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11. Playing a musical instrument is good for children.

Musical instruments are very beneficial/ advantageous for children’s development.
Musical instruments play an important role/ part in children’s development.
- patience development: When playing an instrument, a child must learn from the beginning and
practice every day. Therefore, their patience can be improved/ enhanced. (nâng cao) (Khi chơi
một nhạc cụ, trẻ phải thực hành hàng ngày. Do đó, tính kiên trì của trẻ sẽ được cải thiện/ nâng
(for example, from my own experience, when I was a child, I learned to play the piano, it took
me days to study. After a few months of practice, I became better at playing the piano. And
obviously, it trained my patience.)
- a form of entertainment: As you know, children nowadays are very stressed with their study, so
playing an instrument can help them forget all the pressure and relax after hard-working hours.
Furthermore, they can join some music festivals, have more experience and make more friends.
As a result, their life will be more interesting. (Ngày nay, trẻ rất áp lực với công việc học hành,
nên việc chơi một nhạc cụ sẽ giúp chúng quên áp lực và thư giãn sau những giờ học hành căng
- passion exploration: Through some music lessons, they can explore/ find out what is good for
them and what they are actually good at. So in the future, they will embrace a dream of
becoming an artist and be successful in it. (passionate about sth: đam mê cái gì đó) (qua những
buổi học nhạc, trẻ có thể khám phá cái gì tốt cho chúng và chúng giỏi ở điều gì. Nên trong tương
lai, chúng sẽ nuôi dưỡng ước mơ trở thành một nghệ sĩ và thành công với nó.)
Topic 12. Soft-skills courses are beneficial to students. (Các khóa học kĩ năng mềm tốt cho
sinh viên)
It is important/ crucial for students to take part in/ join/ participate in soft-skill courses.
Soft-skills courses:
- creative thinking (tư duy sáng tạo): From those courses, students can learn from each other,
not only by books or taught by teachers. With some necessary soft skills, they will be confident
and more creative in thinking of new ways to deal with different problems. (Với những khóa học
này, học sinh có thể học hỏi từ nhau, không chỉ qua sách hay từ giáo viên. Với những kỹ năng
mềm cần thiết, họ sẽ tự tin và sáng tạo hơn, nghĩ được nhiều cách để giải quyết các vấn đề khác
- social networking (kết nối xã hội): By joining these courses, of course students can meet other
people coming from all walks of life , they can share experience, study together and build up new
relationships (broaden their social network) (for example, …) (với việc tham gia các khóa học
này, học sinh có thể gặp mọi người đến từ nhiều nơi khác nhau. Họ có thể chia sẻ kinh nghiệm,
học cùng nhau và xây dựng các mối quan hệ mới.)
- teamwork skills (kĩ năng làm việc đội nhóm): Certainly, in a soft-skill course, teamwork is an
essential (cần thiết) part. Therefore, we can improve/ enhance/ better our teamwork skill, which
can really support us in our future job. (Tất nhiên, trong một khóa học kỹ năng mềm, kỹ năng
làm việc theo nhóm là một phần cần thiết. Do đó, chúng ta có thể nâng cao kỹ năng làm việc
nhóm, kỹ năng sẽ giúp chúng ta trong công việc tương lai.)
Topic 13: Household chores should be shared among family members.(Các thành viên trong
gia đình nên chia sẻ việc nhà với nhau)
Members in a family should do housework together.
- a kind of exercise (làm việc nhà là một bài tập thể dục): Doing household chores is a way to
do exercises. You have to run around and walk around a lot to finish every household chores.
(Làm việc nhà là một cách để tập thể dục. bạn phải chạy và đi bộ nhiều để làm việc nhà.)
- everyone’s responsibility (trách nhiệm của mọi người): Doing household chores helps
everyone become more responsible. They’ll be more aware of their roles in a family. Even a
child can help their parents with this so when they grow up, they can take care of themselves.
(Làm việc nhà sẽ làm mọi người có trách nhiệm hơn. Thậm chí một đứa trẻ cũng có thể giúp đỡ
bố mẹ chúng để khi lớn lên, chúng có thể tự chăm sóc bản thân.)
- Family solidarity (làm việc nhà giúp tăng cường đoàn kết gia đình): Household chores help
everyone get closer to each other. We help each other do things and therefore, family solidarity
will be improved. For example in my family, at the weekend, my sister and I often help my
parents do housework. For me, it’s an interesting way to relax and also, thanks to that, I actually
feel like a part of my family. (Làm việc nhà giúp mọi người gần nhau hơn. Chúng ta giúp đỡ
nhau làm việc và do đó, tình đoàn kết sẽ được cải thiện. Ví dụ trong gia đình tôi, cuối tuần em
gái và tôi thường giúp bố mẹ làm việc nhà, …)
Topic 14: There are many ways to avoid the overuse of mobile phones.(Có nhiều cách để hạn
chế lạm dụng điện thoại di động)
We can come up with many solutions to prevent using cellphones too much.
Way = method = measure = approach
Avoid = prevent (sb from doing sth) = stop (sb from doing sth)
Overuse = use … too much/ for too much time
= spend too much time on using mobile phones.
- Turning-off time:
+ You should limit your time of using mobile phones. For example, you can turn it off when
having a meal, studying, hanging out with friends and driving. (Bạn nên hạn chế sử dụng điện
thoại. Ví dụ khi ăn, học, nói chuyện với bạn và lái xe, bạn nên tắt điện thoại.)
- No mail-checking at home:
+ Instead of working at home, you should focus on your housework and relax, just forget
everything related to work. And in that way, you don’t have to use mobile phones or laptops.
(Thay vì làm việc ở nhà, bạn nên tập trung vào công việc nhà và thư giãn, quên mọi thứ liên
quan tới công việc. Và theo cách đó, bạn sẽ không phải sử dụng điện thoại di động hay laptop.)
- No phones in bedrooms:
+ Silent mode in mobile phones can help you to have a better sleep because the waves of
electronic devices can affect your brain. (Chế độ im lặng ở điện thoại giúp bạn ngủ tốt hơn bởi
nếu dùng, sóng của các thiết bị điện tử sẽ ảnh hưởng đến não của bạn.)
=> To sum up, with these ways, you can protect yourself and have a better health.
Insomnia (n) chứng mất ngủ
Topic 15: There are disadvantages of using educating games in class.(Có một số hạn chế của
việc sử dụng các games giáo dục trong lớp học)
Disadvantage = drawback = negative effect: ẢNH HƯỞNG XẤU
- Using educating games will make a lot of noise. Students sometimes get really excited with
these games. As a result, there are many shoutings and yellings (la hét) inside the classrooms.
(Sử dụng game trong lớp rất ồn ào. Thỉnh thoảng học sinh quá hào hứng với những game này.
Và trong lớp sẽ có rất nhiều tiếng la hét.)
- When the kids are too focused on the games, they will just forget about everything else or may
be hard to get concentrated again. Therefore, their lesson will be affected. If they overuse
educating games, they will lack of a lot of academic knowledge. (Khi trẻ quá tập trung vào gae,
chúng sẽ quên mọi thứ xung quanh và rất khó để tập trung trở lại. Do đó, bài học sẽ bị ảnh
hưởng, chúng sẽ thiếu kiến thức học thuật.)
- Using too much games in class can lead to negative behaviors because students don’t want to
get back to study after these games. Or if the game is a little bit violent, they can also affect
students’ behaviors in a negative way. (Sử dụng quá nhiều game trong lớp có thể dẫn đến các
hành vi tiêu cực và trẻ không muốn học lại sau khi chơi những game này. Hoặc nếu game hơi
bạo lực, game sẽ dẫn đến các hành vi tiêu cực cho trẻ.)

Topic 16: Online learning is beneficial to students. (Học qua mạng rất có lợi cho sinh viên)
Online learning = Studying/ learning on the Internet
beneficial = useful = valuable = helpful (adj) có lợi
Learning online brings a lot of benefits to students.
- Flexible (adj) linh hoạt
+ Students can study anytime and anywhere they like. (Có thể học bất kì thời điểm, thời gian
+ They can study in their free time. And work at the same time if they want. (Học trong thời gian
rảnh, làm việc cùng lúc nếu muốn.)
+ With online program, learners can choose their teachers and subjects. (Có thể chọn giáo viên
và môn học)
- Affordable (adj) có thể chi trả được
+ The price/ cost for these programs are quite cheaper, even 3 times cheaper than an offline
course. (giá những khóa học này rẻ hơn.)
+ Therefore, we can save a lot of money to do other useful things. (Tiết kiệm tiền để làm các
điều hữu ích khác.)
- Convenient (adj): tiện lợi
+ Learners can review the lesson again and again/ from time to time. (có thời gian học lại, ôn lại
+ Students can just sit in their houses and enjoy the lessons without having to go to school or
centers. (ngồi nhà học mà không phải đến trường.)
+ Learners can also search for information about the course very easily. (tìm thông tin khóa học
dễ dàng.)
+ The procedure/ process is very simple so you can easily get your certificate/ degree after a
short time. (quy trình đơn giản, dễ để bạn lấy được bằng sau một thời gian ngắn.)

Topic 17: There are several things people should prepare before an important meeting. (Có
một số việc mọi người nên chuẩn bị trước một cuộc gặp/cuộc hẹn quan trọng)
To prepare for a crucial meeting, people should follow certain steps.
- The purpose of the meeting (mục đích của cuộc hẹn):
+ People should understand deeply about the goals/ aims of the meeting so that they can have an
effective discussion. (nên hiểu rõ mục tiêu buổi họp để họp cho hiệu quả.)
- Timetable of the meeting (thời gian của cuộc hẹn):
+ Timing is very important. (Thời gian rất quan trọng)
+ You have to be always on time so that you can look professional. (đúng giờ để nhìn chuyên
- Clothing for the meeting (quần áo mặc để tới cuộc hẹn):
+ What you wear is very crucial/ vital/ matters a lot. People can judge you for what you wear.
(cái bạn mặc rất quan trọng. người ta đánh giá cái bạn mặc.)
+ Dressing for a meeting normally requires formal clothes. (Mặc cho các buổi họp thường yêu
cầu cầu quần áo lịch sự.) for example dress, shirt, trousers and suit (com lê)

Topic 18: There are some ways to improve the public transport system in Hanoi. (Một vài cách
để cải thiện hệ thống giao thông công cộng ở Hà Nội)
Way = method = measure = approach (n) cách, phương pháp, biện pháp, hướng tiếp cận
Improve = enhance = better = advance (v) cải thiện
The ministry/ government/ authority should (chính phủ nên):
- Keep a better schedule (giữ lịch trình đi lại tốt hơn):
+ Drivers should follow the schedule properly. (Lái xe nên theo đúng lịch trình một cách chính
+ Offices can change their working hours so that people don’t get stuck in traffic in rush hours.
(Các cơ quan nên thay đổi giờ làm việc để mọi người không gặp tắc đường.)
- Develop customer service (phát triển dịch vụ khách hàng):
+ Build up better customer care, especially in raising people’s awareness on the streets. (Xây
dựng hệ thống chăm sóc khách hàng, đặc biệt là nâng cao nhận thức của mọi người)
+ Develop new services like renting bikes. (phát triển các dịch vụ mới như thuê xe đạp)
- Open more routes (mở thêm các tuyến đường):
+ Build underground systems if possible. (xây dựng hệ thống tàu điện ngầm nếu có thể)
+ Build more shuttle/ express bus systems. (xây dựng hệ thống xe buýt nhanh)

Topic 19: There are various causes of unemployment among the youth in the society. (Có
nhiều nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng thất nghiệp ở những người trẻ tuổi trong xã hội)
cause = reason (n) nguyên nhân, lí do
Nowadays, the young have to face up with unemployment more often because of a variety of
reasons/ many reasons. (Ngày nay các bạn trẻ phải đương đầu với thất nghiệp do các lí do)
- Overpopulation (gia tăng dân số):
+ Population is increasing day by day. So there aren’t enough jobs for everyone. (Dân số càng
ngày càng tăng nên không có đủ việc cho tất cả)
- Underqualification (thiếu bằng cấp):
+ many students neglect their studies so when they come to the real world, they don’t know what
to do and of course, they are not qualified for the job. (nhiều học sinh lơ là việc học nên khi đi
làm thức tế, họ không biết làm như thế nào và tất nhiên sẽ không đủ tiêu chuẩn cho công việc)
- Poor performance (khả năng làm việc kém):
+ Even when they get the job, they don’t perform well. Their work results are not effective.
Eventually, they will get fired and lose their job. (Thậm chí khi có việc, họ cũng không thể hiện
tốt. Kết quả công việc cũng không hiệu quả. Kết quả là, họ bị sa thải và mất việc.)
Topic 20: Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication. (giao tiếp
trực tiếp tốt hơn
các loại hình giao tiếp khác)
Communicating directly is more effective than other means of communication.
- Express feelings (thể hiện cảm xúc):
+ Communicating directly is a good way to express your feelings. (Giao tiếp trực tiếp là một
cách rất tốt để thể hiện tình cảm)
+ The other person will know exactly how you feel and everyone can understand each other
deeply. In comparison with other types of communication, such as via mobile phones,
sometimes, you can’t tell how your friend is feeling. (Người khác sẽ biết chính xác bạn đang cảm
thấy thế nào và mọi người sẽ hiểu nhau một cách sâu sắc.)
- Direct responses (có các phản hồi trực tiếp):
+ Talking to each other daily will help people get direct responses without having to wait for too
long. In comparison with chatting with friends on Facebook, sometimes we have to wait for
hours to get their answer. (Mọi người sẽ có ngay câu trả lời trực tiếp mà không cần đợi chờ.)
+ It’ll save a lot of time. (tiết kiệm nhiều thời gian)
- Better relationships (mối quan hệ tốt hơn):
+ From these above benefits, of course our relationships will be much better if we can talk
+ People can get closer to each other. They can talk about their feelings or share with their
friends what’s happening in their lives.

Topic 24: Vietnam is a good place to visit for foreigners.

There are many tourist attractions in Vietnam for visitors abroad to enjoy.
Vietnam is a fantastic destination for many international visitors.
- Safety (sự an toàn):
+ Vietnam is a safe country with secure politic situation. (VN là một đất nước an toàn với tình
hình chính trị ổn định)
+ Terrorism doesn’t happen in Vietnam. (Khủng bố không diễn ra ở VN)
- Affordable accommodation (chỗ ăn ở rẻ):
+ There is a wide range of hotels and resorts in Vietnam and their prices are very reasonable. (Có
một loạt khách sạn và resort giá hợp lý ở VN)
+ You can find suitable hotels and resorts in every tourist attraction. (Bạn có thể tìm thấy khách
sạn và resort phù hợp ở mọi điểm thu hút khách du lịch.)
- Many tourist attractions (có nhiều địa danh du lịch):
+ Vietnam is a beautiful country with many spectacular/ breathtaking landscapes. (VN có nhiều
cảnh đẹp ngoạn mục.)
+ Vietnam has coastal areas which have a lot of magnificent beaches. (Việt Năm có đường bờ
biển dài với rất nhiều bãi biển đẹp.)

Topic 2: Attending a college far away from home is good. (Đi học đại học xa nhà có lợi)
a. Independent life (cuộc sống độc lập)
- Studying far away from home means you have to be more mature and independent.
- You have to take care of yourself and even have a part-time job to cover life expenses.
- You can do whatever you want but also need to know what is right or wrong
b. Open social life (đời sống xã hội cởi mở hơn)
- Your social life in college will be more interesting.
- You can meet lots of new friends, have more relationships
c. Fresh start (sự bắt đầu tươi mới)
- Studying in college can be a fresh start for you.
- You can start trying harder to achieve better studying result.
- You can have more job opportunities and discover your new hobbies as well as abilities.

Topic 3: University is not the only route to success. (Đại học không phải là con đường duy
nhất dẫn tới thành công)
a. Hands-on experience (các kinh nghiệm thực hành)
- Nowadays, many companies ask for experience, not a college degree. They want to hire
people with real experience so that they have better performance at work.
b. Vocational training (đào tạo nghề)
- Taking part in vocational training is also a good wat to get a good job.
- Not every job requires theoretical knowledge, they just need skills only.
- Vocational training doesn’t last as long as being trained in college, therefore, students
from vocational schools can easily find a job after graduation.
c. No – degree required job (có các công việc không cần bằng cấp)
- Many jobs don’t require degrees. They just need certain skills. (Nhiều công việc không
cần bằng cấp, chỉ cần một số kĩ năng nhất định thôi)

Topic 4: Cars should be banned for many reasons. (Nên cấm xe vì nhiều lí do)
a. Polluted (ô nhiễm)
- Cars today is one of the reasons leading to air pollution.
- Exhaust fumes from cars are very dangerous and toxic, which can affect people’s health
b. Traffic jam (tắc đường)
- Too many cars move at the same time in rush hours.
- Cars today are becoming more popular, people prefer to own a private car rather than a
c. Not enough parking space (không đủ chỗ đỗ xe)
- Too many cars lead to lack of parking space.
- Transportation infrastructure is not fully developed and it can’t meet people’s increasing
Topic 5: Classroom games are beneficial in many ways. (Games trong lớp học rất có lợi)
a. Fun (vui vẻ)
- Students always love games.
- Playing games is also a good way for students to have fun while studying.
- They’ll be happier to learn.
b. Gain attention (tạo thêm sự chú ý)
- Playing games is a way to draw students’ attention.
- They will listen to instructions carefully, play and learn happily and willingly.
c. Learn skills (học được thêm các kĩ năng)
- Game is a way to help students learn new skills such as communication, teamwork, and so
- Students can learn other skills naturally while playing their favorite games.
Topic 6: Trees are very important to the world. (Cây rất quan trọng với thế giới)
a. Food (cung cấp thức ăn)
- Trees is a source of food for not only human but also other living species on this planet.
- It helps people survive even in the hardest conditions.
b. Better environment (làm cho môi trường tốt hơn)
- One of the reasons why people grow many trees is that it helps protect the environment,
refresh the air and therefore, protect people’s health.
- With lots of trees, people can freely breathe and enjoy the fresh air around them.
c. Flood prevention (ngăn lũ)
- Layers of trees on each mountain is a very effective way to prevent flood.
- It helps decrease the destruction of flood as well.
- It also helps slow down water flow so that people can have better preparation for natural
Topic 7: Living in countryside has many advantages. (sống ở nông thôn có nhiều lợi ích)
- fresh air (không khí trong lành)
- friendly neighbors (hàng xóm thân thiện)
- cheap cost (chi phí rẻ)
country life has several benefits
1. People living in the countryside can enjoy the fresh air. There are fewer factories and traffic
and more trees.
2. Neighbours are very friendly and helpful. They often help each other (look after the house
when their neighbours are away from home, help when there are wedding parties or funerals)
3. People living in rural areas can have cheap cost because they pay lower fees for all services
and products. Besides, they often have a large garden where they grow their own vegetables and
raise chiken or pigs for food.

Topic 8: There are some benefits of living in the city. (Sống ở thành phố có nhiều lợi ích)
- more chances for good jobs (nhiều cơ hội kiếm việc tốt)
- better education (giáo dục tốt hơn)
- higher quality of health care service (dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe chất lượng hơn)
Living in the city = city life = living in urban areas: sống ở thành phố
advantages = benefits = plus points: lợi ích
- to have a higher standard of living: có mức sống cao
- to have better job/employment opportunities: có cơ hội việc làm tốt hơn
1. People in cities can have higher standard of living (higher quality health care service, more
entertainment facilities like cinemas, theme parks, shopping centres)
2. People living in urban areas can have more employment opportunities with much higher
salaries (there are many big companies and factories in big cities).
3. People living in cities can enjoy better education (modern facilities, excellent teachers).

Topic 9: There are many advantages of travelling by car. (Có nhiều lợi ích của việc đi bằng ô
- Flexibility (sự linh hoạt)
- Speed (tốc độ nhanh)
- Availability (tính có sẵn)
Travelling by car has several benefits
1. The first merit is flexibility. People can travel anytime, anywhere on their own schedule and
make unexpected stops.
2. Drivers can enjoy speed. People can move quickly from one place to another. People do not
have to waste their time waiting for buses.
3. Availability is also a plus point for those who choose to go by car because cars are available in
many places, especially where buses cannot reach.

Topic 10: There are many advantages of shopping in supermarkets. (Có nhiều lợi của việc
mua sắm ở siêu thi)
- a wide range of products (đa dạng các sản phẩm)
- longer opening hours (giờ mở cửa dài hơn)
- many special offers (có nhiều ưu đãi đặc biệt hơn)
Purchasing products in supermarkets bring a lot of benefits.
Purchase = buy: mua
1. Supermarkets provide customers with a wide range of products. Actually, customers can find
almost everything including garments, jewelry, food, books, etc. In a supermarket to serve their
2. Supermarkets are opended longer hours than that of other normal stores. To be more specific,
it is not until about 10PM that a supermarket is closed and this closing time is fixed while other
stores are closed earlier and this closing time can vary each day.
3. Supermarkets often give customers special offers. For example, on special days such as
International Women’s Day, Vietnamese Teacher’s Day or at the weekend, customers are offered
a variety of discount programs such as buy one get one, etc.

Topic 11: Going camping has many benefits. (Đi cắm trại có rất nhiều lợi)
- a good way to spend time with family or friends
- fresh air
- reduce stress
There are several merits of going camping
- It’s good way to spend time with family or friends. When we go camping, we often get together
with family and friends so people have a great time chatting, playing games.
- Campsite is often in the countryside so there’s lots of fresh air. People can be close to the
nature with lakes, trees around them.
- Camping helps us to reduce stress. It ‘s true that we can escape from the noisy city and enjoy
peace in mind. It is a time for us to refresh and relax.
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DT: 01649652089/ 0978080691
Topic 11: Students are encouraged to take part in competitions.
Encourage = promote= motivate
Take part in = join = attend = participate in = compete in
Competition = contest
- Encourage self-improvement
+ you will be much more confident to express yourself.
+ you can enhance/ improve your social skills and soft skills.
+ For example: you can improve your communication skill, the way you work with others, time
management skill and so on.
- Encourage learning from others
+ Advance your knowledge
+ Learn from other people’s mistakes so that you can avoid failures in the future.
- Improve social life
+ make friends/ establish new relationships/ broaden our network.
=> As a result, we will have more fun, money and friends.
Q: - What kind of competitions (technology, English speaking contest, MC, singing contest,
beauty contests, talent shows, reality shows, sports competition)
Q2: Do you think it is a waste of time?
- It depends. (on the type of competitions)
- No, I don’t think so. I think we can get/ achieve a lot from these competitions.
Topic 12: Being married
Being married = getting married = marrying sb
Great = wonderful, terrific, awesome
- Share life with others:
+ You won’t have to do everything alone.
+ your life will be much more interesting.
- Have more support:
+ There is always another person standing by your side to help you.
+ Their help is genuine and you don’t have to pay back.
- get more motivation in life:
+ Your partner can help you overcome difficulties in life.
+ They can encourage you to do new things and explore yourself in many different ways.
Topic 13: Online learning
Online learning = Studying/ learning on the Internet
Beneficial = useful = valuable = helpful
Learning online brings a lot of benefits to students.
- Flexible:
+ Students can study anytime and anywhere they like.
+ They can study in their free time.
+ With online program, learners can choose their teachers and subjects.
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DT: 01649652089/ 0978080691
- Affordable:
+ The price/ cost for these programs are quite cheaper, even 3 times cheaper than an offline
- Convenient:
+ Learners can review the lesson again and again/ from time to time.
+ Students can just sit in their houses and enjoy the lessons.
+ Learners can also search for information about the course very easily.
+ The procedure/ process is very simple so you can easily get your certificate/ degree after a
short time.
Topic 14: An important meeting
Several = a few = some
Prepare = make preparations for
Important = crucial, vital
- The purpose of the meeting:
+ People should understand deeply about the goal of the meeting so that they can have an
effective discussion.
- Timetable of the meeting:
+ Timing is very important.
+ You have to be always on time so that you can look professional.
- Clothing for the meeting:
+ What you wear is very crucial. People can judge you for what you wear.
+ Dressing for a meeting normally requires formal clothes.
Topic 15: Transport system in Hanoi
Way = method = measure = approach
Improve = enhance = better = advance
The ministry/ government/ authority should:
- Keep a better schedule:
+ Drivers should follow the schedule properly.
+ Offices can change their working hours so that people don’t get stuck in traffic in rush hours.
- Develop customer service:
+ Build up better customer care, especially in raising people’s awareness on the streets.
+ Develop new services like renting bikes.
- Open more routes:
+ Build underground system if possible.
+ Build more shuttle/ express bus systems.
Topic 16: Unemployment
- Overpopulation:
+ Population is increasing day by day.
+ There aren’t enough jobs for everyone.
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DT: 01649652089/ 0978080691
- Underqualification:
+ many students neglect their studies so when they come to the real world, they don’t know what
to do and of course, they are not qualified for the job.
- Poor performance:
+ Even when they get the job, they don’t perform well. Their work results are not effective.
Eventually, they will get fired and lose their job.
Topic 17: Face to face communication
- Express feelings:
+ Communicating directly is a good way to express your feelings.
+ The other person will know exactly how you feel and everyone can understand each other
- Direct responses:
+ Talking to each other daily will help people get direct responses without having to wait for too
+ It’ll save a lot of time.
- Better relationships:
+ From these above benefits, of course our relationships will be much better if we can talk
+ People can get closer to each other.
Topic 18: Parents = the best teachers
- Closer to the children than others:
+ Parents are the closest people to kids.
+ There is no distance between them so sharing everything is very easy.
- Understand their children’s strengths and weaknesses:
+ No one can understand the children better than their parents.
+ By understanding strengths and weaknesses, parents can help their children develop in the best
- Teach children with love and responsibility:
+ Parents are the ones who truly want the best for their children, so they will teach their kids with
love and responsibility.
+ Children can learn new things or have a better understanding about everything.
Topic 19: Traditional music
- cultural values:
+ Traditional music exists for a long time and it reflects the culture of our country.
+ When culture can’t be expressed in words, they can be expressed in music.
- historical values:
+ Traditional music also reflects historical values.
+ Music changed differently through periods of history.
- educational values:
+ Music is a way to teach students educational value.
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DT: 01649652089/ 0978080691
+ Traditional music can help students learn about everything happening in the past easily.
Topic 20: Childhood – important
- Developing physical health:
+ Childhood is a period when you develop both mentally and physically
+ What happens with your health in childhood will decide your future health status.
- Forming personalities:
+ Parents often teach their kids small things in childhood and gradually, those small things will
help form their personalities.
+ example
- Learn things fast:
+ Everything is new wen a person is young. Therefore, the younger a person is, the faster he or
she can learn.
Topic 21: Vietnam
- Safety:
+ Vietnam is a safe country with secure politic situation.
+ Terrorism doesn’t happen in Vietnam.
- Affordable accommodation:
+ There is a wide range of hotels and resorts in Vietnam and their prices are very reasonable.
+ You can find suitable hotels and resorts in every tourist attraction.
- Many tourist attractions:
+ Vietnam is a beautiful country with many tourist attractions.
+ Vietnam has coastal areas which have a lot of magnificent beaches.
Topic 22: Knowing how to drive a car
- Be convenient in bad weather:
+ If you know how to drive a car, it is very convenient for you, especially when it rains. In that
case, you will never get wet.
- Go anywhere you like:
+ With a car, you can go anywhere you like. You can invite your family members or friends to
go with you.
- Save time:
+ Traveling by car is much faster and safer than traveling by motorbike. Therefore, it can save
you a lot of time.
Topic 23: Making a cake
- Save money
+ Knowing how to make a cake can save you a lot of money especially in someone else’s
birthday. A cake can be a very meaningful present.
- Make friends who have the same interest:
+ Not many people know how to make a cake. Therefore, a cake can help you have more special
- Relax:
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DT: 01649652089/ 0978080691
+ After hard-working days, making a cake can be very entertaining. You not only can relax but
also create new things.
Topic 24: Working in pairs
- Improve social skills and interaction:
+ pairwork can help students improve their social skills. Their interaction can be enhanced so
that they become more sociable.
+ Those improvements in social skills and interaction will help them a lot in their future job.
- Learn from each other:
+ By talking to each other, students can learn a lot from their friends. They don’t have to be shy
and just have to share what’s on your mind.
- Help students become more active
+ students won’t have to wait to ask their teachers and learn in a passive way. They can easily
understand what their friends want to say.
Topic 25: Public library
- A great place for kids:
+ A public library is a great place for kids because kids can learn a lot there. They can not only
get more knowledge but also improve their focus and patience while reading books.
- Builds better community
+ A public library is a common place for everyone who likes reading books. They can learn from
books and from each other.
+ Besides, reading books is cultural habit and it should be promoted within the community.
- Improve literacy
+ Many people in our society still don’t know how to read and write, therefore a public library
will be an ideal place for them to practice those skills.
Topic 26: Stress at work
- Bad management:
+ If a manager doesn’t control everything well, their staff will be in a lot of stress because of the
+ Work efficiency is decreased.
- Too much work:
+ A lot of work sometimes makes people have to stay after work, which affects not only their
health but also their family.
+ They can’t balance life and work.
- Poor working conditions:
+ In case the workload is still the same, but working conditions are bad, then their moods will
become affected.
Topic 27: Healthy breakfast
- Healthy body:
+ Eating 3 meals helps you have a healthy body.
+ You will have full energy for a working day
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DT: 01649652089/ 0978080691
- Good work/ study concentration
+ When you are not hungry, you will have full concentration for everything.
+ Your work efficiency will be improved.
- Disease prevention:
+ If you continue to have healthy breakfast, you won’t have to worry about diseases.
Topic 28: Helping others
- Help them with their daily tasks
+ One way to help others is with their daily tasks. Although those are small things, others can
still find you very kind.
- Run a club or organization to support:
+ Not just daily tasks, you can help others by running a club or organization to support them. It’s
better to get help from a group than just an individual.
- Give money, food, clothes
+ If you want to help others, giving them money, food or clothes is also a way. Money, food and
clothes are necessities for people. They can be very useful for them.
Topic 42:
- Learning how to play a musical instrument is hard and it takes time for the children to learn.
Therefore it will improve their patience.
- Playing a musical instrument is also a way for the kids to entertain. After hard-working days at
school, they can play and have fun with their favorite musical instrument. They can play and
share that time with their family so that everyone can get closer to each other.
- Learning how to play a musical instrument since childhood can help children explore their
passion, their dream.
Topic 43:
- Doing household chores is a way to do exercises. You have to run around and walk around a lot
to finish every household chores.
- Doing household chores helps everyone become more responsible. They’ll be more aware of
their roles in the family.
- Household chores help everyone get closer to each other. We help each other do things and
therefore, family solidarity will be improved.
Topic 44: Using mobile phones
Way = method = measure = approach
Avoid = prevent (sb from doing sth) = stop (sb from doing sth)
Overuse = use … too much/ for too much time
= spend too much time on using mobile phones.
- Turning-off time:
+ You should limit your time of using mobile phones. For example, you can turn it off when
having a meal, studying, hanging out with friends and driving.
- No mail-checking at home:
+ You should focus on your housework and relax, just forget everything related to work.
Cô Nguyễn Thị Anh
DT: 01649652089/ 0978080691
- No phones in bedrooms:
+ Silent mode in mobile phones can help you to have a better sleep because the waves of
electronic devices can affect your brain.
=> To sum up, with these ways, you can protect yourself and have a better health.
Topic 45:
- using educating games will make a lot of noise. Students sometimes get really excited with
these games.
- When the kids are too focused on the games, they will just forget about everything else or
maybe hard to get concentrated again.
- Using too much games in class can lead to negative behaviors because students don’t want to
get back to study after these games.
Topic 46:
- Riding a bike is a good exercise. With riding a bike, you can burn a lot of calories and get fit. If
you can do it often, you’ll be very healthy.
- Cycling is a way to protect the environment. It doesn’t use gas or engines so it’s very
- Finally, it’s very cheap. It costs you nothing but your effort and strength.
Ms Huyen Trang - VNU
Topic 1: Students should learn English.
- In the first place, learning English creates a better job opportunity. More and more foreign companies have
their branch in Vietnam nowadays, therefore knowing English will be a great strength to attract employers.
- Moreover, by learning English, you can read the online documents. There are so many sources of
information written in English available on the Internet so that you can enrich your knowledge.
- Finally, you can also make more new friends from other countries apart from Vietnam. Through Facebook,
Twitter and Whatapps, it is now very easy for you to make friends with foreign people if you know English. As
a result, your relationship network will be widened.
Topic 2: Going swimming brings a number of benefits for people.
- First of all, sports is helpful for our health and going swimming is not an exception. Swimming which is a full
body workout helps us keep fit. As we move many parts of our body like arms, legs, head and so on, we can
consume energy to help us stay in shape. Besides, it helps strengthen our muscles. Swimming is one of the
most effective ways to burn calories so we are able to lose weight when going swimming. Swimming is sweat
free. As a swimmer, we never get overheated or feel sweaty because the water around us helps cool us down.
- Moreover, going swimming is known to reduce stress. By concentrating on swimming, we have no time to
think of our stress and can relax after a hard working day. We seems to forget all trouble or worries as we are at
the swimming pool.
- Finally, we can make new friends through going swimming. Communication in the swimming pool is
inevitable and thanks to that, you will have many new good friends.
keep fit = stay in shape: giữ cơ thể cân đối
Topic 3: Teenagers should spend more time being outdoors. (Tuổi teen nên dành thời gian tham gia các
hoạt động ngoài trời.)
- In the first place, spending time outdoors can help improve both physical and mental health. As you are
outdoors, you can breathe new air, socialize with other people and take part in many exciting activites such as
doing sports, going on a picnic and so on.
- Moreover, you can entertain yourselves by participating in team sports so that you can laugh and relax.
- Finally, you will also improve your attention through joining outdoor activities. Team sports, as I mentioned
before need a high concerntration when playing them. Without good attention, your team will loose the match
and you easily get injured.
physical and mental health: sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần
Topic 4: Going camping is very beneficial to college students. (Cắm trại có lợi cho sinh viên đại học)
There are several merits of going camping. (Có một vài lợi ích của đi cắm trại)
- It’s good way to spend time with family or friends. When we go camping, we often get together with family
and friends so we have a great time chatting, playing games and enjoying food and drinks.
- Campsite is often in the countryside so there’s lots of fresh air. People can be close to the nature with lakes,
mountains, trees and flowers around them.
- Camping helps us to reduce stress. It ‘s true that we can escape from the noise of big cities and enjoy peace in
mind. It is a time for us to refresh and relax.
(be) close to nature: gần gũi với thiên nhiên
escape from the noise: tránh xa tiếng ồn
Topic 5: Cycling to work should be encouraged in big cities. (Nên khuyến khích mọi người đạp xe đi làm ở
các thành phố lớn) Cycling brings numerous advantages. (Đi xe đạp mang lại vô số lợi ích)
- In the first place, cycling to work can save our money. When we travel by bicycle, we just have to pay money
for repair, but when we use other kinds of vehicles such as motorbike or car, we have to pay for the gasoline
which isn’t cheap. Cycling is cheap so most people can afford to have a good bike. It costs a few hundred
thousand or a million VND.
- Moreover, cycling is a great way to keep fit. When we ride a bike, we move all our body like our legs and
hands. Therefore, we can burn lots of calories. I find it easy to do this sport. Almost everyone knows how to
cycle as they learned it when they were little.
- Lastly, we can protect the environment by cycling to work. It is because that other kinds of vehicles such as
motorbike and car emit CO2 that makes the air polluted. and friendly to the environment.
emit (v) thải

Topic 6: Visiting a foreign country is a valuable experience for us. (Đến thăm một quốc gia nước ngoài là
một trải nghiệm quý báu của chúng ta)
- When we travel to other countries, we can refresh ourselves. Visiting a foreign country means that we have to
live in a brand new environment, therefore we have to change ourselves to adapt to it.
- We can gain many experiences, too. When we come to tourist destinations and take part in certain activities
there such as going around, playing games, enjoying food and drinks, we can earn a lot of precious experience.
- Last but not least, it is also a great chance for us to make new friends. In a new environment, we have to
communicate with people that don’t say the same language as we. You will have many new friends from many
countries in the world and broaden our relationship network.
refresh (v) làm mới

Topic 7: Doing yoga is beneficial for community’s health. (Tập yoga có lợi cho sức khỏe cộng đồng)
- In the first place, doing yoga is beneficial for our breath. When doing yoga, we can increase flexibility,
build muscle strength and ease our pain. It boosts immunity so we can stay away from diseases. For example,
research showed that patients who have asthma will show great improvement in their breathing after just two
weeks doing yoga.
- Moreover, doing yoga can also help us reduce stress. According to some researches, doing yoga regularly
helps improve our mental well-being and the mind is rest and muscles have time to be free. Therefore
symptoms of stress will be chased away. Doing yoga undoubtedly makes us become happier.
- Finally, doing yoga is good for our attention. It gives us peace of mind. An important component of yoga is
focusing on the present so when practising yoga, people can sharpen concentration and they will feel calmer
and quieter. We just focus on what they are doing without thinking of the past or worrying about the future.
attention (n) sự chú ý
Topic 8: Getting up early in the morning should be encouraged among teenagers. (Nên khuyến khích các
bạn tuổi teen dậy sớm vào buổi sáng)
- In the first place, getting up early can create better effective study. It is obvious that students find it easy to
concentrate when studying in the morning than in other time of the day, which creates a better learning result.
- Moreover, as teenagers get up early, they have time for morning exercise and it is really good for your their
health .
- Lastly, we can prepare better before going to school. Getting up early means that we can have time for
breakfast, put on clothes and even review our lessons before school time.
create better effective study: tạo ra kết quả học tốt hiệu quả hơn
put on clothes: mặc quần áo
review lessons: ôn lại bài học
Topic 9: Internet is a good source to collect information. (Internet là một nguồn thu thập thông tin tốt)
- People easily get access to the Internet. People living in rural areas as well as in big cities have Internet
connection through cables or wireless hotpot.
- The Internet is a source of rich information. You can get information on almost any aspects in life.
- The Internet provides information with very low cost or even for free. People have to pay internet bill every
month only. Many online courses are free and some are at low cost.

Topic 10: There are several benefits of shopping at supermarkets. (Có một số lợi ích của việc đi mua sắm ở
các siêu thị)
- In the first place, shopping at supermarkets helps people relax. For example, family can have a happy
moment with each other when shopping at the weekends.
- Moreover, supermarkets have a variety of products for people to choose. Different products of different
regions are at the reach of your hands at supermarkets. Actually, customers can find almost everything
including garments, jewelry, food, books and so on. Supermarkets serve their life much.
- Furthermore, supermarkets often offer a competitive price and customers are often given special offers..
There are certain discounts on products at supermarkets that you can save a small amount of money compare to
when buying at other markets. For example, on special days such as International Women’s Day, Vietnamese
Teacher’s Day or at the weekend, customers are offered a variety of discount programs such as buy one get one,
- Supermarkets are opended longer hours than that of other normal stores. To be more specific, it is not until
about 10PM that a supermarket is closed and this closing time is fixed while other stores are closed earlier and
this closing time can vary each day.

Topic 11: Students are encouraged to take part in competitions. (Sinh viên nên được khuyến khích tham gia
vào cuộc thi/cuộc cạnh tranh.)
- In the first place, competitions allow us to self-improve. When competitions take place, we have to learn
about our strengths and weaknesses and renovate our products. We have a chance to develop ourselves. By
competing with other people, we realize who we are and what we can do.
- Moreover, we can learn from others when competing you will learn a lot through competitions. We learn
about strengths and weaknesses of our counterparts and draw experience from them. There are many
competitors who are better than us so working with them is a great chance for us to learn lessons.
- Also, as competition occurs, all brands try to make better changes to their products or services so customers
can enjoy better customer service as well as higher quality items.
- Last but not least, competing with others helps us to improve social life. We can also make more new friends
through competition. Competitors can be opponents of each other today but there is no reason that we all can
not be best friends in the future.

Topic 12: Being married is one of the greatest experience in one’s life. (Kết hôn là trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất
trong cuộc đời một con người)
- First of all, when getting married, you can share life with others. You are not alone anymore. You have a
wife or a husband so you can share every joyfulness and sorrow with them.
- Moreover, you can have more support from your marriage partner. Instead of doing housework alone like
when you are single, now you can share it with your husband or wife. You also earn more support from your
spouse in terms of finance and childcare.
- Furthermore, you will get more motivation when you are married. Researches have showed that you are
more inspired when you see your spouse better days by days. You wish to earn more money to support your
own family. Together with your partner, you wish to build up a more happy homelife.
Topic 13: Online learning is beneficial to students. (Học qua mạng rất có lợi cho sinh viên)
Nowadays, learning on the Internet has become increasingly popular because of its great benefits, especially to
students. In the first place, online learning is very convenient. You know, students can study whenever and
wherever they want. Only with a mobile phone or computer connected to the Internet, can students get access to
a rich source of information on almost any subject. Secondly, it is very affordable to study online. Well,
students can do research using online resources at very low cost or even at no charge. Many websites provide
free access to an abundant source of information while others offer online courses at a very cheap cost, which
might be just a part of traditional courses. Moreover, because students can study at their own place, they can
save time and money to travel to formal classes. Last but not least, online courses are more interesting
thanks to the application of technology. It is true that technology is a powerful tool to engage students. It can
make students more involved in the lesson due to the combination of sounds, images, games and so on. In
conclusion, studying on the Internet brings considerable benefits to learners.

Topic 14: There are several things people should prepare before an important meeting. (Có một số việc mọi
người nên chuẩn bị trước một cuộc gặp/cuộc hẹn quan trọng)
- The first thing you have to prepare is the purpose of the meeting. You have to know well why the meeting
occurs and prepare the content as well as documents carefully.
- The second thing you have to care about is the time for the meeting. You should arrange your time logically
in order not to miss this important occasion. You will create a better impression on your partner if you turn up
at the meeting on time.
- Finally, clothing should be carefully chosen. Each meeting needs different kinds of clothes. You wear
something that best describes yourself. Clothing is also a good way for you to show your respect towards
others. Initially, your partner partly know who you are and how you are through clothes you put on.
Topic 15: There are some ways to improve the public transport system in Hanoi. (Một vài cách để cải thiện
hệ thống giao thông công cộng ở Hà Nội)
- The first thing we can do is to keep a better schedule. The running time (thời gian xe chạy) as well as the
recovery time (thời gian xe quay đầu) should be fixed and easy for passengers to follow so that they can save
their time waiting.
- Next, it is important to develop more customer service such as installing wifi on bus so that it will attract
more and more students and teenagers to use. Passengers should be treated politely on the bus.
- At last, offering more routes is necessary at the present time. With the increase in population and the number
of private vehicles nowadays, more lanes for buses should be built so as to reduce the waiting time of
passengers. In this point, public transportation will become more popular in Hanoi.
Topic 16: There are various causes of unemployment among the youth in the society. (Có nhiều nguyên
nhân gây ra hiện tượng thất nghiệp ở những người trẻ tuổi trong xã hội)
- There are many factors leading to unemployment among the youth but the one I would like to take into
consideration first is overpopulation. The rate of overpopulation is still high in the society, especially in poor
countries like India or South Africa, which really struggles the government in providing enough job
opportunities for youngsters.
- The second reason might be underqualification. Many students start to find jobs immediately after high
school without entering university. Therefore, they aren’t qualified enough for the employers to hire.
- Moreover, the problem also lies in the poor performance among the youth. Even though they have university
degree, they just focus on theory, therefore they lack practical experience in work as well as the daily life.
Topic 17: Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication. (giao tiếp trực tiếp tốt
hơn các loại hình giao tiếp khác)
- Face to face communication helps to express our feelings. As we often show our feelings through facial
expressions, it is much easier for other people to know how we feel when talking face to face.
- Communicating with other people directly, we are able to build personal relationship. Talking to someone in
person can help us easily make friend with him or her.
- Face to face chatting allows us to reduce misunderstandings. When talking to others, we can see their body
language and facial expression so we can easily understand if they agree with our ideas or not. Therefore, if
there are problems, we can deal with them immediately.

Topic 18: Parents are considered the best teacher. (Bố mẹ được coi là giáo viên tốt nhất)
- Parents are the first teachers who teach us to walk, speak and behave well.
- Parents can understand their child’s strengths and weaknesses because they are close to their kids.
Therefore, they know which is the most suitable for their child.
- They teach their kids with love and responsibility. They are responsible for protecting their children from
dangers. They will always be there for their children no matter what happens in life.

Topic 19: Traditional music should be kept. (Nên lưu giữ âm nhạc truyền thống)
- Traditional music has cultural values. Music is believed to be a symbol for a nation’s culture. Different
countries have different genres of music. Based on the rhythms, one can say where a song comes from.
- Traditional music brings historical values. It teaches us about the history of the country. For example, songs
during the revolutionary period encouraged people to live and fight against invaders during the war.
- Educational values are present in traditional music. Songs are considered basic building blocks of language.
Traditional music especially lullabies that our mothers sing help us to develop speech and language. Repeating
sounds, rhythm and melody in songs aid language development in kids.

Topic 20: Childhood is the most important time of a person’s life. (Thời thơ ấu là khoảng thời gian quan
trọng nhất trong một đời người)
Childhood plays a crucial role in one’s life.
- In the first place, childhood is the time when they develop our physical health. At this time, their physical
health develop fast, from a baby to a toddler and then a fully grown person. Height and weight of people are
proved to develop fastest in these early years.
- Moreover, kids can form personalities during childhood. Children learn, behave and interact with people
around them like their parents and friends so these people might influence their way of thinking. Our
characteristics in the future will be the result of these first periods of life.
- It is believed that children learn things quickly at an early age. They are interested in exploring new things,
observing, following and immitating people around them much more quickly than adults. Kids can learn plenty
of knowledge and skills at this time of life. Children are even regarded as sponges (bọt biển) that absorb (thấm
hút) everthing around them.

Topic 21: Vietnam is a good place to visit for foreigners. (VN là một nơi tuyệt vời cho khách nước ngoài)
- Vietnam has a lot of tourist sites (beautiful beaches in Central and Southern Vietnam such as Da Nang, Hoi
An, Nha Trang, Mui Ne, Cua Lo, and spectacular mountains throughout the country. Tourists can take part in
many kinds of holidays in Vietnam (activity, beach holiday, honeymoon, and so on)
- Vietnamese people are friendly and hospitable. Visitors are welcomed by warm smiles.
- Vietnam is famous for delicious foods. There are a variety of famous dishes such pho (rice noodle with
chicken or beef, Bún chả (rice noodle with grilled pork), Nem (spring roll) and so on.
Topic 22: Knowing how to drive a car is valuable for people. (Biết lái xe là một kinh nghiệm quý báu cho
mọi người)
Travelling by car has several benefits.
- The first merit of knowing how to drive a car is flexibility. People can travel anytime, anywhere on their own
schedule and make unexpected stops.
- Drivers can enjoy speed. People can move quickly from one place to another. People do not have to waste
their time waiting for buses.
- Availability is also a plus point for those who choose to go by car because cars are available in many places,
especially where buses can not reach.
Topic 23: Learning how to make a cake can be a great experience for people. (Học cách làm bánh có thể là
một trải nghiệm hay với mọi người)
- In the first place, making a cake by youself can save your money. Knowing to make a cake is a great
advantage as your money won’t be wasted into luxurious restaurants.
- Moreover, it also creates an opportunity for you to make new friends who have the same interest. By means
of Facebook, Zalo or Twitter, you can join many groups to learn about making cakes and broaden your
relationship at the same time.
- Finally, making cakes is a useful way for you to relax. You will be satisfied to see your products. You can get
much pleasure as they see your beloved ones enjoy your cakes.
Topic 24: Working in pairs helps students learn better at school. (Làm việc theo cặp giúp sinh viên học tốt
hơn ở trường)
- In the first place, pairwork allows students to improve social skills and interaction. When it comes to
pairwork, students have to communicate with their parner and many skills are used and developed such as
communication skills, debate skill, presentation skills, giving ideas and so on.
- Moreover, working in pairs creates a valuable chance for students to learn from each other. This also helps
young people to learn better at school as two people can come up with more ideas to solve a problem. Thanks
to pairwork, students can easily find their friend’s mistakes and help each other correct them.
- Lastly, learners can be more active when working in pairs. Everyone has to be responsible for a part of a
task. Pairs have try their best to complete it. Otherwise, it will affect the whole pairs. There are sometimes in
their work that they disagree with each other, therefore each side has to give strong explanations to persuade the
opposite follow their ideas. Problem-solving skills are bettered as a result.
Topic 25: There are some benefits of having a public library (lợi ích của thư viện công cộng).
- In the first place, public library is a great place for kids. There is kids zone (khu vực dành cho trẻ con) in
every public library that allows children to read comic books, play with their friends and even read books with
their parents.
- Moreover, public library helps build a better community. It is where reading culture is promoted and
propaganda activities (các hoạt động tuyên truyền) take place and community. In this reading community,
bookaholics can communicate and exchange interesting information with each other.
- Finally, public libraries give everyone free access to books. People can go to national libraries to search for
various sources of information. Readers can find any kind of books they like , for example, textbooks, novels,
story books, dictionaries, CDs and so on. As a result, literacy will be improved if public libraries are widely
used. It is because this kind of library will encourage the eagerness of reading books among people, from kids
to elderly. Public library is 2. It is an ideal self-study place. It has many quiet reading rooms so that you can
study there.
Topic 26: There are some factors causing stress at work. (Các nhân tố gây ra stress trong công việc)
- The first reason for being stressed at work is bad management. Instead of dividing work into smaller parts to
get it done gradually, many people often delay their work until deadlines thus they have to deal with such a
large amount of work at one time.
- The second reason is that workers have too much workload. Employees have to work long hours or work
overtime for such a long time. As a result, they feel exhausted. The problems also root from managers who
force their employees to deal with a mountain of work to earn more profit for the company. Even they even
don’t have any free time to relax.
- Finally, poor working condition is another cause of stress at work. People might have to work at a very high
speed and under tight deadlines. Employees might feel stressed because their colleagues or employers do not
support them or they are even criticized.
Topic 27: Healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health. (Bữa sáng lành mạnh là bữa ăn tốt nhất cho
sức khỏe)
- In the first place, a healthy breakfast helps us to have a healthy body. Good food for breakfast would
provide us with enough energy for the morning. There is a saying like this “Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like
a prince and dinner like a pauper.” If we don’t have sufficient breakfast, we will suffer from vertigo and
- Moreover, it allows us to concentrate on our work or study better. Breakfast can improve memory and
concentration levels. Breakfast provides energy consumed all the night and therefore prepare for our new
working day better.
- Last but not least, eating breakfast enables us to prevent some diseases. It is obvious that if we don’t eat
breakfast, stomach has nothing to digest, which leads to stomach diseases and sometimes even low blood sugar.
A proper breakfast ensures a healthy body so it helps us to stay away from illnesses.
Topic 28: There are several ways to help others in the community. (Có một vài cách để giúp mọi người trong
cộng đồng)
- Firstly, we can help people with their daily task, which is a popular way to help others in the community.
Volunteers help feed children, read books to children, do housework, and so on. Coming to rural areas, students
may help peasants harvest crops and do the transplanting.
- Secondly, we can also run a club or organisation to support the community. There are many groups and
governmental and non-governmental organisations are working effectively in helping the community especially
in natural disasters like drought, flood and so on. Famous people often organize live shows or performances to
raise funds.
- Finally,we can also give poor people money, clothes and food. Warm clothes and food are usually
distributed to northern ethnic minority students as winter comes. We often give these necessary things to poor
people in remote areas or when people suffer from natural disasters (floods in Central Vietnam, droughts in
Southern Vietnam).
Topic 29: There are some benefits of living in the countryside. (Lợi ích của việc sống ở nông thôn)
- Firstly, people living in the countryside can enjoy fresh air. It is because the rural areas have many trees and
the air is still not polluted by the act of industrialization.There are fewer factories and traffic here.
- Secondly, the living cost in the countryside is lower than that of big cities. They pay lower fees for all
services and products. Besides, they often have a large garden where they grow their own vegetables and raise
their own chiken or pigs for food. They can also buy cheaper products, pay for less bills and transportation.
- Last but not least, neighbours are very friendly and helpful. They often help each other, for instance, look
after the house when their neighbours are away from home or help when there are wedding parties or funerals.
People may have truly friendly neighbors. Compared to the lonely life style in urban areas that people only
know themselves, rural residents care much about people around them and it helps create a close-knit and cosy
relationship between them.
Topic 30: There are some benefits of living in the city. (Một vài lợi ích của việc sống ở thành phố)
- First of all, people in cities may have higher standard of living (mức sống cao hơn) with higher quality
health care service, more entertainment facilities like cinemas, theme parks and shopping centres. For example,
when you are ill or you might have sudden accidents like car accident, being burnt and so on, you will be taken
to the hospital immediately.
- Secondly, people living in urban areas have more employment opportunities (cơ hội việc làm) with much
higher salaries. There are many companies, factories and enterprises in big cities that you can easily apply for
different kinds of jobs.
- Thirdly, city dwellers can enjoy better education (modern facilities, excellent teachers). In cities, students
can get access to morden technology that is helpful for them in their study like computers and smart phones.
With a higher living standard, parents can provide their childen with the best education.
Topic 31: There are several benefits of watching films in the cinema. (Lợi ích của việc xem phim ở rạp)
- First and foremost, cinema goers can watch movies with better sound quality and on larger screens. Cinemas
are often well equipped. Cinema owners invest much money in creating the best things for the audience, and the
sound is one of them.
- Moreover, the cinema always has large screen which makes images become more lively and it attracts
people’s attention and concentration. It is possible to watch the latest movies which are not shown on TV or
elsewhere or might be on TV much later.
- Lastly, going to the cinema is great chance for people to meet up with their friends and relatives. They can
chat with friends and relax after a hard working week. Hanging out to see a film and taking pictures will be a
memorable time for friends and parents.
* People who watch films in the cinema = cinema goers: người đi xem phim

Topic 32: Taking photos is beneficial to people. (Chụp ảnh có lợi cho mọi người)
* to take photos = to take pictures = to photograph: chụp ảnh
- In the first place, taking photos helps reduce stress. Whether taking photos of landscapes or people,
photographers might be absorbed in it and might forget about their work and life. When people feel stressed,
they can wander around to take pictures.
- Moreover, people can save memory by taking pictures. Time can pass but the picture we take at a specific
time will last forever. Photos help save our sweet memories. Pictures keep our unforgettable moments in life
forever. For example, we can know what we look like when we were a child by looking at our childhood
- Lastly, taking photos allows people to improve imagination. Pictures let us come up with new ideas and
make us more creative. To have a beautiful picture, we have to think about the angle to take, how the light will
be and so on.
Topic 33: Studying abroad has many benefits. (Đi du học mang lại rất nhiều lợi ích)
Studying abroad: have a better education, become more independent, find a better job, [your own ideas].
There are numerous advantages of studying overseas.
- Students can have a better education. Foreign countries often offer better courses.
- Students can become more independent. They live on their own so they have to do everything by themselves
like cleaning the house, cooking, controlling time and money and so on.
- With a degree from a well-known university in another country, people can find a better job with higher
salary. Moreover, they can learn a foreign language while studying abroad so it’s easy for them to look for
employment in a foreign company when they return to their home country.

Topic 34: Doing sport has many benefits

- First of all, it is easy to realize that playing sports is good for health. It is because when you play them
regularly, the blood can be transmited faster, the heart will be under less pressure and therefore reduce the risk
of many heart and respiratory diseases.
- Moreover, you can also meet many people through playing sports because the nature of sports is that you
hardly play it alone.
- Lastly, you can also relax when chatting with people while doing morning exercise or laugh when your team
win a football match.
Topic 35: Living on campus is beneficial to college students (Sống ở trong khuôn viên trường có lợi cho các
bạn sinh viên đại học): reasonable cost (chi phí hợp lí); available services (các dịch vụ có sẵn); responsibility
(tính trách nhiệm); your own ideas
Well, you know, as for me, living on campus is a popular choice with students as it brings a number of benefits
as follows.
In the first place, it is cheap to live on campus. Students only have to pay from 300 to 500.000 VND per
month for a room on campus. As students must study all day and don’t have time to earn much money, living
on campus is a good choice for them. Moreover when living on capus, students don’t have to cook meals.There
are available services on the campus, for example food shops, Internet cafés, sports area, etc. Last but not
least, sharing room with other people can develop their responsibility. They share with each other both ups and
downs during their student time at college.
To sum up, students should live on campus because of many advantages.

Topic 36: Living off campus (Sống ở ngoài khuôn viên của trường Đại học)
Living on or off campus during college always is the question that every college student must answer before the
school year begins. Both options have their pros and cons, so it’s critical to weigh student’s choices before he
makes a final decision. There are incredible upsides to each–but from my experiences; here are some reasons to
live off campus.
The first benefit of living off-campus is more freedom. There is nothing better than feeling as if you can get a
moment to yourself. Living off-campus means you will probably have your own bedroom. You will also be
sure to have as much space as you need so that your apartment does not feel cluttered. You are absolutely the
one to decide whether to share the room with others, what is not in the dorm. Secondly, when a student lives
off-campus, he can learn to be responsible. Student who chooses to live off-campus does not have to follow as
many rules and there is no RA overseeing him every move. He can set his own regulation. In addition, he has
chance to practice many skills such as managing a budget, taking care of himself or doing his own housework,
which are great ways to prepare for the transition of life after college. Finally, living off-campus brings a
student diversity. When your living area is expanded beyond a university campus, you have more chance to get
exposed to people from a variety of cultural backgrounds and different neighborhoods. Living off-campus helps
student choose the lifestyle or living standards that suits him
To sum up, there are a number of benefits that living off campus can bring to students.

Topic 37: Attending a college far away from home is good. (Đi học đại học xa nhà): independent life (cuộc
sống độc lập) ; open social life (mở ra cuộc sống xã hội); fresh start (khởi đầu mới mẻ); your own ideas.
When it comes to picking a college, as in many things, the unknown is scary. On the other hand, staying with
the familiar might make you feel as though you haven't grown. But it can’t be doubted that there are more
advantages of studying far away from home.
Firstly, you might find learning in a great distance from home pretty challenging. If you go too far, you'll
probably be shocked. This can be a scary experience, but it's a very important one. The courage and skill it
takes to pick up and start your life over somewhere different will be precious one day. Secondly, you probably
would prefer having a fresh start. You'll be able to make a new set of friends and expose yourself to new
experiences as you attend a college far away from home and you might feel well forgetting your mean friends.
In conclusion, paying your way to live far from home might be worthy and there are other times when free
things aren't such a great deal for students.

Topic 38: University is not the only route to success. (Đại học không phải là con đường duy nhất dẫn tới
thành công): hands-on experience (kinh nghiệm thực tế); vocational training (đào tạo nghề); no-degree
required jobs (nhiều công việc không cần bằng cấp); your own ideas.
In my opinion, university is not the only way for everyone, because there are many routes to success.
In the first place, if you do not go to university, you can start your career four years earlier. That is enough for
you to do a lot of things. Moreover, you have hands-on experience from the real life. I strongly believe that
these experiences are more valuable than what you learn from books at school. Besides, instead of studying at
university, you can choose vocational training schools where you can learn a job in a short time. Last but not
least, there are many no-degree required jobs like manicurists, hairdressers, waiters, etc that can earn you a
stable income.
To sum up, there are many occupational options for high school leavers to choose apart from attending a

Topic 39: Cars should be banned for many reasons. (Nên cấm xe hơi vì nhiều lí do): polluted (ô nhiễm);
traffic jam (tắc đường); not enough parking space (không đủ chỗ đỗ xe); your own ideas.
I am inclined to believe that we need to ban cars inVietnam for many reasons as follows.
Firstly, cars are one of the causes of pollution in big cities, because they emit harmful smoke into the air which
damages people’s health and environment. Secondly, streets in Hanoi are very small and a large number of cars
definitely cause serious traffic jam especially in rush hours. Hence, it is not convenient for us to go home after a
long hard working day. Lastly, there is not enough parking space for cars in Hanoi. Therefore, we can see that
cars parked everywhere: on sidewalks, on roadways creating a chaotic view for the capital city.
In conclusion, we should ban cars for many reasons. I strongly believe that in the future we will have fresh
cities without cars.
1. Is it hard to ban cars? You know, it’s difficult to ban cars, because cars are popular and convenient vehicles.
2. What can government do to reduce the number of cars? This is a hard question to answer. I think,
government plays an important role in reducing the number of cars. To do this, government has to develop
public transport systems, especially subway system and increase the number of buses.
3. Should public transports be offered free? I do vote for the idea that public transports should be easily
accessible but not free. As the investment cost is beyond State Revenue, each citizen has to pay a little to share
the financial burden with the government.
Topic 40: Classroom games are beneficial in many ways. (Games ở lớp học có lợi ở nhiều khía cạnh): fun
(vui vẻ); gain attention (thu hút sự chú ý); learn skills (học các kĩ năng)
I believe that game playing is a powerful instructional tool in class for the following reasons.
In the first place, games always bring joyful and comfortable atmosphere to learners in classroom, especially
to youngsters because the main purpose of the game is to bring pleasure and people always enjoy playing
games. When playing games, they do not feel the pressure as they are studying. Students can work, jump, run
and communicate, instead of sitting and learning passively. Moreover, games grab students’ attention and
actively engage them. Students really enjoy playing games, so it is a good way to focus their attention and
actively immerse them in lessons. This can be especially useful in a wide variety of ways. For example, after
breaks, students sometimes have trouble settling down and returning to class. A game allows students to
quickly engage and transition back to the content they were working on. Last but not at least, through games,
students can learn a variety of important skills. There are countless skills that students can develop through
game-playing such as critical thinking skills, creativity, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. For example, by
playing word guessing games, students' skills in describing, generalizing, visualizing are improved
To sum up, in my opinion, playing games during class is one of the most advanced and effective teaching
1. What are disadvantages in organizing games in the classroom?
2. Should games be used in a lesson
3. Are digital games necessary for the future?
Topic 41: Trees are very important to the world. (Cây rất quan trọng với thế giới): food (cung cấp thức ăn);
better environment (làm cho môi trường tốt hơn); flood prevention (ngăn ngừa lũ; your own ideas.
1. How can trees help animals live?
2. What should we do to save trees?
3. What are attitudes to tree planting among different generation?

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