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Name : Nurjannah

NPM : A1B019027

1. When was marie born?

She was born on Nov. 7, 1867.

2. What is her middle name?

Her middle name is Sklodowska

3. Where was she born?

She was born in Warsaw, Poland

4. Where was she educated?

At the Warsaw high school

5. What was her husband’s name?

Pierre Curie

6. what was her specialty in scientific work?


7. How many year did the curies work on their radium study?

Four years

8. When did they receive the Nobel Prize?

In 1903

9. Which Americam president helped her with her work?

President Herbert Hoover

10. What is the name of her most famous book?

Traité de radioactivité (1910)

3 Questions

1. In where Marie Curie became chief of the laboratory?

Marie Curie became chief of the laboratory in her husband’s department at the Sorbonne

3. How much money was given by President Herbert Hoover to Marie?


4. In 1921 what country was visited by Marie?

Marie was visited the United States in 1921

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