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Cumulative Test Units 6–10 Test B

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences and questions. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 You're Lithuanian? Sorry, I (think) ____________ you were Russian!
2 Frank is very tired! (He / just / drive) __________________ 300 kilometres!
3 When (concert / finish) _____________________ last Saturday?
4 We're leaving in ten minutes! (you / clean) ________________ your shoes yet?
5 It was a five-hour trip, and (I / sleep) ____________________for most of the way!
6 ‘Are you coming with us?’ ‘I don't know! (I / not decide) ____________________ yet!’
7 So you went shopping yesterday! (you / buy) ___________________ anything?
8 (I / pack) _________________ my clothes already, but not my shoes.
9 Now, Mr Jones! Where exactly (you / be) ______________ at 7 p.m. yesterday?
10 ‘What was that girl's name?’ ‘I don't know! I (not / ask) _________________ her!’
11 What time (you / arrive) _______________ for lunch on Friday?
12 ‘It's Mother's Day on Sunday!’ ‘Yes, I know. (We / cook) _______________ a nice lunch for her.’

Mark: ___ /12

2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the words in brackets.
A Hello Dad, it's me! How are you?
B Fine. How's your holiday in France going?
A The weather is a lot 1__________ (warm) than at home. But yesterday was the 2______________
(annoying) day of the holidays, because the car broke down. But it's all right now! How is everyone?
B We're OK. But it's not raining much – we've got the 3______________ (dry) summer ever! So, what
places have you visited?
A We're in Nîmes now, in the south-east. They have some of the 4____________ (big) Roman buildings
in France. Before that, we stayed a few days at the beach in Sète. The water's much 5___________
(warm) than at home! The weather is much 6__________ (sunny) too. We have to wear sunglasses
all the time. And the 7_____________ (amazing) thing happened yesterday: we met Jenny's friend
from school in the middle of the town! We couldn't believe it!
B Wow! That reminds me: your sister has just finished her training course and starts her first job next
A Great! That's the 8_______________ (good) news ever!

Mark: ___ /8

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 1

Cumulative Test Units 6–10 Test B

3 Choose the correct answer.
1 ‘What's wrong with Andy?’ ‘He's ____________ about his brother in hospital!’
a bored b worried c tired
2 ‘Where did Tom play last night?’ ‘At the ___________ hall near the church!’
a concert b leisure c tourist
3 In summer, I'm going to _________ a team on a conservation project.
a do b lead c give
4 Don't open the windows at night! There are _____________ in this area.
a eagles b dolphins c bats
5 Don't go in there! A lot of wild animals live in _________, you know.
a caves b waterfalls c beaches
6 ‘There's something wrong with the car!’ ‘Well, call the ____________!’
a plumber b mechanic c electrician
7 Tom works as a ________ driver, but he doesn't like it very much.
a van b scooter c plane
8 We've __________ visited my cousins in the north of Italy.
a recently b then c afterwards

Mark: ___ /8
4 Complete the text. Write the words in brackets correctly.
We were on holiday recently, on an 1___________ (dsinal) in the Mediterranean, and had a bad
experience. At the 2___________ (sub post), there were three 3___________ (rabes). Not real ones!
They were in costume, going to a party. But they spent the whole 4____________ (neroyuj) talking really
loudly, and talking about us! Jeff got a bit angry and wanted to say something, but I told him to wait.
When we arrived at the bus 5__________ (tinotsa), we all stood up, and I said to the three
6____________ (greensapss) ‘I think you should be more careful about people's feelings!’ But they didn't
even say sorry!

Mark: ___ /6

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 2

Cumulative Test Units 6–10 Test B

5 Complete the sentences with the words below.

tiring artificial convenient tiny voluntary urgent
1 We need to see the doctor now! It's _________!
2 They're not real flowers! They're just _________ ones.
3 It's a ________ dog: it's only 25 cm tall!
4 Many people get a lot of good experience from ___________ work.
5 My flat's just five minutes from the office. It's very ___________!
6 I think working in a department store is the most __________ job in the world!

Mark: ___ /6

Use of English
6 Choose the correct answers.
The famous British scientist Charles Darwin was born in England in 1809. He 1 _________ from quite a
rich family because his father was a doctor. Darwin studied medicine for two years at Edinburgh
University in Scotland, with his brother Erasmus. However, he was more interested in nature and wildlife.

Darwin travelled to South America 2 _________ ship in December 1831. He wanted to explore its coast
and islands and the wildlife there. He thought the whole 3 _________ would take about two years, but it
took 4 _________ than he expected. He 5 _________ five years travelling around South America, then
Australasia and South Africa. On his travels he learned many things about different animals and their 6
_________. He was 7 _________ by many of the amazing things that he saw.
8 _________, his ship got back to Britain in 1836. He wrote about the things he discovered. In 1859, he
finished his most important book, called The Origin of Species. The book was extremely 9 _________
and sold many copies. Since then, the ideas in his book have been studied by many people and they 10
_________ certainly continue to be extremely important for science.

1 A comes B came C has come D is coming

2 A at B by C of D to
3 A journey B luggage C port D return
4 A long B longer C longest D the longest
5 A caught B grew C spent D taught
6 A beaks B forests C habitats D reptiles
7 A angry B bored C surprised D tired
8 A Evenly B Eventually C Slowly D Suddenly
9 A boring B convenient C successful D tiring
10 A been B going C have D will

Mark: ___ /10

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 3

Cumulative Test Units 6–10 Test B

7 Listen to five people talking about their career plans. Complete the sentences with the correct
speaker (A–E). There is one sentence that you do not need.
1 Speaker _________ has worked with a member of their family.
2 Speaker _________ learned skills at school they think will be useful for their career.
3 Speaker _________ wants to study abroad.
4 Speaker _________ learned a skill from one of their parents that they can use in the future.
5 Speaker _________ has made plans to go to university.
6 Speaker _________ wants to work near their family.

Mark: ___ /5

8 Read the text.

My Mountain Experience

One of the easiest mountains I've climbed is Ben Nevis in Scotland. It's more like a big hill than a
mountain, really. It's only 1,344 metres high, and it only takes about three hours to walk up it. We
climbed it in the autumn last year, on a bright day. You go into a valley, cross a river, and then follow
all the other walkers to the top. But you should be careful with the weather, because it can change very
suddenly, and then it's easy to have an accident.

The most dangerous mountain I've climbed is in Norway. It's called Glittertind and it's about 2,500
metres high. Because it's quite far from the roads, you have to walk a long way before you can start
climbing. I started at 8.00 in the morning on a warm day, but then the weather suddenly got bad. I fell
on some ice that I didn’t see and I couldn't get up. It was really scary; there was nobody around, and I
spent four hours there. Eventually, another climber appeared and helped me come back down. I was
very lucky!

The most amazing mountain I've climbed is Mount Merapi on the island of Java. This is an active
volcano, which I climbed with some Indonesian friends. The weather there is much hotter and wetter
than in Europe, so we climbed at night. It was still night when we got to the top, and then we saw the
sun come up. And we saw the tops of four or five other volcanoes above the clouds. Amazing!

Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 The writer had an accident on Ben Nevis. ____
2 It's not easy to get to Glittertind by car. ____
3 The writer was alone when he / she went climbing in Norway. ____
4 The weather in Java at night is very hot and wet. ____
5 The writer couldn't see anything from the top of Merapi because of the clouds. ____

Mark: ___ /5

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Cumulative Test Units 6–10 Test B

9 Write an email (90–120 words) to friend to describe a recent birthday party you went to.
 Greet your friend and say whose party you went to.
 Say where and when the party was.
 Talk about two things you remember about the party.
 Send greetings from another friend that you met at the party.

Mark: ___ /10

Total: ___ /70

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 5

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