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The Shakespeare’s life

Shakespeare plays are the gratest literaly text of times, they express a profoud knowledge of human
behaviour and transmit universal values. Shakespeare was born in Straiford-Upon-Avon on 1564, he
attended the local grammar school from the age of 7 to 13, he married Anne Hathway when he was 18. In
1592 he went to London, he was an actor and playwright he was supported by a private patron. He became
a shareholder and the main playwright of the most successful company of actors in London, the lord
chamberlain’s men, his company built the Globe theater.

The sonnets
The structure of the sonnets as three quatrains and a final couplet, he follows the structure of the
Petrarchan form. The themes are: love and its loss, broken trust of a friend and forgiveness, others themes
as time, death beauty and art. The style, was rich and vivid descriptive language, the classic reference was

The comedies
Famous comedies was: twelfth night, Cymbeline, Troilus and Cressida, the winter’s tale… Shakespeare
comedies include: disguise, frustrated love, mistake identity, they end in multiple marriages.

The tragedies
Famous tragedies was: Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, Othello, Antony and Cleopatra…. In Greek and Latin
tragedies the protagonist acts against inexorable destiny, the action is limited to one place and one day, the
turning point is where the goals of the tragic hero. In Shakespeare tragedies, the real balance between fate
and human choices, based on character’s flaws, Shakespeare freely breaks the rule of place and time
unities, the catastrophe at the end spells disaster for the tragic hero.

Shakespeare’s language
He used blank verse.

the verse: used by aristocratic characters, in serious or dramatic scenes.

prose: used by lower class characters, in comic scenes, in informal conversations.

Use the metaphors, similes, personification, antithesis, hyperbole, irony and pronouns

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