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Nama : Sultan Yusuf Subkhi

Nim :202111006
Prodi : Teknik Mesin

Video Games

Nowadays, the video games industry is developing rapidly. It becomes a multi-billion dollar

industry. Video games have become an important part not only in the children’ life, but also

in the adults’ life. Nevertheless, there is an argument whether video games bring good or bad

influences on children.

For the shortcomings of excessive use of playing video games, there are disadvantages,

namely being lazy to learn, the feeling of wanting to do other activities will decrease because

you are too preoccupied with video games, damaging your eye health and your mind if you

use video games excessively.

The Pros and Cons of Offline School in the Midst of a Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic affects many aspects of our lives, including school. Schools are held

online at students’ respective home. However, there is a discourse that schools will be

reopened in March 2021. This issue leads to two sides, pros and cons among the people.

However, he explained that the decision to re-open the campus and carry out face-to-face

learning , activities also depended on the decision of each university.

Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) is being prepared between ministers regarding vaccinations

for students, lecturers, teaching staff, and ministry employees which will take place from

March to June.

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