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New Moon Alexus Rondeau

Our love was the last ember burning in a fire of oak bark that was left behind from the summer
first fell in love.

We watched stars and wished upon them

As if by some cosmic force our love would be eternal

We forgot we were made of star dust

We held the universe within ourselves

Maybe our wishes were coming true but we didn’t recognize it

We underestimate the power we hold within ourselves

Maybe that’s when we began to destroy each other

Stars collapsing upon themselves

Maybe we were made from the same star that was separated for too long

The energy was too much for our fragile human shells to handle

A black hole of dreams and hopes

The light being sucked out of it

Our love set ablaze by the morning star now chills over an icy moon

The moon when new is completely dark

And I couldn’t find a better way to describe what it felt like to be broken by you

You took the flame with you when you left

The last ember finally went out

The only light I see now is the one I will receive while I rest

My moon will capture the light while it hides away

And eventually my light will shine through

And I will heal

And perhaps then I’ll find a star full of the love and light that I’ve been wishing upon Maybe I will
only find the light when it’s dark
Maybe the new moon is just the darkness I need

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