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For April 2021 Applicants (2021 年 4 月入学者


* Use this sheet as a coversheet. ※ 表紙としてお使いください。


・Information on the application would be used only for the selection of candidates for Kanazawa University Exchange Program.
It will not be used for any discrimination purpose. (記入された情報は金沢大学交換留学プログラム選考にのみ使用されます。)
・The application form should be filled out either in Japanese or English. (日本語又は英語で記入してください。)
・All the information should be given in block letters. (活字体で記入すること。)
・Numbers should be in Arabic figures. (数字は算用数字を用いること。)
・Years should be written according to the Western calendar. (年号は西暦を用いること。)
・Proper nouns should be written in full, no abbreviations. (固有名詞は正式名称とし,省略しないこと。)

Name of Applicant

Applicant's Home Institution


Date of Application

The application form (cover sheet plus 6 pages in total) should be sent to the International Student Section at Kanazawa
University ( in the Excel format, together with all of the 6 documents below in the PDF
format through the office responsible for student exchange at the applicant's home institution.
The original documents of No. 3 and No. 4 below should be kept in the applicant's home institution during their
period of study at Kanazawa University.


1. Applicant's ID Photo (3cm×4cm) in JPEG or other digital format □

2. Academic Transcript (issued by the applicant's home institution which shows the evaluation/grading criteria) □
  【PDF format】 成績証明書(在籍大学が発行したもので、評価基準の記載があるもの)
*The evaluation/grading criteria can be submitted as a separate file attachment. 評価基準については別紙での提出も可能です。
*We use the applicant's academic record of the most immediate one year period in our selection process. Please
make sure the semester and year when each course has been taken are clearly indicated on the transcript.

3. Letter of Recommendation 推薦書 【PDF format】 □

4. Certificate of Enrollment 在籍証明書【PDF format】 □

5. Copy of the ID page of the Applicant's Passport (If unavailable at the time of application, it should be sent on

receipt of the applicant's passport) 【PDF format】

6. Copy of the Certificate/Score Report of the Applicant's Japanese or English Proficiency 【PDF format】
【For all students who apply for Human and Social Sciences】Please submit according to the guidelines in the □
attached sheet.

7.【For graduate students who apply for Human and Social Sciences】【For all students who apply for Science and
Engineering Sciences/Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences】
大学院生で人文社会科学系を希望する者、または理工・医薬保健学系を希望する者 □
Copy of the email of acceptance agreement from desired supervisor

【For students who apply for School of Medicine, College of Medical Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences or
Graduate School of Medical Sciences】Please submit the following documents.
8. Certificate of Health 【PDF format】


9. Immunization Record 【PDF format】


10. Pledge 【PDF format】


11. Certificate indicating that pre-clinical education has been completed or will be completed 【PDF format】


12. Antibody test results for Hepatitis B/C virus, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella 【PDF format】


April 2021 - Deadline:Friday, October 30, 2020

       提出締切: 2020年10月30日(金)
※Expected date of completion/graduation at the applicant's home institution should be after the period of study at
Kanazawa University.


International Student Section

International Student Exchange Division
International Relations Department
Kanazawa University
Address: Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192 JAPAN
920-1192 石川県金沢市角間町 金沢大学国際部留学企画課留学支援係
FAX : +81-76-234-4043
E-mail :

1 /7
1. Name in full (姓名)
(1) Roman alphabet (ローマ字) * Must be the same as your passport (パスポートと同一)

Family name (姓) First name (名) Middle name (写真)

(2) Chinese characters (Kanji, if available) (3×4cm)

(漢字 (漢字氏名を持つ者のみ))

Family name (姓) First name (名) Middle name

(3) Katakana (カタカナ) (4) □ I need some consideration on

studying during study abroad period
because I have a disability.
Family name (姓) First name (名) Middle name 上の配慮を希望します。

*If you check this box, please refer

to the application guidelines and
submit an application that describes
2. Nationality (国籍)
the necessary items.
* If you hold multiple nationalities, please give them all. 要項を参考に、必要事項を書いた申
多国籍所有者の場合は、全ての国籍を記入してください。 請書を提出してください。

3. Date of birth (生年月日) Age (年齢)

Year (年) Month (月) Day (日) ↑As of April 1, 2021

4. Place of birth (出生地) Country (国)

5. Current address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address



Phone Fax

(Please print.)
*Please give an email address other than "hotmail".

6. Person to be notified in your home country in case of emergency

(1) Full name (2) Relationship to you

(氏名) (本人との関係)
(3) Address, telephone number and fax number (住所,電話番号及びFAX)


Phone Fax

7. Home institution (在籍大学)

Institution (大学) Faculty/Graduate school (学部/研究科) Department (学科)

Enrollment (入学) ↓ Please select one.

School year, as of April 1, 2021 year of
Year (年) Month (月) (2021年4月1日現在の学年) program

School year, as of October 1, 2021 year of

(2021年10月1日現在の学年) program

Expected date of graduation from home institution after the period of study-abroad at Kanazawa University (金沢大学へ短期留学した場合の在籍大学の卒業/修了予定年月)
* Please note that after termination of your study-abroad at Kanazawa University, you MUST return to your home institution and
resume your study. Please also note that you MUST NOT graduate before the Kanazawa University program ends.

year(年)     Month(月)

Contact address of the office at your home institution responsible for student exchange(在籍大学担当者の連絡先)

Name of the Office

E-mail Phone

8.Major field(s) of study at your home institution


9.Language proficiency (語学能力)

* Please choose your level of CEFR from the drop-down list. Please refer to the URL below regarding CEFR Global Scale.

Language (言語) Level (レベル)

English (英語)

Japanese (日本語) Your native language(s) (母語)

Others (その他)
【       】

10. Period of study at Kanazawa University (留学期間)

↓Please check one.
□ 6 months 6か月 (4-9/2021)
□ 12 months 12か月 (4/2021-3/2022)

11. Statement of purpose / Research plan(志望目的/研究計画)
(1) College/Graduate School of your choice  (金沢大学で希望する学域/研究科)

□ College of Human and Social Sciences


□ College of Science and Engineering


□ College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


□ Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies


□ Graduate School of Law


□ Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology


□ Graduate School of Medical Scienses


(2) Only for students who would like to study in the College of Human and Social Sciences (undergraduate level)
Choices of research fields at Kanazawa University (金沢大学で希望する専門分野)
* Please give at least 2 choices. 必ず2分野以上記入すること
* For the research fileds in the College of Human and Social Sciences, please refer to the attached list.
* Special Auditor must take one or more courses offered at the School to which they belong (undergraduate level).

Reason for selecting the research fields, and what you want to learn
Research Field
(専門分野) on the research fields

1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice

(3) Only for students who would like to study in the Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies /
the Graduate School of Law (人間社会環境研究科または法学研究科を希望する学生のみ)
Choices of supervisors at Kanazawa University (金沢大学で希望する指導教員)
* Please give at least 2 choices. 必ず2名以上記入すること
* Please search for professors on the following website. 希望指導教員は下記のウェブサイトから検索してください
人間社会環境研究科 Division of Humanities 人文学専攻
人間社会環境研究科 Division of Economics 経済学専攻
Graduate School of Human
and Socio-Environmental 人間社会環境研究科 Division of Regional 地域創造学専攻
Studies (Master's Course) Development Studies
Division of
人間社会環境研究科 国際学専攻
International Studies
Division of Law and
Graduate School of Law 法学研究科 法学・政治学専攻
Division of Human
Graduate School of Human 人間社会環境研究科 and Socio- 人間社会環境学専攻
and Socio-Environmental Environmental
Studies (Doctoral Course) Studies
Name in full
(氏名) Have you contacted the professor of your first choice
and received from them agreement to be your supervisor?
1st choice(第1希望)

2nd choice(第2希望)
□ Yes. □ No.
(はい。) (いいえ。)
3rd choice(第3希望)

*When you send an email to a desired supervisor, please attach this application form and write the contents below.
・The title of program(KUEP) / プログラム名(KUEP)
・Status which you desire at Kanazawa University (Special audidor or Special research student)
・Your name/氏名
・Home institution/大学名

(4) Only for students who would like to study in the College of Science and Engineering, the College of Medical,
Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, or the Graduate School
of Medical Scienses (理工学域・医薬保健学域または自然科学研究科・医薬保健学総合研究科を希望する学生のみ)
Choices of supervisors at Kanazawa University (金沢大学で希望する指導教員)
* Please give at least 2 choices. 必ず2名以上記入すること
* Please search for professors on the following website. 希望指導教員は下記のウェブサイトから検索してください
--- Directory of Researchers at Kanazawa University 金沢大学研究者情報
--- The College of Science and Engineering / Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
List of faculty staffs and research subjects <理工学域/自然科学研究科> 研究室ポートレート

Name in full
(氏名) Have you contacted the professor of your first choice
and received from them agreement to be your supervisor?
1st choice(第1希望)

2nd choice(第2希望)
□ Yes. □ No.
(はい。) (いいえ。)
3rd choice(第3希望)

* For students who would like to study in the College of Science and Engineering / the Graduate School of
Natural Science and Technology
Please note that some professors in the Division of Natural System do research in the Noto Peninsula area, not in
Kanazawa. Noto is very far from Kanazawa, and it takes nearly 3 hours by train from Kanazawa Station to their
laboratories in Noto. It costs about 3,000 yen one way.


(5) Credits and status(単位取得と身分について)

* Only for graduate students (大学院生のみ)
★ Do you wish to obtain credits while you study at Kanazawa University? Please check either "yes" or "no".
□ Yes, I do. I will take courses. (はい。そのため,授業に参加します。)
→Your status at KU will be “Special Auditor”. (あなたの金沢大学での身分は「特別聴講学生」となります。)
□ No, I do not. I will concentrate on my research. (いいえ。私は単位取得を必要としません。私は研究に専念します。)
→Your status at KU will be “Special Research Student”.   

* All undergraduate students will hold the status “Special Auditor.”


* Difference between “Special Auditor” and “Special Research Student”

“Special Research Student”(特別研究
“Special Auditor”(特別聴講学生)
Status at KU Undergraduate students or graduate Graduate students who focus on their
(金沢大学での身分) students who take courses at KU research at KU
(学部生あるいは大学院生で金沢大学で授 (大学院生で金沢大学において研究を行う

Course Registration Required (必要) Not required (*1) (不要)(※1)


Credit (単位) Can be earned (取得可) Cannot be earned (取得不可)

Transcript (成績証明書) Available (発行される) Not available (発行されない)

Tuition Fees (*2) 14,800 yen per credits (*3) 29,700 yen per month
(授業料)(※2) (1単位につき14,800円)(※3) (1か月につき29,700円)

*1. Students are able to audit courses if the course instructor allows it.
(※1 授業担当教員の許可があれば聴講可。)
*2. Tuition is waived for the number of students designated on the Memorundom of Understanding (MOU)
concluded between the partner institutions and Kanazawa University.
(※2 本学と授業料の相互不徴収の覚書を締結している大学に在籍している学生のうち、覚書記載の交換留学の学生数の
*3. Special Auditors with the college student visa are required to audit courses more than 10 hours per week.
Moreover, since one class meeting lasts for 90 minutes at Kanazawa University, they should enroll in more than 7
courses per quarter/semester (7 credits/quarter or 14 credits/semester).
(※3 「留学」の在留資格を持つ「特別聴講学生」は、1週間に10時間以上(1科目90分の授業で7科目以上 計14単位)の

(6) Research theme 研究題目

* In order to give this information, applicants who would like to be enrolled in the College of Science and
Engineering / Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology should use a keyword available on the
website below.

'List of faculty staffs and research subjects' 研究室ポートレート

(7) Essay (Within 400 characters in Japanese or 300 words in English) (日本語で400字、英語で300語以内)
* For applicants who would like to study in the College of Human and Social Sciences (人間社会学域を希望する学生)
Please describe why you wish to participate in this program and what you would like to study at Kanazawa University.
( なぜこのプログラムに応募したか、金沢大学で何を学びたいか)
* For applicants who would like to study in the Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies, the
Graduate School of Law, the College of Science and Engineering, the College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health
Sciences, the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, or the Graduate School of Medical Scienses (人間社
Please describe why you wish to participate in this program. Please also give an outline of your research plan at Kanazawa

12. JASSO Scholarship(JASSO奨学金)

Applicants who are nationals of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan can apply for the JASSO (Japan Student
Services Organization) scholarship. Taiwanese and Palestinian are eligible. People who have Japanese nationality is NOT
eligible. However applying for the JASSO scholarship and any of the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship
programs (through universities or Japan Embassy) cannot be done at the same time. If you have applied or intend to apply for a
Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship for 2021, please do not apply for the JASSO scholarship here.

ナの学生も対象です。日本国籍を有する者は対象としません。 JASSO奨学金と文部科学省の奨学金(大学推薦か大使館推薦かに関わ

For reference (参考までに)
* The monthly stipend for the JASSO scholarship 2020-2021 is JPY 80,000.
* The JASSO scholarship will be offered monthly throughout the period of your study at Kanazawa University which is specified
in this application form. This period can never be altered at any later time.  

★ 1. Do you intend to apply for the JASSO scholarship? (JASSO奨学金に応募しますか?)

□ Yes. □ No. I will not apply for the JASSO scholarship.
(はい。) (いいえ。JASSO奨学金には応募しません。)
→ If "Yes", please answer ★2 (上記に「はい」と答えた人のみ以下に回答してください。)

★ 2. Do you intend to take part in this program even without receipt of the JASSO scholarship?

* The minimum amount of living cost here in Kanazawa would be 80,000 yen per month. So if you participate in the program
without a scholarship, we would like you to make sure that you will be able to afford the necessary costs for your stay in Japan. If
you check "Yes", you are required to submit an "Agreement for Defraying Expenses" and a "Statement of Bank Account
Balance" verifying funds equivalent to JPY500,000; students applying for one-year need to verify that have JPY 1,000,000.

* 金沢で生活するためには,1か月当たり少なくとも8万円必要です。自費で留学する場合は,金沢大学は,貴方が十分な生活費を確保

□ Yes. I will participate in the program at my own expense even without the scholarship.
□ No. I will not participate in the program without the scholarship.

* Your answer to question ★2 does NOT affect the selection of scholarship recipients.
+ If you check "Yes", you may be accepted to the program (without the scholarship)
even if you are not selected as a scholarship recipient.

+ If you check "No", you will not be accepted to the program, unless you have been selected to receive
the scholarship.
※ 上記回答は,奨学金受給者の選考には一切影響しません。この回答は,奨学生以外の受入学生を決定する際に
+ 「はい」にチェックした場合,奨学生として選ばれなかった場合でも,プログラムには参加できる可能性があります。
+ 「いいえ」にチェックした場合,奨学生として選ばれなかったときには,プログラム受入れの可能性はありません。


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