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La Tarea de inglés

what I do?
I have an english
homework what stress
La tarea de inglés

Hello, my name is Hello,

Manuela, My name is and my name is
Nicolas. Carolina
What's your
La tarea de inglés

I have an english
homework. of course yes, what to do

they help me
La tarea de inglés

I must do a comic ok, ok then let's

ask I start
in English, with
La tarea de inglés

my birthday is my birthday is
when are they September 14
birthday? June 26
La tarea de inglés

In my Free time
I like to read, I rest, I relax
what do you do in sing and write
your free time and I go out with
my friends
La tarea de inglés

what is your I like pizza My favorite food

favorite food? is spaghetti
Nico, the This is Caro, they
homework is done already have the

Thanks Manu and


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