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Molecular classification of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis:

Personalized medicine, genetics and biomarkers


Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health, 2St. Joseph’s Healthcare and 3Department of Medicine, McMaster University
Hamilton, Hamilton, ON, Canada

ABSTRACT attractive targets such as MUC5B and MPP7 have

already been validated in large cohorts and have dem-
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic and onstrated their potential to improve clinical predictors
progressive fibrotic lung disease associated with high beyond that of routine clinical practices. The discovery
morbidity and poor survival. Characterized by sub- and implementation of future biomarkers will face
stantial disease heterogeneity, the diagnostic consid- many challenges, but with strong collaborative efforts
erations, clinical course and treatment response in among scientists, clinicians and the industry the ulti-
individual patients can be variable. In the past decade, mate goal of personalized medicine may be realized.
with the advent of high-throughput proteomic and
genomic technologies, our understanding of the patho- Key words: biomarker, genetics, idiopathic pulmonary
genesis of IPF has greatly improved and has led to the fibrosis.
recognition of novel treatment targets and numerous
putative biomarkers. Molecular biomarkers with Abbreviations: AaDO2, alveolar–arterial oxygen difference; AEC,
mechanistic plausibility are highly desired in IPF, alveolar epithelial cells; AEC-II, alveolar type II epithelial cells;
where they have the potential to accelerate drug devel- BALF, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; BLyS, B-lymphocyte stimu-
opment, facilitate early detection in susceptible indi- lating factor; cCK18, cleaved cytokeratin 18; CCL18, CC
viduals, improve prognostic accuracy and inform chemokine ligand 18; CTD-ILD, connective tissue disease-related
treatment recommendations. Although the search for interstitial lung disease; CXCL13, C-X-C motif chemokines 13;
candidate biomarkers remains in its infancy, ECM, extracellular matrix; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; FVC,
forced vital capacity; HP, hypersensitivity pneumonitis; HSP, heat
Correspondence: Martin Kolb, Department of Medicine, shock protein; IL-13, interleukin-13; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary
McMaster University Hamilton, 50 Charlton Avenue East, T2131, fibrosis; ILA, interstitial lung abnormality; KL-6, Krebs vol den
Hamilton, ON, L8N 4A6 Canada. Email: Lungen-6; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; MUC5B, mucin 5B
The Authors: promoter variant; NSIP, non-specific interstitial pneumonia;
Dr. Hambly is a third-year fellow in Respirology who currently PCMI, personal clinical and molecular mortality prediction index;
undertakes subspecialty training in interstitial lung disease and PF, pulmonary fibrosis; SP, surfactant protein; TERC, telomerase
pulmonary hypertension at McMaster University Hamilton. Dr. RNA component; TERT, telomerase reverse transcriptase; TLR3,
Shimbori is in her third year of a postdoctoral research fellow- Toll-like receptor 3; UIP, usual interstitial pneumonia; UPR,
ship at McMaster University, exploring molecular and cellular unfolded protein response; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth
mechanisms of lung fibrosis in disease models. Dr. Kolb is the factor.
Director of the Division of Respirology at McMaster University,
with a long-standing interest and research activities in pulmo-
nary fibrosis, both in basic and clinical science. INTRODUCTION
Conflict of interest: N.H. received an educational grant from
Intermune Canada and provided consultant service for Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic and
Boehringer Ingelheim and Intermune. C.S. received a travel grant
from Intermune Canada to attend an international conference.
fatal fibrotic lung disease that typically affects adults
M.K. has Advisory Board membership and consulting activities in over the age of 50.1 Characterized by the relentless
regard to IPF management for GSK, Intermune, Boehringer progression of interstitial fibrosis and a progressive
Ingelheim, Prometic and Janssen. Further, M.K. received decline in gas exchange, the median survival from the
research and educational grants from Intermune and Boehringer time of diagnosis is approximately 3–5 years. The
Ingelheim for his institution. M.K. also holds grants from the burden of disease is further compounded by the fact
Canadian Institute for Health Research and the Canadian Pulmo-
nary Fibrosis Foundation.
that IPF afflicts more patients than any other form of
Received 17 December 2014; invited to revise 16 April 2015; fibrotic parenchymal lung disease.2
revised 4 May 2015; accepted 6 May 2015. Histologically, IPF is defined by the distinct
Article first published online: 24 June 2015 pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). The
© 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2015) 20, 1010–1022
doi: 10.1111/resp.12569
Molecular classification of IPF 1011

pathological features of UIP include evidence of pathogenic paradigm of IPF shifting from one of
marked subpleural and paraseptal fibrosis, hetero- inflammation-driven fibrogenesis to one of aberrant
geneous architectural distortion with or without wound healing following repetitive alveolar epithelial
honeycomb cysts, and in areas of active fibrosis clus- cell (AEC) injury.9 According to this concept, the
ters of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, termed ‘fibro- alveolar epithelium is subject to clinically silent micro-
blastic foci’.1 The UIP pattern, however, is not unique injuries over a prolonged period. As injuries accumu-
to IPF and can be observed in numerous fibrotic lung late, a theoretical threshold is reached, and AECs
diseases, including asbestosis, connective tissue are aberrantly activated.10,11 The dysfunctional
disease-related interstitial lung disease (CTD-ILD), epithelial cells then activate pro-fibrotic signalling
chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) and drug pathways, involving growth factors and chemokines,
reaction. Hence, as proposed by the updated 2011 such as TGF-β1.12–14 Subsequent migration, prolifera-
American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory tion and activation of mesenchymal cells leads to
Society international consensus statement on IPF, the the formation of fibroblastic foci and exuberant
establishment of a diagnosis of IPF requires first the extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition.14,15 The conse-
exclusion of known causes of ILD, and second com- quences of such signalling result in a‘fibroproliferative
patible radiographical and pathological findings on disorder’, with fibroblastic foci being the primary sites
high-resolution computed tomography and surgical of pro-fibrotic responses.16
lung biopsy, respectively.1 In the absence of a diagnos- This paradigm shift is supported by the PANTHER-
tic gold standard, diagnostic accuracy is dependent IPF clinical trial, a randomized, double-blind,
on clinical, radiographical and histopathological cor- placebo-controlled study that evaluated the safety and
relation. This can be best accomplished with expert efficacy of a three-drug immunosuppressive regimen
multidisciplinary discussion, particularly in instances of oral prednisone, azathioprine and N-acetylcysteine
of diagnostic uncertainty. in patients with IPF.17 In comparison to placebo,
Once a consensus diagnosis of IPF is reached, a immunosuppressive therapy was associated with an
major challenge facing clinicians involves accurately increased risk of death and hospitalization. Con-
predicting disease course. Significant heterogeneity versely, therapeutic agents, such as pirfenidone and
exists among individual patients, as the clinical nintedanib, which target key pro-fibrotic signalling
course can be variable and unpredictable.3 In some, pathways, have recently been shown in large
the disease is characterized by a rapid deterioration randomized trials to be safe and efficacious.18–20
with progressive functional disability, leading to Clearly, the importance of approaching IPF as a
death within months. Others experience a protracted ‘fibroproliferative disorder’ cannot be understated.
course with little functional impairment. In some, Although inflammation is never a prominent
periods of relative stability are punctuated by acute histopathological finding in UIP, its role in IPF should
exacerbations that can precipitate dramatic respira- not be fully abandoned, as it cannot be ignored that
tory failure. Traditional means of risk stratifying low-level inflammation and immune activation are
patients with fibrotic lung disease are dependent on relevant components of wound repair.21 A complex
clinical variables (history and physical examination, interplay between lymphocyte subsets exists, with
pulmonary function, exercise testing, radiographical regulatory T cells acting as pro-fibrotic elements.22
findings, and histological features) that are poorly The role of CD4+ T cells is variable depending on the
reflective of disease pathogenesis and provide insuf- local microenvironment, while B-lymphocytes have
ficient power to accurately predict clinical outcome.4,5 been implicated in the production of auto-antibodies
Although multiple prognostic scoring systems that against AEC antigens and immune-complex medi-
provide reasonable insight have been reported, they ated inflammatory reactions.23,24 Furthermore, circu-
do not account for the distinct molecular mecha- lating B-lymphocyte stimulating factor (BLyS), a
nisms that drive the fibrotic cascade in individual molecule necessary for B-cell development and sur-
patients.6–8 This issue represents a major roadblock to vival, has been correlated with acute exacerbations
personalized patient care in IPF and is the primary and survival in IPF patients.25 Through pro-fibrotic
focus of ongoing clinical research. cytokines and growth factors, macrophages regulate
In this review, we examine candidate molecular ECM composition and fibroblast function.26–28
biomarkers that have been investigated in IPF The accumulation of fibroblasts into fibrob-
through the lens of the complex pathogenesis of lastic foci, the differentiation and proliferation of
pulmonary fibrosis (PF). We explore how these myofibroblasts, and the subsequent synthesis of ECM
biomarkers play key roles in the progressive fibrotic are hallmarks of IPF.14 Myofibroblasts are not native to
cascade observed in IPF, and how their measurement the lung and differentiate in response to tissue injury.
can influence diagnostic, prognostic and treatment They are mobile cells with contractile ability and are
considerations. the primary producer of collagen and other ECM pro-
teins. These cells can exhibit anchorage independent
growth, analogous to that of malignancies.29,30 The
PATHOGENESIS OF IDIOPATHIC role of the myofibroblast is further convoluted by the
PULMONARY FIBROSIS fact that several cell types have been proposed as their
putative precursor: tissue-resident fibroblasts, epi-
Although the exact mechanisms responsible for the thelial cells (via epithelial to mesenchymal transi-
development of IPF remain largely unknown, signifi- tion), pleural mesothelial cells, bone marrow-derived
cant strides have been made. Most notable is the fibrocytes and pericytes.31,32
© 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2015) 20, 1010–1022
1012 N Hambly et al.

Epithelial cell injury

Epithelial dysfuncon and disintegrity

Increased permeability ER stress

KL-6 Telomere arion
Angiogenesis SPA, SPD SP-A1 Increase UPR CCK18
MMP1, MMP7 MUC5B Apoptosis TERT

CXCL13 IL-13
autoanbody Periosn ECM


YKL-40 TGF-β

CD8+ CCL18
CD4+CD28+ YKL-40
Telomere arion TLR3 FIBROCYTE
T CELL Bone marrow

Figure 1 Potential biomarkers for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and how they fit into the current understanding of the underlying
pathobiology of the disease. ECM, exuberant extracellular matrix; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; UPR, unfolded protein response.

The lung matrix is a complex and dynamic net- MOLECULAR BIOMARKERS

work of collagens, elastin, proteoglycans and glyco-
proteins.31 Traditionally regarded as a mere structural The term ‘molecular biomarker’ generally refers to
support for the complex lung architecture, the ECM any objectively quantifiable biological measurement
is now considered a key signalling entity in the devel- (e.g. protein level in serum or bronchoalveolar lavage
opment of progressive fibrosis. A stiff fibrotic matrix fluid (BALF), or specific genetic mutation or polymor-
promotes fibroblast proliferation and reduces fibro- phism) that may act as a surrogate marker for clini-
blast apoptosis. Matrix stiffness can also transform cally meaningful variables.53 An ideal biomarker
fibroblasts from a quiescent state to a self-sustained should be easily acquired through non-invasive
activated state that drives progressive fibrosis.33,34 means, have high validity and reliability, and be avail-
The most important enzymes in ECM turnover are able for serial monitoring. Rather than represent epi-
matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), which degrade phenomenon, molecular biomarkers should reflect
multiple components of the ECM, activate and the pathobiological mechanisms driving progressive
degrade biological mediators, and facilitate cell fibrosis. From a clinical perspective, a biomarker is
migration.35 particularly useful when the information it entails
Hence, the progressive fibrosis observed in IPF is permits the provision of superior patient care beyond
dependent on a plethora of intricate signalling path- that of conventional practices.
ways activating numerous disparate effector cells In theory, molecular biomarkers have the potential
(Fig. 1). This complexity complicates the develop- for dramatic clinical impact in IPF, influencing multi-
ment of reliable biomarkers and effective treatments ple aspects of patient care. Validated biomarkers
(Fig. 1). We will use these core mechanistic pathways could be used as (i) predisposition biomarkers
to exemplify the various candidate biomarkers that that identify patients at risk of developing IPF;
have been described to date (Table 1). (ii) screening biomarkers that identify individuals
Respirology (2015) 20, 1010–1022 © 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
Table 1 Currently explored biomarkers for IPF

Correlates with
Differentiates IPF
Biomarker Predisposition Diagnosis Prognosis Therapeutic from other ILD Comments

Genomic markers SPA2 +/−

SPC +/− +/−
MUC5B + + +/− Highly associated with both familial and idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis, with odds ratios of 6.3 and 8.3,
TERT/TERC +/− Mutations have been reported in 8–15% of familial
Molecular classification of IPF

pulmonary fibrosis cases37,38

Telomere length +/− +/− +/− Telomere length independently predictive of transplant-free
TLR3 +/− Associated with early mortality and an accelerated decline in

© 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

lung function40
Non-genomic markers
Alveolar epithelial cell KL-6 +/− +/− − − Serum levels >1000 U/mL have worse prognosis41
SP-A +/− +/− − +/−
SP-D +/− +/− − +/− Neither SP-A or SP-D associated with improved prognostic
VEGF +/− Inverse relationship with change in FVC over time43
cCK18 +/− +/− Elevated serum levels in IPF versus hypersensitivity
pneumonitis and NSIP44
Fibroproliferation and MMP7 +/− +/− + +/− Elevated in validation cohort
matrix deposition PCMI index predictive of mortality45
MMP1 +/− +/− +/−
Periostin +/− +/− Elevated levels correlate with physiological progression46
Osteopontin +/− − Inverse correlation with PaO247
Circulating fibrocytes +/− Elevated levels predictive of acute exacerbations and
Immune dysregulation YKL40 +/− − Low levels may be associated with low overall mortality49
CCL18 +/− Elevated levels predictive of physiological progress and
BLyS +/− Elevated levels predictive of survival and PH25
CXCL13 +/− Elevated levels associated with PH, acute exacerbation and
Anti-HSP70 IgG +/− Auto-antibodies associated with FVC reduction24
CD28% CD4 + T cells +/− Downregulation correlates with decreased lung function and

Key: The strength of evidence supporting each putative biomarker is denoted below. Emboldened items have stronger evidence supporting their use.
+, Consistent or strong evidence supporting candidate biomarker.
+/−, Conflicting or poor quality evidence to support candidate biomarker.
−, Consistent or strong evidence against a candidate biomarker.
Blank, Lack of evidence.
BLyS, B-lymphocyte stimulating factor; cCK18, cleaved cytokeratin 18; CCL18, CC chemokine ligand 18; CXCL13, C-X-C motif chemokines 13; FVC, forced vital capacity; ILD, interstitial lung disease; IPF, idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis; KL-6, Krebs vol den Lungen 6; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; MUC5B, mucin 5B promoter variant; NSIP, non-specific interstitial pneumonia; PCMI, personal clinical and molecular mortality prediction
index; PH, pulmonary hypertension; SP, surfactant protein; SP-A, surfactant proteins A; SP-D, surfactant proteins D; TERC, telomerase RNA component; TERT, telomerase reverse transcriptase; TLR3, toll-like receptor 3;
VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

Respirology (2015) 20, 1010–1022

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with subclinical disease; (iii) diagnostic biomarkers to beyond traditional clinical predictors.65 Interestingly,
assist in the diagnostic assessment and classification the same authors report that the addition of KL-6 to a
of patients with fibrotic lung disease; (iv) prognostic multivariate equation that included surfactant
biomarkers that assist in appraising disease severity, protein A (SP-A) and MMP7 significantly improved
predicting disease progression and determining the prediction of prognosis. Unfortunately, when
overall prognosis; and (v) treatment efficacy evaluated prospectively in randomized treatment
biomarkers that have the ability to either isolate trials, changes in KL-6 do not correlate with treatment
patients with the greatest likelihood of treatment response.42,66 These results emphasize that although
response or substitute for clinically meaningful out- increased KL-6 levels may indicate a worse prognosis
comes.54,55 This last point is critical as molecular in ILD patients, larger studies are needed before a
biomarkers are at the forefront of the ‘personalized definitive statement can be made on its value beyond
medicine’ movement, permitting the development of that of routine clinical practice.
therapies that target the signalling pathways respon-
sible for disease progression and the patients most
likely to benefit. Surfactant proteins
Considering their wide range of potential clinical Pulmonary surfactants are lipoprotein complexes
and research applications, the interest garnered by synthesized by AEC-II and secreted into a liquid layer
biomarkers is not surprising. ‘Hypothesis-driven’ lining the epithelium, where they decrease the surface
research and high-throughput proteomic and tension at the air–liquid interface. The reduction in
genomic technologies have identified multiple can- surface tension allows the lung to inflate with lower
didate molecular biomarkers in patients with IPF. transpulmonary pressures and prevents collapse with
Unfortunately, despite these advances, no specific exhalation. In addition, surfactants play key roles in
marker has been internationally accepted for wide- host defence against pathogens that reach the termi-
spread implementation. This disparity is related to nal airways.67 Surfactant proteins A (SP-A) and D
the multiple challenges encountered with biomarker (SP-D) have been studied extensively as diagnostic
discovery, validation and clinical evaluation, particu- and prognostic biomarkers in patients with ILD.
larly in a disease state as complex as IPF. Abnormal surfactant proteins increase alveolar
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and trigger the
unfolded protein response (UPR), both processes
being involved in cell injury and dysfunction.68
Biomarkers associated with alveolar epithelial Defects in the genes encoding SP-A1 and SP-A2 are
cell injury and dysfunction associated with familial PF, suggesting that these gene
loci may play a key role in IPF.69–77
Krebs von den Lungen-6 Both serum SP-A and SP-D are significantly
Krebs von den Lungen-6 (KL-6) is a mucin-like glyco- elevated in IPF patients compared with healthy con-
protein expressed on the extracellular surface of trols.60,78 Elevated serum SP-A and SP-D levels are
regenerating alveolar type II epithelial cells (AEC-II) thought to reflect a combination of increased per-
and bronchiolar epithelial cells.56,57 Upon epithelial meability of the epithelial barrier and increased
damage, KL-6 leaks into the circulation where it can secretion from AEC-II. This may also explain why
be measured. It acts as a chemotactic factor, promot- SP-D levels are elevated in patients with acute exac-
ing the migration, proliferation and survival of lung erbations of IPF in comparison to stable disease.79
fibroblasts.58,59 The utility of serum SP-A and/or SP-D levels in IPF
Compared with healthy volunteers, serum KL-6 versus other forms of ILD has been evaluated in
levels are significantly elevated in patients with numerous small trials.80 Although these studies
IPF.60,61 Unfortunately, the specificity of KL-6 in IPF is suggest that elevated surfactant protein levels
poor, with elevated levels observed in the setting of distinguish IPF from other ILD, there remains insuf-
non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) and sys- ficient evidence to use these proteins as diagnostic
temic sclerosis-related ILD.41 Moreover, elevated markers.
serum measurements are observed in lung cancer An increased serum level of either surfactant
and tuberculosis.62,63 Hence, the value of KL-6 as a protein at the time of diagnosis has been demon-
diagnostic biomarker is limited. strated to be independent predictor of death or
KL-6 has been studied as a prognostic marker in requirement for lung transplantation.81–83 Interest-
multiple forms of ILD. Satoh et al. prospectively ingly, a prediction model recently published by Song
evaluated serum KL-6 levels in 152 patients with idi- et al. in 118 patients with IPF found that neither
opathic interstitial pneumonia and 67 patients with serum SP-A or SP-D provided greater prognostic dis-
CTD-ILD.41 Patients with a KL-6 level >1000 U/mL crimination in comparison to routine clinical assess-
experienced poorer survival compared with those ment with regular pulmonary function testing.65
with lower levels. In a smaller study of 14 patients, Similar to KL-6, prospective trials evaluating the effi-
Yokoyama et al. found that serial increases in KL-6 cacy of pirfenidone showed no difference in serum
concentration were associated with poor survival.64 surfactant protein levels between treatment and
Elevated levels have also been observed in patients placebo groups.42,66 Although both SP-A and SP-D
experiencing an acute exacerbation of IPF. In the have potential as prognostic biomarkers, further evi-
largest study involving IPF patients, baseline KL-6 dence is required before regular serum assessments
levels did not improve the prediction of survival are implemented into routine clinical practice.
Respirology (2015) 20, 1010–1022 © 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
Molecular classification of IPF 1015

Telomeres a 2- to 4-year period.93–95 Data from the Framingham

The ends of each chromosome are capped by a region Heart Study, a population-based cohort, found that
of non-coding repetitive nucleotide sequences called for each copy of the MUC5B promoter variant there
telomeres. Telomeres are disposable buffers at the was an allele dose-dependent increased prevalence of
ends of chromosomes that are truncated during cell ILA, particularly in patients with computed tomogra-
division; their presence protects the downstream phy evidence of PF.96 These data strengthen the argu-
coding segments from being shortened.84 Telomerase, ment that the MUC5B promoter variant represents a
a ribonucleoprotein complex composed of a special- critical predisposition biomarker in patients without
ized reverse transcriptase enzyme (telomerase clinically recognized ILD.
reverse transcriptase, TERT) and a RNA primer The MUC5B promoter variant also appears to have
sequence (telomerase RNA component, TERC), acts prognostic value, as it is associated with decreased
to protect the terminal ends of chromosomes from mortality when compared with the wild-type form.97
degradation. When telomeres reach a critical length, This somewhat paradoxical observation is independ-
apoptotic or cell senescence pathways are activated. ent of clinical factors and significantly improves the
Telomere attrition is a hallmark of cellular ageing and prediction of mortality when included in a clinical
may contribute to impaired AEC integrity.32 prediction tool.97 One possible explanation for these
Mutations in both TERT and TERC have been seemingly discordant findings is that the MUC5B pro-
reported in 8–15% of familial PF cases, creating a moter variant confers a strong increase in the risk of a
pathogenic link between short telomeres and PF.37,38 less severe form of PF. Alternatively, these findings
Short telomeres are common in IPF, with approxi- may purely be a reflection of a survival bias, with only
mately 25% of patients demonstrating blood leuco- healthier less severe presentations being enrolled in
cyte telomere lengths below the 10th percentile.55 The trials.92 Although the mechanism by which the
utility of telomere length as a diagnostic biomarker, MUC5B promoter variant leads to PF is still unknown,
however, is limited by the fact that short telomeres a recent animal model suggested that MUC5B may be
have also been associated with chronic obstructive involved in regulating homeostatic and pathological
pulmonary disease (COPD).85,86 A recent observa- microbial populations in the lung.98
tional study found that blood leucocyte telomere A recent case–control study by Molyneaux et al.
length was predictive of transplant-free survival, found that patients with IPF have a higher BALF bac-
independent of conventional markers.39 Larger pro- terial load and a significant reduction in the diversity
spective studies are required to further validate of the alveolar microbiota in comparison to control.99
telomere length as a mechanistic biomarker of An increased bacterial load at the time of diagnosis
significance. identified patients at greatest risk of disease progres-
sion and death. Interestingly, bacterial burden was
Mucin 5b independently associated with MUC5B, further pro-
In 2011, Seibold et al. identified a single nucleotide moting a link between the promoter variant and
polymorphism in the promoter region of the Mucin immune dysfunction.99
5B (MUC5B) gene (rs35705950), on the short arm of
chromosome 11, which was highly associated with Vascular endothelial growth factor
both familial PF and sporadic IPF, with odds ratios of Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a
6.3 and 8.3, respectively.36 What makes the association glycoprotein expressed in AEC that promotes vascu-
between the MUC5B promoter variant and PF unique lar permeability and regulates angiogenesis.43,100
is that this is a rare example of a common genetic Angiogenesis may contribute to the development of
variant with a very large genetic effect, as it has been IPF.101 Two separate studies found that BALFVEGF con-
noted in 31–42% of patients with IPF.87–91 Despite its centrations were significantly lower in patients with
very recent identification, the association between IPF in comparison to healthy individuals.102,103 Meyer
the MUC5B promoter variant and IPF is both the most et al. reported that BALF VEGF levels correlated with
consistently reproduced observation and dominant diffusing capacity in IPF and sarcoidosis.103 In a cohort
genetic finding in genome-wide association studies of 41 IPF patients, Ando and colleagues found that an
investigating IPF.87,89 Both American and European increase in serum VEGF levels was associated with
cohorts have independently confirmed these poor gas exchange with a high alveolar–arterial oxygen
results.87,89 Most of the 19–20% of control subjects with difference (AaDO2).43 Although serum VEGF levels did
this polymorphism, however, do not develop PF. No not correlate with baseline pulmonary function, an
association has been found with systemic sclerosis- inverse relationship was observed between baseline
related ILD or sarcoidosis.88 VEGF and change in vital capacity over time. In
The term ‘interstitial lung abnormality (ILA)’ is addition, IPF patients with serum VEGF levels greater
used to describe a phenotype defined by specific pat- than the median tended to have shorter survival
terns of increased lung densities on lung imaging (P = 0.075).43 Although these results are derived from a
without the presence of additional clinical informa- single-centre retrospective study, they suggest that
tion to formulate a diagnosis.92 Evidence regarding serum VEGF may be an effective prognostic biomarker
ILA is primarily derived from subjects from popula- reflecting disease severity and outcome.
tion samples and smokers participating in research
studies. Longitudinal studies evaluating patients with Cleaved cytokeratin 18
ILA have demonstrated that a small proportion will ER stress leading to activation of the UPR and
progress from a non-UIP pattern to a UIP pattern over subsequent AEC apoptosis may play a role in the
© 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2015) 20, 1010–1022
1016 N Hambly et al.

pathogenesis of IPF. During apoptosis, a cytoskeletal patients with low MMP7. The group then developed a
protein named cytokeratin 18 is cleaved by caspases personal clinical and molecular mortality prediction
yielding a fragment—cleaved cytokeratin 18 index (PCMI) using gender, FVC, diffusing capacity
(cCK18).104 Using immunohistochemistry, Cha et al. and MMP7 concentration as variables. In the replica-
confirmed the presence of cCK18 in AEC in IPF lung, tion cohort, the PCMI was highly predictive of mor-
but not in control.44 Furthermore, cCK18 and media- tality, suggesting that the use of molecular markers
tors of the UPR increased following thapsigargin- may improve clinical predictions in IPF. Finally, in a
triggered ER stress, suggesting that cCK18 may be a clinical trial cohort of 438 patients, MMP7 was an
suitable surrogate biomarker to assess UPR-induced independent predictor of survival in a model that
AEC apoptosis. Although serum cCK18 levels have not included clinical parameters and MUC5B genotype,
been associated with disease severity or outcome, further solidifying its place as a reliable prognostic
they are significantly elevated in the serum of IPF biomarker that may augment routine clinical care.97
patients in comparison to normal controls, and
patients with either HP or NSIP. This suggests that Periostin
cCK18 may also be a valuable diagnostic biomarker.44 Periostin is an ECM protein that promotes ECM depo-
Further studies will be necessary to validate this sition, mesenchymal cell proliferation and parenchy-
promising molecule. mal fibrosis.111 Bronchial epithelial cells secrete
periostin in response to interleukin-13 (IL-13).46
Biomarkers associated with extracellular Immunohistochemical analyses suggest that expres-
sion of periostin is greater in IPF tissue when com-
matrix remodelling and fibroproliferation pared with controls and patients with other ILD.
Serum periostin levels are elevated in IPF and corre-
Matrix metalloproteinases late with physiological progression.46 Mouse models
MMP are a structurally and functionally related family demonstrate that periostin is upregulated after
of 23 known zinc-dependent proteases. They play bleomycin-induced lung injury, and that periostin-
an important role in the pathogenesis of fibrosis by null mice are protected from fibrosis.112 This evidence
ECM turnover regulation, chemokine metabolism, has led to a randomized control trial evaluating the
cell migration and mediator activation.35,105 Normally use of a monoclonal antibody directed against IL-13
expressed at low levels in healthy tissue, MMP are in patients with IPF (NCT01872689). In this trial, the
highly expressed in IPF lungs.106 MMP1 is responsible utility of periostin as a biomarker and therapeutic
for the degradation of fibrillar collagens and is target will hopefully be clarified.
increased in IPF lung tissue and BALF. Serum MMP1
levels are elevated in IPF compared with HP, sarcoido-
sis and COPD.107 Osteopontin
MMP7 is the smallest member of the MMP super- Osteopontin is a phosphorylated glycoprotein that
family and is capable of degrading multiple compo- functions as an inflammatory cytokine involved in
nents of the ECM (including signalling molecules and tissue repair.113,114 Mouse models of bleomycin-
receptors), positioning itself as a key contributor to induced PF demonstrate that osteopontin promotes
fibrosis.35 Using a MMP7 knockout model, Zuo et al. the migration, adhesion and proliferation of fibro-
demonstrated that deficient mice were protected blasts.115 Pardo et al. provided a mechanistically plau-
from bleomycin-induced PF.108 Elevated serum MMP7 sible role for osteopontin in the development of
levels are observed in IPF patients compared with fibrosis, with osteopontin playing a key role in fibro-
patients with HP, sarcoidosis and COPD.107 In com- blast recruitment and ECM deposition.116 Interest-
parison, MMP7 concentrations in BALF and lung ingly, osteopontin upregulates MMP7 expression and
tissue samples from IPF patients are similar to those colocalizes with MMP7 in the AEC of IPF lungs.116,117
observed in other forms of ILD.109,110 Osteopontin is elevated in the BALF and serum of
By combining the serum measurements of both IPF patients, but this does not differ from other
MMP1 and MMP7, Rosas et al. were able to distin- ILD.47,116 In a small study cohort of 17 patients with
guish IPF from HP with 96% sensitivity and 87% ILD, osteopontin levels of 300–380 ng/mL distin-
specificity.107 This study also demonstrated that serum guished between patients with ILD and controls
MMP7 concentrations were elevated in patients with with 100% specificity and sensitivity. Serum oste-
ILA and negatively correlated with forced vital capac- opontin concentrations were inversely correlated
ity (FVC) and diffusing capacity. Thus, increased with PaO2, but not FVC or diffusing capacity. Further
MMP7 levels may be relevant screening and prognos- studies involving this intriguing molecule are war-
tic biomarkers, indicative of asymptomatic disease ranted to clarify its utility in clinical practice.
and predictors of disease progression.
Richards and colleagues prospectively analysed the Circulating fibrocytes
prognostic value of 95 potential biomarkers in a deri- Fibrocytes are spindle-shaped circulating bone
vation cohort of 140 patients.45 A subsequent valida- marrow-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells that
tion cohort of 101 patients demonstrated that high produce ECM and have the ability to differentiate
concentrations of MMP7, ICAM-1, IL-8, VCAM-1 into fibroblasts and myofibroblasts during wound
and S100A12 were significantly associated with healing.118 A pathogenic role for fibrocytes in PF has
transplant-free survival. Interestingly, the longest been demonstrated in murine models where the
transplant-free survival (4.3 years) was seen in blockage of fibrocyte recruitment protected against
Respirology (2015) 20, 1010–1022 © 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
Molecular classification of IPF 1017

fibrosis.119 Fibrocyte recruitment involves the ferentiation in fibroblasts.128–130 Produced by alveolar

CXCL12-CXCR4 and CCL2-CCR2 axes.120 In a cohort of macrophages, CCL18 levels are increased in a variety
58 patients with IPF, an increased proportion of circu- of fibrotic lung diseases, including IPF, sarcoidosis
lating fibrocytes was observed in patients with IPF in and systemic sclerosis-related ILD.50,130 When meas-
comparison to controls (2.72% vs 1% of peripheral ured in serum and BALF, CCL18 levels are elevated in
blood leucocytes, respectively). Furthermore, circu- IPF in comparison to controls.129,130 Elevated CCL18
lating fibrocytes increase during acute exacerbations levels are not only associated with a decline in total
of IPF, and have been observed to return to baseline in lung capacity and diffusing capacity, but serial meas-
instances of successful recovery.48 Moeller et al. went urements correlated well with pulmonary function.
on to report that survival was poorer in patients with Prasse et al. prospectively evaluated the relationship
more than 5% circulating fibrocytes. The majority of between serum CCL18 and physiological variables in
those with elevated levels, however, had experienced 72 patients with IPF.50 Baseline serum CCL18 was a
an acute exacerbation, which in itself carries prognos- predictor of subsequent physiological progression,
tic significance. and serum levels >150 ng/mL were independently
Recently, Trimble and colleagues evaluated associated with death (hazard ratio 7.98, 95% CI: 2.49–
whether the number and phenotype of circulating 25.51, P = 0.005). These data suggest that CCL18 may
fibrocytes predicted outcome in patients with not only have potential as a prognostic marker, but
Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome, a genetic form of ILD that it could also possibly be used serially in the
that manifests in early adulthood.121 Blood fibrocyte ongoing assessment of patients.
counts were markedly elevated in a subset of subjects
with Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome who had ILD but Toll-like receptor 3
not subjects without lung disease. Elevations in Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) is a receptor that mediates
fibrocyte counts were strongly associated with death the innate immune response to tissue injury, inflam-
from ILD. Further research is required to better mation and infection. O’Dwyer et al. investigated the
understand the role of circulating fibrocytes in both function of TLR3 in primary human lung fibroblasts
the pathogenesis of IPF and as diagnostic and prog- from the lungs of patients with IPF who were either
nostic biomarkers. wild-type, heterozygous or homozygous for the TLR3
L412F polymorphism.40 Defective cytokine, type-1
interferon and fibroproliferative responses were
Biomarkers associated with
observed in those carrying at least one copy of the
immune dysfunction L412F polymorphism. Furthermore, the study con-
firmed an association with early mortality and an
YKL-40 accelerated decline in lung function in those carrying
YKL-40 is a chitinase-like protein that regulates the the mutation. Such information may be critical in
proliferation and survival of many cell types. identifying those patients with a rapidly progressive
Increased levels are observed in many inflammatory phenotype.
disorders, including fibrotic liver disease, sarcoidosis,
COPD and asthma.122–124 Although the exact role of Adaptive immunity and inflammation in
YKL-40 in the pathogenesis of IPF is unclear, it idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
appears to facilitate the release of fibrotic and inflam- As previously described, inflammation is not a promi-
matory mediators from alveolar macrophages and nent histopathological finding in IPF. This being said,
has a mitogenic effect on lung fibroblasts.125 This sig- it cannot be ignored that inflammation and immune
nalling appears to be mediated through Th2- activation are found in IPF lungs, and that immune
lymphocyte/IL-13 signalling pathways.126 In compa- markers may provide useful information for patient
rison to normal controls, YKL-40 is significantly stratification and innovative treatment strategies. For
elevated in the lung tissue, BALF and serum of instance, IgG autoantibodies to heat shock protein 70
patients with IPF.49,127 Although there is a poor corre- (HSP70) have been found in the serum of 25% of
lation between serum and BALF YKL-40 levels, a small patients with IPF compared with 3% of controls.24
single-centre study demonstrated that both are asso- Animal models of bleomycin-induced PF propose
ciated with worse survival.49 Interestingly, in this same that HSP70 plays a protective role and attenuates
trial, patients with both low-serum and low-BALF injury, inflammation and fibrosis. Preliminary evi-
YKL-40 levels demonstrated no IPF related mortality. dence suggests that auto-antibodies targeted against
Investigating the correlation of YKL-40 and physio- HSP70 may play a role in IPF, and that positive anti-
logical variables, Furuhashi and colleagues have HSP70 serology is associated with worse lung func-
shown that serum YKL-40 is negatively associated tion and survival.24 This is supported by evidence
with diffusing capacity and PaO2, and positively with which suggests that circulating B cells in IPF subjects
AaDO2.127 Hence, preliminary evidence supports are more differentiated, with increased plasmablast
YKL-40 as a potential prognostic marker, and future proportions, in comparison to healthy controls.25 The
studies are required to clarify its role in IPF and vali- degree of differentiation is inversely correlated to
date its clinical utility. FVC. CD20+ B-cell aggregates, parenchymal and
perivascular immune complexes, and complement
CC chemokine ligand 18 deposition have also been shown to be increased in
CC chemokine ligand 18 (CCL18) is a chemokine IPF patients. Plasma concentrations of circulating
protein that stimulates collagen production and dif- BLyS, a trophic factor necessary for B-cell survival,
© 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2015) 20, 1010–1022
1018 N Hambly et al.

maturation and antibody production, are signifi- tissue from 40 patients with IPF and 8 controls.135 Two
cantly greater in IPF patients than in normal controls. clusters of co-regulated genes were found to be
BLyS concentrations were highest among those sub- upregulated in IPF. The first cluster comprised genes
jects with pulmonary hypertension and also pre- related to the bronchiolar epithelium, and the second
dicted transplant-free survival at 1 year.25 consisted of T- and B-cell markers, Fc receptor genes,
Implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous immu- and chemokines. These clusters of genes were termed
nological disorders, C-X-C chemokine 13 (CXCL13) is the ‘bronchiolar signature’ and ‘lymphoid signature’,
a critical agent for B-cell trafficking to lymphoid respectively. Within these signatures, the genes
aggregates and inflammatory foci. Circulating encoding MMP3 and CXCL13 were identified as being
CXCL13 levels have been demonstrated to be elevated upregulated and found to be negatively correlated
in patients with IPF, particularly in the setting of pul- with survival over a 3-year follow-up period.
monary hypertension.51 Patients developing or Many other research findings have been published
experiencing an acute exacerbation also had signifi- in this area, but covering these would go beyond the
cantly greater concentrations of CXCL13. Further- scope of this review.
more, both baseline CXCL13 levels and increases in
CXCL13 over time were associated with reduced
survival.51 CONCLUSIONS
T cells are the predominant mononuclear cell type
isolated from IPF lungs, and have been associated In the past two decades, numerous putative molecu-
with disease severity and survival.131 The level of lar biomarkers for IPF have been identified. These
expression of genes associated with the costimulatory may provide insight into the activation and propaga-
signal during T-cell activation, including CD28, ICOS, tion of fibrosis and hold great promise in advancing
LCK and ITK, was shown to predict prognosis in two the care of patients who suffer from IPF. Considering
IPF cohorts.22 Furthermore, increased CD8 + T-cell the complexity of the pathogenesis of IPF, it is clear
density in the pulmonary interstitium and the that a single biomarker assay is unlikely to have
downregulation of serum CD28 CD4 + cells both cor- transformative effects on clinical practice. In contrast,
relate with progressive disease.52,132 These findings implementation of multi-marker panels, assessing
provide insight into the complex pathogenesis of IPF the many pathobiological processes involved in IPF,
and the plethora of ‘inflammatory’ biomarkers that may provide clinicians with the information needed
potentially have clinical relevance. to improve patient care. Unfortunately, the majority
of studies evaluating molecular biomarkers in IPF are
USING GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS underpowered, retrospective and lack necessary vali-
TO ENHANCE PERSONALIZED dation. These facts preclude the rapid incorporation
of biomarkers into routine clinical practice. Which of
MEDICINE these putative biomarkers will have the greatest clini-
cal utility remains uncertain. To date, only MUC5B
Gene expression profiling has been widely utilized to and MMP7 have been studied in large validation
generate new hypotheses regarding molecular events cohorts, and perhaps more importantly demon-
that drive the natural history of IPF. Such analyses strated clinical utility beyond that achieved with con-
have the potential to identify novel and clinically rel- ventional clinical predictors.
evant molecular biomarkers that can provide insight Diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers will con-
into the aberrant processes associated with disease tinue to evolve as larger cohorts are studied in pro-
pathology. For instance, using microarray analysis on spective interventional trials. Of great interest will be
autopsy-derived or explanted lung tissue, Konishi the isolation of specific ‘subphenotypes’ of IPF
et al. found that IPF patients with stable disease or defined by a distinct molecular signature. Stratifying
acute exacerbation exhibited overall similar gene patients based on their unique biology may provide
expression signatures in comparison to control clinicians with the personalized information required
samples.133 However, on direct comparison of the IPF to optimize diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic
subgroups, more than 500 of the 30 000 on the array assessments. Only then will the visionary goal of per-
were differently expressed. Interestingly, the gene sonalized medicine come to fruition and advance the
expression profile in exacerbating patients did not care of all those who suffer from IPF.
exhibit an increase in inflammatory response, but
rather a signal pointing to excessive AEC proliferation
and apoptosis. Taken together, these results indicate
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