajna,
in the case of one who is initiated on the path of the left hand), because it is in the middle,
between the heart and the throat, located above the diaphragm, and the centers sacral and at the
base of the spine, under the diaphragm. This is a matter of great importance.

d) The solar plexus is the center in the etheric vehicle in which humanity (average, unenlightened)
lives, moves and is. It is conditioned by desire - good, selfish, bad or spiritual. It is the center
where most of the energies that allow man to progress flow because he is ambitious, which make
him selfish because he has strong personal desires, and fluid because he is polarized in the
astral. The "brilliant light generated in Atlantis" pours into it, and through it there is contact with
the astral light. It is therefore the center through which most clairvoyants and mediums
work. These will one day learn to act as intermediaries, using their faculties consciously and
intelligently; they will be able to perceive clearly, and this will replace clairvoyance. They will
then be polarized in the ajna.ailment , the fundamental cause of the majority of gastric and liver
diseases. The whole body region immediately below the diaphragm is in a state of continuous
agitation, for the ordinary man; which depends on both collective and individual reasons.

It should be noted at this point that just as the ajna center (synthesis of personality forces, if well
developed) is a great directing and distributive agent, so is the solar plexus center (synthesis of
medium-developing personality energies, prior to the integration) collects and summarizes in itself
the lower energies, and is a focal point for the direction and distribution of the collected energies,
which it sends to the higher centers suitable for receiving them:

1. The energies of the solar plexus itself are directed to the heart center.
2. The sacral energies are transmitted to the throat center.
3. The energies of the center at the base of the spine are transferred to the center of the head. After the
third initiation, these same base energies are elevated, controlled or distributed by an act of the will
of the Spiritual Triad.  Then "the light generated in Lemuria" (the light of the sacral) and that
"generated in Atlantis" (the light of the solar plexus) will vanish, and those two centers of theirs
will only be recipients of spiritual energies flowing from above; that is, they will have no inherent 2/9
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and direct light of their own, but will simply transmit light from collective sources on the etheric

The dense physical externalization of this center is the pancreas, and secondarily the stomach.  In
relation to the solar plexus, there is a curious symbolic relationship for both shape and implications:

There appears a central spiritual force (as astral force is spiritual in

essence) with three manifestations.  All three of these dense
materializations are fed and nurtured by the forces and energies of
the solar plexus center. This too is a very important truth for anyone
wishing to study medicine according to esotericism;  if well
understood, it would facilitate the art of healing.

The control of the solar plexus center, the correct reception and release of the energies focused there,
would give rise to a great purifying process, greatly strengthening and protecting the three vital
organs present in that region of the human body.

As I have already indicated, this center synthesizes and collects in itself all the lower energies, when
man reaches a certain evolutionary level. Then this center acts in all respects (if well understood and
directed) as an instrument of integration of personal life.  For the man who is now somewhat
advanced, but not yet turned to the spirit, the greatest problem is desire. What are its purposes? What
are you aiming for? What are its ambitions? What do you aspire to? The decision to follow the path of
light, or to remain static, centered in oneself, or to take the lower path, which ends with the total
darkening of the light of the soul, depends on the nature of the forces and energies that its thoughts
bring into the solar plexus center.

As we have seen, the solar plexus petals point towards the heart center. This means that the emotional
energies, of desire, of ambition (in the whole of humanity) tend to level up.

Observe that transferring the solar plexus energy is, in itself , the task of all aspirants to the Path of
Discipleship at this time, along with the gradual awakening of the heart center.  Of course, the first
among men to acquire group consciousness are the aspirants and disciples, who force the step on the
rest of humanity.

They come there under the same pressure of life and circumstances, and not because they observe
specific rules or meditations.  Later, before a certain major initiation, rules and methods can be
practiced to allow the immediate and conscious control of the astral body and the solar plexus, its
focal point of entry into the physical organism; and also at certain times when certain large transfers of
energy have to be made consciously. Three of these transfers are of primary importance:

1. From the three centers below the diaphragm to the heart, throat and ajna.
2. From the two centers above the diaphragm - heart and throat - to the ajna and the thousand
petalled lotus in the head.
3. From the ajna to the head center, this is a sign that all the energies of the entire etheric body have
been unified into one central point of distribution, directly controlled by the Spiritual Triad.

The processes of these three great experiences (each preceded by many trials and experiments)
naturally subject the physical body to considerable strain, and cause many diseases which are peculiar
to disciples. 3/9
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It is clear, for example, that transferring all the energies accumulated in the solar plexus into the heart
can often cause serious difficulties; this is why so many advanced men are dying from heart disease

In the long life and experience cycle of the soul, this matters relatively little; on the other hand, in the
short individual existence of the disciple it raises great difficulties, and it is often a tragedy. Likewise,
raising the energies of the five centers along the spine in the head centers involves specific
problems. Stimulating the ajna by focusing these energies can generate disastrous psychic conditions.

Temporarily (everything is transitory in the long life cycle of the soul!) One can become ego-maniacs,
real human monsters like Hitler and others of his kind; you may suffer violent epilepsies, or lose your
sight due to eye injuries. All of these points require serious and careful reflection.

6) Sacral center.  This center is located in the lower lumbar region and is very powerful as it
controls the sexual life. It is interesting to note that it will have to remain a powerful center until
two thirds of humanity have taken initiation, as the generation must actively pursue to supply
bodies to the egos waiting to incarnate. However, as he evolves, man will come to intelligently
govern the activity of this center, thanks to knowledge, inner perception and higher and more
subtle contacts, and not dominated by unrestrained and unregulated desires, as now. I cannot say
more, given the vastness of the subject.  However, I remind you of things that I have already
written, and I suggest, to those who have the opportunity, to research what I have said about sex
in my other works, compiling a booklet that may be useful.

a) The sacral center corresponds to the physical Sun, source of vitality, which vivifies our planet.

b) Its symbolism concerns above all the gestation period before birth, and if it is properly
understood, it deeply penetrates the whole process of conception and construction of the form,
both the human physical form, the form of an idea , of an organization in defense of a truth, a
planet or a solar system. This center is perhaps, and above all, destined to express the forces of
IMPERSONALITY, and therefore to resolve dualism.  This solution and the interpretation of the
symbol must come from the mind, which must control the physical reaction by dealing with
purposes and not desires. Think about these words. When this is understood, one is ready for the
great transfer to the higher center of creation: the throat.

c) The sacral is intimately connected to matter. In the three points of the lower abdomen, energy
circulates between:

1 - Spleen, organ of prana, or of physical vitality emitted by the Sun.

2 - Sacral center, which prepares the physical generation.

3 - Center at the base of the spine, which feeds (until the will awakens in man) the life-giving
principle, or will-to-live, in all parts of the human body.

It is a great triangle of force that concerns matter, substance, the construction of form,
creation, vitality and persistence within the form. It is the reflection of another triangle, much

1. Center of the throat, which corresponds to the sacral.

2. Pituitary body, which corresponds to the spleen.
3. 3. Pineal gland, which corresponds to the center at the base. 4/9
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The relationship of these two triangles is the key to the instinct of self-preservation, of
survival of the subtle bodies from physical death, and of the principle of immortality, which is
based in the soul and operates when the instincts of self-preservation and survival no longer
have influence. It is a ternary of ideas which requires very careful study and which, if I may
say so, explains the spiritistic movement.

d) The sacral is also connected to the ajna;  together they constitute an active duality which
produces that subtle quality which we call personality. There is much to inquire about personality
as an integrated whole, and its quality, which is the aroma, influence, effect and radiation of the
personality. These are ideas that I offer to the student in the hope that some research will arise to
connect the subject of centers to the recognized truths of coordination, integration and their effects
in producing greatness. Those who study The Secret Doctrine can discover many things about the
relationship between the "Lunar Lords", that is, the Pitris Barhishad, and the solar Angel or
Lord. The field of action of the former is the sacral center par excellence; for the solar Angel it is
the throat center.

e) The sacral reacts to the energy of the third divine aspect, just as the solar plexus reacts to the
second aspect and the center at the base expresses the
energy of the first aspect.  Again, the lower centers reflect
those of the throat, heart and head, thus completing the
lower and higher manifestation of the divine Trinity in
man.  The sacral reached full activity during the ancient
lemur era, at the time of the first human race; its energy is
that of the Holy Spirit, which overshadows the virgin
substance. Another reflection of the divine is this.

In the divine Hermaphrodite (who will appear in the future) the

combination will be this:.  You will notice, my brother, that the
Science of Triangles governs the human structure in all its
aspects, as well as that of a solar system, and this was to be

f) The dense physical externalization of this center are the

gonads, the organs of generation, understood as a unit, even if temporarily separated in the
current dualism that expresses the human being. It must be recognized that this separation feeds a
powerful impulse to fusion, that is, sexuality, which is, indeed, the instinct towards unity, first of
all physical.  It is the innate mystical principle (much misunderstood), that is the yearning for
union with the divine. Like everything undeveloped man has touched, that divine idea has also
been perverted and distorted, prostituting a spiritual impulse into a material desire. The direction
of the sacral energy has been reversed, which explains why animal nature and functions are
hyperactive in ordinary man.

I could add much more to these notes, and it would take a lot of analysis, illustrations and use of
precise terms, but I don't have time, and moreover the balance between the parts of this Treaty would
be compromised.

Before moving on to the study of the center at the base, I invite you to observe that the figure on page
163 (Published at the end of 14 p 2a) represents the evolutionary level of a disciple, and not of the
initiate of a higher order. Nor does it describe today's ordinary man. This is indicated by the fact that 5/9
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the reflection of the heart center existing in the head is turned upwards, in response to the increased
power of the heart center itself, and that the ajna is clearly and precisely defined, demonstrating an
integrated and coordinated personality. .  The figure therefore does not represent the centers of
ordinary or little evolved man.

Representations like this, it must be remembered, cannot do other than represent a certain stage of the
process, which is not static or complete, but preceded by other phases which produce effects of
continuous changes and variations in the aspect of the centers; these phases are followed by other
cycles of movement, change and renewed energy emissions. The effects of remote and profound causes
become causes in their turn , for in manifestation nothing exists that is static, fixed or determined
forever. This is a very important question. So do not let yourselves be deceived by moments of
apparent victory. They are but preludes to other changes: such is the Law of Being.

7. Center at the base of the spine. It is above all governed by the Law of Being mentioned above, and is
activated where spirit and matter unite, and where matter, the Virgin Mary - by the influence of the
Holy Spirit, that is, the energy of the etheric vehicle - "ascends to Heaven" , and here (in Christian
terms), he "sits beside the Son, in the house of the Father ".

This center is located at the base of the spine, and holds upall other centers. It is now relatively quiet, as
only an act of will, directed and controlled by the initiate, can make it fully active.  Indeed, it reacts
only to the will aspect, and today the will-to-be incarnate is the factor that governs its life and
produces its effects, since it nourishes and directs the vital principle in matter and form.  As the
principle of life "resides in the heart," so the will-to-be resides at the base of the thorn. Much has been
said of this center, idly and with danger, as the "fire of kundalini" has proved fascinating to pseudo
occultists. But whoever prepares to be a true occultist has nothing to do with kundalini fire, at least, as
it is commonly understood.

I must try to clarify the subject, and at the same time I must refrain from teaching ways and methods
to awaken this center, given the very serious danger present in any premature operation that concerns
it.  The best thing I can do is a sequence of propositions which, understood by those in the know
(today few and far between), will facilitate those who are preparing themselves, offering them a more
complete representation, and at the same time protect the ignorant from danger. I will present them in
the most concise and clear way possible, without attempting to explain them.

1. In the basal center spirit and matter, by law of evolution, come together, and life enters into a
relationship with form.
2. It is therefore the center where the essential dualism of manifest divinity - man or planetary Logos
- come together to create form.
3. The nature of this divinity is revealed only when the second aspect has done its work, through the
third, but under the directing will of the first aspect.
4. It is the center where the "divine serpent" undergoes two transformations:
1. The serpent of matter lies wrapped in its coils.
2. It transforms into the serpent of wisdom.
3. The serpent of wisdom rises and becomes "the dragon of living light".
5. These three phases are fed by life and by the energy that flows throughout the spinal cord, through
its etheric correspondent and - in time and space - this influx (joined to the life which rises
simultaneously) produces:
1. The gradual and orderly awakening of the centers according to the ray to which one belongs.
2. The inversion of the lotus centers, so that the consciousness of the inner man is adapted to the
environment. 6/9
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3. The synthesis of the vital energies of all the centers, adapted to the needs of the initiate and to
the service to be rendered to the Hierarchy and to Humanity.
6. The vertebral column (according to esotericism) houses a triple cord. It is the externalization of the
antahkarana, and is composed of the antahkarana proper, the sutratma or life thread, and the
creative thread. Therefore these three threads are three conductors of energy which, in the internal
substance of the spinal column, form a channel, a “triple way of approach and withdrawal”.  In
Hindu terms, they are ida, pingala and sushumna, three paths which together form the path of life
of the human individual, and come into activity one after the other, and according to the ray and
the evolutionary level. The sushumna is not used correctly and without risk until the antahkarana
has been built, the bridge which unites the Monad and the personality, even if it is the most
tenuous and subtle of the threads. Then the Monad, the Father, the will,
7. In one of these three channels the energy that feeds the matter flows.  Another is related to
consciousness and the development of psychic sensitivity.  The third is the way of the pure
spirit. Thus the work of the Father, the Mother and the Son proceeds in every form of life.  Life-
consciousness-form and life-quality-appearance are unified, the reactive apparatus of the divine
man is perfect, and thus allows him to contact and recognize the great divine aspects in the
kingdoms of nature, the planet and the solar system . Do not allow yourselves to be led to locate
these intertwined circles of living energy to the right or left of the spine: there is a perennial
motion, an exchange, an alternation between them. The figure is but a symbol to show the special
ways of the  three energies of the divine
Trinity.It does not represent a site or a position
in space  , and it is precisely the attempt to
concentrate and locate the main concepts
that has caused so many dangers.  The
initiated student seeks to understand the
relationship between the three fundamental
energies, the three paths of living fire, their
reciprocal exchanges and the polarities they assume in succession.  He is careful not to reduce
teaching in terms of points, lines and places - until these concepts no longer make sense to him,
having gained more knowledge.
8. In these three life channels electric fire, solar fire and fire by friction flow, and in their use they are
connected to three different stages of the evolutionary path: the path of evolution in matter, in the
initial stages;  the Path of Trial and the early stages of the Path of Discipleship, up to the third
initiation; and the Path of Initiation itself.
9. The kundalini fire, about which so much is said and written in the East, and increasingly also in
the West, is in reality the union of those three fires, focused by a command of the enlightened will
and by the impulse of love, in the basal center. By means of a Word of Power (emitted by the will
of the Monad) and by the united authority of the soul and the integrated and living personality,
that unified fire is then raised. Whoever knows how to do it in full consciousness is an initiate, and
has therefore already passed the third initiation.  He alone is able to raise, without danger, that
triple fire from the base of the thorn to the center of the head.
10. In the various occult groups it is usually believed, out of ignorance, that the fire of kundalini is
something to be "elevated", and when this occurs all centers will then enter into full activity, and
the ascending and descending channels of the spine will be clear of any obstructions.  It is a
dangerous theory, which approxturns reality upside down. In fact, Kundalini rises and ascends to
the sky if all the centers are active and the channels are clear. The removal of obstacles is the effect
of the vitality of the individual centers, which destroy the impediments with their own vital
force.  They "burn" everything that hinders their irradiation.  Otherwise, accidental (and very
harmful), it usually happens that the aspirant, out of ignorant curiosity and with mental effort (not 7/9
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of the spiritual will, but simply of personal will) manages to raise

the lowest of the three fires, the fire of matter or
friction;  premature combustion and destruction of the etheric
membrane in the etheric body ensue.  These circular membranes,
or discs, are interposed between the centers, both along the back
and in the head.  They dissolve spontaneously with the normal
process of purification of life, with the control of emotions and
with the development of the spiritual will.  There are four discs
along the spine. When the fourfold personality is highly evolved
and the ajna is awakening, these membranes slowly and gradually
dissolve spontaneously and normally.  The similar membranes
present in the head are of superior quality and bisect the skull
horizontally and vertically.  Thus they symbolize the Cross on
which every Son of God is crucified.  The similar membranes
present in the head are of superior quality and bisect the skull
horizontally and vertically.  Thus they symbolize the Cross on
which every Son of God is crucified. The similar membranes present in the head are of superior
quality and bisect the skull horizontally and vertically. Thus they symbolize the Cross on which
every Son of God is crucified.
11. The three dorsal channels react, globally, to the three major centers:.
1. At the center of the solar plexus, which provides the impulse of desire and feeds the physical
life and the creative stimulus.
2. At the heart center, pulsing with love and conscious contact with ever larger areas of divine
3. At the center of the head, which gives the dynamic impulse of the will to live.

I do not reveal to which channel these centers correspond; I will only say that the one called
"sushumna" reacts only to the energy of the head center and to the directive will focused in
the thousand petals of the lotus. It can be said without danger, as the spiritual will is not yet
active in those who attempt to awaken kundalini. And if it were, they would know what to
do safely.

   12. The three centers of the head also correspond to the three channels, which are:

a) The medulla oblongata (called the “alta major” center) and the carotid gland. 
b) The ajna and the pituitary body. 
c) The thousand-petalled lotus and the pineal gland.

        It will be interesting for the student to relate these ternaries to the three major rays:

a) First ray, of will or power; 

b) Second ray, of love-wisdom; 
c) Third ray, of active intelligence;

and to the three human races endowed with the power to develop the seed of these three divine
aspects: the lemur, the Atlantean and the Aryan. They can then be connected, in germ, to the last
two races destined to merge and synthesize all the virtues, qualities, achievements and purposes
mentioned above in a unified and perfect planetary life. 
Another notable correspondence is the following: 8/9
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1. Path of Evolution …………… .. centers below the diaphragm.

2. Path of Discipleship .................. centers above the diaphragm.
3. Path of Initiation ……………… head centers.

All these ternaries are connected, in time and space, to the triple spinal cord.

13) Still in relation to the aforementioned synthetic centers of the body, there are centers which
develop a complete and perfect fusion. I indicate the blending points in an ordered sequence:

1. The solar plexus center merges the centers below the diaphragm into itself.
2. The ajna center merges into itself both the centers above and below the diaphragm.
3. The center at the base merges all six centers into itself.
4. The thousand-petalled lotus of the head fuses all seven energies.

Remember in this regard that we are only ever concerned with the forces and energies flowing in
the etheric body, and with the threefold world of causes, which is responsible for the organic
world of dense physical manifestation. Physical manifestation is subordinated to the influence of
the next world of conscious life, which in turn reacts, in time and space, to the dynamic world of
purpose and Being.

In these words is hidden the key to the perfect life of the soul, but to derive profit and knowledge
from it you need dedication, an enlightened mind and the ability to see behind the words the key
thought that transmits life and, in an occult sense, generative warmth.  Have clear in mind the
concepts of stimulus and lack of stimulus, of relationship and separation, of stillness and activity, as
these dualities are the cause of good or bad health. 9/9

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