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High Leverage Practice Videos Part A:

1. Intro Video: 1. From the introduction video, I learned that high leverage practices must
be fundamental to effectively teach and they can be used frequently by teachers. They
also cut across instructional content and apply to many age levels. HLPs can also
improve student outcomes. 2. I also learned that HLPs are appropriate for MOST students
and they are not just for students who have disabilities. This is really important to keep in
mind when teaching 3. Lastly, I learned that high leverage practices are necessary for
implementing evidence-bases practices effectively. 

2. Clarifying the Relationship between HLPs and EBPs: 1. I learned an important

component of evidence-based education is instructional practices are shown to improve
outcomes for specific populations of learners. 2. Secondly, I learned when evidence-
based practices (EBPs) are established, they are available and can be a good fort for
students. They should then be privatized. 3. Last, I learned using HLPs and EBPs
together may contribute to a more effective and individualized education for students
with disabilities. This is important to keep in mind when teaching children with
3. Establish a Consistent, Organized, and Respectful Learning Environment: 1. From
the third video, I learned that when a teacher makes sure the learning environment is
consistent, organized, and respectful it means to make sure they are planning things
deliberately and on purpose. Teachers should make sure they are setting up their students
for success. 2. Secondly, I learned that special and general education teachers cannot
make students learn or behave. The teachers’ job is to make sure they are creating their
classroom environments to promote learning good behavior. 3. Lastly, I learned teachers
should not assume that their students come to school knowing how to behave. Teachers
should know each student is different and that means they each come to school with
different abilities. Not every child comes to school knowing how to behave and the
teacher can help them learn how to do so. 
4. Provide Positive Constructive Feedback to Guide Students' Learning and
Behavior: 1. I learned that it is important for the teacher to give feedback that tells
students about their progress and how they are moving towards their learning goals. This
will help students the most. 2. I also learned feedback should be given right away. This
allows the students to make changes right away, if need be, and keeps them from doing
things the wrong way. 3. Lastly, I learned that it is crucial to give feedback that is
positive rather than negative because it will keep the focus on what the students did. 
5. Systematically Design Instruction Towards a Learning Goal: 1. I learned that the
most important aspect about systematic instruction is that teachers need to establish clear
learning goals for their students. 2. I also learned that it is important to remember that
systematic instruction is one aspect of well-designed lesson and units. It is not the whole
component. 3. Lastly, I learned systematic instruction will continue to happen when the
teacher is teaching the class. The teacher needs to make sure it matches the intensity of
the lesson with each students' needs. 

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