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William Shakespeare was an English author who lived during the Elizabethan age. He was born in 1564, and
his career started as a playwright as a member of the actors’ group “The Kings” company, which was
originally called “The Lord Chamberlain’s” company. At first, they played in different theatres but then they
built their own theatre, the Globe. The company was made up by only males, so every role had to be played
by men. Despite having simple plots, Shakespeare’s plays were popular thanks to the complexity of his text
and the high number of plot twists. For this, his works were enjoyed not only by common people, but also
by the aristocracy and by the King himself. Besides plays, Shakespeare also wrote many sonnets and poems,
at first starting with histories works, like “Henry VI”, and comedies like “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, and
later tragedies like “Hamlet”. He even used a totally new language, creating his own words which are still
used today, for example “Lonely” and “Gossip”, and he used a large amount of metaphors and vivid images.
Shakespeare died in 1616 at the age of 52 but his plays are still performed nowadays, and some have also
had their adaptation to movies or even music.

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