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Overall, I really enjoyed my experience in this coffee house reading.

I thought it was

really interesting to hear someone else read their work and get to hear new stories. I think

hearing the author read what they write is a different experience and it makes the story so

much more powerful since they are passionate about the pieces that they wrote. Something

else I also liked about this coffee house was how supportive everyone was towards the readers

throughout the night. There were lots of people commenting in the chat and giving rounds of

applause after the authors and poets read their work to everyone. All of the people that read

really seemed to enjoy this feedback I think this would help them continue on their writing path

and be confident in their work. I also found it very interesting to hear not only stories, but also

some poems! I thought these poems were very deep and shared a lot of emotion. I like how

deep these poems were and the way his feelings were portrayed through a few lines. I didn’t

even expect to hear poems at this reading, so it was a pleasant surprise. I am not the best poem

writer but there are a lot of people who know how to fit loaded words into a short number of

lines. One thing that I did have trouble with during this coffee house reading was being able to

follow along and understanding the story or poem the entire time without being able to

actually read it for myself. I am a very visual person, so I think this is the reason that I struggled

with this. I really like hearing someone read something while also following along with the

words on my own. I would’ve found it very helpful if maybe they posted the stories and poems

in the chat or even shared the pieces on the share screen so that the audience could read along

while the author read their piece. Altogether, I had a good time at this coffee house reading

and I enjoyed all the different pieces I got to hear.

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