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Common Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
A&O Alert and oriented
ā Before
ac Before meals
Ad lib. As desired, at discretion
ADLs Activities of daily living
AMA Against medical advise
bid Twice a day
BRP Bathroom privileges
c/o Complains of
CC Chief complaint
cont. Continue
d/c Discharge
DNR Do not resuscitate
DOB Date of birth
Dx Diagnosis
EOB Edge of bed
eval. Evaluate, evaluation
FH Family history
h or hr. Hour
H&P History and physical
h/o History of
HOB Head of bed
ht. Height
Hx History
LOS Length of stay
Meds Medications
Noc Night, at night
NPO Nothing by mouth
pc After meals
PE Physical examination
per By, through
p.o. By mouth
Post-op After surgery
Pre-op Before surgery
prn As needed

Common Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
Pt. or pt. Patient
q Every
qd Every day
qid Four times a day
qh Every hour
q2h Every 2 hours
qod Every other day
re: Regarding, concerning
r/o or R/O Rule out
ROS Review of systems
Rx Prescription, intervention plan
s/p or S/P Status post
sig Directions for use, give as follows
stat. Immediately
Sx Symptoms or surgery
tid Three times a day
TO or t.o. Telephone order
tol Tolerate, tolerated, tolerance
Tx Treatment, traction
OTC Over the counter
VO or v.o. Verbal order
y/o or y.o. Year old
wt. Weight


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