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Laboratory Quiz 2 Study Guide

Plant Responses to the Environment

o Be able to identify the xylem, phloem, cortex, and endodermis in a root cross
section & identify their tissue type and function.
o Be able to identify the xylem, phloem, and cortex in a stem cross section & identify
their tissue type and function.
o Be able to identify the apical meristem in a root and stem slide.
o Be able to identify the vascular bundle and guard cells in a leaf cross section

Archaeplastida II
o Be able to identify the components of a pine seed (embryo, megagametophyte, and
coat) & each’s ploidy level.
o Be able to identify the components of an angiosperm seed (embryo, endosperm, and
coat) & each’s ploidy level.
o Be able to identify the egg and central cell in an embryo sac & each’s ploidy level.

From Experiment 1, be able to identify each section of the graph you generated (pre-
threshold, threshold, recruitment, maximal response) and describe what is happening to
the nerve during each in terms of neurons and voltage gated sodium channels.

Animalia I
o Be able to recognize a sponge, hydra, planaria, earthworm, crustacean, insect, and
spider in order to identify each’s phylum.
o Be able to identify ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm, the gut lumen, and the coelom
in an earthworm cross section.
o Be able to identify ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm, the gut lumen, and the
pseudocoelom in an ascaris cross section.
o Be able to describe the tissue, body symmetry, and feeding habits (filter feeder,
parasite, or predator) similarities and differences between the species within
different phyla -- for example, a sponge versus a sea anemone versus a tapeworm.

Animalia II
o Be able to identify the phylum of a given species.
o Be able to identify the four chordate characters (structures) in an amphioxis image.
o Be able to identify the notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, and cartilaginous or
bony vertebrae (if present) on a hagfish, lamprey, dogfish, or trout cross section.
o Be able to compare and contrast the respiratory systems (that is, how oxygen is
acquired) of Echinodermata, Cephalochordata, Chondrichthyes, Dipnoi, and
Reptilia including any organs involved.

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