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Situation 1

This is your best friend’s son. He is 17 years old and has always hated school, so he skips it almost every day.
Fortunately he is very smart and has had good marks, but recently his academic results have gone down. His
parents don’t care much about him, not even if he misses school because they think he is a rebel boy. There is
only one person who really cares about him and that’s his aunt Susan who lives far away.

- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Give a solution

Situation 2

You live with 5 more people and you are the only one who cares about everything. Your sister is 16 and 6
weeks pregnant of a man who is 25 years older than her and has abandoned her. Your parents never said a
word about it and when you try to discuss the problem they change the subject. The economic situation is bad
and it will get worse if the baby is born.

- State the situation

-Give your opinion
- Find a solution

Situation 3

Your son and his wife got married when they were both less than 20. He quit studying to get a job. Now they
have two children and many problems. She wants to divorce him because he is an alcoholic and the money he
gets he spends it in drinks. You feel bad for not having done anything to help earlier.

- State the situation

-Give your opinion
- Find a solution

Situation 4

I’m 47 years old. I have been married for 20 years. My husband is a successful business man. Everybody
loves him, but they don’t know what he is like at home. He hits me every time we drink in parties and in front of
everybody. My life has become a nightmare. Besides, our children have moved out because they couldn’t
stand it anymore.

- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution

Situation 5

She tried hard with her family to move into a new neighborhood. After they moved in they found out that there
are problems with the water supply. Furthermore, some people play domino all night long very close to her
bedroom window and they make too much noise. Everybody agreed to move but it was her idea, so she feels

- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution
Situation 6

Mike has to make an important business trip in two hours. Some minutes ago he was told that his brother had
been taken to hospital and is seriously ill. His boss had asked him to attend the meeting and he told her there
wasn’t any problem. Now he doesn’tknowwhatto do

- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution

Situation 7

Your commercial office needs to buy some goods for a special client. You have two choices: the first company
has the products you need, but there might be some problems with the bank. The second one has the same
product with a higher price and worse quality although there shouldn’t be any problems with the bank. You
need to decide quickly before the meeting starts.

-- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution

Situation 8

Ruth and her family had booked two rooms in a hotel in Paris for their Christmas holidays. Six months later
when they arrived at the hotel to check in, they were told the rooms were not available because they had been
given to a large group of people participating in an international conference. However, they were offered the
rooms in a nearby hotel and some monetary compensation, but her sons are very upset.

-- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution

Situation 9

Your best friend has a good job. As part of her training she is taking a course on accounting but she misses
classes very often with no real excuse. The final exam is near, she doesn’t know anything for the test and her
job is at risk. Moreovershe has a familytosupporteconomically.

-- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution

Situation 10

Your friend’s daughter is a child actress. She has been on TV commercials for years. Now, they have found
out she is having health problems. The father insists that she go on with the commercials no matter what, but
your friend is worried because the girl is getting thinner and she has been taken to hospital more than once.

-- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution
Situation 11

A contract must be signed today. The information David has is not enough to make a decision. He had been
asked to gather all the information for this meeting; however he spent his time redecorating his office and
organizing the files. He is very clever but his secretary doesn’t know for sure what he is going to do about it.

-- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution

Situation 12

His company has bought two important products and they are still in the port. All the documents were
forwarded to you on time but he was careless when writing some documents and made some mistakes. The
authorities could not open the containers on the agreed date, therefore the clients have been protesting all

-- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution

Situation 13

After 15 years of marriage, my friend Cindy is running a boring life. Her husband is obsessed with work; in fact
he is a workaholic. He comes home very tired and there is no time for talking or anything else.
Sheisdeterminedto break hermarriage up.

- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution

Situation 14

My best friend is very efficient at work. He gives his wife his month pay and provides everything at home.
However, he has always been a “Macho” man and thinks that wives’ responsibilities are restricted to look after
the children and do the housework. Besides, he willneverletherhave a job.

-- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution

Situation 15

Miss Baker is still in shock because of a letter she received this morning. She has inherited a great amount of
money from a man who was the love of her life when she was young. She got married again 5 years ago and
has a peaceful relation. She is sure that if she accepts the money, she will lose her husband because he has
always been jealous of that man.

- State the situation

-Give your opinion
-Find a solution

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