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Elizabeth I, queen of England, 1533 to 1603. Elizabeth was born in Greenwich on 7th of September 1533,
she was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, who will later be executed for adultery, when
Elizabeth was just 2 years old. Henry’s last wife Catherine Parr made sure Elizabeth was highly educated.
When Henry died Elizabeth’s brother Edward became King, then he died in 1553, and Mary became Queen.
She was determined to return England to Catholicism, and because Elizabeth was protestant, she
imprisoned her in the tower of London; Mary died in 1558 and Elizabeth became queen at 25 years old. She
returned in England to develop Protestantism in the Church of England while maintaining some Catholics
elements such us the crucifix. Elizabeth also declined marriages because she preferred to give priority to
the parliament, all for the welfare of her people, indeed during Elizabeth’s reign England saw a golden age
of progress. In 1580 Francis Drake became the first Englishman to circumnavigates the earth, and five years
later Sir Walter Raleigh formed a colony on the east coast of North America named Virginia. The art also
flourished in theatre poetry and music, with such playwrights as William Shakespeare. In 1587 Elizabeth
had her cousin Mary queen of Scots, who was her nearest heir, to be executed; Mary was a catholic and
had been imprisoned by Elizabeth, as a threat to the throne because is processed after years of
surveillance. After Mary’s execution, King Philip II of Spain launched an invasion to England, to remove
Elizabeth and restore the Catholicism, but Elizabeth managed to stop the invasion. In 1603 Elizabeth died,
and the Tudor dynasty ended, the next King was James VI of Scotland, the son of her cousin Mary of scots.

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