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Truancy Is a Major Impediment to our Academic Performance

The relationship between student’s attendance and achievement in public schools has become a
drawn out issue. Among different studies by scholars, policymakers, specialists, and parents the
outcome has been determined there is a positive correlation between school attendance and

First of all the issue of poor school attendance has been a serious concern for many years. The
correlation between attendance and achievement has policy makers and researchers questioning
the efficacy of family involvement. The true factors on truancy is the evidence of students
performing poorly on tests, in the classroom and not completely prepared for real life situations.
And that gets us to poor attendance at school and bad marks among students.

Second of all it has been established that truants are characterized by lower levels of academic
self-esteem . The family level suggested pupils who are often absent tend to display signs of
academic anxiety, sometimes even leading to symptoms of neuroticism. On the school level,
truancy was most endemic at the age 15, and in general, the problem was more prevalent among
boys than among girls, and proved an impossible accuracy . Currently these factors can be
situated at the individual, the family, and the school level of concern.

In conclusion I can affirm that research findings supported the claim that truancy should be
considered a vital educational problem. High truancy prevented schools from reaching their goal
of providing children with a sufficient level of skills to play a role in society.

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