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—— PLAY SPORTS —— o—o—e- 4 CORE SKILLS -o—o—o Promotes healthy growth and develops strong muscle control thus improving balance, strength and health For better movement, depth and distance perception, and spatial navigation. Cognitive Flexibility - The ability to switch between two different concepts, and to think about multiple concepts simultaneously Ability to control or suppress undesired responses to stimuli (eg. Better self control) coo oC J+ lagIR CC Oo t h yor Ps Independent Confidence Sociable | in S 7 Energized Multitasker Motivated Attentive Healthy Quick thinking ofe apr Good teamplayer o—c—_o o—o—o <} PRODIGY yA PENTAGON MEAD, BOOKS Develop Empathy - Understanding thoughts and emotions through different characters Expands Imagination - Explore new ideas, new cultures, new perspectives Train the ability to follow, interpret, analyse with open-mindedness to make sense of things Category Formation - Develop the ability to organize information, concepts and skills into categories Build Resourcefulness - Gaining knowledge BENEFITS Q O Creative Emotional intelligent Vast vocabulary N e> Cp : x N Analytical Better memory Articulate Better Pa comprehension Ae ee More knowledgeable skill ACTIVITIES Sy - Be . ta GIVE THEM AN BEAD ABO OPPORTUNITY STORY See TO TELL A STORY REENACTMENT i i Stimulate th J Bondingtime Stimulate thelr J Train their memory vy Discover new 'g : . interests practise verbal J Practise showmanship skills A LET THEM TELL YOU A Vv Great way to spark imagination STORY BASED ON THE and memory PICTURES THEY SEE Jv Train critical thinking skills | PRODIGY eC Brain and body cells ae takes time to detox and regenerate when our body and mind is relaxed Emotions wellbeing - Cope better in demanding situations and be better at regulating stress and emotions stimulus over a long period of time even when there are fo)dal tel tidc-loidolary Ln 3-1 My id(ola oN aa Model ano) sort and reorganize activities and thoughts. This gives your child some time for self-awareness and self reflection. © Focus Attention - The ability to focus on an activity or Emotionally Organised Mindful stable zt @ g O G 3 Healthy Sleep better Sharp yey yO ¢ > 2 Productive Strong immune system (> PRODIGY bs. PENTAGON ENJOY NATURE—— ~ ra @s\J ‘eo 6 % a ©@@ ACORE SKILLS @ OO Sparks curiosity and a desire to explore new solution, new ideas and new possibilities Restore your child's attention and short term memory when your child is mentally or attentionally fatigued NEC Mei eal le appreciation and regard for life and nature Cultivate self improvement in your children where they are not afraid to face challenges and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a lesson for growth tj: ae 2. Nature walk aI anc) Watch sunset N 2 ros P of Climb trees Gardening Camping ™ Ld | > i Scavenger Hunt Explore the beach jy PRODIGY Sy PENTAGON ences = 4 CORE SKILLS peepee Learning to play any instrument cultivates patience and discipline as they ry gradually master it ty Music improves - cognitive functions in the brain such as verbal, visual, auditory and muscle connections A better sense of rhythmic and sound patterns helps in ° many everyday activities as small as walking and being aware of surroundings Remembering notes, lyrics and rhythm trains sensory memory, long term memory and muscle [eal-taaolAV a] Fs a Better memory Better learning ability More patient RYAN oy More disciplined Better mood Productive A @ Inspired Improve sleep emmpe ACTIVITIES peguan Music lessons Musical therapy Pinri ecoomcyiuecran eect een Peete Orne] ey ery eee eat td sticks, tambourine) Listen Dance freely Dance or move to Ebon tourEs Renate together Experiment ema ks) aun) Dn aa eee Pccueueitinca Ss Pea ets oT M ol aod of Xx - PRODIGY ni bd PENTAGON © ri eee Train and strengthen logic and IQ through playing brain games ge strengthen your child’s ability rey to absorb information faster by improving the train the brain to link and process incoming information quickly @ Memory - stimulate and strengthen neuron synapses connections for better memory -— —- fei -—_-—- A oa i (ent -13 Crosswords Puzzles cae QUE @ Sudoku Quizzes BOs cube na Se Hand Brain exercises training (> PRODIGY PENTAGON — ART & (RAFT —— ee eC Inventive and Innovative thinking - Cultivate the desire to roy make things better and to create unique pieces The ability to mentally visualize and a manipulate 2D and 3D figures gh The ability to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions 7) Fine motor skills - Good coordination between small muscles, like hands, fingers, with eyes coordination (> PRODIGY be. PENTAGON

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