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by I. Fontanini



What a year we had in 2020 with the new year ahead not looking so
grand. Yet the thing we must remember when there is chaos like a an
ongoing pandemic, as I write during the first month of new year, is that
united together is our best way forward and not divided over differences
of opinion.

My oldest friend, we grew up as kids in Australia at a suburb near the

river and kept in contact over the years after he went to England and
after schooling finished, he came back for a year. Then I went and visited
him when I was in Ireland. I now live in China, my home since 2007.
He had been in constant contact with me, but now it seems he isn’t willing
to chat, which may hurt him more than me as life still goes on and each
day is a new beginning.

Then my twin brother told me, before the pandemic begun, that he won’t
write a letter for a visa inviting my Chinese wife to visit them as his son
has Crohn’s disease. And I’ve only left China twice since relocating over a
decade ago. Once for a holiday to Phuket in Thailand for two weeks, a few
years ago, then prior to the Olympic Games, I was told to leave China so
took my wife to Australia. It seems to me that these two people are
racist, even though they say they’re not.

Social media became a nightmare and people changed totally. Its not a
bad thing as a person’s true colors appear. It saw friction. However
uniting ourselves globally is how you stop a global pandemic. We live in a
world divided by what another person wants to see rather than accepting
different beliefs or cultures. The reality is that we all call Earth home
regardless, so we must unite.

Anyway, my own effort revolves around gaining public support to create a

new model for utility services so seeing negative behaviour on social
media alongside with people I respect, I thought I should mention this.
Anyway, this book are my views of what happened during the past year.
Regardless whether you believe in my point of view or not, it should
provide you with another aspect.

Einstein is quoted as saying weak people seek revenge, strong people

forgive, while intelligent people simply ignore. The last one is my best
option as you can never change everything in life your way so it’s best to
accept that.

The first thing is that you must remember that we’re not all the same
culture nor beliefs with religion another aspect. I heard Muslims don’t
handle sewage as its against their faith. Everyone has their own mind plus
heart so we are equal. My point is that we just need to unite for humanity
to be one global race.

China is a very different place and way of life. Its more about harmony
overall than who has got what. And the poor don’t turn their nose up at
the rich and are not jealous like Australians are. Racism isn’t a part of life
with acceptance between all levels. Business in China is, kind of, not open
for foreigners so you must have an agent to handle deals. Easiest way to
think about life in China is to think of a watch face. We all start off at six
o’clock. They head to three whilst westerners head to nine. Hence
everything is done back to front. Yet we all end up at high noon.

Every nation has a Chinatown so they are not about controlling. Instead
they want to be accepted and fit into society. However they wish to
remain Chinese as its the oldest remaining culture. How can we create a
democratic world order there, when many have been brought up under
something else, whether good or bad? The truth is that only people living
under a regime can decide what suits them, never outsiders. Forcing
anyone to make a choice about what way they want to be governed is not

Westerners think that Chinese can’t manufacture high end quality goods,
but they are asked to build cheap, then developed nations stopped
manufacturing goods required for their national needs and lost
manufacturing ability as there is no infrastructure. The problem is there’s
no established industry left to do that. Rebuilding nations manufacturing
capabilities plus capacity costs are gigantic. It would take years to
construct again, but complaining about outsourcing such sectors for
getting cheaper goods now sees the Chinese feel let down as they realize
they never were accepted as a friend.

Doing business in China is never only about the money made. It is about
building up loyalty foremost with respect and manners too, but regardless
of this, you must have a Chinese agent responsible for your company’s
affairs, whereas every other nation allows you to invest directly. While
new regulations allow more entitlements to foreign ownership, you still
need an agent. I hope you comprehend better what it takes to do
business in China, if you decide to reduce costs establishing
manufacturing in China.
It seems like the Unites States, Australia and Europe are against China
and Asian people and are racist. Calling the pandemic the China virus or
Wuhan bug was not great news and the public reacted to this tag.
When there were two huge bush fires globally, fund raising events
obtained financial aid and gained world attention. However, when China
requested PPE, they were seen as stealing from another nation.
They wanted to stop the virus spreading by getting masks but they
weren’t coming. Could the Chinese manufacturing sectors produce enough
for 1.4 billion? 10 million people were under lockdown in just one city
alone and required to wear masks, while the entire nation were all staying
home. So their government acted instantly, retooling to produce masks
with mass production scale meeting demand within weeks then they had
the ability to distribute globally. But the false consensus was that China
looked after itself without a concern for the global problem.

Ocean liners became floating virus super spreaders. Planes transported

the virus and the world blamed China. Meanwhile, calls to assist China to
contain things at the beginning never gained global sympathy.
The Chinese government never went public asking for assistance as the
Chinese way is not to ask but to see who offers and shows friendship, but
this never happened. And everyone knew the virus was in China but no
other nation acted.

We became more disconnected even though the media seems content

stating globally things are better than before. Then the pandemic burst
that bubble. A persons strives more when they’re not happy about
something and no-one is happy about this pandemic, no matter where
you reside, but blaming others doesn’t help.

We live in an age where if you’re selling something, which isn’t making

you money then you are not looking after company interest. However, we
forget that public works are meant to be provided cheap, yet privatization
ups the price. Uniting utilities of power, gas and water on a global scale is
a step in the right direction. Developed nations are struggling to find
money so they can update utility services and as for developing further or
fast trains like China has, they can’t afford to. Therefore I feel this issue
reflects mismanagement. My point is that in China, they look after people
who have less in a better way, while creating a new modern age which
everyone can enjoy living and sharing together. Harmony is the key
ingredient always regarding Chinese culture. Western society has become
based on self-interest. Its about you and not anyone else. Saddest part I
feel is that things are not updated in developed nations as it’s better to
keep the same services ongoing to return revenue.

China charges drivers as every region has toll gates at expressway

highways. The fee seems to be similar to the amount of money spent on
fuel for the drive. In the city, traffic lights have cameras so that they use
the revenue raised to maintain roads, hence they don’t charge people
using public roads. You see speed cameras in the city too but people drive
slower than the speed limit anyway. The expressway has speed cameras
every five kilometers which can check your average speed. The speed
limit is 120 km/h and you don’t need to go any faster. If you do go faster,
your fuel really costs you more money meaning anything over this speed
sees economical fuel lose huge. I did many a country mile driving back in
Australia on roads that were only a dirt track, even remote locations with
no fuel stations at all for 100s of kilometers and 120 was best speed.

The price of a bus fare in Jiamusi since I arrived has remained 1 RMB
(Chinese dollar). Taxi fares have gone from 5 to 7 RMB for your hire cost
then you pay the distance travelled at an unchanged rate as fuel prices
have remained constant. I hold a Chinese drivers license and have a car
so I don’t use public transport much. In big cities, they have extensive
subways (metro) even extending further plus fast train lines.
Overall high-speed rail is 35,000 km. The Chinese government does
invest, develop and maintain a cheap public transport with a modern
service and the cost to use has not increased and this shows the
difference between western society and the Chinese new age.

Media news has become a source of revenue, instead of a place where we

watch or read each day to find out what happened without doubting
anything. An example were the presidential elections in the USA, where
voter fraud was in the media planting seeds of distrust. Media is about
marketing and advertising so they promote selective narratives that cater
to their backers.

Public works are the same and no-one considers that you could unite
these services together ensuring a cheaper supply structure. There’s a
conflict of interests, like insider trader on stock markets and no electricity
company wants to lose business and forget their first obligation was to
provide the public with the best returns and at the cheapest cost. So why
not follow my Globalian strategy? They’re losing money without the public
getting a better service. I have no interest to join a company, a supplier
of utilities, because their business model is not about reducing costs. So I
must create a movement but in the media, it is harder to gain support.
Trump found out that no-one is above big brother when twitter banned
him for life. So my strategic planning relies on word of mouth and books.
I hope to let you choose me by yourself to become a household name.

We must restore fresh water, so life goes on. If waterways die off, you
can’t just spend money to restore again and currently most are half dead.

Yesterday was Australia Day and I had social media haters for posting
that first nations people need a treaty. Australia Day is not about
invading, 200 years ago, and recently there was an aboriginal passport.
Media previously portrayed Australia Day as landing and conquering by
the British but this has changed to be considerate of all Australians.

I left Australia for a new life. One which I could have more control over.
After suffering a traumatic car accident, I became a ward of the state and
my affairs placed in public trust. I lost my say and felt I had no rights.
They held court without telling me so I decided not to fight back but to
move on. How I ended up in China was pure luck and never in my dreams
would I have travelled there. I was told to take an overseas holiday, so I
planned a trip to England to visit a friend for Christmas but his dad
passed away so that was bad timing. An English teacher from Jiamusi
University gave me an invite to China and I changed tickets and didn’t
inform my trust manager as they wouldn’t have allowed it and off I went.

After I returned, I got into trouble from my manager, but talked him into
letting me go again. They weren’t happy with me living in China and after
a year, my allowance was cut in half as life in China is cheaper.
That’s discrimination but giving up is not an option. I was committed and
kept on going because better things were happening. One day, I will
settle the debt as it costs me more to live here than Australia.
Also I can’t eat spicy food, use a squat toilet and need a soft bed.

Anyway, I jump around in my own writing, so don’t get upset if you find it
hard to grasp. As you read, it eventually becomes comprehensible. I have
many books, five million words, to use for gaining public support towards
Globalian, a new utility services, based on sewage and landfill waste.
It can unite humanity into one single force. But more on that later.


The previous year, 2020, had been pretty good. My wife was content.
Married life has to be an ongoing work, otherwise it doesn’t take long for
little things to become big issues. However, we have a good system, so if
you fine tune when you become aware that something is out of place and
don’t ignore it and put effort into asking about things, its enough. Some
days are hard, no matter what you do. Like the weather, it can’t always
be sunny and when it’s rainy, you dig deeper to find warmth again.
Every Xmas and New Year we celebrate, then again the Chinese New
Chinese family life is centered upon everyone coming together for these
festive times. With my wife’s mother’s birthday a few days before Chinese
New Year sees we get to start the party going earlier and gives us more
time together. Having my extended family together makes me remember
back in Australia on our family farm doing the same thing and those were
my best memories.
I spent the year seeking a loan to build things and that was a waste of
time. The worse part was having no idea who was real or not and others
were upset with me. I felt I had pushed to the limit. You see, I had
created a new model for utilities, a monumental project. I used social
media to find experts, leaders in their own field of expertise. The toughest
part was trying to find investors rather than scammers. I promised that
anyone involved in my project shall be looked after financially. And
there’s an opportunity with me to develop a sustainable plan so that the
environment can be restored.

The worst scammers were Indians then Africans. Anyone can scam by
accessing the internet and having the persistence to keep asking
questions. A Nigerian conned a bank to buy an airport for $300,000,000.
Never click on links as they appear normal but access your files and
desktop emails, that’s malware. I have basic navigation skills so follow
links and prompts. It is similar to a water supply network where
everything is linked together so you can get to the other end.
I saw an apparent organization with a web domain the same as a bank
and they offered to send half a billion to my bank for a fifty thousand
dollar fee. It sounds like a great deal but the bank wasn’t real. And I had
to deal with four different departments who sent various pin codes for my
account to transfer funds. To get the loan approved, I sent them many
reports but when I started inquires with this New York bank, they had
zero info about it so I knew it was phony.

My connections with contacts planted a seed of failure that my project

wasn’t real. Losing trust is hard to regain and trust is essential to
business. So I was stuck in no-man’s land regarding what way to go plus
wasn’t getting replies. Usually, if someone is not interested, they seem to
send you a response, hence people’s interests were low with no-one
willing to say anything. I had a reply from the Brazilian President, years
ago, which was positive. However, I decided not to relocate there and
dropped it as I am settled in Jiamusi.

I withdrew from social media as it was unsupportive of my vision and it

isn’t smart to give away ideas for free. Anyway, I needed to find capital
venture. Utility service providers were not willing to invest yet large scale
plant is what I think we shouldn’t install. It wastes half production costs
and resources, though nobody says so. Service providers for utilities have
a social obligation to provide supplies cheap but corporate profit comes
before public service. When saying these ideas on social media, no-one
agreed. Most people thought I was a screwball and didn’t have anything
worthwhile to offer when saying how to turn an expense into a resource
and save construction costs by eighty percent. So how to develop my
project alone?
Every day though I was reading discussions on social media and keeping
up to date with world events to keep connected. Seeing the pandemic
unfold in China, I realized that media outside China was telling another
narrative, so I decided to comment again on social media.

Everyone in the west talks about the wealth gap divide, but this isn’t
topical in China. Life might be better in China than in other nations.
Yet there’s a common narrative that communism can never be better.
During 2020, the top ten billionaires increased wealth by 400 billion but
the average wage in the USA has not increased dramatically for thirty
years. Chinese monthly wages have gone from 1000 to 4000 RMB and
with the government tackling extreme poverty, it is not an issue
So the wealth gap in China is less than the west but no news on this is
ever told in mainstream global news. My economics is simple. Every dollar
made means someone, somewhere lost a dollar. So if these billionaires
made so much more, something must not be right.

My own project, Globalian, could have started years ago as I was offered
commercial development. Only thing was the public would lose an
opportunity to own everything. Why keep on making the richest people
richer? My Pop was wealthy but he never mentioned it. What the public
thought about him, how they perceived him or saw him for real in the
street as a person was relevant but that had nothing to do with how much
money he had. If people don’t like you, all the money in the world won’t
be enough to be happy. He achieved this as no-one ever said a bad word
about him. He never left his home on a apple farm called Fontys Pool,
which for 50 years was a tourist spot and held national championships in
swimming and log chopping in the 1950s and 1960s with attendance of
30,000 even though it was 400k from Perth.

Gaining an upbringing of farming plus living in the city during school,

I saw what both worlds were about. My family was known throughout the
land for granny smith apples sold at Singapore. Pop never sold locally
though many people tried to buy before we sent everything to Singapore.
He controlled the supply chain from growing to selling his way. Pop scaled
the tallest tree to survey the lay of the land to find the river and then
bought freehold land as well as a pastoral lease. Originally he used Dutch
Traders to move cattle and apples. He also had input into Australian
quarantine standards. I have written a book on my pioneering family as
being the eldest great grandchild saw that he told me many stories and I
learnt heaps from him growing up until he passed away.

When covid-19 started to take effect globally and nations stopped their
economies, so did racism take off. A Chinese exchange student in
Australia was attacked but had no idea why. People believed that China
was hiding the truth about how serious covid-19 was from detaining
medical staff who posted about treating the sick. What no-one realized
was that this new disease had no history, hence you have to see what
happens before you can treat patients properly. And I understood why
some people were detained as spreading fear was dangerous. When the
virus began, as it was under-played, many thought it wasn’t a big issue.
Media reports and social media posts believed covid-19 was a severe flu
but this virus affects your organs and damages lifetime ability to keep you
healthy. The future is unknown regarding side effects similar to AIDS.

The world is battling to control covid-19. The only way to stop this virus
from spreading is to keep people at home but by putting the economy
first, they are fighting a losing battle. In my hometown Perth, they have
enforced a five day lockdown because a returning person in hotel
quarantine passed on the new UK strain, which spreads airborne 70%
more, to staff who was unaware he was infectious possibly transferring
covid-19 into the community. So a million people stayed home.

In the USA, they didn’t have enough masks and many nations never
made a mask mandatory to be worn until this critter had infected far too
many then became aware that masks are the key. Recently, China built a
new hospital with 5,000 beds for quarantine. Its not an intensive care unit
nor a hotel. Jiamusi had 3 new cases last month, so everyone masked up,
plus temperature checks upon entering any retail store along with a
health code check on the smartphone. Yet many developed nations are
not tracking because it is undemocratic and violates human right
freedoms. Its pretty sad that most people living in western society feel
that it is more vital to be able to live normally until they are infected then
they say why didn’t our government act better? The only way to stop this
critter is not to let it infect you, meaning stay home. If nations did this
and had closed borders, the economy would be running by now. To win
the war against covid-19, it sees you go all out straight away to defeat
that enemy and if not, the fighting continues longer causing more damage
over time.

It was an eerie feeling looking out my front and back windows at home
and not seeing anyone. My front window sees the main road, while the
back one looks onto the housing estate. We get a great view of
everything happening around but not seeing a soul anywhere for many
days wasn’t good. My wife’s social media friends were posting things that
no-one knew were true or not, creating fear more damaging than the
virus. So I told her to turn her phone off and stop looking at every new
message as it was making a bad situation worse. We knew that this new
disease was not good, but no-one knew anything about it or how to treat

Once the panic of being stuck home passed, we ended up having a good
time as my wife’s mother and sister came to stay. Everyday they
exercised by dancing and singing. My wife started cutting my hair but
she wasn’t interested in me returning the favor. I couldn’t care less about
what others think about my personal appearance, but I care that she
reckons I look good. So living at home constantly was not hard to adapt
to. It seemed that the entire nation was at home. We had food delivery
and never went out the first month. Every farm village was locked up but
no-one complained. It was three months before I went outside for the
first time and the locals were cautious seeing me, as new cases in China
were from people coming to China so they were scared.

So life had new aspects every day but, for me, every day is a new start
anyway after my trauma, hence my days had not altered much.
However, with what I was reading on social media plus in mainstream
global news, the issue was that many people thought China was playing
games and that was going to cost every nation the chance to lock up
early to keep this pandemic out. I posted on my social media saying this,
but was told that things weren’t as bad as I was saying.

Living with constant pain in my body means I don’t sleep long or even get
to sleep sometimes. I leave the television playing so my mind gets
distracted from my pain. I can only sleep on the right side of my body as
the left side had had metal implanted. I’ve had it removed as my body
never liked it and reacted and my nerves shut down, but I’m still alive.
I learnt over time to accept anything bad as part of my day. If not, life
becomes harder and while taking medicine to relieve pain does work, you
can’t take it forever. When I left hospital, l was on 300mgs of morphine
every day. Hence I made each day like two days in one, seeing I rest
after dinner then wake up at around midnight and am active online until
breakfast, then reset my body again horizontally. Sitting puts pressure on
my tailbone, like walking. Bending over washing the dishes is the worse
one. Within minutes, I’m cussing things from my pain level going crazy.

Each morning when my wife wakes up, I hear her whistle me for a
morning cuppa. She prefers hot water with honey. I reminds me of how
my Pop used to bring me a cuppa to wake me up with. It was like an
alarm clock and a great way to start the day. My Chinese mum was now
living with us, plus a sister moved in too as she had been living alone so
joined us during lockdown. They both loved having a morning wake up
call with a cuppa in bed.

Another issue was losing my spleen so with the pandemic ongoing, my

best bet was to remain home. So I haven’t ventured out, as I have a
depleted immune system as the spleen fights infection. When you know
you are meant to be dead, you accept whatever comes every day. Its like
being reborn with a mind already tuned, only you must adapt it to today.
My Chinese family came from a farming region in Heilongjiang. Their farm
is an hour away from the capital, Harbin which has an ice and snow
festival attracting international visitors. I live in Jiamusi, 400k from their
old farming village. When my wife was in early primary school, her father
passed away and being the eldest child, she stopped going to school to
help her mum raise the other two kids. That region had been taken over
by the Japanese army during WW2 and 50k from the farm at Unit 731,
developed bio-weapons as well as having a large gas chamber so they
were lucky to be alive. My wife had a very hard upbringing, whilst mine
was at the other end of the spectrum, having a family life which most
people only dreamt about. Her dad was a Manchurian leader and once he
passed away, they lost everything over time. Her mum remarried and the
family ended up having five girls and two boys. After the kids married,
they left the farm and moved to Jiamusi, the 5th largest city.

When I arrived in Jiamusi, I couldn’t keep my eyes of her. I had never

wanted to get married after my trauma as looking after myself was hard
enough as I am physically disabled so having a kid and starting a family
wasn’t smart, however I had found someone that I wished to be a part of
my life. So I came back for her and was thinking about taking her to
Australia but realized that it would not be the same if we lived there.
Anyway within a few years of living in Jiamusi, everyone from my wife’s
family on the farm had moved here. Everyone was together and we all
get along so it was pretty cool.

One funny thing is that black swans migrate from Perth to Jiamusi, just
like I did. It shows that the world is a small place and so interconnected.
When driving, I saw a billboard of the Perth CBD and thought that I’d
never ever left the place but here I was living in a foreign country, where
I didn’t even speak the language apart from a few words. I am enjoying a
life, which I wasn’t previously, since my trauma, and had believed that it
wasn’t ever going to happen again as I am disabled.


Globalian promotes itself as the business entity on a global level taking

control of sanitation whilst ensuring ample water supply. Better services
becoming a reality. And though the economy is concerned with business
returns, I have a plan that guarantees a better service. Public works are
meant to be as cheap as possible and never pure business. My model has
energy and fuel produced by sewage and landfill waste making the
economy better for all investors. If household numbers dropped by
servicing to a smaller demand area by having micro-grids, output supply
is fresh. Larger systems have drinking water stagnating in pipes. And we
use the unwanted resources available locally inside the demand area.
We need a new model as sewage treatment use chemicals and the
discharged wastewater pollutes the water cycle killing aquatic life.
We need clean micro-grids producing energy. National grids for electricity
use more energy than they produce and some nations use more water
making power than they drink. A model where natural gas and fuel is
produced locally. A model where my wetland purification estate makes
organic fertilizers for farmers replacing chemicals that runoff and kill
rivers. A model where collecting urban rainwater reduces flooding and
where servers monitor everything.

I designed toilets for rural life for the local government, but I never heard
back as well as a city plan with a traffic light layout where if you got one
green light then the next one would be green too and so on. Sadly though
in China, it seems that you must be multinational before they treat
enquires and dealing with a sole trader individual is not something they
do. Just if they did wake up, well, you save 50% on construction by not
having an office as half building costs normally end up there. Whilst I
definitely have a proven track record for stating whatever occurs.

Tell you a funny tale about business for my project, Globalian. I heard
from a Chinese backer for the building of power plants plus manufacturing
with water supply and sewage treatment projects. He said to me that
China not a location where they would invest, whilst USA and Australia
were not on their radar too. Just Africa was an area they would. While,
my African connections, I have formed, over the years, using social media
told me that they weren’t interested using Chinese developers and would
rather find someone else. It feels like being stuck in a catch 22. The only
thing is that everyone forgets the importance of what I am saying. We
must restore the environment the Globalian way. Its not simply about
energy. But more to do with utilizing returns reinvested back into creating
a new model, which includes business and can unite humanity as one

Stopping pollution by utilizing waste as a resource and implanted small

scale capabilities is how you make it feasible financially and obtain the
yields required to takeover everything. Sadly most people think I have
not got any proof about it being scientifically possible. Only no-one ever
investigated what I am stating and simply are trying to add all up using
known methods. And forget the fact I’m saying we remove 80 to 90% of
the effluent in sewage being water. Therefore if you have more solids,
they will return more energy. But in today’s investment venture capital
banking world, you need facts known and risk unknown. Hence no-one
looks at any proposal.

The construction aspect in building this new facility to house it all is

another thing not proven. And no-one realizes my standards are known
already by the International Standards Organization. We live in a sad
world and even a mad one, maybe more to the point, if experts who
advise governments what to do, refuse to acknowledge what Globalian is
offering to do. World leading organizations for the environment have
refused to reply, even the environmental protection agency. While one
person did respond to me saying they were told not to. Just they believed
what I said was why. The truth is if a sewer system has no vent pipe,
it releases greenhouse gas called methane. Ultimately this sewer drain
then would self-ignite. A volume like Manhattan Island could literally sink.

Social media saw my account permanently blocked. Because I stated that

covid-19 in sewage wastewater was being transferred out to farming land
by spreading sewage sludge after treatment, creating a new kind of mad
cow disease. I was spreading fear, so needed to be stopped. People
reported me, I guess, and I had no warning messages sent neither. Just
account one second open then closed entirely. Like system crashed and
someone pulled out plug and power off. Only thing I’m not telling any lies,
but simply real truth also.

Improve the sanitation sewer system by upgrading from gravity feed to

pumped and vacuum transporting sewage to treatment. Processing
sewerage is refining biogas for natural gas along with biofuel. Hence,
obtaining energy for electricity production. So why haven’t we yet done
this is, I believe, is because of a conflict of interest. Big business decides
what does occur. If you created a new model for sewers, you can build a
home for all your utility lines housed together in a sealed chamber that
you can access instantly and never need to dig again. Therefore, your
own ability for service and to maintain and repair even renew. Plus add
another connection, maybe disconnect, are all available with less costs to
do such.

Wellbeing however generally must become better if your sewer drain is

not open for insects to enter then leave transmitting disease. Rats too
access them the same. In Paris, when it floods, those rats living in the
sewers take over the streets above them. While this sewer gas, being a
greenhouse one in methane leaves no sign it was ever there. Being
colorless, odorless, plus lighter than air so ends up in our atmosphere,
where it becomes water vapor, plus carbon dioxide. Just takes about
thirteen years before it has dissipated and disappeared. Carbon dioxide
only takes a few months to be totally gone or transformed.

Sewer drains tested for methane gas, a decade ago by a university,

determined that it was double the quantity at sewerage treatment.
It listed at 2 to 5% of global warming emissions. And we only treat 20%
of sewerage worldwide, so the real percentage is higher. Methane in
sewers has been recorded at a level of 5%. It could self-ignite and will at
10%. Hence, if more people live in inner city locations, eventually, your
drain will explode and that’s no joke.
Back in 1930 at Boston USA, they added up sewer gases ability to supply
electricity needs. They saw that the CBD could meet all demands but
urban areas did not have the capacity. But no-one thought about holding
sewage. It was all about what was flowing past. The outcome was that
power lines became the means for supply and sewage didn’t. That’s how
our national grid came to be. Even 200 years ago, sewage was used for
natural gas supply in English towns. Just the smell was not great, so they
enclosed open drains and included vent pipes. Some sewers allow
rainwater to enter, so you would think that sewer gas has all escaped
better. But I saw a video in China that looked like a bomb going off so the
yield factor must be huge is what I saw. And we continue ignoring that
sewage treatment process uses chemicals which kill aquatic life in the
water cycle.

When the time came to act, people and governments realized that mask
wearing can reduce covid-19 cases even if they never wanted to because
they never had a supply and not everyone can afford them. However,
allowing business interests to dictate what becomes reality is not the
same as providing public services as cheap as possible. Its not like fuel
that fluctuates on global demand issues pricing, but is controlled really by
a select group of organizations, which, years ago, bought up electric
trams in the USA only then to destroy them. Urban developments created
highways for cars which used their fuels. Oil controls all economic
decisions and if there’s no fuel, everyone is stuck home, like with covid-
19. Plus don’t forget that Globalian can make cheap fuel.

We talk so much on how bad a dictatorship is running any nation.

While commodities, which everyone needs to use every day and night,
don’t have the capability to sustain humanities own development.
Simply put, greed not creed took over years ago. Just like oil had done.
While our national electricity grid wastes more energy than it produces.
Even uses more water for producing such power than some countries use
for drinking water. Saddest part is a developed nation has to replace most
infrastructure even service lines for electricity, while developing nations
can’t afford the cost for installation. So basically a third of everyone
worldwide, no power ability achieved, our current progression reality.
Hence what Globalian is offering humanitarian its best for global needs
and demands obtained at their cheapest means. Seeing, sewage, landfill
waste, plus biomass, even anything toxic are available sources. They are
found everywhere when current energy resources aren’t on offer in most
nations. Therefore I firmly believe that no-one should’ve ever ignored my
request made to everyone regarding an implementation of Globalian.
But like this pandemic, economy comes before fighting a battle which you
must win.
To restore water cycle, you must remove soil filtration and if you think
global warming costs are high for air, well, soil alone is ten times more
money. SOS I guess. If I was only after making money, I should be
happier as pretty soon we’re going to see more waterways dead then will
be forced to act. Like covid-19, if your nations gets things put in place
earlier on, you end up saving more money with economy restarts faster
best result.

Population issues with our growth expanding more is a problem. How can
you adapt to having more people living together? Our planet is not getting
any bigger, whilst we are using more natural resources. Plus they are
running out of supply too. Remember, our last pandemic, 100 years ago,
was the Spanish Flu which infected about half a billion people. Nearly a
third of everyone back then this real number. Plus killed anywhere from
20 to 50 million people. Some even say as high as 100 million. Just about
3% of our world’s population had died, so it is something to remember.

Seeing years ago, no-one believed then our world population would
explode more. Since the sixties, every twelve to fifteen years, we have
increased by another billion people. And a hundred years ago, everyone
thought we had enough natural resources for the future. So instead of
planning things more sustainable, we remained using these same
methods or principles from yesteryear. Hence with so many more people
using those old processes, well, our planet’s natural resources are running
out. Every year, we overshoot this usage by double the amount which
sees they could replenish again. Meaning ecosystem balance is not viable
no more so we are killing our planet.

Circular economy for reusing what we have already made is the future we
want to see happen. While sewage plus landfill wastes are our main global
issues. So why have we not ascertained better handling means for waste
is because we refuse to consider developing a new model. Just if we did
install a plan like Globalian, population growth is no longer an issue.
The problem becomes actually a solution there.

And a third of all farming land available to grow crops has been lost
through bad practices. Hence if we create an organic fertilizer used for
agriculture globally, then what we’re doing to this barren land can be
revitalized. And don’t forget that freshwater cycle restoration is our real
goal. Energy production is about making the money required to reinstate
the environment. And I was informed by a cancer research scientist that
if my Globalian project became a reality, it would prevent most cancer.

So, like this covid-19 pandemic ongoing, if you focused on prevention,

instead of treatment being the cure, then you end up with a better
outcome. However it has taken us 50 years to address climate change
issues. Everyone forgets that air made by our freshwater cycle ability is
for all living matter. Back in the 70s, governments made regulations for
pesticide usage to be mandatory as farming practice. Why was simply
maintaining better quality of standards for health. No-one considered this
might eventually cause things like cancer. It was all about insurance
instead. Both my Pops told me that the world had gone crazy if now bad
farmers can sell their goods. Just Globalian offers a sustainable format
with population included always.

A decade ago, I was approved a patent for collecting sewer gases from a
sewer. Being the second such patented device is history though. With the
first one called a Destructor Lamp street light was made in 1895 at
Birmingham. Most have been removed. Just the Savoy Hotel, London has
one working. However, when it came to manufacturing my sewer gas
unit, no-one was willing to reinvest the returns back into purifying the
sewage effluent back to pure water so we know our future ahead is
sustainably developed.

I decided not to give up on our environment, whilst I believed this was

going to be the case. But no-one would look at my plans regarding
Globalian until I had something officially tabled. I found it very hard to
comprehend. All I’m saying is that we must restore our freshwater cycle,
so sewage, landfill, farming, pollution, all these issues need to be
addressed thoroughly. Isn’t this what our government is meant to ensure
done always to the best standards there?

Applying for grants never sees them approved. Most responses say you
have nothing yet made for real, so how can we fund anything then, if
maybe it won’t happen. But reality is more about big business gets those
grants and not an individual inventor or innovator. Everyone forgets that
grants used to be because that entity had no money and was why they
applied. Now multi-national corporations win.

If we developed an all-natural means for sewage treatment and

processing became refinery, you are going to improve our waterways.
The outcome which our environment actually requires is achieved too
again. I find it mind boggling why no official organizations nor
governments are willing to discuss anything further. Instead no-one
replies. Legally then, they’ve never said anything is why.
Building everything I am stating could occur. No rocket science is needed.
Instead commitment required to change around from what we are doing
to this new model which becomes responsible for all waste nationwide.
And this is where the conflict begins that current day utility businesses
are not willing to admit that you could create and develop better
principles to be implemented. Yes, they are all saying supply means have
become better. Just who has ever seen a reduction to your own utility
When I was taught plumbing design, the first thing was you draw up a
format, which benefits the user and not the financial returns.
Ethics are not now used when designing utilities known as public works.
Looking for investors for five years, I receive messages asking if I would
surrender licensing., then they are willing to fund. It means they get
returns like shareholders and the public would not be offered ownership.
But this is how we restore our environment.

Building things better to last longer used to be our manufacturing means.

But now we make the cheapest and no-one repairs anything. If that stops
working, you buy a new item. This is our throwaway society mentality.
We need a business model, which sees you can repair and replace
anything locally made instead of mass manufacturing. This is what
additive manufacturing, 3D printing, is all about. Yes, you are not
capitalizing on that potential earning ability such an entity in business
has. We must remember that public utility services were never created to
maximize them as a retail commodity like selling clothes. I even read that
some people were able to use additive manufacturing for making things
like ventilator so hospitals could save more people.

This real opportunity, Globalian offers is a platform we can use to build an

entity which delivers our world the same service and provides equality at
a global level with standards always being made better. Progression like
this is how we unite humanity as one race, globally achieved for the first
time ever and society can honestly trade more. I won’t bore you with
details on how you turn our waste into endless yields. Simply what occurs
then is all you need to know here.

Businesses handling energy plus fuel are only run for profiting, not
making your wellbeing more harmonic. Rather than one entity responsible
for all waste that reinvest returns on environment restoration, so we
know Mother Nature is back in control of weather. Regardless, we clean
up pollution.

Personally, Globalian been a huge drain on myself. But in life, if you know
you can do something which benefits humanity, you can’t give up or you
are giving up on yourself. I never came to China for Globalian, but the
Public Trust cut my allowance in half and my plan to invest in property
development didn’t succeed. So I tried my luck again. One day, I saw a
council worker testing a sewer access opening for methane gas. I heard
this device sounding like they found gold and I knew straight away that if
China became my home, I make them an offer regarding Globalian.

My wife is constantly telling me how dumb I am working freely. She has

never been schooled so doesn’t understands the importance. But I grasp
her point that if you not earning a return, you must be wasting your
All I do every day is my Globalian project. Most people feel that I’m not
going to get anywhere, while agreeing what I’m proposing is a better
option. So I remain focused. I started everything going three decades ago
but the world wasn’t ready for Globalian. Then I suffered my major
trauma accident and that stopped everything.

Making the impossible possible means you must keep on moving forwards
by yourself. Hence, hearing others saying negative things allows you to
think how could you make these thoughts positive. However, not
receiving much feedback from the people I wanted to offer everything
wasn’t helping me out. Then suffering from dyslexia means my English
ability is never going to be great. Even Einstein is quoted as saying that if
you can’t get a 6 year old to understand your plans, you don’t know them
well enough yourself. Another saying too, the devil is in the details. You
got to get everything out in these words used by experts which no-one
knows unless this is your area of expertise. I feel that my text and words
are too simplistic. What don’t people grasp with waste not,/want not? Plus
humanity united equality locally is another phrase I’ve been using like
branding. Hence I reckon my words are too basic. All I am saying is we
stop pollution from destroying our planets ecosystem. If not, eventually I
know the environment will collapse and die off. This reality we ignore.

Climate change issues about global warming have become more accepted
that before. But we have not managed to implement such a change.
We have been talking about doing something for fifty years. We need a
plan of attack. But we got so many options, we’re heading off in different
directions. That’s not how you succeed. Globalian, however, does offer
one solution for everything. Plus creates even a sustainable future with
fresh water. It stands out better than anything else being offered. The
problem faced by a Globalian implantation is about displacing our current
providers of such services. Building a new model, the economy would be
altered if locally you’re resourcing goods, instead of internationally.
Whilst the saddest part though is we must restore nature controls our
weather cycle again. If not, Mother Nature always gets the last word
regardless. It is like our pandemic ongoing. Until it started taking over
and infecting many people, most nations thought it would go away by
itself. Instead, it has only grown in strength. It’s the same thing regarding
pollution killing our planet. We haven’t yet acted.


I was meant to start working with Chinese academics tabling my

Globalian project. This was the plan at the end of last year. Only for the
entire year, every time I asked what was going on, all I heard was that
the pandemic is happening. So nothing progressed. People comprehend
what I am saying we need to do. But they end up confused when there is
nothing yet made for real. Many different aspects that aren’t connected
together as one working unit is one problem. And the tech I want to
install hasn’t been made. Yes, it all been created, just not now operational
as the format which I’m after. Anyway, I know exactly what is required

Just need to find capital or give up on public ownership of Globalian.

Only giving up is not going to happen. Seeing if we don’t create a better
world, civil wars are going to occur. People rebel when they’ve had
And the cost of living life is increasing rather than becoming cheaper.
And cheaper is what my Globalian project is all about. Delivering an
energy, fuel, water cycles which ensure an ongoing sustainable futures
plan. People before profits then occurs even the outcome. Hence unites
humanity on a global scale is no dream neither and would become a
worldwide reality, if I don’t give up and sell off Globalian as an investment
commercial proposal like a capitalist business model.

Everyone says we need to close the wealth gap, so people with less can
have more. But richer people forget about that when they are becoming
more wealthier. All they’re doing is making more people poorer. That’s
basic math even economics. I guess when the truth is right before you,
most look the other way, if it means you give up getting more benefits
back. So now we live in an age, where media states life’s becoming better
and keeps more people content when reality is society failing miserably.
Covid-19 pandemic has shown us so many various people, cultures, even
religious feelings, which we thought were in the past as racism is alive
again and kicking.

Asymptomatic cases for covid-19, when you are infected but you do not
show any signs that you’re sick, are why this critter has spread rapidly.
Whilst you have presymptomatic cases who can develop into
asymptomatic or symptomatic even. Pretty confusing too or sounds
conflicting rather. But basically, asymptomatic people are crucial to be
found. Hence why testing is so important to contain this spread.

Airborne ability covid-19 has and why face masks are important. If you
sick or not, wearing one stops you spreading it, plus helps you to not get
infected. This new virus has only been around for about one year, so we
know next to nothing about it. An ocean liner at port was deep cleaned
with no-one left onboard, but 17 days later covid-19 was detected present
and airborne. Best way to stop or kill any bugs being virus in the air is
using ultra violet light. Only it costs to install such units. Every biotech lab
would have UV installed, if they are handling such things so they can
disinfect their clothes before leaving an airtight room. However its just
like most nations never made mask wearing mandatory until it became
necessary to act. A dollar a day seems an insignificant cost for your own
safety. But the average working class person cannot afford such an
expense. An extra thirty dollars a month maybe even hundred dollars, if
you changed your mask every few hours which is best practices is not
financially feasible for them. Like my Globalian project and short
sightedness by a government as you are going to be saving costs in the
long term, if you wore a mask or get Globalian.

Even in China they have found covid-19 on packaging arriving with goods
and fresh produce. They have been throwing everything out. When
instead you could install ultra violet light, so goods become usable.
Schools, shopping centers, offices, you could install this. And why not
leave that in place as common flu or the cold cases would become far
less. Why? Cause you’re killing this disease in the air which is how
another person gets infected. Even planes might end up doing that so
they can start flying again. Just not many people seem to grasp what I
am saying can occur yet. Seriously it saves lives and improves wellbeing
so reduces costs you pay on medical bills. Means more people money in
their own pockets to spend again. And that how you stop civil unrest.

As for how covid-19 itself was created and begun, let’s just say, I’ve
heard many a story about this. Being one was a snake infected a bat, who
then passed it along to a pangolin, which is a reptile covered in scales
that have natural medicine healing abilities. And live animals sold at a wet
market. So this virus ended up in a major city in China appears to be via
a snake, bat, pangolin maybe. Hence this critter was airborne, so it
started infecting humans, who then took it home and like a bushfire,
it took off.

There was talk about a US Army team in that city competing at the World
Army Games. They were seen at the wet markets, plus the hotel they
stayed at was one of the first ones infected with covid-19. And they all
packed up and left before that event had even finished. Hence you got to
ask yourself what was all that about. Why has the US government not
responded about such a thing. I read they asked the Chinese government
not mention anything. But who knows, hey. We all know they are more
than capable to create a virus then release and spread it, after all the
wars they have started in the name of peace. Well, invading China like
North Korea, they got no chance of doing. Neither like North Korea, they
could there. USA own past track record is bad and they were in a trade
war with China. I don’t think they’re happy China taking more control
economically, soon to become the world’s number one economy. Just at
the end of the day, the origin of this covid-19 virus will be known by

A year on, we still know next to nothing because its a new disease and is
mutating as well. Wastewater treatment plants in Spain recorded it there
in March, nearly a year before showing up in China. Italy has records
saying this virus was there before. While I do feel that question we really
need to address today more regarding sewage. Is this virus creating a
new mad cow disease? Most nations are checking their sewage, but the
treatment process got no heat to kill such a deadly pathogen. Which is
what Globalian going to be offering globally.

Pretty sad that we’re so educated worldwide with academia but politics
stops transfer of knowledge between elite minds. And they don’t include
basic plumbing advice into their think tanks to solve whatever task.
Everything is about energy. Fuel needs comes before sanitation plus
water. Why? Money. It is not the science. Chemicals are killing water
cycle and no-one’s interested creating a new natural model. Yet, an
American scientist who spent a decade researching cancer told me that if
my project was implemented then most cancers stopped at source.

And there’s new covid-19 variants more resistant to treatment, plus can
mutate to overcome antibodies. So recovered patients who thought they
were safe are not and vaccination won’t be as effective. Antibodies
dependent enhancement makes any new infections worse. November,
Manaus city, Brazil thought they had reached herd immunity levels but
their hospitals overwhelmed again from a new variant. They were
dropping bodies into mass graves as quickly as they can be dug.
Hence why it was so vital to prevent covid-19 from infecting your nation.
Most places, however, chose to keep their economy going and are paying
the price. Prevention always ends up becoming the cheapest option.
Just most think cure best.

China. At the start of new year, a neighbouring province to Beijing had an

outbreak. So government acted fast. They constructed a 5,000 bed
hospital on the outskirts of that city. They feel containing people inside
your city, in hospitals or hotels, still sees covid-19 infecting other people.
Hence they built a brand new quarantine capability. Once again, reports
suggest this outbreak came from imported goods and packaging.
I thought frozen goods even meant you killed pathogens. So it tells us
how strong and contagious covid-19 is. However within a few weeks,
infected numbers went from 200 people daily to 20. And we did get even
3 new cases in my home city, a 1,000 km away. So you must act fast to
contain spread.

The problem is containing covid-19 as you aren’t going to ever kill

it off. To stop it spreading, remaining home is the way. You don’t get
infected and remove this virus from your community. Whilst heading out
to shop, yes we all do need to eat, while most westerners think, oh who’s
going to know if I duck off to say good day to a buddy. And every time
you are out mixing with people, social distancing was a good rule so
economy could remain open. Now, most people aware this critter
airborne, so is always floating around. Just that less time outside means
the faster you contain this bugger and the quicker your economy can
Sadly, most people never grasped this. Back in Australia, fines were
issued. Just most people are use to getting fined already there, so it does
not have much effect nor the impact required.

In China, my local city impounded anyone’s car who was out driving and
instantly the word spread throughout the entire city that you really must
remain home. They police are very different here. They warn you firstly or
take something away to see your reaction. Then if you lose your cool,
well, locked up as violence like fighting is never okay here.

So it was interesting times for me, hearing all these stories from my wife
about what the locals were doing. As this sister, living with us, had a
friend in the police force, hence, they were allowed outside, same as
utilities workers. But only a selected few supermarkets were open still.
Everything else closed whilst hospital another place open. Just, every few
days then, we got a few bags of goodies, let’s say, being basic supplies.
No gourmet nor imported goods either for me. I always keep a good stock
at home anyway and my cupboards were full already. Only it was now the
Chinese New Year, so every house had a good supply off goods at home.
Pretty funny when I head off shopping here at the main supermarket.
They all look at my trolley seeing the Chinese people shop every day
rather than buying a week’s supply like I do. So my full trolley spins them
all out. But never has anyone complained to me. I normally give them all
a nod of my head to say I see you.

My English friend was fairly chatty when covid-19 started, but sadly I did
get this feeling though they believed it was entirely China fault why virus
occurred. While yes that could be totally true even. However, not stopping
global travel until many people were turning up infected spread this
disease worldwide. But no-one can blame China. And whether these
mainstream news reports were positive or negative towards China got this
new disease, they all told you there was a new virus outbreak which saw
them even constructing brand new hospital built in about two weeks.
Hence, such an image should have seen outsiders, not knowing Chinese
people nor their culture, grasped the importance about containing this
critter plus stopping spreading further.

My English friend was telling me, “it’s only the flu on steroids, so nothing
to worry about” or they said “have had this bug and recovered”. Saddest
aspect, last night I received an email saying his son just tested positive
covid-19 plus he is beyond any measures of anger ever previously felt.
All year, I’ve been telling him to watch out. This critter not good.
Regardless, he has been telling me, how things aren’t great in economy.
Just they are active always with known cases around in their community.
You can lead an animal to water, only you can’t make it drink. Seriously I
had hoped my buddy was going to act wiser. Just it seems I failed sadly.
Like Globalian. My communication skills suck. Its not what I can create,
but simply am not able to explain this for everyone to grasp. His son only
last year finished school and was going to travel for a year then return
and start his adult life going. Covid-19 put everything on hold. Only he
decided to still earn a living, not live home freely, scored a job at a
supermarket, being essential worker job security. Only thing I can do is
pray for him to recover fast, as he’s not yet ill being really sick.
So any luck, he hasn’t got much in his system. Plus I told his Dad
remember drink lots of hot water breaks up this virus even. Drinking hot
water apparently breaks up this virus or stops it getting hold in your
lungs. Just most people on social media were telling me I was mad stating
such a thing. Only a few were thanking me and saying yes, it was a
known remedy like an old wives tale.

I even saw an image of a lady in China walking her poodle. They were
both dressed in full PPE gear and this dog looked so funny all wrapped up
plus mask, only very content. One really good thing I saw was in China,
locals living in the main cities started singing together on their balconies
at night. Uniting them more so was why and telling this community to
remain on track. Hence when I saw that also occurring in Europe later,
with Italians playing their musical instruments. It reassured me that
people remembered what these Chinese people were doing.

The Chinese government was redeploying their front line medical teams
all around our world, once this virus here saw new case numbers had
remained falling and that covid-19 disease was contained. Supplying PPE
materials, disinfection, plus assisting as many nations which as possible.
Sadly I didn’t get a feeling many developed nations were happy with
some saying they were only making money. Later on, China had written
off many poor nation’s debt with them. But news like that never went
mainstream. Instead people were saying world war three going to start.
Why would you want a war with pandemic ongoing? Sad part, however, is
implying you’re going to settle the debt or square off because this
pandemic started in China. Only you not doing anything positive for
yourselves neither. Everyone seemed to forget no nation out of the
woods. Rather when you consider blaming another, hey, I knew it was all
hot air talking then.

Worst thing was I could not get myself a green health code used on your
smartphone here, so you were then allowed to enter anywhere and they
knew exactly where you had been. Seeing I went to the police or their
Public Security Bureau who handle visa and they said that foreigners were
not issued one. Something else was coming, I heard. I was told it keeps
you safer if you can’t get out. So if an outbreak occurs, well, you’re not
going to get the bug. Whilst going to the bank when someone told me
they had giving me a loan for Globalian became a nightmare. Only I did
get there eventually. While right at the start, my credit card stopped
working. The bank here saying nothing to do with them. My Australian
bank informed me everything was fine there. Only no money was coming
out nor could I access my account to see a balance. So I waited patiently.
Then after two months had passed by, one day it functioned normal as
like nothing had ever stopped.

Going shopping for food wasn’t something I could do myself. My local

supermarket, who knew me here, never worried about anything neither.
Only checked my temperature then plus made sure I had a mask on,
with my wife went into that large supermarket where we can find the
non-Chinese items I need. Eating a Chinese diet doesn’t suit my
metabolism one little bit. Sitting on toilet is all that happens. Even my
local doctor was no longer open. Everyone was forced to the main hospital
if you became ill or sick then. Just I understood that totally and believed it
was a very wise move. Everyone presenting at any hospital was checked
out totally.

Hence it was definitely anti-foreigners or waigou rens is what the locals

call us. Only I never once felt like an outsider anymore than what had
been the case before covid-19. So life continued along as it has been
since I arrived and I avoided all of these things that every local had to do.
It didn’t both me in the slightest way. My days was same.

Life globally though seemed to becoming more of a mess. When a nation

did close their borders about the best thing done firstly. Pretty sad reality
I felt as no-one could say they thought China didn’t have a huge problem.
Everyone had time to prepare. Just no-one did. Then when they realized
that pandemic was in their country now, they still never closed up totally,
being locally, until they saw the virus was spreading throughout their
community. With hindsight, I reckon most nations could have followed
China. Sadly they did not, showing the Chinese what their true feelings
are towards them. However the reality remains that our world needs
China more than China needs everyone else. Therefore the pandemic
opened Pandora’s box was what I saw.

Racism is a horrible thing. But I never understood why another person

chooses to think someone might be so different than yourself. Seeing my
Pop at Fontys Pool taught me as a young kid to watch everyone and
remember what they are doing. Then you know if their words they told
are true and he was on the money. What I had noticed with him was he
never changed his own voice in tone when greeting everyone. Whether
this person was male or female didn’t matter. Didn’t matter the color of
their skin nor if they looked overweight. It was all about whether this
person was going to show you respect and not talking above you and
show manners. Nothing to do with how much money you had ever.
I spent my first five years on our farm, mainly with my great grandfather
who passed away when I was 14. He still was working even aged 97 when
he stopped. Last job hay carting with four generations of Fontanini
working together. It was pretty special and I still can remember this day.
Just my uncle hated the fact I won our hay bale throwing contest and Pop
said I get the farm. It was only a joke just my uncle stormed off straight

Even at school I remember an aboriginal kid was in the same year.

Just they were as black as black can be, therefore no questions about the
fact he was a First Nations person. Just I heard others talking he was
different. Only every time I asked them why so, they never could tell me
more neither. Whilst playing football he fitted right in too. We used to do
a drill during the game when he knew the ball was coming to him then
always. However as I got older, it became clear in Australia how racist
some people are, while I never changed my feeling about them nor any
other nations people. Even at University, most of the people thought I
was an aboriginal person. Why so was cause I had accepted everyone
always on what they said. Just it cost me heaps over my own lifetime,
being my own family, the truth. Anyway life goes on, so ignore racist
people. They only going to give you bad karma. This reality I know
happens. And no one needs to get caught out. Later in life, China fine.

About the only thing I can say today regarding covid-19 pandemic is it
has disrupted our entire world economics. Only you must remember this
isn’t anything new. Truly is the same as any world war creates one big
mess afterwards. So it is going to take years to recover. Even maybe a
decade for some nations just to get back feeling normal. Normality as we
all knew, I feel, won’t ever return like we had previously going on.
Working from home was something that a lot of people were doing.
This has became more accepted at corporations and big businesses and
might end up vogue. While the critter is starting to decline in number of
new infections globally daily, which is a great sign for tomorrow, it sees
more disharmony appearing. As the United Kingdom stopped the airing of
Chinese mainstream television channel. This is not a good sign heading

No matter what you think about China, if you cut off from them, your own
economy is going to contract as you need their goods to sell. No nation
can manufacture the quantity required to supply or replace China.
But every developed nation wants China out of their supply chain.
You can’t do this if you want your economy to restart. Hence, telling the
Chinese, you’re not happy with them, yes I totally understand why, only
you are doing more harm to yourselves than China. Everyone forgets no
other nations has manufacturing scaled at global market ability. Just the
Chinese can sell your goods to another and new country markets will
occur. Australia was targeted by the Chinese government to show the rest
of the world what could happen. Only twenty five million people live in
Australia, plus racism there huge problem already as a football club report
showed now how inbreed it still is in society. So China made a smart

One of the reasons why I married my wife was she had been married for
twenty years, so she knew what commitment was all about. She left her
husband cause of violence when he drunk alcohol : huge issue globally.
Anyway, she had one son, being why she remained married and he’s
living in Jiamusi, own home, and he’s a good chap, very funny.
Only his marriage ended badly let’s just say, plus they had a daughter
and I somehow ended up with her which isn’t a bad thing at all. However,
I had planned on not having any kids. Not because I don’t like kids as I
love playing with them but my body doesn’t have the energy. I got to say
my granddaughter is great fun at home. I even did take her home from
the hospital when she was born at the farming area there. In China, the
grandparents do this plus leave the mother in hospital even.
Just my family here was at their farming area when covid-19 broke out
and got stuck there for over three months. Only schooling nationwide was
all being done on smartphone live streaming anyway. Simply thought I
better give you all a few more details about my family as I do love them
all, even my Australian one plus English friend, all the same it…

My Global Reality

We live in a world which has many various differences of opinion due from
some believe in something might be one way like another one isn’t. And
each nation and country is unequal therefore unique. Therefore, it’s vital
to listen firstly, cause no matter how hard you try, you’re never going to
please everyone. Whilst taking care of one’s own needs firstly can assist
others to know what is required to meet theirs too. Being how we all get
what we want. It sounds backwards, just it can happen. Compromising is
how we unite as one race with the same creed though our ethos and
ethics we use too. This is what could occur if we all had the same utility
provider for services that everyone uses plus needs them constantly daily.
Then you end up with a new language, which sees everyone feels equal
though overall. You can’t please everyone using the same words ever.
Hence offering something we want, sees words aren’t needed.
I reckon if you can read a person’s body language instead of asking them
a question, then you save time. Only they get what they want without
realizing. This is true harmony at its best. Manners plus respect added up
as one. If you’re willing to put the time into watching someone. 80% of
communications is done nonverbal. Everyone’s telling you without words.
If you always focused on these so called little things in life which most say
don’t matter addressing, you would become happier and find out big
issues in your own life become far less.
Our global community was not looking any good within a few months of
2020 beginning. I felt it was going to get much worse too. Just eventually
this can mean also far better. Social media a great tool for grasping what
others think about anything. Those words you read might seem the same.
Only they can be turned around the other way, if you included someone’s
culture beliefs with religion. So I always remember who I’m reading first
and where they do come from. Instead of making up my own mind about
what these words were meant to be and trying to figure out more, I can
comprehend better their real meaning then. As sometimes, you need to
ask this person what context they meant. It helps you out heaps more
and improves your own levels of comprehension really.

Having dyslexia myself, boy, I can write just one word in the wrong place,
then it changes the entire meaning of that sentence around. Sometimes I
write ‘who’ instead of ‘how’. So instead of asking something, I am
insisting about something. I reread everything before I post any replies
on social message or send email and messages even letters about my
work. However, it still sees later on when I reread most things again the
next day, I see things not correct. I’ve tried my best is all you can do.

Anyway, this pandemic was really causing people to behave badly. And
we know that everyone is different regardless. It hasn’t got anything to
do with one’s color nor where they come from. Racism was appearing
everywhere more in life and news stories were becoming one sided.
Whilst the reality remained that covid was spreading, even globally faster
than what it did in China. So we needed to unite to stop this impacting
society. I was seeing that a good few people had turned totally around.
They were for China, it had seemed, but now against everything China
said on social media and trying to calm them just didn’t work out.
Personally my family here in China were getting along okay really, whilst I
have to say my family in Australia was not even asking how things were
nor did my Public Trust enquire. My English friend had seemed not so bad
to begin. Only once this critter infected his country, everything changed.
So I did give up explaining things to everyone. The reality was I was
making myself unhappy.

Containing this virus was proving to be that hardest aspect. Most

developed nations didn’t yet lock down anywhere near what the Chinese
people had done by themselves. Most outside news said everyone was
being forced to stay home in China which wasn’t the truth. The Chinese
people, themselves, remained home once they saw this virus infecting
many people. So no-one anywhere wanted to leave their home. Just with
the Chinese New Year just about started, majority of people were all at
home on holidays already. So you couldn’t have asked for better timing.
Year of the Rat wasn’t looking good, while the Year of the Ox about to
start soon. Well, any luck they plough a field ahead we all need.
What really stuck out in my head or mind was the difference in cultures.
Asians seem far more willing to forgo their freedom, meaning simply stay
home. Whilst most western worlds wanted it to remain the same. Being
regardless live life your way. Forget about love thy neighbor and all for
one. It was one for all. Just the reality was you had a pandemic spreading
like a wildfire raging. Only there were no visible flames to see. Hence
most people never feared covid-19. Why did that occur cause most
nations news said Chinese telling lies. It backfired. All this propaganda
news used, instead of that real truth. Most developed nations do such
always about anything China. Why economically speaking, they just don’t
want to be seen not being better themselves. Only telling a lie sees that
becomes bigger as you must keep on, once you’ve start going, then only
way forwards is to tell more lies.

If mainstream news was based on factual information like it was in the

past, most people would have realized how vital it was to remain home
and not get infected. Some thought this pandemic wasn’t real, so why
should we treat anything. Over time, everyone knows things are real.
You let the critter loose and it is going to be harder to contain.
And more people get infected then die even.

My Globalian project is similar. If we keep on ignoring waste with

pollution, when the times comes and you have no choice left and must
address such an issue, it is too late. The damage is already done because
you didn’t act accordingly when things first started going wrong.

Hiding facts and truth from the public is never wise. But I comprehend
why some people think it is smart. After suffering my trauma becoming
disabled and losing my ability to physical work, therefore my tool box,
I decided to re-sit my license again and find out what was happening in
the plumbing world. I was informed about New York City had an issue
with sewer gas leaching out of their sewer drain, making ground surface
subside and their fear was, one day, a high rise building might fall.
I never said a word about my plans to collect such. I was not able enough
to do anything more than sit in a classroom for a few hours twice a week,
having just learnt to walk again. However, it made perfect sense to me.
European cities had seen what sewage did to their ground and no-one
there built any skyscrapers. So thought it was to do with what New York
City was saying. Anyway, two years on I contacted New York City Mayor
Office about sewer gas. They offered me a contract straight away.
Two days later, I saw the Twin Towers hit live on the television at home.
I realized all the water for fire fighting going up wasn’t falling down.
Buildings are designed sealed structures. No windows open. Doors don’t
let air in like lifts. So water was pooling up there. But every meter you go
up in height from ground level sees static head and pressure increase by
a force of ten. At 2000 pounds per square inch pressure, you can cut steel
and at 200 meters up is a force. I contacted the mayor’s office saying to
stop firing water. If not, the risks are a dwelling may fall. Ten minutes
later, water caused it to happen. And I lost my sewer gas contract. Never
turn your back on anything you feel true. Safety comes before anything
else. If not, one day, you could pay the ultimate price, instead being
dead. Only no-one ever heard such a tale publicly told. Why not? Public
fear too great.

Done some amazing jobs when I was working on the tools. Back in
Australia, ended up becoming a wanted person on any building site that
was not getting built, cause I could get things back on track and finished
off when experts had no idea. Never once failed to deliver on what I
stated could happen. Even in Eire, sitting at a small local rural pub,
having a pint of Guinness, watching national news, seeing oil fires Kuwait
burning, just only one well, a month out. Not good. Told a person to steal
Harrier Jump Jet off the English. Then park it there reversing in, so you
blow flame one side, as can now get in to cap oil well. Job done.
This person IRA came back thanked me a few months later. Only damage
done to environment I was seeing beyond a joke. One well per month
their best efforts. Once again, my Globalian project can improve our
environmental problems and stops global warming.

I told one property developer, you can’t remove all of that natural bush
land for a new 36 hole golf course plus resort hotel housing estate and
not expect mother nature not to have the last word . Three years later on,
their brand new club house filled up with ground water. They were going
to demolish entire structure, so I spoke up and designed a moat for
collection. Secured everything. And no-one else had a plan either which
would work.

One time helping a friend rebuild an old 20 storey building that we were
remodeling as a five star hotel. We could not get rubbish out fast enough.
The job was falling behind. I saved the developer fifty million dollars. Plus
showed them how they could add on another ten levels and repaired
concrete cancer issues.

My first contract in the mining sector saw our worlds best miners kicking
me off the site on the first day. Why was they weren’t going to give me, a
21 year old kid, a million dollar contract as my responsibility to construct.
So I redesigned the working drawing in front of their engineers using
better standards plus saved money. Hence I was given a chance to prove
my worth. Then placed onto their selected tenders list. Became contractor
wanted always. Even created a fine dust particle strategic collection plan,
so their conveyor belt never stopped functioning. Most days, it had been
blocked, but no-one had offered them anything which did work. Just when
they asked me to stop their conveyor belt, well, I said lets be wise really
to install a stop button every 50 meters, so miners can use as safety
button. Pretty dumb that people think I can’t deliver what I say, when
before my trauma I always did.

After Twin Towers, I decided not to pursue Globalian to pay respect for
the dead. Just a year on saw toxic waste 44 gallon drums taking off like
rockets exploding. No-one had a plan to address such an issue. Once
again, I offered a plan that ended up the only one approved 100% by
parliament. Just at the start, I was informed by all those experts that
no-one can do everything like I stated at first meeting. After two years of
meetings, well, once again I delivered.

We live in a world which is scared to tell the public what is going on for
offering them better services. Well, this book states heaps more which
could be offered. Are we willing to improve public health before profits
made? I got to say the answer is no. You lower standards of work and this
is the door you’re opening in society.

My first year in China saw a snowstorm cut of power for four provinces.
Millions of people had no electricity plus lost mobile phone connection.
And no-one could report insurance claims within the 24 hour period they
require. Only the President acted instantly, creating a new law that
allowed everyone one month to lodge any insurance claims. What other
nation would ever do this? So why now do you hear this Chinese
government a dictatorship doesn’t look after everyone there? Are they
doing a better job than the rest a question we all need to consider. Seeing
the Chinese people aren’t complaining about their ruling party and are
behind them. When you have everyone onboard, well, using their data
becomes an asset for society more than what is happening in our western
worlds with companies selling your personal details onto marketing firms
and now no-one trusts anyone.

During the year, smartphones traced where you have been if you got
infected or somewhere you were that had an infected person present.
This is what I thought technology was all about. But it seems marketing
steals your personal details. Hence people in developed nations refused
giving away access to their personal data. So being able to trace back
who was in an area where an infected person been has not became
mainstream. Remember this virus is airborne and with new strains more
infectious. Well, if you can’t re-track an infected person movements to
test others so you know who got infectious, they’re going to infect more
people faster. No-one needs to be Einstein to figure such a thing.

Our frontline workers and hospitals are the last line. And you never want
to start off anything at the end. People think if you get covid-19, well,
hospital service is there, so I’ll end up fine.
We are not showing enough respect towards the virus. If you saw a
raging bushfire, no-one not going to be respecting such a reality. I know,
having fought a blaze on our farm plus that was Christmas day. Just the
entire community left their homes and lunch on the table to join us
putting this blaze out, before it took off out of control. Until people wake
up and realize covid-19 is a real threat, we’re fighting a losing battle.

We must unite as one entity focused on stopping covid-19 from being in

society. If not, vaccines will end up becoming useless with this disease
mutating to survive and what happens, like not wearing mask, increases
your chances of getting this virus. Just most nations ignored that, same
as saying critter airborne too. Yes, not being able to see this battle, like
bullets flying passed you, doesn’t mean the war any less a fight. But it
should’ve meant you did more instead, cause you got an invisible enemy.

Whilst I can’t stress any more about how Globalian can restore our
environment again, most European nations saw clear skies, aquatic life
returned to places like Venice, while birds and animals were seen back in
cities where they haven’t been for many years. But remember, we
normally read news say China pollution the worst there, only what is told
to us. Air itself, you can restore overnight like covid-19 has shown
occurred, but freshwater soil filtration takes decades. Eventually within a
hundred years, pristine water cycle back in place is why we need
Globalian. Nothing to do with money: reality living matter!

If we all could realize that feeling upset that this bugger infecting us on a
global level, well, joining together as one force is our best way to stop it
faster. No-one going to think about racism. Instead they are going to
understand how uniting ourselves ensures this world’s reality coexists.
However, media news is controlled by sponsors, so advertising bad news
sells better. The truth still always conquers eventually. But no-one can
bet on both things. Same as ignoring pollution, thinking it is going to fix
itself somehow, when we all know actions speak louder than words.

My wife asked why were so many outsiders saying that China is no good.
She was totally baffled with a look on her face that I hadn’t seen before,
being wrinkled up and head shaking. I said to her that its just like the
movies. They’re entertainment and aren’t real, but people believe in
Brainwashing has been ongoing for many years because it allows
someone to get richer and violent crime is the norm. No-one would have
put up before with the manners we use today. Society allows cussing.
Swearing has become acceptable and nudity on TV and internet caters to
anyone’s desire, yet we wonder why more people are getting left behind.
In China, you never see nudity and are put in jail for punching anyone.
We can start to unite as one global race for everyone’s benefit by
stopping defense spending and show intentions towards peace and not
protectionism and having military capability to threaten other countries if
they don’t comply. The Australian government wonders why China
handed them a list of fourteen issues when Australia was going to be
spending 270 billion on defense. Australian farms have drought, rivers are
polluted and there’s an inability to address local problems, even before
committing to global issues and in the USA, the biggest employer is the
army and if they stopped defense spending, what are they going to do
instead? We talk about global peace but is it really what we want to see
or is it about being ready for battle?

Blaming China for the pandemic going global and thinking that they
deliberately created covid-19 goes against everything I’ve seen here.
They were feeling that the world was becoming peaceful towards China
and reduced military personnel by one third, a few years ago.
Now we have gone back decades because of covid-19 and I am sure that
they never wanted covid-19 happening. They are recognized as a
developing nation with bad sanitation. Their wet markets were closed by
the government so they are treating the source of the virus with
prevention measures. Remember, everyone knew China had the virus but
didn’t act to prevent it entering. So they can’t blame China and take them
to court. Its like drunk driving, then trying to blame the car. People feel
China is to blame because it started there, but inability to act faster is
why it took off.

If we don’t find peace on a global level, a world war might happen

threaten. So how can we live in harmony together? When people are
upset is the best time to work out what went wrong. Whatever point of
view you take, we are all not happy about covid-19 as it stopped the
world economy and hearing that China managed last year to restart their
economy with positive growth added more fuel to the fire. Social media
could have united us all faster as one race with a creed that we all want.
Though how do we get there? It always starts off with communication and
never by pointing the finger. I don’t think westerners have got this far,
while the Chinese are dumbfounded with what’s going on.

If we had a world focused in one direction for a waste not/want not policy,
you are going to create a bigger employer than the military, looking over
every nation. A workforce acting together as one.

My business plan is for universities to have a Globalian office to manage

the installations. Its done by locals who know the place better. And
Institutes can get funding for infrastructure as well as research and
development. I always aim to make it better and am never about saving
money like business does. I offer the best available service maintained,
repaired or renewed. Freshwater ability can be restored. It is going to
take decades, but eventually shall return waterways pristine.
Things like covid, Zika, mad cow disease would be destroyed in the
sewage treatment process, but currently we are transferring pathogens
via sewage sludge onto farming lands. Australia stopped doing this years
ago, only some nations depend upon this for fertilizer. In China, they
found traces of covid-19 on cold storage packages and shows how
resilient the virus is. So it’s a massive problem and it getting into
food/water via sludge from sewage treatment is on the cards. Already,
there are nations that can’t grow enough food for their people and if
covid-19 infected farm produce, it would be like cancer on steroids.


Most western world’s people have an easier life than any developing
nation. We all breathe the same air plus drink the same water is still our
reality always. My point is we’re connected.

People give up before they get what they want. Only a few remain
ongoing until they obtain their goal. Why is the sacrifice you must make.
People think if you put effort towards whatever, it is going to come.
But it is never as easy as have a go so it becomes yours.
It takes persistence with perseverance. The average person says you’re
mad. And I guess most fail becoming the boss, if this means your
personal life has been hell to get there.

The best aspect about life in China is income tax. It comes into play when
you earn more than four times the average wage. Then you pay 15% and
not 50% like in developed nations. Yes, there is not a welfare system like
if you’re not employed, you can get some money from your government
is the case in developed countries. But if you haven’t paid any income tax
at a third of your wages, well, you have funds available. Same for
everything else. Medical costs are nothing like what they are in Australia.
A MIR scan cost me $50. This could cost $1000 dollars in America.
A normal x-ray is $10 only.

How they raise revenue being the government taxes business and things
imported more so than locally made goods. So a can of coca cola costs
you more money than buying a local bottle of beer. However you look at
this, the Chinese are our world’s best money savers. They save 40% of
everything they earn. Hence when the pandemic stopped everything, they
had funds to live off. Other nations saw the public had no money in
savings, so governments were required to provide handouts.

I’ll tell you all a sad tale about tax. I decided to leave Australia. Was
doing contracts for mines was my work, hence I paid 50% tax. No issues
there as I could return one day and claim funds. I sent the rest overseas
to Ireland. When I went into the Irish bank, they told me I needed to pay
50% again. I wasn’t happy at all. The poor bank manger thought I was
going to smack his lights out even though I never said one word to him.
Anyway I had no choice. So I said to the bank “okay, we work out how I
can get my money without paying tax”. So they opened up a tax haven
which it sees the likes of Apple Inc use.

Anyway, life in China, for myself, wasn’t going along badly. Yes, it was
pretty boring stuck home most of the year or all year. Just my wife was
heading off around this province now again. So life had returned back to
normality before summer came. Only the global reality was not great.
No-one seemed to be staying home was their biggest issue why most
nations hadn’t contained covid-19.

One real big difference, I have noticed in China is they have two hours for
lunch, being 11.30 to 1.30. Not just an hour even half an hour some
workplaces have in developed nations. However it gives you enough time
to do a few personal things during your working day than eat a meal and
that is never bad. Another difference is you can walk into a shop finding a
person asleep. You never come across this in any western world.
The person would lose their job. But here working seems far more open
and flexible. I guess they work every day of the week might be why.
Whilst construction building sites work 24/7. Starting at 6am, finish 6pm.
Then next team took over. Their methods used saw no real noise with
everything hand cut and made, using saw or hammer not air gun nails,
circular saw, electric what every western nation workers do. But time
frame built quicker here China. Plus yipe, even saw the odd person
asleep. Only never either seen anyone running around or really doing
anything over exerting self. I guess this old nursery rhyme about the
tortoise and the hare is true.

In China, they don’t really tell you what they want to do. They remain in
the now. While westerners love to dream and say what we want to
achieve one day. That’s why we find it hard to see eye to eye. We live
totally different lives. Like I said before about a clock face, we go two
different ways and end up at the same place. Only we must find a way
which sees people global comprehend better what everyone else is doing.
This is our biggest issue. Just it can also become how we unite ourselves.
One creed being a global race seeing harmony worldwide.
If not one day, everything you’ve done might fail.

We live in a universe and planet Earth ecosystem balanced environment

that sees human actions affect cycle of life greatly. So yes, every human
being must be interconnected with this reality. I am not saying we need
to follow a Chinese lifestyle. What I’m stating or trying to point out is we
must devise a harmonic life that unites everyone with Mother Nature
returns in control again of our destiny being together. We can’t succeed
without nature first and this we ignore.

Music and sport are two things which are not based on any one way to do
like culture with language are. So maybe we could use them to gain more
compassion at global level. We need to find some medium or use
something so we can unite as this one race worldwide is our future. China
has reached a level in their society, where you find family has disposable
income and can afford to offer their children another alternative to learn
new skills. Only music probably is even more viable than playing sport.
They don’t have the history most sports need. No infrastructure being
tennis clubs nor many local parks where you could kick a football. Whilst
the Chinese are not into contact sports either. Basketball is the most
popular. And they love line dancing and every night, you normally see the
locals out dancing not the younger generation. Seeing the elderly out
having some fun, plus exercising is a great aspect of Chinese culture.
Whereas western world see no elderly leave home after dark cause they
too scared about being mugged for a few dollars.

Sport is still growing in China and nothing like when I was a kid growing
up spending hours at a football oval kicking the ball with my twin or
having another person around definitely helped too. I played a heap of
tennis also. Each Sunday morning would ride my bike about ten
kilometers and even sometimes remain at this tennis club all day playing.
Even was offered a scholarship to learn tennis in Florida, taught by one of
the world’s best coaches. He saw me play by pure luck and asked my
Mum if he could take me there like right now. My Mum’s belief though
was sport never going to give you an education for life. So she never even
told me about it happening. Aged twenty five, my aunty one day did.
Today globally, sports is huge and another option for a life time job.
Hence why it could be a good medium for finding world peace and unity
same as music is. The attraction with sports than music is more people
and kids can partake doing such together. If you get the kids aware, this
is how you get adults onboard also. Even, my Globalian project targets
kids with books to read plus educational aids, so they go home and tell
their parents what they discovered. Its how you go global.

Family life in China is so important. Years ago, back in Australia, it was

the same, when I grew up as a kid. Just as we moved forwards faster
then than ever before, it sees we have become more disconnected from
such a foundation. Family gives relevance. Societies in developed nations
have end up more about “I” instead of “We” and your entire family came
together more when the going got tough, let’s say. Now it seems to be a
race who can have the biggest television at home, and yes this same
reality does occur in China. However, the difference is they spend their
money on family needs before buying the biggest television. Hence
somehow we simply need to find ourselves again. Remember, family
remains always there, while a television is one day going to become
obsolete. My wife always making me aware of such a thing here, not by
telling me this, simply from her actions I see her doing is how. And truly
these little things in life make all the difference and life better.

When covid-19 first became known in China, they united so fast, whilst
our outside world felt they were over-reacting and reaching out for public
sympathy. Today, we know China wasn’t playing around. Only most
people seem not able to admit that. So why do you reckon this could be
the case? Basically, jealously is a curse like a disease. Rather that means
you are not able to acknowledge anther person or nation has done a
better job at whatever. However conflict being disharmony creates
friction. Remember this has been based upon lies. Someone didn’t like
that fact another one was doing something better than yourself. But no-
one gains anything and seriously you are better off ignoring whatever.
Like China normally does. Only, after so many allegations made globally
towards China bad ways, the government started becoming pro active.
Not sitting back saying nothing and for the first time began defending
itself. Which I found very interesting myself, just I knew others and
outsiders were not going to grasp why China was responding. They have
had enough of being told they aren’t any good and now are going to tell
you to piss off. That’s what’s happening while hardly anyone sees this.

Saddest aspect globally regarding covid-19 was no-one seemed willing to

stop flying even though our world knew that this disease was a real
threat. Only stopping economics plus rich people’s ability to travel wasn’t
a preferred option. Well-off suburbs in developed nations were the first
ones in most cities who get this infection present within that community.
No respect was shown for the poorer people in their countries as all the
well-off people were bringing the virus back. Just they have the funds to
get by longer. With the poorer neighborhoods though, they were going to
find it far harder to live with covid-19.

If you look at the spread of this virus globally, Africa, South America,
even India, Asia kind off, were not showing many cases yet. Only the
reality became everywhere once that critter was inside your nation. Being
it was not contained like China did. So was spreading throughout your
community whether rich or poor. Yes, telling everyone to stay home,
I know this sounds like medieval times, just no-one knew what is the best
way to treat this disease plus contain spreading. Hence, if you don’t keep
everyone at home, you’re going to end with a bigger problem.

Social media turned against China with people saying they were going to
sue the Chinese government for medical costs, loss of earnings, plus pain
and suffering. I wasn’t seeing many Chinese replying. Seeing their culture
and human nature, none conflict. So people were becoming frustrated
and manners on platforms had been forgotten. Hence, uniting globally for
humanity to benefit was not going to occur. Only it had shown promise
during the first half of the year. Just towards the end of the year with
second waves appearing in most nations saw it become a lost cause.

Chinese people have learnt more about what is required done when times
aren’t any good. As after the second war had finished, they then finished
their own civil war off, being Taiwan was seen not Chinese as the
outcome. However, China was in turmoil beyond repair. They needed to
rebuild things. And before the second world war, since the 1800s,
outsiders had been moving there taking over and leaving a mess behind.
Hence they had a real need to rebuild their own Chinese spirit being
culture again. Only with entire nation suffering from war time being the
last 200 plus years, it was going to require a monumental effort by all.

They call those times rebuilding their nation as ‘The Great Leap Forward’.
They lost millions of people died from starvation and gave up an entire
generation of people to benefit the next generation. What they realized
was if they didn’t commit to rebuild things, they were going to lose their
culture, even if outsiders came to rebuild what they wanted. So sacrificing
themselves occurred. They all knew such a price was going to eventuate.
This aspect, globally, is not mentioned about what they gave up to get
where they are today. Therefore I admire them all the more. Whilst the
younger generation are aware what the older ones had done and show
respect for they united themselves again. Plus kept their culture
rebuilding Middle Kingdom.

My family always thinking about everyone, not themselves as individuals

first. Only now are you seeing people spending more on yourself than
your family first. Why is from all the hard work done over the years.
Wages have increased drastically. Once they achieved manufacturing
globally markets ability for thirty years was their strategy, they invest
more towards the average person like wages. The Olympic Games in
Beijing marked the end of those days. Just our western world didn’t
portray such a tale. Only Chinese people all knew why this event occurred
for too. It was all about Middle Kingdom has returned trading again like
the Silk Road from ancient times.

It’s quite sad as if our outside world realized what China is about more so,
they wouldn’t be jumping at them nearly as much as I’m seeing and
hearing in mainstream media reports. Why is they know what life is like
when it sucks. We all want life to be the best it can be always. Only
nothing lasts forever. So if you don’t restore and give up living the good
times for awhile when it all fails, the price you pay is greater. No matter
what you do, nothing lasts forever. You must keep on maintaining things
like renew them when you see they’re worn out. Its how you live the best
longer. Covid-19 really shown us we could enjoy our world better together
if we accept each other firstly.
Life is all about what you’re willing to do, not only for yourself rather what
is going to effect more people better. Chinese people lead this way.
People hear about China that’s its not a good place controlled by
communist government ruled like a dictatorship. But the people are more
content than I saw back in Australia. So I can understand why China told
not the place as it makes your own country look bad. Democratic societies
are about telling everyone the truth regardless. But now we control
people news to affect what they know instead. Freedom is vital. Seeing,
no matter whatever is said, the reality remains still we are all human
beings with instincts that tell you then maybe something might not be as
stated such.

Democracy has been saying for years, we are after a peaceful future.
A bit like talking about global warming affecting our planets own survival.
We haven’t managed to make either of them a reality. So do you keep
trying to make a square object fall into a round circle? Or turn everything
upside down so the circle drops inside the square. I am not saying our
world needs to become Chinese. This won’t ever occur the same. It took
them years to get where they are. I am talking about thousands of years.
But can we adapt certain aspects which see we get along? And be more
towards each other regardless of your own ways of life. We had an
opportunity to do this.

Covid-19 offered us this chance to unite ourselves as one global creed

being an entity who could come together for the common good for
everyone’s benefit worldwide. It even seemed to be possible achieving
such a united front. Just as time continued then second waves occurred.
China was back to business again. Racism returned on a big scale.
It shows people that this view against another is due from
their difference of cultures and color. It has nothing to do with human
nature. We all got the same. And ultimately it could become still a
positive outcome.

Life in China is not easier than anywhere else as we all make our own luck
and nothing is ever free as everything has a cost factor. We need to
devise a better means to achieve global harmony, which always starts off
with communicating and not telling everyone what you want. Simply more
so asking others instead what they want and that’s the Chinese way. We
should settle down and tackle the battle against covid-19 and not the
battle against China. We should realize that together, we’re always going
to end up far better overall for everyone and find global peace.

Chinese business is far more in your face and not in a good way.
They don’t invest in things not proven, until they are aware of the details.
Even blue prints. People will say this is how business occurs anyway.
So what? The west instead backs whatever can become a reality and are
not after specific details because they’re known as trade secrets.
From the beginning, the Chinese say that ‘your technology is not able to
deliver us better results with returns and that’s why we update for’.
They want to see your ability to handle questions. But it’s insulting
hearing they can’t see it happening nor the end result clearly. They are
just trying to gain the upper hand in your trade deal negotiations. Some
people never work with anyone if it means they lose control. But the
Chinese believe they walked away because we weren’t able to deliver.

This problem is if you work out the Chinese way for business, (China
wants to control what it has bought), you’re not going to see innovation.
And you end up installing things which are not working out any good.
The US held a senate investigative enquiry into heavy metals present in
canned baby food. Remember, that any multinational firm or business
conglomerate are focused on bottom line returns not their goods harming
environment. Its a cost factor within production ; the environment. And
when shareholders are happy with dividends, you don’t spend money to
ensure your processes are 100% environmental. A Globalian project is
never going to be seen as a viable business entity in today’s economy
globally or Chinese way either because we’re reinvesting returns so
environment put firstly.

We ignore that electricity, natural gas, water, sanitation, communications

are all public service utilities and not just business. A business where
profits are the end game. However, my plan has potential for better
results with returns and profits that everyone wants to see. Why say I
have nothing new to offer anyone and have no blue prints to show?
Feasibility is about digging a single hole to house service lines saving
building costs for construction by 500%. This idea that Globalian has no
new technology comes from a conflict of business interests versus what
could become a worldwide reality. Your energy source can be local and
not international and provide fuel for transport. Plus more available
portable water included drinking supplies. Well, why is anyone saying I
can’t offer the change everyone wants seen done? The end product
environment restored with utilities end up free. Sadly, business today all
about shareholders. Nothing to do with what any companies offering
towards nature. Back to Mother Nature’s own control. That’s what we
must do.

Seeing China following our western worlds by buying their current days
best means in tech ability. Whilst they’re still trying to maintain a network
that supports investors not customers or consumers. Only, you can’t keep
on destroying land then buy another plot is how our capitalist business
world functions and balances their books for profiting. When I’ve been
told by world’s biggest provider of best tech for sewage treatment : ‘yes,
you got a far better plan for everything, but that is not our business
model yet’. Never heard anything quite so dumb. Only China tells me I no
tech cause instead want to own everything.
Just my focus people not profit.

If our world accepted China had covid-19 then imposed measures to act,
so locally themselves, they were protected from this disease entering
nation, the few cases which got through could have been handled or
contained all there. Only instead most countries waited until infections
were an issue. Whilst life in China is family foremost, as nothing else
matters either, so it saw they remained home themselves, even before
their government then acted or enforced such an outcome. However, this
simply seemed even to unite them all more together than become
separated like western world people when the critter spread throughout

Life in China must be better if the public are able to act before being told.
Just to find a happy medium for both ways, we need to look at each
other’s own culture. Like we know the Chinese go one way whilst
westerners head the other way. Therefore finding common ground is like
going from six o’clock straight up to twelve o’clock creating another
pathway. Just when you know each other, the means to it can be


Most nations don’t portray China as a good society. As a place where you
would want to live. The sad reality is, hundreds of years ago, outsiders
brought about the downfall of the Chinese empire as it had been for
thousands of years. That fact is never mentioned. Instead we hear news
on things like Tibet was invaded. But not that it was returned to the local
people by the Chinese. Tibet had been ruled by slavery similar to kinds of
acts done during medieval days. Even Hitler sent his Nazi SS leaders
there. Invited by the ruling Dalai Lama.

Taiwan is another aspect. This so-called nation came to be after a civil

war in China had finished. The losing side ended up there.
Imagine if the South in America wanted independence again from the

Saddest fact. We seem to forget during this second world war, one day
the Japanese Army killed 300,000 Chinese people, not soldiers. An effort
to force the Chinese nation to surrender was why. If they gave up, we
could be speaking Japanese or German now and not English.

I got to laugh when I hear most big corporations pay next to nothing tax,
when they’re registered as the global business head office. I am pretty
sure most of them are manufacturing in China. Apple Inc as an example.
They use Ireland to return income they made on sales back to the USA.
They pay Chinese taxes on manufacturing cost regardless. Being about
one third the rate. However on the other side to this equation, China gets
left with environmental impact being that damage done to natural
surroundings due to mass scale production. The world best companies are
selling things that are not environmental sound. But being world best
standard used sees they are accepted as the preferred and desired
installations for China. Eventually the Chinese or government is going to
realize these so called leaders are only doing the same thing. Looking
after a capitalist economy governs, instead of putting the public interests
foremost and this they think they are doing. Only the reality is sewage
treatment with farming fertilizers create heavy metals that kill the
environment and give cancer. However the Chinese people rebel always.
They do not just give up any battle when they realize something is not
true. This is their ancient culture that is still ongoing. They know the art
of war having fought so many civil wars. Uniting to take over our world,
they have no interest. Just they don’t surrender and succumb.

Everyone ends up paying the true price regardless. You may think
something given freely but nothing is ever free. Everything has a cost
factor. The question is have you included it. Chinese think they are
getting a better deal. Only the reality is most westerners are aware of the
Chinese mentality, having dealt with China since the late 70s, when they
opened up their country for manufacturers to establish their plant.
This saw power plants and large scale construction companies coming to
China. Just what happens in our developed nations is not the reality here.
Seeing you must remember if anything was to occur that saw the public
hurt or someone killed, the Chinese way is that the business head is held
accountable first not anyone else down the line. But no democratic society
jails the company’s head executive to start proceedings off. Everyone
waits till the court case is heard that normally sees only lawyers present
and never the executive team. Hence, when the time comes and
freshwater sources beyond repair, the Chinese people want to see
someone held accountable being those companies who sold Chinese
world’s best tech won’t be there. So arresting head executives kind of sad
as they had nothing to with bringing anything here. We’ve got too many
middle business people involved, who aren’t aware of anything but are
only following senior executives who not Chinese nor care about anything
China. They are after profiting is how they deal.

I hate to think about sewage wastewater with covid-19 heading out,

which can happen when governments with leading world enterprises are
not focused on installing better processes which improve our environment
always as their focus first so it can remain ongoing and return back to
pristine conditions. This day is coming regardless. We need to see a huge
change occur quick. While I firmly believe that China is Globalian best
market to enter first due from the people require their government acts
best towards them always foremost.

Experts and advisors for government worry about what the Chinese
government is thinking. While the Chinese focus remains that public
benefits occur ongoing throughout the nation. The health of their
domestic economy in China is paramount instead of what western nations
wealth might be generating for the government.

Things like sewers in China, they are spending trillions on installing them
with treatment plants. My point is why are they following the rest of the
world, when that reality is killing off our environments own ability to
regenerate living matter everything needs to have for that ecosystem’s
balance remains natural. They have passed many new laws recently.
All based upon environment first. While wetlands are a huge aspect of this
cycle being they filter water. Globally, we must act faster than ever before
or covid-19 is the same and all remain home.

Uniting our very different societies in one creed might seem unrealistic.
But if you removed the politics and focused on what would be required
done, it can happen. Covid-19 has given us this opportunity cause it’s a
global problem which means not any one nation alone can address such
an issue. I’ll say it again, my Globalian project can achieve everything we
are looking to do. And I am not using this as a sales pitch, rather I put
humanitarian needs before my personal gain. Pretty easy to turn my back
on everyone. Sell off intellectual property rights, which China thinks I am
not offering, whilst every venture capital firm approached me already.
Lawyers tell me if anyone steals my project Globalian, once they make
over ten million dollars, they will sue them for me. Yet I remain focused
on, one day, our public can own everything like most people do by buying
their home. If you thought about Gay Rights years ago or African
Americans got the right to vote, well, such monumental changes can
happen. They start with one person saying they want better.

Globalian is a mammoth projection similar to when the dinosaurs roamed

this planet. They might have even killed themselves off with greenhouse
gases from over population. Like cows cause global warming, emitting
methane gas by farts and even out their mouth. However pollution with
waste are our main issues towards Climate Change problems. Carbon
emissions are serious factors we need to address as well. Just this air is
made from living matter which comes from freshwater, our cycle of life on
planet Earth. And dinosaurs ruled far better, I reckon, than humans.

Covid-19 has shown us how disconnected we are as a humane race

towards another breed. This was not the case publicly before this virus.
People thought we were making real progress. Racism can be called many
different names; sinophobia, xenophobia, antisemitism, bigotry, even
genocide, seeing this is the goal when you say another isn’t welcomed.
Sad really about this virus seems to have reopened wounds when we
were moving forwards without segregation. It seems we gone backwards
and societies too. Blaming someone’s skin color makes no sense to me.
We could see past it. Blaming China for infecting this planet, instead
uniting ourselves together as this one race we already are, being humans.
Covid-19 would disappear faster as divided means it takes longer to
recover. United sees harmony occurs more which means you recoup

China is not about wanting our world Chinese. Like Germany and Japan
tried with Italy taking sides before the war begun after the first world
war. Before this, we had the British Empire, with French, Spain, Portugal
quests and a whole lot more world history. Whilst China has remain
home. Mongolia had a good go like the Roman Empire even Middle East
nations. While the Chinese though still no interest. Hence why now would
they want to rule us all? Instead, their interests have been about what
are other people and cultures doing and would they like to trade. This
they have done for thousands of years. Therefore their human nature
more based upon learning the ways of others and devising things they
might want to use. And manufacturing became this medium for their

Our last seventy years, we’ve been living in an age of fear about another
world war was always a possibility occurring. Easier to control your public
if they think things are not going along peacefully and you need to protect
yourselves. Remember Russia became an enemy instead of an ally, like
they were during the second world war because democracy was deemed
to rule the new world order. This capitalist market economy is all about
those richest people already become richer always. Its how things
happen. Seriously, if we went back to making your own goods required
for everyone in one’s country, these ultra-rich people would not be able to
stop such a transition. Remember, this is what I am offering with a
Globalian business plan. And it would begin a redirection with other
industries sectors following.

However China is not going to get upset losing trade. Developed nations
would take years to rebuild lost manufacturing capacity. Whilst their
history shows they adapt easily to whatever changes. Instead of seeking
vengeance, Chinese rather get creative. China could gain on developing
nations who haven’t got basic services. Their Great Leap Forwards saw
they started developing a new modern service for their cities. Pretty soon,
they will be creating something similar for rural as they still no modern
toilets out there yet. They are not going to blame anyone for putting your
own nations interests before buying anything Chinese. When I know most
developed nations would be up in arms, if losing trade saw their own
economy crashed. So many people are disheartened towards the Chinese
and government because they’ve managed to get their economy going
again. And even containing covid-19. When it does show up again, they
jump all over it totally like testing ten million people a week. So they find
anyone who is infectious. Forget about waiting and showing any signs of
being sick or might never get sick either. This shows everyone
everywhere about how China foremost intentions are always their Chinese
people. And nothing else matters.

On social media, I noticed a huge swing or change of behavior in people

whom I have followed for over five years. Hence had a good idea I
believed what their normal thoughts were. However, some people became
the opposite. It wasn’t a great feeling for me. I must have misjudged
them with what I was seeing then. I thought more about why this was
happening. Why people now seemed against China regarding anything.
Maybe it was old news from yesteryear. We remember everything we’ve
ever done, seen or heard. Your brain keeps such information stored
always and can be triggered seeing something reappear again. Just let’s
face it. We haven’t ever portrayed China as a place where westerners are
welcome. Hence most non-Chinese people don’t have any good memories
about life in China.

Ever since a young kid, I’ve always looked at what I saw happening and
heard. My first reaction was why did they do that. Then what they said
became my next thought but was never my first thought. I know why my
mind isn’t like many other people. My great grandfather taught me this
way. He reckoned it was always better to put yourself in the other
person’s shoes first to decide about what they really meant.
Covid-19 affecting many people globally was the reason behind seeing
people I thought weren’t racist were now appearing to be, from the text I
was reading. I thought deep down they were hurting more inside
themselves was why that appeared but who knows. Life goes on still.

I’ll tell you a funny tale about having to make a decision quickly.
My twin brother and I had built a cubby house in a tree at home. We were
aged eight. It was forty foot high and in a pine tree. So we went up to the
top to see everything around our home. Anyway, for some reason I had
pissed my twin off, so he pushed me out of the treehouse. Well, heading
down my feet first with my first thought being those bones going to keep
on breaking. I spun around so was heading down like diving, arms out in
front of my head interlocked. And lined up this fence, being asbestos one
so knew it could assist breaking my fall. Ended up breaking both my arms
plus one more so than other. Only thing, Mum made me shower first
before she would take me to hospital. Being a nurse herself so she
couldn’t turn up with me covered in dirt plus this asbestos fence. My twin
brother said ‘sorry’ straight up. I guess he thought I might be pushing
him out later on. And then he said you always seem to be able to make
the impossible a reality. He wanted to see if anyone could fly and I did a
pretty good job there.

Growing up as a kid, my Mum was always upset with me. I pushed her to
the edge many times I guess, not purposely ever though. Only wanted to
do whatever my way rather. My twin had gotten use to me however. Just
he also became worn out. Once I realized this, I took off on my bike going
on a ride to nowhere. Use to love not knowing where you were going. Just
choosing that direction from what appeared in front of you. It was
happening to me on social media. I was pissing people off, not
intentionally at all. I have a knack of putting my foot in my mouth and
give away too many details about something, which rather upsets more
people, than keeping things private. Anyway, I have written a book titled
‘Life until Forty’ about my upbringing. My own dictionary I call it. Plus with
360,000 words, well, many details. And everyone one day is going to
know who I am.

Globally, we’re at the crossroads. Back in the 1970s, developed nations

made mandatory the use of pesticides and insurance became assurance
of produce quality. However, we have seen farming land needed for
growing crops has been reduced by a third and though chemicals ensure
better produce, the topsoil has died off and it takes 500 to 1000 years
before it returns again, so using chemicals for growing produce hasn’t
been beneficial overall.

The average farmer has been replaced by supermarket chains that buy
produce under contract knowing health and quality standards have been
met and the same with utilities. We’re destroying the harmonic balance
called nature, so the rich become richer and the wealth gap in society
becomes wider. If nations had followed the Chinese people’s lead by
staying home when the government made it the case, covid-19 would
have been contained. Democracy ensures the rich come before the rest,
which has nothing to do with a democratic government as its meant to
see that its people are first and foremost. Like farming land, the system
to govern and environmental care is best not solely profit driven. A blend
of common sense and scientific fact gives the best outcome. So what has
gone wrong when we ignore the truth about the environment? Well,
economics controls overall and business rules instead of decent

If nations had followed China, they would be on recovery road. Instead,

there’s second and third waves of infections. So how can China be blamed
for what’s happening worldwide? Because it began in Wuhan, it must be
the Chinese’s fault and not their own governmental failure? Everyone has
been affected unexpectedly by covid-19 and we need to find a way
forward, so this critter is stopped. The only way is unity rather than split
over the origins. It’s like saying how did WW2 start, instead of realizing
that something is coming which requires you to attack it full on as
surrender invites death. Finding common ground on a global level is how
you ensure the death of covid-19. Later, you can find out why this critter
became a reality and its origin. Now, everyone is disconnected and take
sides which is never the solution to wining a battle. Ultimately, truth
prevails becoming history. But today, we don’t know enough to say what’s
true or not, even though people want answers.

After seeing bushfires in the USA and Australia gain global support for
those people affected raising millions of dollars. Financially, it wasn’t
going to assist many people but it had shown that the world was
concerned. When no-one seemed willing to support the people in China
who had been infected with covid-19, I thought what’s going on? I never
did think this could have been racism. However, as time passed by,
it became clear that racism was why no-one was supporting the Chinese
people. Mainstream news suggested it was more so about communism
ruling them and not a pandemic about to begin globally. Hence our
world’s people view was affected. If people had shown China compassion,
when this pandemic later on turned up in your country, more people
would’ve treated it seriously.

Social media has a better reach into society. More penetrating than the
main news most people watch on TV. People send personal messages to
each other is why. It creates a selective medium for gaining public
support at community level. The Chinese used it outside of China sending
back masks they needed. Only kept everything private not public. Being
fearful of getting attacked, if the news was viral. Just this only told me
how bad global racism is.

It caught me out how deep rooted hatred towards another race is.
Living in China for a decade, I did not see these things. Yes they are only
Chinese focused. China always comes before anything from an outside
nation. But they never put that news into your face and remember that
you live there. If more people on a global level had supported this
outbreak of an unknown virus, they would have been paid back tenfold
later. When your country became infectious, racism became the talk on
social media. The Chinese people saw how many people were against
them. Telling a white lies, a little thing not true, always ends up becoming
a problem later on. And once you start telling any lies, they become
bigger to keep them ongoing. Eventually, they burst open exposing this
truth of racism and that’s what covid-19 did.

On a positive note, the Chinese nation unites when facing adversity and
with covid-19 affecting everyone, they showed a united spirit while the
rest of the world coped completely differently. Asian nations did better
battling the virus than the developed western world and you have to ask
yourself why. Developed nations are the benchmark regarding
development, but battling covid-19 has seen them suffering more than
places that have less ability.

Recovering after the virus, China is going to take off so fast. It was the
only place not to lose money. Even before the pandemic happened, they
have been moving towards an digital society. So live streaming might
have seemed new for many, but in China they been doing this for years
and even use their smartphones as a wallet. And when they take off,
many nations won’t be back on their feet so are going to be left behind.


The best part about Chinese people is they want to know more about
anyone not from China, so they get in your face in a good way.
They are not racist rather curious and inquisitive instead, but some people
are not able to openly share and prefer to keep secrets hidden or never
talk to strangers.

During the pandemic, more people came over to say ‘hi’ than before.
They wanted to show me they liked seeing me still. Chinese people are
reserved and don’t talk about anything personal unless you ask, only now
they seemed to be taking the first step. They thought the bad vibe
against them globally was because the pandemic began here. However,
no-one blamed outsiders and I asked but no-one responded. I let it be
and I guess they were hurt. But they never said that it was someone
else’s fault. Asian cultures have three faces. The first one you show to the
world, second you show to close friends and family and the third,
you never show to anyone.

Media advertising has power to obtain market share. The product ends up
becoming yours. Secured and no dream either. And today’s
interconnection capacity with Internet gives it more power. Just in the
past, word of mouth was the best medium. It saw your goods, whatever
you were saying and selling, was the best option accepted as true.
Media became a tool used by business to get something promoted as the
best choice. I remember years ago, being our family home was a tourist
attraction with crowds of 30,000 and the capital city had the same
number of people. However, after fifty years of events, public liability
became an issue. Our pool, one acre in size, had no fence. Hence
someone might drown even though such a thing hadn’t ever occurred yet.
Insurance now became mandatory so my Pop closed his pool to the
public. Anyway, government was a bit pissed off as all those locals had
learnt how to swim here. Being schools from miles away would come. So
when this State turned 150 years old, we were asked to reopen again
holding an event and given an exemption to the rules.

Over the years ahead, after my Pop passed away at 102 a few years after
this reopening, the pool was never in the news. Why was, if your business
wasn’t paying a newspaper for advertising, they never did mention
anything about you. My uncle running our pool saw he never believed in
advertising because he had seen when people attended events.
Just now times had changed.

My uncle built a caravan park at the pool with self-contained units, similar
to a hotel, only he refused to advertise and no-one turned up anymore.
Yes, every event had attracted a decent crowd. Just during the year,
those people went missing as word of mouth had broken down. This
period of time was known as the Age of Communications. Whilst the
Internet’s creation took this medium further and faster with a more
penetrating ability to reach more selective marketing groups. Remember
its brainwashing as if you see the same thing repeatedly more than
another thing similar, more people adhere to what’s been seen or heard.

I tried to get my uncle aware that he had to advertise. If not, people

weren’t going to turn up anymore, but he never agreed so our pool ended
up lost off the tourist map cause no-one was talking about it. My point is
that mainstream media blamed China for spreading covid-19 globally and
that’s passing the blame. Chinese people are different. When the
telephone came to China, people did not get a home phone, but they all
got mobile phones. Even kids and the elderly use smartphones.

One aspect my uncle had not remembered was that Pop suppressed his
name after making the front page news in 1910 from selling produce
grown on land where he built his pool. He would flood irrigate so sediment
built up there is natures best fertilizer why. And his potatoes tasted better
than others, well, 10,000 pounds was the newspaper headline about
Fontys Pool. While my Pop’s focus was growing granny smith apples so he
wanted to keep his name unknown as he knew Australia was not where
he would sell them, but he had no idea that his pool would become iconic.

Many people forget that China the Middle Kingdom supplied many goods
worldwide by trade using the Silk Road and they are doing the same
again. However, they haven’t realized that unlike their culture of war and
conquer, the Chinese traded and created new markets throughout history.
The Chinese are developing a new digital age which will become global,
but we negate their advancement because of racism and it’s hurting

News stories are not heard like they were. Doubt is created about the
facts. Therefore you must say that turning our media mediums into more
about marketing business needs with advertising is not progressive
towards unity seen as a worldwide reality regarding peace and harmony.
News from Australia, about internet companies refused to pay media
outlets returns when their published news stories were being reposted
onto those social media platforms. Just we let internet sales not be paid
either and most Internet companies get away with it, but here in China
they seem to get them paying far more equally and fairer. As in Australia
now most internet companies have agreed to pay something for sharing
news articles, so even the EU is asking them there to pay for the first
time. However the big question is why have we lost the ability to tell facts
as news.

Ever since the end of WW2, media news has been a tale of finding peace
democratically so you can keep your own culture. I find that hard to
believe if the USA invades another country without approval from the UN.
Nothing happened to them and this shows who is ruling. Saddest aspect is
the violence which occurs inside America created by themselves.
They have the right to bear weapons and carry guns until you feel safe.
They do not know what peace means. If violence has became normal
behaviour accepted by people like a night out on the town might see the
odd fight, verbally abused, taunted for whatever the reason could be,
then there is no harmony which would be seen in a peaceful society.
The freedom to walk down any street, no matter the time of day. Just in
China, however, you can and not be fearful someone going to provoke
you or attack you. Why don’t more people realize that this is life in China?

Remember, marketing is about getting ahead of your competition.

It could be stating something might be new or making unfounded claims
about a competitor. The same as getting your day in court to prove your
innocence if someone else says you are guilty of a crime, you must prove
that you aren’t. The early bird catches the worm and if you start off first
saying whatever, well, you gain support and then others must prove
you’re not telling the truth and this is how some organizations function.
Chinese culture sees you don’t waste your time proving you are innocent
and the Chinese government doesn’t respond when accused as this may
admit guilt.

Economics comes before environmental issues and that is not going to

ever change but if your environment fails then the economy follows.
Marketing is about the middle sector and nothing to do with primary
production, but we follow advertising, even governs those primary returns
and this is a mistake. First impression has a lasting reality and marketers
say you have 8 to 12 words for gaining someone’s attention span, then it
sees they will continue reading further. Hence, its not many words to use.
Sometimes a message, even mentioning primary goods, can be more
effective. Like insinuating things instead of stating facts, however you
can’t forget that truth shines through ultimately. I just watched a short
video on the USA President with his wife wishing all a happy Lunar New
Year and never once did they mention China nor Chinese. Instead they
used these words, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, while history
regards such an event as ancient Chinese culture only. So, if the
President refuses to mention China in his global message, is this a form of
racism? I guess not as most people think that Christmas is more about
Santa Claus than celebrating the birth of Jesus.

The Chinese people hold value in one’s own face, which is how sincere
you are seen to be living. I love this because that is what my Pops taught
me you must do always regardless. Seeing it’s the only thing free in life
and you can never buy such either, as you must earn this yourself instead
with the manners you chose to show everyone and not only your friends.

Yesteryear, family values were foremost and we showed more

compassion even though racism was a issue nations faced. Africans are
not welcoming to white people from their years being ruled by them but
somehow we must find a way which sees we unite as a global race.
With social media and mainstream media not speaking the truth to incite
unrest, we got to realize that a good future ahead is only possible when
we’re united as divided, we waste your energy and resources. So fighting
covid-19 alone, you not going to end up saving many people.
No-one other than China has the capability to manufacture the truth.

Years ago, the USA and EU became powerful and wealthy, but now they
haven’t the capacity to supply their nations. This is never a good reality.
Economies were thinking taxes were coming but developed nations
struggle to raise funds for their government to pay bills so forget

Everyone says the Chinese economy is going to burst, but it hasn’t

happened nor will because they manage debt and remain solid.
Outsiders add up China the same as their own nation without looking at
Chinese ways, so they spread fear to return their investors better results
with the average Joe getting the bill. The Chinese government is aware
not to pass bills to people to avoid civil unrest. Their history has had
many internal conflicts, but their ancient culture has remained intact.
Their pride is priceless because it comes from within. Covid-19 provided
an opportunity to globally unite, instead it opened a can of worms with
people disconnecting. So it takes longer to end up where you need to be.
The Chinese way is knowing that you must find peace and return local

Chinese New Year saw hardly anyone return home. Usually, it is the
world’s biggest human migration with hundreds of millions of people
travelling. However the pandemic resurfaced so the feeling was to stay
wherever you are and give up on celebration. While the western world
tried to hold Christmas. The hardest battle is getting the people to
conform so covid-19 can be contained. The Chinese government has no
issues doing this and the people even act first.

Western news says it must be hard for the Chinese forced to remain
home for a few new cases and you would think people would go out.
Even if you get infected, the government pays the bills but they didn’t.
They unite together so common good overall happens faster whereas the
western world separates. They are baffled why people in other countries
don’t remain home until the virus is not spreading. They also have better
urban ability to supply the goods we need every day. Suburbia in China
are housing estates with shops and restaurants nearby so you never have
to walk more than kilometer to get what you want.

They have large shopping centers like American malls in the USA, but
when the pandemic started they became ghost malls. They don’t think
like I’ve got the freedom to shop once so I am going to make the most of
the outing. The longer you are out, the greater the chance of getting
infected. Some believe its worth the risk and do some retail shopping as
well as getting food. Air-condition units collect covid-19 then send it back.
Some malls had a canopy erected at the entrances like a tunnel, so by the
time you had walked through, ultra-violent light had killed any virus in the
air. The Chinese can’t grasp if people in the west weren’t remaining
home, how could the west say that the Chinese had infected them.

I wonder why didn’t the Chinese create a more urban city, like western
nations, and get more greenery. However, I see that the people are more
connected when they live on top of each other in apartments. There’s no
single housing though you see that odd one outside the city limits. On the
edge of the rural area, you might see a small single home estate that,
when suburbia reaches, will be developed into an apartment complex.
In China, no-one owns property outright, instead it is leased for
ownership. So when redevelopment happens, you sell to the developer
and move on or swap for the same square meters ending up with an
apartment. Apartments are constructed like a concrete shell then
renovated at the buyers expense. I came to Jiamusi to be a property
developer and those main roads tell you what’s going on so you know
where to invest. My point is when everyone lives together like this,
community life has harmony within the village atmosphere. Shopping
centers are there, like the west, but you have everything where you live
and the west lost that in suburbia when corner stores went out of

When you see and hear things that you don’t like, it affects you and daily
life changes.
In China, the elderly are out and about even after dark watching dancing
in the street. They are not scared that anything untoward might happen
and this is different from the west. Having everyone together means you
can do community activities. But the west is more intent on old aged
housing and having kids that aren’t looked after by the extended family.
The Chinese family remains connected and grandparents take the kids
home after school. Then violence and alcohol is a problem for developed
nations, but in China, there are no places which serve booze on the way
home from work. They have KTV, karaoke venues, where people go after
restaurant dining if they want to keep drinking. So life is different as is
the culture. Whereas foreigners want things to happen like the west, then
complain and leave the scene. Unless you are thinking what would they
do next, you are going to get it wrong and you can’t expect them to
westernize to accommodate you. Anyway, sad world if we were all the

Using racism to incite people against another culture is intolerable, like

with the black slaves in America which took years to rectify. We are all
humans that live here, right? In Australia, there is inequality between
aboriginals and the rest. Natives make half the income and half of them
left school early and are unemployed and twice as many rent rather than
own homes. Incarceration is high and so on and the government reckons
its not racist. Whereas China says Australia is a racist country.

Chinese are not racist because they want to know more about foreigners,
but in Australia you don’t get this towards natives. An aboriginal you see
in the streets is as black as the ace of spades, but most just see clubs
thinking that this bloke could attack. Years ago, I was asked to settle a
dispute between a builder vs new housing community for aboriginals.
The blacks were using sprinklers inside the house. Outside was
50 degrees and inside you could cook an egg on the stove without turning
on the gas. However when I’d asked the builder if he had explained how
the air-conditioners operated, he told me that wasn’t his job. So I said
that if you don’t explain how things work to them, its your fault and that if
I had no clue how the A/C worked having never seen one before, I would
have turned on the sprinkler too. The builder wasn’t happy as he had to
redo everything and replace the waterlogged carpet. The funny thing was
that not one black had said anything to me as an interpreter was used
which did not bother me as they were a nomadic tribe. On my last night,
after three months of work, I was taken out for dinner then onto the
nightclub, even though the next day I had one last job to do connecting
the police station to the town sewer. Anyway, most of the people at the
club were aboriginals who gave me smiles. Next morning, I arrived at the
police station to find fifty blacks asleep on the front yard where I needed
to dig a trench. I recognized them from the club and asked what was
going on. They said they came to say bye bye to me. The cop told me
that they were my responsibility, so I did a deal and told him to release
the ones in lock-up and got them to dig my trench and went to the
supermarket to buy a feed for the barbecue and some beer and returned
to lay the sewerage pipe, while they cooked. We backfilled the trench
once the inspector passed it and the job was finished in only a few hours.
So time for a beer and I got the cops to join us and everyone had a great
afternoon, then I was picked up and headed back to where I normally
worked, 300 km away. My point is that racism is never something anyone
should allow as we are one family.


We forget that China has never set out to conquer our world as theirs.
They are this only nation who landed somewhere else, in another country,
without a sword drawn. Why do we think that China’s ambition is to
takeover and conquer the world and are a global threat regarding peace.
I don’t get this. If I’d never relocated, well, I probably never would’ve
known or researched things about their own history. Seeing once I
decided to reside in China, the first thing I did was read up on what
happened over the years passed and learnt a bit about their 5000 plus

Even my great grandfather had travelled here, when the five nations
invaded China trying to conquer them at the end of the 18th century.
Pop joined the Italian Army as it was the only way he could get a business
license to trade. Seeing these Chinese people there, it made no sense
why they were here for. As everyone he met, welcomed him. Only here
he was, killing them. Known as the Boxer Rebellion or Uprising.
Chinese people had had enough of western influence entering even
Christianity also, with the Opium Trade Wars starting everything years
ago. Germany, Britain, plus Japan, Russia and other nations all controlled
various locations in China and there had formed an international army of
around 19,000 troops being United States, France, Austria, Hungry, Italy
who captured Beijing. Just the Northern China rose together to take back.

However, China has never left home as to conquer another nation.

Yes, they have had many civil wars and know how to battle. Just we seem
to forget about their Great Wall they built thousands of years ago was to
keep outsiders out of China. Kind of says a hell of a lot, I reckon. While
they also re-diverted rivers for nature. They built channels and waterways
so trade could occur better and we are talking about 2000 km long.
So why do we today think that China is going to take over and invade
somewhere is way beyond my mind’s reality. But I definitely grasp media
mainstream ability to control the truth.

The saddest aspect is back in our late 70s, China decided to open up to
foreigners returning here, and, yes, most might say this was purely about
earning an income themselves. Whatever the case may be, the reality is
they installed western technology and now are aware this has polluted
their environment. In all the history I have read, it always seems to be
related back to harmony and if not the people rebel, the Chinese way.
Whilst their government is run by one party. It rules the entire nation.
Just they have five year plans that everyone knows.

I think the real problem about China is that most other nations want the
Chinese to follow their own ways instead. So basically then, you have
China saying we are the world’s oldest remaining ancient culture, who is
ongoing still. Remember, they were the world’s best traders, Silk Road,
and after World Wars rather in China, their Middle Kingdom had collapsed.
Nations are banning Chinese television networks to broadcast shows.
Some countries are enforcing internet bans on apps which are Chinese.
So is this more about protecting people or simply racism coming back like
we saw during Hitler time then in power again. All I know is China has
had enough now of others thinking that they’re second rate. While
equality in human rights, regardless of where you live, means no one
person nor culture is more important than another.

China follows other nations, who have leading technology, for a win-win
scenario for both parties. They were our leaders in yesteryears too.
Seeing, they invented the bow and arrow 400 years before another
country. Their fireworks were the same thing and outsiders used them to
make gunpowder. They developed cast iron furnaces 200 years before we
started the Industrial Revolution. So why doesn’t China take the lead
again? Maybe their next step coming soon. Which I guess is the reality
today. And they are leading the way with internet apps, plus artificial
intelligence. Anyway, this pandemic has made more people think about
China. And the Chinese are aware of other nations’ feelings towards them.

When Chinese New Year arrived, I thought to send photos out to my

friends, family and social media posts. My English friend was at me
instantly about sending him happy scenes, when he was stuck at home
having to quarantine because his son was positive with covid-19. So it
wasn’t good. I had thought seeing others enjoying could help him to see a
light on at the end of the tunnel. But if you have racist feelings then, it is
not going to be a good outcome. Anyway, I believe you never give up on
anyone changing for the better. My family in Australia wasn’t much better
with their reaction.

Social media was funny as one post of mine took off and another one that
I thought was exactly the same, did nothing. Social media likes are never
something you should to use to judge something. Instead, what people
say is your best bet. Most people seemed to like my news about China
New Year at my home and could see for themselves as having posted a
few photos. But no-one was really saying a great deal.
I thought about why was our world was against China. In a nutshell, it
was jealousy behind this hatred going on outside of China. While most
developed nations think the Chinese people are not looked after by their
own government. Only the Chinese people love their new life. Really, they
have made it happen for themselves. They did spend many years
redeveloping their country back again to this Middle Kingdom it had been
for the entire world. You never hear about this in mainstream global news
media. China was a backward undeveloped nation, butt they were
innovative having invented much. They had a sewer system going the
same time as the Roman Empire. And paper money another thing. But
the world’s view is China hadn’t ever done much. I think the easiest way
to sum up our differences might be how some people went out and
stocked up. Toilet paper was their priority. Whilst others decided not to
venture out.

We live in a world with many different views on the same way to do

things, but it’s never meant to be about the best way to do something.
Its about acceptance of another option and opinion if no-one is getting
hurt doing something. Why can’t we ignore our own feeling towards this
race you don’t like. Every person talks about their own freedom to
express one’s beliefs. Only it never has been acceptable using such for
putting another person down. So why has it become mainstream news?
Developed nations societies have ended up an “I” instead of a “We”. You
work through your issues together and not by stating views which must
happen. Violence might become a real war then. Leaders stated that this
pandemic is due from another nations ignorance not to address issues
when they appeared. I can comprehend why people felt betrayed.
However no-one can forget the facts. The first place to get anything is
the hardest location to contain and control. So how can you suggest China
mismanagement caused a global occurrence? Hindsight is great to have.
The Chinese nation has controlled the spread of this virus really. But most
other nations are still battling on. This does not mean that they infected
you, though, as everyone had a choice to act to take precautions.
Or to ignore what everyone saw was happening.

Most nations are only trying to use China as an escape so they can look
better. The side affects are the Chinese people feel betrayed. They are
not a culture or race which wants to rule the world. They’re about feeling
accepted as a friend and they assisted many other country’s own battle
against covid-19. But that news never goes mainstream.

The world is more based upon “I” than “We”. While the reality shall
remain always that we call Earth our home regardless of wherever you
come from. That’s another ongoing global battle. While the pandemic can
take off also again anytime. But why blame China for creating a global
pandemic? No-one wants to see the truth. Saying that the Chinese
allowed this virus to infect you because they never acted faster makes no
sense. They are the only nation to have recovered enough, so their
economy has rebounded. Doesn’t that prove they must have addressed
this disease better than anyone? It brings me back to my main point,
being that jealousy is the reason why others have blamed China for their
nation getting infected? Its like saying, ‘why didn’t it rain here, when it is
raining there’. Remember, our water cycle on planet earth is always here.
And rainfall has got nothing to with faith or an act from God either.
It’s about what has occurred locally so the rain falls there and not
somewhere else. I still believe though, we can unite ourselves globally.
Even with all of this sad news coming out about China at fault and
opening up racism more so to benefit yourself. Its never how life works
out eventually. As everyone I know, ends up being accountable for your
own actions, known as karma, and this is our closest thing to God

China is about to go off on a whole new level as digital currency has been
accepted. They are being innovative. But some nations blocked Chinese
apps on the internet. India blocked many networks, whilst the USA is in
court cases against a few. While most developed nations are against
anything Chinese is all I am hearing on social media. Seeing not many
people are responding to the Chinese New Year, so it is showing me
globally what human nature is towards China. Only thing being is the
Chinese have been heading this way for years, so if you turn your back on
them, you might find out you missed the bus. And change for a better
future is where they are headed and wish for. So they have been making
their own luck happen. Just if you miss their boat, you are left behind.

Pretty sad. The Chinese were doing this new transition for uniting us all
better globally when developed nations are not about advancing existing
ability. Why don’t most developed nations make improvements?
It disrupts their economies. Selling that same product longer is how a
capitalist world functions best. And if your population becomes jealous of
another, civil unrest will happen. You are playing with power same as a
fire could engulf everything, then you are left with nothing.
Mainstream media reports is how you maintain order when those people
are speaking the same things in similar posts on social media platforms.
However, the Chinese mentality, their way of life, government sees
people come before profit and not like a capitalistic economy that western
nations use. They only use a capitalist public sector industry to generate
wealth for their country. The world turned against China because they
want to keep their people under control? Its a complicated situation
letting racism gain hold, and like the pandemic, shows that if you didn’t
keep everyone home, it is far harder to contain. When China has created
a new way of living, then the rest of the world will find out about it and
not be happy.
My wife reminds me that when I thought there was only one way you
could do something, from seeing her own actions informs me there’s
another option. They go the other way from westerners. And who knows?
Muslims could be another entirely new way, but I have never lived in a
Muslim country nor visited one so I can’t say anything about it. You need
to live in any location for a year before making any personal views based
upon what life is like there. An outsiders point of view is going to remain
unless you end up living your life more here than where you came from.
While the secret aspect is staying for a year as each different season sees
changes in mood and mind. I learnt this when I lived in Eire for a year
and later, Melbourne and Brisbane. When travelling anywhere for a few
weeks, you think you know everything about it, well, it simply is not true.
Talking about China without having visited is common on social media,
but don’t determine what Chinese people are all about from those posts.

When I explain things to my granddaughter, who lives with me, I make

sure that she is aware that I am telling her my own experiences. They are
probably not this Chinese way. She has to adjust anything I say to her
way. She wants life to be for her own outcome. She seems to have
understood most things I have told her. Its great to hear and see her
making her own choices in living life. Both my Pops on our farm explained
the same reality to me and as she is my heir, I tell her same. One time,
my granddaughter, aged five, was with the family in the capital city,
sightseeing really. I wasn’t there with them, but when they kept on
getting lost, well, she spoke up saying, “come on, why do you not
remember what Pop does? He would use the GPS on phone to find where
you want to be”. They all laughed in a good way now not lost.
My granddaughter definitely listens, plus keeps her eyes opened.

One real big difference is how China is dealing with covid-19. All local
doctors closed shop. If you need to see a doctor, you must go to the
hospital. Which I believe this is a wise move. Everything gets checked out
regardless concerning finding infected people, who might never show
signs they ill. But if you do present at hospital, then everyone gets tested,
so you increase your data base of records. Even if no-one is positive, you
now know. Back in Australia and most developed nations, local doctors
were their first choice, while as cases increased, they then set up outside
locations testing people driving through and remaining in their vehicle.
Just vaccine roll outs seem to be local doctor with pharmacies included
and not the hospital like China mentality. Different ways to detect
covid-19 and whatever is better is not relevant, if you find the virus.

An African desert city started recycling their sewage treatment effluent

into drinking water, 61 years ago. With wetlands was how in a nutshell.
Hospitals recorded patients who attended and they were checked out to
see if drinking the water caused any illnesses. After 10 years, not one
case got recorded nor any associated diseases. They proved there’s
nothing wrong. But people do not like hearing that this is what they drink.
That’s the world we live in today. And catching fish out of wetlands
sewage purification ponds, seeing is believing, is my strategy to gain
trust. My aim is a fish based organic fertilizer with my return back to
nature again agenda. However you look at drinking sewage water, we
need to ensure the quality of the effluent when it leaves the facility so it
doesn’t kill anything. Meaning freshwater cycle overall restored
eventually. You need to consider public reaction and gaining positive
acceptance in China seems easier than another location.

My wife told me a tale from years ago. She was in grade one at school
when her Dad died. So she returned home to help her Mum bring up her
two other sisters. Those times back then was when they went through the
Great Leap. For a year, my wife never ate any meat. Eggs were the best
nutrient and she gave most of hers to her sisters. And China also is a
place where males come before females. Nowadays, it is more about
equality. A decade ago, a new law came in, where a female could have
two husbands. It was to address issues concerning wives treated badly
and it did the job. Anyway, my wife’s Mum remarried and more kids
came. Times were hard going. And this new Dad decided, on Chinese New
Year, that it was more important to eat my wife’s pet dog. Chinese people
sometimes eat dog. Like horse and camel, literally, everything is on the
menu. And they eat the entire animal. Guts, brain, eyes. Nothing is ever
wasted either the real big difference.

I know my wife doesn’t like me saying such things. Just it is important to

use real life examples so people can appreciate what life was about when
they were rebuilding their own culture back again. It was hard going
totally. 30 years ago, their GDP was the same as India and now its five
times higher. Plus they trade with a 130 nations. Life is modern in cities.
While rural regions are becoming far better than previously and
transforming so much over a very short period of time. Most outsiders
seem to ignore this. They only focus on covid-19 beginning in China so
China is to blame.

I went to the supermarket and saw that they had removed frozen goods
and meat and my wife told me that everywhere had done the same
because covid-19 may have been brought back to China on packaging
after a small outbreak which was contained, but they are not taking any
chances. Mind boggling seeing all the food not there, plus every other
store the same, like thousands of them have thrown out such for public
safety. The commitment is massive. You never see this anywhere else
even, as back in Australia they complaining about five day lockdowns for
dealing with a new strain spreading in community and they are still
focused that the economy must restart regardless if covid-19 is contained
or not. But one case can become a 100 then 1000s within a week.
Nations have faith that vaccines are going to get the economy going
again. While I heard mutations affected them, plus who knows what other
things. The pharmacracy companies making these drugs were only
approved for emergency usage and legally are not held responsible.
Russia were the first ones with a vaccine on offer, then China has been
trialing their one globally and, then at home, used army personnel and
medical staff who were treating infectious patients before. USA with UK
are injecting their own people along with rolling out global supplies like

My concern is that normally you are required to do two years of testing

along with trials before anything becomes publicly used. So how can we
even have a vaccine which will be effective? We seem to be hoping for the
very best outcome, but no real idea about what will happen regarding
side effects which every new drug has. I understand the importance of
developing this vaccine, just you must not forget the fact we have been
looking for one, so malaria can be treated. While no-one yet has managed
to find something for malaria. So how can we be sure these vaccines are
going to work out becoming our savior? Spending billions of dollars on
creating this new medicine, you might get luckier faster, only it still
requires the time to learn what long term issues are going to be.

It feels like the cold world war days between America and Russian again.
I guess from the race to get into outer space and not the threat of nuclear
weapons. In old movie called ‘The Right Stuff’ saw it based on
advancements within jet planes being aviation breaking our sound barrier.
Then became a race to outer space and they both blow up a hell of a lot
off rockets by testing. Seriously, if China so concerned about packaging
that has covid-19, this tells me that the bug won’t be disappearing
quickly. From vaccine viability, it might be contained but you might only
make everything worse.

The best means to stop anything is always prevention never cure and
economically speaking, we live in a world based about financial markets
instead of public health remaining first. The science tells you always to do
that. I mention heaps about economy related things as they govern what
happens more than what has to be done and is really needed for an
outcome. But if you let racism rule reality, then conflict takes over.


Many are going to think I have written a book saying that China is better
than any other place to be. Living in China requires you being able to
forgo many things in life that westerners do, like a knife and fork but if
you can go without, it offers a better overall society shared with
Reading mainstream news reports, we forget that they are based on your
nation’s view and not the Chinese way of life even when trying to explain
China. A huge conflict of interests. Life in China is never going to become
democratic. So we need to find common ground shared between
everyone’s own beliefs and act as one body to unite ourselves with a
creed for all of us. Yes, this is what the United Nations Assembly does try
to do. It is about finding one way that we all can adhere to.

Like my own project Globalian, we need to find harmony for humanity

uniting as this humane race foremost before your own nation’s beliefs.
Today though, we seem to be stuck on rewards and returns. They are
paramount always seen in what does happen. And we forget this planet
houses everyone. We do not have another choice. My project shows
everyone how vital is a sustainable futures plan. It has nothing to do with
me becoming the richest from the scope and scale of the project.
Globalian creates a better environment and everyone ends up with the
same service. Finding shared ground with a creed we all agree on.
My vision sees people put their well-being before returns and outcomes.
If only we could agree to disagree. Corporations are in contract with
government to control the power and water industry and its a closed
sector. But we are meant to be reducing costs for commodities everyone
uses. A conflict of interests. No-one is ever going to say that a single
person can improve such an outcome in mainstream news. I am fighting a
battle bigger than David & Goliath. We must close the wealth gap globally
and unite worldwide to follow one creed. Humanity seen as a race
together rather than divided and this is what covid-19 showed us.

Some days I feel like giving up and selling off and not concern myself with
investors and venture capitalists. Will they offer public ownership so that
the wealth gap is closed faster for humanity? Experts put wages before
ethics. If no-one responds, it tells me that they are aware that what I am
saying can happen. But if they replied, it means communication was
legally established, hence best not to respond. It’s a sad world economy
we created. Just it never means you have to lower your standards, which
you know are correct. There is no grey in our health codes. Wellbeing are
meant to be put before profiting always. But now experts answer to
executives who run corporations where the bottom line is not facts but
figures and numbers for investors.

Same reality happened with covid-19 with nations put economy before
health, until it was seen you are fighting a losing battle. So they made
more restrictions but never went as hard as China. No prisoners is how
you win every battle. If not, yes, you’re dead. The reality ends up you will
save more people overall than you lose. My Globalian project has exactly
the same mentality.
If the world news said that China is doing a better job then more nations
might have followed such a policy and contained covid-19 faster, than
thinking that the economy comes first. Just like China, your economy
could be back functioning far better than currently it is today. Only,
instead now we seem to have opened old wounds with racism becoming
more seen in developed nations. As for developing ones, I can’t comment
about them, because I have not seen anything stating either way. I’m not
going to make up my mind, so I got something to say as happens a lot.

Mainstream media, social media, western world’s public are saying they
want nothing to do with anything Chinese. This is a problem because you
can’t disconnect from anything that has been the source of your supplies.
It’s like saying we have had enough of fossil fuels creating carbon gases
which pollute our atmosphere, so we stop using them. What is going to be
available for running the engine? You must think ahead before saying
something stupid. Every single fossil fuel vehicle can become sewage
based biofuel and we can obtain those needs with the volume of current
day sewerage flow rates. Plus burn at 85% less carbon emitted to our
atmosphere. Global warming omissions reduced for transportation
drastically. And deploying better standards for treating and processing
sewage. But implementing everything takes years.

Why have governments let school yard tackles become accepted more so
than before covid-19 times?

Remember, mask wearing was deemed to be an invasive action that

would see public fear created and become a harder problem in society
than covid-19 to contain. And turning your back on any racism and not
stopping it in today’s equality age of equal rights for everyone anywhere,
regardless of the nation they reside or came from is not right. I thought
we were passed this as it should be foremost to be stopped, no matter
the nation you mentioned.

Only conclusion is some governments believe China caused this virus to

enter their own nations which means it is not being racist too. How the
hell you get to that thinking is to forget that every nation’s first
responsibility is to protect the public. All you had to do was stop your
economy so no-one can enter and establish quarantine hotels then
everyone on a plane known not to be infectious. We have not got to this
stage. Racism is allowed to be acceptable behavior if governments aren’t
working together to beat covid-19.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going, while we do need to
start thinking differently. Seeing industry, like tourism, won’t be coming
back strong anytime soon and most countries depend on such for their
own economies to function. So why not create quarantine ability before
people travel. It requires world leaders to be on the same page.
If everyone had a holiday locally not internationally, your tourism areas
are going to get through this difficult stage during recovery far more than
waiting for international visitors to return. Who knows when globally
people are going to be able get back to there again. It requires world
leaders talking as one voice.

If our world leaders fail to unite in a global focus for recovery and allow
racism to take hold further, you are going to find terrorism increasing.
The world’s number one religion is the Muslim faith not Catholic Christian
which seems more dominate only though being is found in locations
where influence can have more devastating affect. Those nations hold
power far more reaching with armed forces instead of using God.
However this power of uniting humanity, I firmly believe on offer also.
Social media’s ability globally can mean that it becomes our most
powerful weapon. We know the message already. Unity. Unity. Unity.
Peace comes before feeling upset that you’ve lost so much.

I read a New York Times article on the W.H.O saying they were refused
data records when investigating covid-19 at Wuhan. Then I read an article
from CCTV China news media, in reference with the investigators who
went there and social media accounts inform that they were given
everything. No data was withheld from them. If mainstream media is
going to say the opposite of what occurred, what chance do we have to
find peace? All they’re doing is informing people that China being the
Chinese government can’t be trusted. Yet the investigators confirmed
they abided fully. I guess starting a world war seems to be what they are
looking for. Yes, then they get more news.

Remember, the USA invaded Iraq because they stated weapons of mass
destruction were there. Yet never did they find any devices. More bad
news. Vietnam Agent Orange is still killing many people. Their sewage
wastewater plant for treatment has a toxic level 4000 more than the
worse recorded at any other plant anywhere. We remove landmines after
wars. Must ask the question, why not so neither.

If our world leaders are so hell bent on portraying China as the devil,
I can’t blame them for not saying ‘boo’ back when you try to do the
correct thing for others and not yourself either. Then expert reports are
misquoted totally the other way. This is a crime against humanity.
The Hague Prison in Germany was made for such people.

Even my Globalian project should have been addressed properly by each

government I asked. Brazil were the only nation who took me seriously.
And their findings after three months saw my project accordingly as
stated should be implemented. Instead we ignore the science. Like
sewage treatment with chemicals usage kills the water cycle meaning
freshwater ability. World leading environmental organizations who answer
back to government and non-profit affairs who campaign things like
nuclear free, well, not one of them responded. When did we forget that
manners come first? Whether you like it and believe it or not has no
relevance. We never use to ever not say ‘thank you’, only ‘no thanks’.

The democratic world has got a court you go to ask why someone has
misquoted you and until you sue them for defamation, they can say
anything. But in China, they hold those people accountable, even jailed,
before court happens. What system is better? Well, the best system is
when you all sit down and openly ask how did we get differences of

China stopped airing the BBC news whilst stopping access with a VPN or
paid subscription. They have had enough. Instead of turning a blind eye,
they are taking the same actions as when the UK stopped airing CGTV.
When you reach this level of communicating, the future ahead is not
looking good. World news started off as China hiding the truth about the
virus. And it has not gone much further. Public view reaches lower.

When I was using social media, I realized people were not getting told
what was going on inside China regarding this pandemic. My connections
responded and were grateful I was sharing news. I have 10,000 followers
and connections. However, reading what was being said back saw I knew
more. They felt China wasn’t being truthful. No matter how much I tried
explaining, they were adamant. Past news over many years rejecting
Chinese claims has made a huge wall in people’s minds. Hearing anything
new then just doesn’t make sense because of all that other news they’ve
heard before. With China taking a proactive role responding and not
ignoring years of misquoting things, its not going to right itself. But if
world leaders could get on the same page, it can happen.

Dividing public opinion to see one’s own nation seen better has been
happening for centuries. Only we are living in a far more advanced society
today of acceptance, plus tolerance for our own differences. Just sadly,
this pandemic has shown us, over time, that we became more separated
and distanced from each other. I wonder. Are we doing a better job in
fighting this pandemic than what was done with the Spanish Flu?

When this critter began spreading throughout China, people seemed to be

willing to find out what was going on. Just when it started at the global
level, things changed quickly. Whilst during the middle part of the year,
some people were feeling hopeful about vaccines. Only by the new year,
this bugger was still around. Countries were dealing with third waves.
The average person became worn out, gave up hope and lost faith. This is
when anyone could be swayed either way. Hence, why solidarity needed
like those unions for the working classes of yesteryear. We can’t leave it
up to mainstream media nor any politician if their focus is on discrediting

India seems to be against China. A border dispute reopened and soldiers

started shooting killing. 60 Chinese apps were banned. It was about not
wanting to close your country. If the community has covid-19 cases, then
everyone stays home. The economy was put before public health. And
now all they think they can do is show their nation that they are standing
up to China. Yet, 400 Indians are studying at Jiamusi University and train
to be doctors. It seems important to be racist towards China so the public
sees you are taking actions about why your nation is infected with
covid-19. And not telling facts is never good for your nation. Creating bad
karma is all you are doing. Then the reality ahead is going to require that
it gets addressed. Allowing racism to take hold in any society means most
people weren’t educated enough.

The saddest aspect is our highly educated society can’t agree on the
facts. Forget about what has been said in the media. Academic people
should have an ability to read between the lines. With all my dealings with
my project, this expertise is missing at the community level. And these
people are who the average person trusts. Only 20% of people have a
possibility or capacity for further education.

Hence, ethics is taught when anyone gains more skill than common folk.
This means they never share their true beliefs. The business world
dictates that these educated people working for their corporation aren’t
allowed to share personal views and insights as it could affect company
returns. No matter who you work for, no business has the right to stop
you saying openly what you feel. This is damaging our communities to be
the society we need to become.

The Italian way of life was about never stopping anyone speaking their
own mind. Whether they were talking crap or not, it did not matter.
Seeing this was their view and not yours.

It has been quite interesting discussing this pandemic with my family.

We are all concerned about everyone. And China was doing the right thing
here and globally.

This pandemic has shown us how disconnected we are. Disconnected due

to racism. Another person’s own fear of that other one. Seeing no-one is
born to hate someone else, like some people might be born gay. Turning
covid-19 into a racism issue is going to mean that things globally and
economically are going backwards faster than the damage the pandemic
is doing.
Inequality is a huge issue for most countries to deal with. A court in India
saw the Judge had ruled against a female being bashed because she was
female. Meaning that male had the right to do it. In Australia, at Federal
Parliament head office, a new intern was raped by a high racking
politician. They decided against legal actions because she believed that
would hurt her career. But after two years battling with the trauma
caught up to her and everything became public.

My Globalian project is more about water than energy. Desalination. How

you can source enough drinking water, so your population growth is
sustainable? Just in Arabia, one nation uses 300,000 barrels of oil each
day. Another location uses two million dollars of electricity daily to
produce water, whilst the discharge pollutes the sea water.

We all know what is right or wrong. But telling yourself something is

acceptable to do because these times are hard to deal with, never makes
anything bad good. It ends up becoming the same. And you have to deal
with the problem later. Today is your best option. Same with pandemic
prevention beating cure. But the USA can’t produce enough masks and
that was this first thing the Chinese did.

The best thing for me regarding this pandemic was that it reassured me
about giving up my life in Australia to relocate here. A place where I knew
absolutely nothing at all about anything Chinese either, until I lived there.
Quite a few foreigners left China when covid-19 began. Most of them are
complaining they can’t return. I never considered taking off.
How can you give up on all you had put into making this place your home.
It made totally no sense to me.

When an earthquake killed thousands of people the second year I was

living here, I saw how united the Chinese people are towards adversity.
Whilst the rest of our world, I knew how disconnected they are. Even
though all you read in the media news is how everything is becoming
better. Fifty years ago, a million people protested in the USA regarding
global warming issues. And we haven’t done anything towards something
we’ve known wrong for five decades. Uniting humanity globally seems to
be the hardest thing to do. We are all interconnected, therefore got to act
as one entity always. Its the only way we can progress for own survival.
But we achieve this by becoming sincere with actions and not words.

China is always telling our world that friendship comes before business.
Why haven’t most people realized that this is what they have locally?
Harmony seen in your community is how they judge things. And from
what I’ve seen, they do a great job. Every year, I drive, about an hour or
two north, south, east, west to see what has been going on and, each
year, things have became better.
We created a throwaway society years ago and are becoming aware that
this was not a good thing. Economically speaking, yes, business people
became wealthier. But the environment globally paid the price.

My new family life is one which I am grateful for finding in China. And
with this pandemic taking hold, it saw me frustrated about small things I
normally would not worry about. We are one family on a global level so I
try my best to get us together. My family remained solid . Always asking
me why is another place saying something bad towards China. I replied
that its because they have no idea what life is like here. The world is
going to realize that China is not looking at taking control and conquering.
Leaving everyone with no choice but to comply. Its not the Chinese way
to rule over with an iron fist. They have based their culture for 5000 years
on harmony. They want the best future for as long as possible and are
aware that some years will suck. But this doesn’t mean you give up.
Instead, you focus harder on getting things back on track quicker.
This is their skill which they are offering everyone their friendship.

All I do everyday is work on my project. Writing reports, researching,

gaining awareness to make my plan happen. A social life is unimportant
to me but if anyone asks me to do something, I take a break. Otherwise,
I’m happy putting all my effort into my project.


Big business is not better for people and my project is cheaper. A conflict
of interests with them, however should never be able to stop my progress
but some people forgot ethics and are profit driven. This always happens
no matter what the world situation may be. But to create a revolution
with a revelation is what Globalian does.

I heard from someone with doctorates for urban planning and architecture
that it doesn’t matter what has to be done, but good results from work
comes from a good system with clear problem solving and an
understanding of the social dialectics at play. Corporations even
partnerships are simply tools, which can give good results or not
depending upon how used. Tools which save money and time.
He went on to say, “I’m representing a company working for a provincial
government and what I think is discussed with them, then gets approved,
but some other things go ahead, even if I don’t say so, so we can’t
guarantee the end result. Anyway, why would we look at your project?”.
Now isn’t this a conflict of interests and he consults on urban living.

Globalian offers everyone a thousand year strength durability for concrete

made or batched, using wastewater from bottled water with coal ash.
Volcanic ash was what the Roman Empire used. And why their concrete
still stands today. We need to ensure that constructions can last the test
of time. And that major bridge collapse in Italy was not a good sign for
the future. Why such a failure occurred must be based upon fatigue,
which means structurally the design or materials used were not all
Concrete cancer is my feeling why it occurred. The steel used was too
close to the outside when formed so air was able to get inside and ate this
steel away same as what cancer does to us. When Globalian makes new
standards of concrete ability for longer lifetime, then it will become our
building codes. And those new standards are used in all bridges made.
Who knows? Some developers might like dwellings last the same time.

Everything I have stated throughout this book are my personal insights.

Never take them 100% certain facts. I’m not a qualified structural
engineer but a plumber. While everything I say mine still being
copyrighted in a book. Only stating this is all a true story and not such a
reality but instead a tale.

Business interests come before ethics. We all know what is right or

wrong. If something has potential to improve society overall, isn’t this
worthwhile? Shouldn’t it be added up properly by expert professionals?
Sadly, the answer we have today is all about utilizing what we already
know and have available to implement without any need to improvise
Hence it got a reputation being predictable. Only this too means
vulnerable. You might ask yourself why are known facts vulnerable for
then? Because we’re not looking at improving what we already know as
possible to do. Einstein says doing that same thing always is madness.
You’re not learning when you’re not trying to make what you know
become better.

This pandemic showed everyone how most nations are not prepared for
such chaos either. And yet they all have a disaster relief plans. Rather
than innovate new models, it’s more about keeping your economy
ongoing. This comes before changing what your society does and what
people have to do. Seeing no-one wanted to say everyone was required
to wear a mask even. Just right now, every nation today has realized the
importance of wearing a mask. Yet when covid-19 started, no western
world government made it mandatory.

Hence how do I explain Globalian own ability? Its is similar to a mask for
this pandemic. As fresh water, our secret component for living matter,
requires such water to grow and give life. Whilst air seems to be our main
focus instead, but that is secondary after water has made life now this air
we breathe occurs.

Ethics and ethos are vital. The economy has more control than facts of
science. And creating a new model for sewage treatment by natural
process is not worthy investment. We ignore it because it means
admitting what we are doing isn’t the best. But its listed as how that task
gets done. When you include energy waste off, production loses, why
doesn’t someone official say lets look more at a Globalian reality?
The Brazil President concurred accordingly stated.

Chinese are adaptive towards changes which happen at a national level.

Some people believe that this is because they have no say. They are ruled
by communist government same as a dictator. Chinese history says if the
ruling party fails to deliver better public services then people rebel and
civil wars occur. There’s a difference of opinion going on about : is the
Chinese way of life good or bad? Whatever the case might be, the truth is
only China can decide and not anyone outsider.

When you have a global issue like this pandemic, that is when we should
be looking globally at what is the best outcome for everyone and not any
nation putting its own country’s interests foremost.

Our United Nations are meant to be a governing body for all of us

together. Only if you have one nation paying 70% of their wages for those
people who serve under such an order then who do you answer to?
Corporations control what a government does.

Something like Globalian could offer worldwide capability for public utility
services including fuel. This would see things are united and not divided
upon differences of opinion or based on your own needs come first.
Then you know that everything done is coming to you.

Uniting is the way forward for peace at a global level. We haven’t

managed it. And this pandemic is showing us how disconnected we are.
Before globalization took effect, we traded worldwide for centuries.
Though the scale of sale is bigger today. And Yesteryear was all about
your own goods lasted longer and they could even be repaired by you.
Now we got a throwaway society.

I come from families who traded goods globally. My Italian family make
sculptures and figurines, under contract at the Vatican City Rome, for
Catholics and the Pope since the 1900s. And my Australian family, during
the same time, were selling goods at Singapore. Everyone needed to
travel there to buy as they never sold directly to anyone in Australia,
although many were asking. The biggest volume sold was 200,000 tons.
Granny Smith apples. All the same size, wrapped in purple wax paper for
lifetime durability. Hand washed then dried. Placed in trays, boxed up,
transported from farm to market. Hence sales niche business, both

There are not many people who can say they come from such a heritage.
I lived in the city during school then spent every school holiday on the
farm, so saw the best of both worlds. So who else would be qualified to
establish a global business entity affairs like Globalian? I am saying we
can obtain the reality worldwide for everyone. And answer to no-one.
Yet people feel I hold no degree from University so know nil. We restore
our environment first. My family taught me you must do that. It ensures
success regardless of profits made. And they did create the world’s best
quarantine standards for government. Security of produce as safety
comes first. And this, Globalian offers humanity. Creating a new model so
waste becomes a resource to supply utility services that we use
constantly is the progression everyone wants to see. But no-one thinks it
can happen.

Ensuring better health standards means disease is reduced. Things like

covid-19 can’t be transferred into food via the water cycle from
wastewater sewage. And governments monitor sewerage treatment
plants so they can determine how much covid-19 is in the community.

The question shouldn’t be about economy or business with current

providers of such services. They don’t wish to make them more effective.
Change like this is never easy to see done. Covid-19 might have opened a
door up for my project to be implanted for humanity. Time will tell.
All I know is that I’ve got the hardest thing to sell. I guess its whatever
happens regarding my life’s work, Globalian. I first thought about it while
farming with my Pop cleaning out a septic tank. I asked my Pop if there
was anything good about this horrible smell. He looked me straight in my
eyes, raising his head, saying there’s more money to be made there than
growing apples.

My family showed me that money is not how you end up. Enjoying one’s
life is the real thing you need first to happen. So it hasn’t been hard for
me. Just to remain focused I know the best path, is reinvesting these
returns in profit instead back, not becoming the richest person. Who
going to like seeing you walking down the street then? Maybe they all
think you smell like shit.

Once I learnt my plumbing skills, four year apprenticeship was training,

every builder ended up asking for me. It saw the mining community was
where I started working for myself, and they always wanted my own
advice on everything. Even if it had nothing to do with building whatever.

Society has become disconnected. Rich people wonder why they get
robbed more than before, when they are taking money from people.
Every dollar made means that a person somewhere lost that dollar.
The same thing regarding our weather. For years, we have not been
repairing the environment and cleaning up pollution. And it has given up
trying to fix itself. People never understand we have destroyed our
natural environments ecosystem to profit.

Same as uniting humanity. One race globally becoming a new world creed
that we all would accept. If the goods everyone needs are provided
equally is how harmony occurs. Not only for us. Rather Mother Nature:
back in control again. So we get the returns we require so sustainable
future occurs.

Planning ahead for post covid-19 life is going to require more insights
than what we have shown. People feel it was China’s fault. But something
the same as this critter could appear anywhere. You need to be ready for
unknown disasters, which brings chaos similar to a world war. But this
threat is not like buying weapons for defending like war. You want to
make prevention your best defense rather than treatment and cure.

The business elite control more than what they sell us. Some
governments totally abide to their requests. Internet companies are
saying, why even do we need to pay taxes? We should be looking after
those who have less. Those who aren’t able to use higher education.
Human nature sees only 20% can attend university to improve their

With any luck, we can create a safer world for everyone. We are
interconnected. All you have to see is how fast covid-19 went globally.
This showed we are all united. We must make our own luck occur.
This is what opportunity is about. Those lucky lotto numbers are up to
you. Same as our world we have here. Everyone has a chance to
participate. Sometimes I think, a hundred years ago, we had a better
world. We need to remember yesterday. And today, develop tomorrow.

Ultraviolet light is used at laboratories, where highly infectious disease

becomes airborne and treating is required. So why not create this ability
for schools. As you could for packaging arriving in China testing positive
for covid-19. All you need is an arch frame or cubical, similar to metal
detectors some schools already use. Its going to reduce the common cold
so means better health for students. UV light might be required so planes
fly again sooner. We need to offer improvements and not hide behind
patents for personal rewards regarding innovation.

If we openly tell people what things we are looking at creating for public
benefit and health standards, you’re going to gain economical benefits for
community life and live feeling safer. So this in turn sees people spend
more money. Problem is we have a world driven sales race making rich
people richer and our wealth gap is increasing. In developed nations,
people are becoming poorer. And this costs any government more money
which comes from taxes.
Only reason why my Globalian project is not already done is that no-one
is willing yet to create a new model. Its nothing to do with can everything
happen. Business is controlled by economics, which are all based upon
risk factors. When making anything unknown, it is impossible to add up
for real those factors. So no-one going to invest as nothing known yet.
Eventually, things will become known more about how this project vision
can ensure a better future. A future where humanity’s consumption need
is sustainable. Then its all going to happen with one global provider
handling global waste.

Utility services are controlled by big business. Not even government

provides them like was the case originally (in most developed nations
anyway). The costs to supply are increasing. In Australia, an average
person could pay $10,000 a year on bills, including your fuel costs.
We can provide with a Globalian production reality available.
It offers the public a better alternative.

However in China, your utility service cost is much less. Fuel is about the
same price as Australia. Some nations fuel prices are really cheap.
If you got the same provider, globally, supplying goods then equality
occurs across economies worldwide. And the public have more disposable
income so they’ll spend locally.

If we keep this delivery going like we have installed and are using, the
average person is not getting ahead. Decades ago, most people bought a
home. Whilst now, families battle paying for utilities. So why aren’t we
looking at getting a better cheaper ability happening? With the economy
based upon capitalist model, the rich get richer and the poor poorer.
Eventually those with less and life costing more will have had enough as
that’s human nature and revolt.

Public thinking is misled that renewable energy or clean green ones are
going to see a better future. Well, if you’re doing a hundred different
projects not linked together, you’re never going to reduce a bottom line
figure. The public think utilities will become cheaper eventually so they
support this. And misleading them too with things like covid-19 coming
back again as another new disease. Instead of addressing overall
everything, then is updated or upgraded. So you know improvements
were made to ensure a better service. Wellbeing is enhanced and this
alone always saves any community the most. Globalian offers everyone
the best future ahead if they own their utilities.

In our educated world, we talk on how to do something, then forget about

getting that actual task achieved. Its a sad reality. Everyone knows things
in life cost more. Why can’t we offer cheaper services, which our public
use constantly. Isn’t this the true sustainable futures planning everyone is
talking about obtaining? Literally the progression we do need now to do.

Ten billionaires control our economics on a global level by forming

foundations and not for profit sectors. They own shares and continue
along making more money, branding themselves as saviors.

I get this feeling regarding my Globalian project that some people think I
cannot make money and that’s why things have not yet began.
It has nothing to do with that. Its about offering our world’s people
everything. I guess many people are thinking about money and not what
I am saying. Seeing I understand about going from nothing to something.
Let’s say you got $100 in your wallet everyday, then this becomes 1000.
And if you lose, well, that I have done from trauma and not from any bad
judgments. Anyway, when you need hundreds of millions so everything
can occur, maybe that’s the real issue. Just on five hundred million
tabled, the return is twenty billion after five years. This is what you’re
creating with this starter capital. Remember finding the funding possible
with venture capital investors if I give up on you.

Covid-19 is far from being dealt with, like Globalian. If we keep on

ignoring what we know is not the best option for preventing it, you’re
always going to see it reoccurring. And the richest people globally want
that to happen. We need to be united today for humanity finds peace.
And not this racism talking currently going on or one day ahead, you’ll
see everything fail.

Always broadening your own awareness and asking yourself, is that

viable, feasible or possible. Everything is interconnected, if you open
one’s mind.
Waiting to fix something, like treat or cure, never sees harmony society.

Anyway I am lucky that I did find China by pure luck. My family here are
amazing and same as living with my Pops again is the feeling I have.
Hence must be in heaven, just I’m not dead yet. Forget about a cat got
nine lives. How many have you used up? Before my trauma was over,
I was over ten. Whilst on the operating table, they called time of death.
Then they saw me move. So back to work without text books. Instead
they made it all up. I can’t even do the dishes as bending over to wash
them sees I start going mad and cussing about nothing. All because I am
not meant to walk is why.

I don’t know what I would’ve ended doing if I never relocated to China.

If England then would’ve ended up a place I found peace. When I am not
content with anything, well, moving on always occurs. Never do I remain
living where my heart not happy as I can’t get to sleep.
I hope we improve our ability to communicate better globally.
This one race as a family reality and reunion happening always.
As no-one wants to ever see another world war. Just if we did treat
covid-19 like a few nations did and attacked the critter full on until you
had contained it spreading further in your community, we would be closer
together as this one creed race.

It is never too late to realize that what you did not do was what you
should’ve done and admitting mistakes and saying sorry. Sometimes,
people never can swallow pride. Just if you are a leader, it has nothing to
do about that. As you should be putting everyone’s interests foremost
regardless of your own feelings. However, we let personal issues become
major faults. Some end up being worse than an earthquake. Like the
tsunami which destroyed Japan plus that nuclear reactor. Well, bad
design if your backup pumps washed away and not installed as bomb
proof. But the Chinese earthquake killing 30,000 school kids was all bad
timing. It nothing to do with bad building design. Only everyone inside at
school is why. And the classroom area was a big open space. Bad luck all.

Life is about the effort which you put towards it. Giving your best comes
firstly never second was what my family taught me. And excelling yourself
has got nothing to do with excellence neither. It simply ends up the
result. And you know what you’ve done is going to last longer. Seeing
then your name becomes a wanted commodity. Trusted as offering the
best returns ensures your own future comes to you instead being a brand.

Household businesses are what everyone wants to have. But only a small
selected few manage to achieve that outcome. My family had two
businesses that traded for years. It should’ve seen others showing respect
by responding. Like China is finding out, we have lost our manners.

Anyway, complaining is not how you get something done. So like covid-
19, you must remain strong. Plus keep on going even though you got no
idea where. Eventually things seem to find their own place together.
Everything happens if you don’t stop trying your best. This is the only way
to be content and know you are heading in the correct direction.
Remember, I left hospital when no-one gave me a chance.


I hope you enjoyed my tale as it wasn’t a good news one. Just it is

important to remember both sides about anything. Living in China is far
better than what I had in Australia and if I never suffered trauma,
I wouldn’t have ever had a need to find somewhere else. When in Rome
do what the Romans do and China is only Chinese always. If you want to
live a life similar to where you are living, then coming here won’t suit you.
Outsiders must be aware when talking about China and not abiding to
their rules. The Chinese are not after being anything like a western world.
They want to remain Chinese. Plus aren’t telling anyone that you must
follow them. It is your choice instead if you want to go here. You can’t
expect anyone to accept another way of living to become national culture.
You must adapt to how they live their life at home.

Everyone was thinking that a new leader in the USA meant a chance for
global trade to resume normal. However reading the news about US Navy
sending aircraft carrier group into Chinese waters shows clear intent not
to be looking at peaceful means for better trade to resume. The Chinese
president is stating our world needs to unite and not form inner circle to
protect your own national interests. I am not sure about this as China has
redirected their focus locally not internationally. Time will tell, as I have
no idea about politics, just we do need to unite.

A sitting President banned on twitter. Detaining Huawei CEO lady at

Canada for over two years. Trade war with Australia sucked in by asking
for an investigation by W.H.O into pandemic outbreak to finding original
source. So China started banning imports from Australia. Even not
receiving them and leaving coal ships stranded at sea but the coal quality
was not as listed. Timber exports having bugs on logs were banned. Yes I
can understand that as wood from Australia saw red back spiders had
managed to breed in Japanese sewers then biting people sitting on the
toilet at home. Hence, I think you get the importance to ensure goods are
totally safe entering another nation’s ecosystem. Bad things can happen
and fast. And it only takes one bug. Those red back spiders in sewers
ended up taking someone’s life. However, banning a sitting President,
from speaking their own mind, well, that’s a line no-one ever should be
able to cross.

However I agree with the Chinese slogan used for their Olympic Games in
Beijing. ‘One world, One dream’. We need to find unity and are still
looking globally. On a good note though in regarding this pandemic, for
the first time new cases globally have started to decline was officially
stated by the World Health Organization at the start of February. I hope
this continues declining further. Over a hundred million people have been
listed infected with covid-19. While over two million died to date.
So it’s definitely something we’re all going to remember for a long time
ahead. And we still need to unite here today for humanity becomes one
creed race.

We live in a fascinating world with all of our differences. Just we’re yet to
unite ourselves as one community with a common creed. This happens
when Globalian becomes reality. The question is not about that a waste
not/want not world environment has to be made. Its why haven’t we
realized that it must happen. And a one entity service provider globally
ensures equally for all.

I would’ve liked to said more about my friends and family and not simply
my Chinese family. Just we have stopped communicating. But you never
give up on anyone. Who knows? This year might be better. I always call a
spade a spade and speak my true feelings openly, so I dig a hole with
most people. Just they never blame me. Anyway, I was diagnosed with
bipolar. This was due to my mum believing I must be mentality not
stable. She never believes most things I say. She thought I never had
worked as a selective tenderer. You can’t change your parents and I do
not think they purposely set out to ever hurt you like most people, when
you say you’re going to make the impossible become a reality. But as no
other expert offers this, sees I comprehend why.

Had a cancer scientist travel to meet me. They stated I was unequalled.
And told me I was like Michael Jackson and simply gifted. I told them,
“yippee thriller I am”. I can moon walk same as Michael Jordan gets time
flying being sporting talented and not just a better builder. They believed
I wasn’t bipolar and nor did most doctors back in Australia at any mental
hospital. Seeing my mum had me committed. Meaning drugged to stay
when I thought going there was for an operation removing bone cancer
from my thumb. When I woke up locked up, well, it didn’t take me long to
escape. Had the entire police force looking for me. I returned home,
asking my mum what the hell was she playing at. Then took myself back
to hospital.

My Dad, I didn’t mention because he a very hard person to read.

He tells you one thing then eventually nothing occurs normally.
But I’ve tried my best to help him out. Plus my sister twin, I left it alone.
I have many books written already about them, so buy another all.
Hope you have enjoyed this tale of mine, which I am never going to say a
true story ever. Seeing remember it’s all about my own personal feelings.

With fingers crossed, we can get ahead of covid-19 sooner than later.
And racism surfacing in news and social media is never something we
should tolerate as worthy to allow to be published. I guess we live in this
economic world more governed by corporations than governments.
China has most large scale industry state run enterprises done in this
capitalist way. Same as those corporations got. But the real big difference
seems be they spend returns publicly far more.

We live in this age of investment with things like bitcoin and being able to
earn an income without physically having a need to do something. As all
you’re doing is buying and selling. We forget those average working class
people are only after enough funds to live a comfortable life, rather than
extreme wealth so you can do and buy anything your heart desires.
I believe that when shareholders started making more money off stock
exchange markets is when society became disconnected from the people
who did all the work. Most young people today would not even be aware
that, in yesteryear, most businesses shared their company profits with
their employees and factory workers got a Christmas Bonus.
Now it’s all about shareholder investors. And about the same time those
workers lost their bonus, crime in most developed nations increased.
But in my mind, if your society improves, shouldn’t this mean crime is
less instead not more really? Anyway, I guess we all far better off
regardless with educated people making more money than the primary
sectors. They all know how not to pay taxes so the average wage earners

Our year ahead is going to be interesting with covid-19 still a problem.

Are we going to say sorry to China? Probably not ever.
It apparently seems they wanted this virus to infect everyone.
We forget how much effort this Chinese nation has done for the benefits
of global trade. We seem focused only on that communism can’t ever be
good. Democracy rules most is why. The world’s largest economy is going
backwards from the virus plus a new president. Can they get things back
in order again? Will China take the reins faster? No matter what happens,
the Chinese economy is going to become leading economy. All our world’s
luxury brand names are selling more in China than anywhere else.
They know trend.

I hope we find common ground globally with leaders showing nations that
we need to accept each other rather than being upset. Remember,
everyone is pissed off that the world economy stopped. But turning this
into another global problem and starting a war is never going to help.
A war that seems to be on most western worlds peoples minds. No-one
has even considered what would you be fighting for. Starting a pandemic
is never going to hold up at the Hague Court. Weak people seek revenge,
while intelligent people ignore. And I know westerners are feeling weaker
from this pandemic. But its never a reason to blame anyone else.

China is never going to let school yard talk get them to a point, where
they feel going to war is their only choice. I believe this is why they called
out Australia for six months ago. And showing every other nation also,
what they are prepared to do, with even the world’s best quality of goods
is what Australia trades. Just your own friendship foremost always
regardless. Hence, intelligent people ignore all, so no way known will
China start any war off either. They may reclaim Taiwan though, just to
prove a point faster. But seeking out to destroy another not their means
ever. They instead cut off from you totally. No matter the price it costs.

I have written this book because my Globalian project required to become

our new model for globalization. We update sewage treatment naturally
done, while enclosing sewers. Restore environment fully with waterways
return pristine. If we do not, our water cycle ends up like our air and you
have a serious problem. You can’t ever remove all of this soil there. Like
the air we saw became cleaner and clearer skies when covid-19 forced
most nations to stay at home. Opportunity has been presented with this
pandemic. Most countries are going to want something you can install
straight away, so economy is going faster again. Everyone is more aware
about developing better safeguards that come into play, so you can deal
with disasters better plus faster.

Using heat sewage kills pathogens. Sealed sewer stops insects and rats
spreading diseases. Wellbeing improved greatly being public health.
You’re not going to devise a better plan. I am turning waste, our
governments biggest cost, into an asset. The outcome ensure future
energy needs for demands with increase based upon population growth.
Finding harmony on a global level for everyone’s reward is a dream that
people don’t believe its possible to achieve. All I need is a chance to sit
down with them explaining how this all can go together.

My great grandfather was heading to San Francisco to find gold so he

could buy land and start farming. He left Italy because he wasn’t the
eldest son so nothing was going to be his. And his Italian family would’ve
ensured he had a great life financially there. Just they never invest doing
things outside their own family neither. Hence why my Pop left with
nothing nor any family funds. On his way to the USA, he needed to work
in Australia to pay his fare. That was the deal for passage. He was a
qualified stonemason and learnt his craft in France before joining the
army. The local government loved what they saw, so told him about free
land with trees one hundred meters tall. My Pop scaled the tallest tree to
see the ocean. Then found the river and located his farm at the head.
He leased area and bought one plot of land to begin. Today this farming
land is the most expensive when originally no-one ever thought it was
possible to clear because of dense forest with trees a 100 meters tall.
It’s like my Globalian reality. I make own luck also.

I can assure you that my desire to create everything shall remain.

And you got a good idea that I know about business, economies and not
only building a better reality with infrastructure. I am here for everyone’s
benefit and not to become the worlds first trillionaire because my Pop told
me $ only a tool you spend. Spread this word around about my project
Globalian as I need support. I won’t not do what I am saying.
Keep smiling always because life Is short. And thanks for reading this
book. Enjoy your day. NiNi. Cheers.

© 2021 Ian Robert Wickham Fontanini

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