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The Role-Playing Model

Lesson Title: Conflict Resolution

Targeted Grade Level: 1st grade

Academic Subject: English Language Arts

Lesson Goals:

Students will be able to identify conflict and use effective communication to resolve
that conflict. Students will be able to understand their feelings in a conflict by
paying attention to their face expressions. Students will journal their feelings and
emotions daily with situations in their personal lives. Students will be able to assess
if the conflict is a small, medium, or large problem to see if it will require a
response. Students will learn to find a solution and aim at moving forward.

Lesson Objectives:

 The student will learn to understand their feelings

 The student will learn to identify a conflict
 The student will learn to resolve conflicts
 The student will learn to journal feelings and emotions daily
 The student will learn how their choices affect others
 The student will learn how to actively listen and reflect

Materials/Resources Needed:

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 This lesson will require personal journals for each student
 This lesson will require 10 stations to be set up in the classroom for each set
of partners
 This lesson will require dry erase board
 This lesson will require labeled sticky resolution cards
 This lesson will require labeled sticky problem cards
 This lesson will require labeled problem gage cards
 This lesson will require labeled feeling cards
 This lesson will require a set of feeling stickers for each student
Lesson Components:

Phase I: I will start by handing out the student’s journals that will be used for the
lesson. I will then start talking about conflicts and some examples of conflicts. I will
open the discussion for students to share one of their most recent conflicts they’ve
had with the class and right it down on the first line in their journal. Once everyone
in the class has had an opportunity to share their own personal experience, we will
then discuss feelings that arise in a conflict. Feelings of enjoyment, sadness, anger,
fear, etc. I will pass around each set of feeling stickers for students to place in their
daily feeling journals. I will ask with raised hands how their conflict made them feel
and to place the appropriate sticker by the conflict.

Phase II: I will then open the discussion for reflection when a
conflict arises. I will explain the need for them to be able to
identify one of three problem gages: small, medium, or large
for each conflict. Small problems are usually problems you feel
like you can move on from instantly. Medium problems are the
ones that you might need to talk to an adult about if its
persistently a problem. Large are the ones when you feel
threatened, in danger, and you’ve tried ways of resolving it. I
will then place a labeled conflict on the board for the class to see, I will then ask
what feeling should I feel for that conflict, I will select a student to place that feeling
card next to it. I will then open discussion for what they think the gage for that
conflict should be. I will have a volunteer go up to the board and place the gage for
that conflict.

Phase III: Now I will instruct the student to assist me in moving to desk together in
groups of 2 to create some conflict resolution stations. I will have a volunteer from

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each station come get their set of role play cards to begin the assignment with their
I will advise the students that I want them to be able to identify the conflict in that
scenario, their feelings, and their partner feelings, and what the solution should be
in that scenario.

Once everyone has completed their role-playing assignment, we will discuss their
results and if each partner used active listening skills to hear the other person’s
feelings. We will also discuss their conflicts and what their solution was, to see if
they won a prize for resolving their conflict in the right way.

Students will be evaluated based on their:

 Ability to identify their feelings
 Ability to listen carefully to their partner’s feelings
 Ability to compromise and be fair in reaching a resolution

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