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Essay on the role and impact of science and engineering in modern

The engineer must possess solid ethics to be able to serve both his employers
or clients and society as a whole.
Engineering is a socially accepted activity as a profession that requires
discipline, knowledge in various fields of study and other skills such as
organizational, leadership and communication; Engineering is a profession
with a high value in the labor market and as well as other professions, it is
perceived as a synonym of success in the materialistic context that permeates
modern societies

The Engineering student must receive a solid foundation in basic and applied
engineering sciences, so that he can make use of it when facing future
challenges in his professional life; And, the only way that an engineering
teacher can do this task well is to keep up to date with scientific and
technological advances.
Engineering Science is a profession that comprises the application of many
different scientific principles and the associated mathematics that underlie
engineering. It integrates engineering, biological, chemical, mathematical and
physical sciences with the arts, humanities, social sciences, and professions to
meet the most demanding challenges and promote the well-being of global

The Engineering and Society (IS) subject is located in the first year of the
study plans of the Engineering courses of the National Technological
University and is part of the training aspects related to Social Sciences and
Humanities, considered essential to achieve training integral. Modern world,
we think we know you who love to live in your bosom.
The condition of modernity that is for some denial of utopia beyond its
anecdotal references and its icons, has become a sociological category. From
John F. Kennedy to the global Internet, the last four decades have seen the
acceleration of changes around mankind as the indication of a process of
uncertain course. Modernity is not now the privilege of a few, it is apparently
a massive demand.

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