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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each
item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

1. Physiologic jaundice in a premature infant is expected to appear at:

a. 1 day b. 2 days c. 3 days d. 4 days

2. When assessing a 13 year old adolescent, which of the following would the nurse expect to find?
a. Tanner stage 1 of development c. Primarily one friend
b. Decision about a career d. Subjective judgments of right and wrong

3. Which of the following is NOT contraindication in breastfeeding the newborn baby?

a. erythroblastosis fetalis c. cleft lip
b. cleft palate d. facial nerve paralysis

4. When assessing the neonate’s eyes, the nurse notes the following: absence of tears, corneas of unequal size,
constriction of the pupils in response to bright light, and the presence of red circles on the pupils on
ophthalmic examination. Which of these findings needs further assessment?
a. The absence of tears. c. Constriction of the pupils.
b. Corneas of unequal size. d. The presence of red circles on the pupils.

5. Protein malnutrition is known as:

a. dehydration b. marasmus c. kwashiorkor d. Underweight

6. The neonatal period is recognized internationally as the period from birth of the child up to 28 days, but under
RA 9288, The Newborn Screening Act of 2004, thr newborn is a child from the time of complete delivery to how
many days old?
a. 45 b. 25 c. 30 d. 7

7. An inborn error of metabolism that causes premature destruction of RBC?

a. G6PD b. Hemocystinuria c. Phenylketonuria d. Celiac Disease

8. When developing a plan care, for a child diagnosed with PKU, which is an appropriate goal of care?
a. Meeting the child’s nutritional needs
b. Ensuring that the special is started at age 3 weeks
c. Maintaining serum phenylalanine higher than 12 mg/dl
d. Manaintaining serum phenylalanine lower than 2 mg/dl

9. According to the Essential Newborn Protocols, a plan for discharge is possible when all of the following are
met but not including:
a. Mother is able and confident in caring for baby
b. Baby’s temperature is between 36.5 and 37.5 C for 3 consecutive days
c. Breastfeeding well and gaining weight adequately for 3 consecutive days
d. When the mother verbalizes interest in caring and breastfeeding the baby

10. When the mother cannot breastfeed or cannot express enough milk in the next few days, the midwife can
encourage the mother to do which of the following:
a. Let the baby donated heat treated breast milk c. Give rice water to the baby
b. Give evaporated milk instead d. Encourage fruit juices or herbal preparation

11. At what age should an infant begin to locate an object hidden under the blanket?
a. 6 months b. 8 months c. 10 months d. 12 months

12. When assessing a child before medication administration, it is important to determine which of the following?
a. The child`s dosage preference c. Parental development status
b. Past the medication-taking experience d. Whether the medication is having the desires effects

13. Mature milk is:

a. the milk that the woman produced
b. the milk that produced after a few days, with a larger quantity thus making the breast feel full, hard and heavy
c. the milk that is produced early in a feed
d. none of these

14. Application of Crede's prophylaxis may be delayed for at least how many hours after birth?
a. 1-2 b. 4-5 c. 2-3 d. 3

15. The mother is instructed that the first period of reactivity is the best time to:
1. Promote newborn sleep
2. Start the interaction between the newborn and his/her family
3. Start sucking if the infant is to be breastfed
4. Inspect the baby for anomalies
a. 1 & 2 b. 2 & 3 c. 3 & 4 d. 1 & 3

16. When referring the baby urgently in the hospital, all are correct except:
a. Organize a safety transportation
b. Send the baby with the midwife, followed by the mother
c. After emergency treatment, explain the need for referral to the mother/father
d. Inform the referral center, if possible by radio or telephone

17. KMC can be started when;

a. Baby is gasping and having difficulty in breathing
b. There is good ability to coordinate sucking and swallowing as well as breastfeed well
c. After birth, when initial assessment and basic resuscitation, provided the baby and mother is stable
d. Mother asks for the baby to be placed on her chest

18. When or if the parents decline intramuscular injections, the midwife can institute which of the following?
a. Tell them it is okay if they do not want
b. Tell the parents to come back when they feel that they are ready to have the baby get Vit K
c. Inform the parents that an oral vitamin K will be given if they don’t want the injectable Vitamin K
d. Inform the parents that they should return after 2 – 3 days if an IM of Vitamin K will not be given at birth

19. The parents of a child with colic are asked to describe the infants bowel movements. Which of the following
descriptions would the nurse expect?
a. Soft, yellow stools c. Ribbon like stool
b. Frequent watery stools d. Fouls smelling stools

20. When developing the care of for an infant with undescended testis, the nurse would expect to include which of
the following as a non surgical treatment method?
a. trial of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone c. Frequent stimulation of cremastaric reflex
b. A trial of adrenocorticotropic hormone d. Use of several warm baths each day

21. The parents of a child with serious head injury ak the nurse if the chld is goig to be alright. Which of the
following responses by the nurse would be most appropriate?
a. Children do not do very well after head injuries like this
b. Children usually recover rapidly from head injuries
c. It is hard to tell this early, but will keep you informed of the progress
d. That is something that you have to talk to the doctor about

22. After a child undergoes a craniotomy for an infraterentorial brain tumor, the nurse positions the child to which
positions to prevent undue stress on the sutures
a. Prone b. Semi fowler’s c. Side Lying d. Trendelenburg

23. If monocular strabismus in children is not corrected early enough:

a. Dyslexia will develop c. Amblyopia develops in the weak eye
b. Peripheral vision will disappear d. Vision in both eyes will be diminished

24. Joey, who has sickle-cell anemia, has had two vaso-occlusive crises in the past year. A vaso-occlusive crisis
occurs because:
a. An enlarged spleen causes blood to pool there. c. Hemorrhage reduces a child’s total blood volume.
b. Dehydration leads to thrombosed sickle-cells. d. Decreased platelet number leads to poor coagulation.

25. A nurse is providing teaching to a group of mothers on mental health disorders in children

Nina is a 3 year old child diagnosed with autism. The priority nursing goal when working with an autistic child is:
a. Meet the nutritional needs c. Maintain contact with the family
b. Establish trust with the child d. Promote involvement in school activities

26. The nursing care for Nina with severe autistic disorder , is most likely to include
a. Play therapy b. Group therapy c. Psychotropic drugs d. Social skills training

27. Mike is diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Which of the following groups of
symptoms be exhibited by the child?
a. Decreased attention span, bodily complaints, decreased activity
b. Increased attention span, hyperactivity, and distractibility
c. Decreased attention span, restlessness, and distractibility
d. Decreased attention span, physical aggression, and failure to complete task

28. When obtaining history information from the parent of a 2 year old with suspected mental retardation, which
of the following would the nurse ask?
a. Period the child attained bladder training c. Age at which the child is able to sit, stand and walk
b. Age of weaning from the bottle d. Number of words the child has spoken

29. In caring for children with mental retardation, which principle o care should be considered?
a. Giving the child all his needs c. Avoiding disciplining the child
b. Priority of care given on nutrition and safety d. All of these

30. The result of the child’s intelligence quotient (IQ) test is 45. The nurse understands that the result indicates
which type of mental retardation, and special consideration?
a. Severe; needs marked supervision and dependent for others on care
b. Profound; incapable of self care, requires custodial care
c. Moderate; can be independent with some self help activities with supervision
d. Mild; can achieve social and vocational skills with special education

31. Wednesday, is admitted with injuries to the face, body and extremities. He is brought to the ER by a neighbour
Which of the following if manifested by a toddler, is a danger sign of battered child syndrome?
a. Negativistic and insists on getting what he wants c. Does not cry when the mother leaves him
b. Irritable and throws a tantrum when frustrated d. Slow, I responding to commands

32. The nurse in the ER has reason to believe that Lito is a victim of child abuse. The nurses responsibility is to:
a. Confront the parents b. Call the supervisor c. Notify the authorities d. Investigate the case

33. Chracteristics of parents who abuse their own children include

a. Low socio economic status c. Product of abusive parents
b. Low educational level d. Large family

34. A routine physical examination on a 2 day old patient with congenital hip dislocation, when assessing for one
sided dislocation, , the nurse will look for
a. A narrow perineum c. Symmetrical skinfolds near the buttocks
b. Pain where the leg is abducted d. Asymmetrical skin folds near her buttocks

35. When teaching the child with scoliosis being treated with a Boston Brace about exercises the nurse explains
that the exercises are performed primarily for which of the following purposes
a. To decrease muscle back spams c. To prevent spinal contractures
b. To improve the braces traction effect ` d. To strengthen the back and abdominal muscles

36. The parents of a neonate born with congenital club foot expresses feelings of helplessness and guilt and is
exhibiting anxiety about the neonate’s treatment. Which of the following actions of the nurse will be appropriate
a. Ask the to share concerns with the physician
b. Arrange ameeting with other parents whose infants have the same problem
c. Discuss with them the problem and the current feelings that the parents are experiencing
d. Suggest that they talk over things with a counselor

37. Which of the following agents would the nurse suspect as the probable cause of mood swings in a child with
a. Allopurinol b. Granulocyt colony-stimulating factor c. L-asparaginase d. Steroids

38. Which of the following antibiotic would the be contraindicated for use in a 5 year old boy because of his age?
a. Tetracycline b. Erythromycin c. Penicillin d. Amoxicillin

39. Children with cancer would be most vulnerable for skeletal side effects from radiation therapy at which
following ages?
a. 2 years b. 4 years c. 6 years d. 12 years

40. When developing a plan of care for a patient with Kawasaki Disease (KD). Which of the following is a priority?
a. Taking the vital signs every 6 hours c. Minimizing skin discomfort
b. Monitoring I and O every hour d. Providing passive range of motion exercises

41. Which of the following would the nurse include when completing discharge instructions for the parents of the
12 month old child diagniosed with KD?
a. offer the child extra fluids every 2 hours for 2 weeks
b. Check the child’s temperature
c. Check the child’s blood pressure daily until the follow up appointment
d. Call the physician if the irritability lasts for more weeks

42. After talking to the parents of a child with Down’s Syndrome, which of the following would the nurse identify
as a n appropriate goal of care?
a. Encouraging self care skills in the child c. Encouraging lenient behaviour limits on the child
b. Teaching the child something neweach day d. Achieving age appropriate social skills

43. Which of the following would alert the nurse to suspect a physical problem commonly associated with Down’s
a. Weight loss b. Irregular heart rate c. Rapid respirations d. Increased blood pressure

44. When developing a plan of care for an infant who is having sepsis, which of the following instructions will he
nurse expect?
a. Monitor vital signs every 6 hours c. Withhold formula feedings
b. Use the intravenous line only for antibiotics d. Weight the infant every day

45. The parents of a child is diagnosed with JRA tell the nurse that the diagnosis frightens them. Which of the
following would the nurse include in the teaching of the parents regarding the disease.
a. Half of the affected children recover without joint deformity
b. Many affected children go into long remissions but have severe deformities
c. The disease usually progresses to crippling rheumatoid arthritis
d. Most affected children recover completely within a few years.

46. Nursing care of a child who has osteogenesis imperfect must take into account the fact that the child is most at
risk for
a. anemia b. hypertension c. infection d. Fractures

47. What is an important nursing measure for a newborn with a diaphragmatic hernia?
a. Feed the infant immediately to decrease air in the intestine.
b. Keep the infant positioned head down so the intestine can expand.
c. Wrap the infant’s abdomen tightly to better contain intestine.
d. Position the infant in an infant chair to contain intestine in abdomen.

48. A neonate with Hemophilia A experiences bleeding in the elbow and is seen in the emergency
department. Which of the following nursing interventions would be most appropriate to minimize bleeding in
the affected area?
a. Applying continuous pressure over the area
b. Allowing the affected arm to dangle in the client’s side
c. Placing warm moist pack on the elbow
d. Elevating the elbow above the level of the heart

49. Reduction of complications from rheumatic fever can be accomplished through which of the following
a. Administration of penicillin to children with strep throat or impetigo
b. Beginning speech therapy to reverse damage after antibiotics are completed.
c. Pushing children with chores to perform activities requiring fine motor movement to strengthen muscles
d. Withholding salicylates to prevent joint hemorrhage

50. A nurse observes a child with Duchenne’s Muscular dystrophy attempt to rise from a sitting position on the
floor. After attaining a kneeling position, the child “walks” his hand up his legs to stand. This is documented as:
a. Galleazzi’s Sign b. Goodell’s Sign c. Goodenough Sign d. Gower’s Sign

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