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Taylor 's Weekly News

Febr uar y 2021
8th - 12th
Hello to parents of my fir st chaperons so if you are
gr ader s. Just want to remind you interested be sure to
guys of our Valentine's Day event mentioned that on your child's
on Fr iday the 12th. Make sure signed per mission slip. If you
you fill out the sheet I've sent have any
home with your child today so I questions for
know what ever yone is br inging me please do
and approve cer tain snacks not hesitate
based on class aller gies. I also to shoot me
want to remind you guys of our an email and
field tr ip to the str awber r y I will get
patch. We are still shor t back asap. This week...

Popcor n Wor ds This week in math we star ting to identify

are continuing our cause and effect and
- Just double digit adding. continuing to work on
- Old Be sure to continue our rhyming words.
reviewing at home For our science lesson
- Open with your student. In we are going to lear n
- How ELA about str awber r ies
- Live we and how they
are grow.Don't for get to
- Know
go over our popcor n
- Round words for the week!

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