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Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Unit 1 Occupations

accountant contador
actor actor
actress actriz
air hostess azafata
architect arquitecto
astronaut astronauta
baker panadero
bank clerk empleado bancario
beekeeper apicultor
barber barbero, peluquero (de
bookseller librero
bricklayer albañil
bus driver conductor de autobús
butcher carnicero
chemist farmacéutico
chimney-sweeper deshollinador
consultant asesor
cook cocinero
customs officer oficial de aduanas
dentist dentista
doctor médico
driver conductor
dustman basurero
electrician electricista
employee empleado
engineer ingeniero
farmer agricultor
fireman bombero
fisherman pescador
gardener jardinero
hairdresser peluquero (de mujer)
inspector inspector
jeweller joyero
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

journalist periodista
judge juez
lawyer abogado
lorry driver camionero
mechanic mecánico
model modelo
mailman (US) cartero
nanny niñera
nurse enfermera
office worker oficinista
painter pintor
pilot piloto
plumber fontanero, plomero
policeman policía
policewoman mujer policía
politician político
postman (GB) cartero
psychiatrist psiquiatra
psychologist psicólogo
receptionist recepcionista
reporter reportero
sailor marinero
salesman vendedor
scientist científico
secretary secretario
security guard guardia de seguridad
shepherd pastor
shoemaker zapatero
Singer cantante
Soldier soldado
Student estudiante
Surgeon cirujano
Tailor sastre
taxi driver taxista
Teacher profesor, maestro
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

technician técnico
translator traductor
vet (GB), veterinarian (US) veterinario
Waiter camarero
Waitress camarera
watchmaker relojero
Writer escritor
Agricultor Farmer
Albañil Bricklayer
Arqueólogo Archaeologist
Arquitecto Architect
Astronauta Astronaut
Basurero Garbage collector
Biólogo Biologist
Cajera Cashier
Camarero/a en un café o Waiter/Waitress
Camionero/a Lorry driver (U.K.) ;
Truck driver (U.S.A.)
Cantante Singer
Carnicero/a Butcher
Carpintero/a Carpenter
Cartero Postman (U.K.); mailman
Cirujano Surgeon
Cocinero Cook
Conductor/a de autobús Bus driver
Conserje de empresa o ministerio Porter
Conserje de un hotel Hall porter
Dentista Dentist
Ebanista Cabinetmaker
Economista Economist
Electricista Electrician
Emfermero/a Nurse
Escritor/a Writer
Estanquero/a Tobacconist
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Farmacéutico Pharmacist ; chemist

Físico Physicist
Florista Florist
Fontanero/a Plumber
Fotógrafo Photographer
Frutero/a Fruiterer
Hombre de negocios : Empresario Businessman
Ingeniero Engineer
Jardinero/a Gardener
Jefe de cocina Chef
Limpiacristales Window cleaner
Marinero/a Sailor
Mecánico/a Mechanic
Médico Doctor
Meteorólogo Meteorologist
Minero/a Miner
Modista Dressmaker
Mujer de la limpieza Cleaner
Niñera Nanny ; Nursemaid
Panadero Baker
Pastelero/a ; Repostero/a Pastry cook
Payaso Clown
Peluquero/a Hairdresser
Periodista Journalist
Pescador Fisherman
Político Politician
Profesor/a Teacher
Programador Programmer
Psicólogo/a Psychologist
Psiquiatra ; Siquiatra Psychiatrist
Recepcionista Receptionist
Secretario/a Secretary
Taxista Taxi driver
Telefonista Telephone operator
Vendedor Salesman
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Veterinario Veterinary surgeon; vet

(U.K.) ; Veterinarian
Zapatero Shoemaker; cobbler

Unit 2. Relationships

Negative aspects about personalities

Absent-minded - distraído, despistado Jealous - celoso

Aggressive - agresivo Lazy - haragán
Annoying - molesto Lonely - solitario
Arrogant - arrogante, prepotente Materialistic - materialista
Bad-tempered - malhumorado Mean = cruel -cruel mean = stingy, 
Boastful - fanfarrón Tight-fisted - mezquino
Bossy - mandón Moody - malhumorado
Cheeky - atrevido Nosey - metido
Clumsy - torpe Obsessed - obsesionado
Deceitful - falso Pessimistic - pesimista
Dishonest - deshonesto Proud = arrogant - orgulloso
Disrespectful - irrespetuoso Quarrelsome - pendenciero
Dominant - dominante Querulous - quejumbroso
Dull = boring - aburrido Resentful - rencoroso
Eccentric - excéntrico Rude = impolite - descortés
Envious - envidioso Selfish - egoísta
Forgetful - olvidadizo Self-seeking - interesado
Frivolous - frívolo Shy - tímido
Fussy - quisquilloso Spiteful - rencoroso
Hypocritical - hipócrita Strict - estricto
Impatient - impaciente Stubborn = obstinate - obstinado
Impulsive - impulsivo Talkative - charlatán
Indifferent - indiferente Unpredictable - impredecible
Insecure - inseguro Unreliable = untrustworthy -
Insensitive - insensible desconfiable
Insolent - insolente Unsympathetic - apático
Introverted - introvertido Vain = conceited - vanidoso
Irascible - irascible Weak - débil
Irresponsible - irresponsable Ambitious - ambicioso

Positive aspects about personalities

Attentive - cortés Curious - curioso

Audacious - audaz Determined = b-willed - decidido
Calm - calmado Energetic - energético
Charming - encantador Modest - modesto
Cheerful = amusing - divertido Extroverted - extrovertido
Considerate - considerado Frank - franco
Courageous = brave - valiente Friendly - amigable
Creative - creativo Generous - generoso
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Gentle = kind, polite - amable Realistic - realista

Honest = truthful - honesto Reliable = trustworthy - confiable
Humble - humilde Respectful - respetuoso
Ingenious - ingenioso Responsible - responsable
Likable / likeable - agradable, simpático Sociable = outgoing - sociable
Loyal = faithful - leal Strong - fuerte
Mature - maduro Sympathetic - compasivo
Obedient - obediente Thankful = grateful - agradecido
Optimistic - optimista Tolerant = patient - paciente
Organized - organizado Understanding - comprensivo
Passionate - apasionado Zealous - entusiasta
Patient - paciente Self-confident - seguro sensato
Polite - amable Sensitive - sensible
Practical - práctico Sincere - sincero

General Aspects
Shy Careful
Outgoing Confident
Easygoing Adventurous
Trustworthy Calm/quiet
Funny Careless
Messy Hardworking
Picky Workaholic
Whiney Messy
Irritable Talkative
Unit Neat Excited 3
Talkative Greedy
Stubborn Jealous
Down to earth Honest
Aggressive Dishonest
Bossy Creative
Thoughtful Lazy
Shallow Bored
Cold-hearted Nervous
Caring Patient
Well-spoken Impatient
Moody Proud
Mischievous Responsible
Brave Irresponsible
Outstanding Friendly
Bold Unfriendly
Aloof Noisy
Humble Nosy
Mean/bad Lovely
Hateful Kind
Severe Faithful
Witty Unfaithful
Naughty Selfish
Wishy-washy Cute
Weak Womanizer
Meek Skilful
Stuck up
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Places Around Town

Airport - the place you go when you want to travel by plane to another city.

Bakery - you can buy fresh bread and cakes here.

Bank - you deposit or withdraw/take out your money here. You can cash a cheque.

Bookstore - a place where you can buy books and magazines.

Bus station - the place you go when you want to travel by bus to another city.

Butcher - they sell fresh meat.

Café - you can buy a cup of coffee and cakes or sandwiches.

Church - a religious place of worship

Court - the place where they have trials and law cases. A judge works here

Craft market - a place that sells typical products (normally hand-made) of a


Department store - a large store that sells clothes, household appliances etc. in sections.

Cinema/movies - you can see the latest movies here. Many people eat popcorn while
they're here.

Fire station - the building where firemen keep their equipment including the fire-engine

Gas/petrol station - the place you go to put petrol (gas) in your car.

Gym - you can do exercises, weight training and keep fit here.

Hairdresser - you go here when you want to cut your hair.

Hospital - you go here when you need an operation or someone is going to have a baby.

Hotel - where you sleep when you visit another city.

Gallery - you can see paintings and other works of art.

Jail/prison - criminals are sent here by a judge for a number of days or years.

Laundromat / launderette - a place where you can wash your clothes in coin-operated

Library - a place where you can read and borrow books.

Museum - you can see many old objects (and sometimes paintings)
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Pharmacy/drugstore - you can buy medicine and (legal) drugs.

Police station - you are taken here when you break the law and are arrested

Pub - a place where you can buy a beer or other types alcoholic drinks

Park - An area of public land in a city that contains an area of grass where you can rest,
play or walk your dog. Sometimes children can play on swings, a slide or a climbing
frame here.

Restaurant - you go here when you don't want to cook at home. They prepare meals for

School - a place where children learn. You normally start school at the age of 5.

Square - an open area within a city in the shape of a square. It is usually the heart of the

Supermarket - a large store that sells food, drinks and household items

Video store - you rent a movie or a DVD for a couple of days from this place.

Zoo - a place where you can see many types of animals in cages.

Asking for and Giving Directions

How do I get to …? opposite

What's the best way to …? near
Where is …? next to
Go straight on (until you come between
to …). at the end (of)
Turn back. /Go back. on/at the corner
Turn left/right (into …-street). behind
Go along … in front of
Cross … (just) around the corner
Take the first/second road on the traffic lights
left/right crossroads, junction
It's on the left/right. signpost
straight on

Means of Transportation
airliner - avión de pasajeros boat - barco, buque
airplane - avión bus - colectivo
bicycle - bicicleta canoe - canoa, piragua
bike - bici car - auto, carro
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

cruiser - crusero sailboat - velero

ferry - transbordador scooter - escúter
glider - planeador
helicopter - helicóptero ship - buque, barco
skateboard - monopatín, patineta
hot air ballon - globo aerostático streetcar - tranvía
jet plane - avión a reacción subway - tren subterráneo
motorcycle - motocicleta
taxi cab - taxi
motorboat - lancha train - tren
ocean liner - transatlántico truck - camión
pickup truck - camioneta van - furgoneta
raft - balza
wagon - carro, carreta
rocket - cohete
roller skates - patines

Unit 4 People

Describing People

Attractive atractivo medium height de estatura media

Beautiful hermoso tall alto
good-looking guapo tiny pequeño
Handsome guapo (para average build de constitución
hombres) media
Old viejo fat gordo
Pale pálido Muscular musculoso
Pretty bonita Overweight gordo, excedido de
Tanned bronceado
Plump regordete
Ugly feo
Skinny flaco
Unattractive poco atractivo
Slender esbelto
Young joven
Slim delgado
baby-faced con cara de bebé
Stocky corpulento
fresh-faced con cara fresca,
joven Thin flaco
pasty-faced con cara pálida well-built fornido
round-faced con cara redonda Elegant elegante
stone-faced con cara de piedra Scruffy desaliñado
thin-faced con cara delgada Smart elegante
short bajo well-dressed bien vestido
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

short/long hair cabello corto/largo

straight hair cabello lacio
curly hair cabello rizado
dark/light hair cabello oscuro/claro
black hair cabello negro
blond/fair hair cabello rubio
brown hair cabello castaño
grey hair cabello con algunas
white hair canas
redhead pelirrojo
receding hair entradas (en el
bald calvo
braid trenza
bun rodete
ponytail cola (en el cabello)
beard barba
braces aparato de
freckle peca
mole lunar
moustache bigote
scar cicatriz
sideburns patillas
tattoo tatuaje
wart verruga
wrinkle arruga
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Adolescente Teenager Hombre Man

Adulto/a Adult Inteligente Intelligent

Adulto Mayor Grown-up Joven Young

Alto Tall Juventud Youth

Amable; Dulce Sweet Moreno/Oscuro Dark

Anciano; Mayor Elderly Mujer Woman

Apuesto/Guapo Handsome Nervioso Nervous

Arruga Wrinkle Niño/a; Pequeño/a Toddler

Aspecto Appearance Niño/Niña Child

Atractivo Attractive Pecas Freckles

Bajo Short Pelo Hair

Barba Beard Rubio Blond

Bigote Moustache Rubio Fair

Good- Señor; Caballero Gentleman

Bonachón; Afable
Señora Lady
Bueno; Obediente Tez/Cutis Complexion

Calvo Bald Viejo Old

To behave

De mediana edad

Decidido Decisive

Delgado Thin

Esbelto; Delgado Slim

Feo Ugly

Flaco Skinny

Gordo Fat

Gracioso Funny

Guapa/o Beautiful


; Bonito
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

The Family

Aunt tía hter

boyfr novio grand abuel
iend father o
Broth herma grand abueli
er no ma ta,
broth cuñad "abue
er-in- o "
law grand abuel
Cousi primo moth a
n /a er

Dad pá grand abueli

pa to,
Dadd papi "abue
y "
daug hija grand abuel
hter paren os
daug nuera ts
hter- grand nieto
in- son
great- bisab
Fathe padre grand uelo
r father
father suegr great- bisab
-in- o grand uela
law moth
girlfri novia er
end husba espos
godfa padrin nd o,
ther o marid
godm madri
other na moth madre
grand abueli
ad to, moth suegr
"abue er-in- a
" law

grand nietos mom má

childr mum má
mum mami
grand nieta my
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

neph sobrin y famili

ew o a
niece sobrin twins gemel
a os
paren padre adopt adopt
ts s ed ado
siblin herma orpha huérfa
g no/a n no/a
sister herma relati parien
na ve te
sister cuñad acqua conoc
-in- a intan ido
law ce
Son hijo gener gener
ation ación
son- yerno
in- ances antep
law tors asado
stepd hijastr
aught a desce desce
er ndant ndient
s es
step madra
moth stra
stepf padra
ather stro
Steps hijastr
on o
Uncl tío
Wife espos
firstb primo
orn génito
Oldes el/la
t mayor
youn el/la
gest menor
the el
baby benja
of the mín
famil de la
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

The Family 2

Abuela Grandmother
Abuelita Grandma
Abuelito Grandad
Abuelo Grandfather
Abuelos Grandparents
Adoptado Adopted
Amigo/a Friend
Amistad Friendship
Amor fraternal Brotherly love
Antepasados Ancestors , Forebears , Forefathers
Bisabuela Great-grandmother
Bisabuelo Great-grandfather
Compromiso ; Noviazgo Engagement
Conocido/a Acquaintance
Cuñada Sister-in-law
Cuñado Brother-in-law
De humilde cuna Of humble birth
De noble alcurnia Of noble birth
Descendientes Descendants
Dinastía Dynasty
El benjamín/la benjamina The baby of the family
Familia Family
Fraternidad Fraternity
Gemelos Twins
Generación Generation
Heredero Heir
Hermana Sister
Hermano Brother
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Hermano de leche Foster brother

Hermano de madre Uterine brother
Hija Daughter
Hijastra Stepdaughter
Hijastro Stepson
Hijo Son
Hijo ilegítimo Illegitimate child
Hijo legítimo Legitimate child
Hijo mayor Eldest child
Hijo/a único/a Only child
Huérfano/a Orphan
Linaje Lineage
Madrastra Stepmother
Madre Mother
Madrina Godmother
Mamá Mum(my)
Marido ; Esposo Husband
Media naranja Better half
Mujer ; Esposa Wife
Nieta Granddaughter
Nieto Grandson
Nieto/a Grandchild
Novia Girlfriend
Novio Boyfriend
Nuera Daughter-in-law
Padrastro Stepfather
Padre Father
Padre/madre soltero/a Single parent
Padres Parents
Padrino Godfather
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Padrino de boda Best man

Papá Dad(dy)
Pariente ; Familiar Relation , Relative
Parientes consanguineos Kinsmen by blood
Primo/Prima Cousin
Primogénito First-born
Prometido Engaged
Sobrina Niece
Sobrino Nephew
Sucesión Succession
Suegra Mother-in-law
Suegro Father-in-law
Tía Aunt
Tío Uncle
Vida familiar Family life
Yerno Son-in-law

Marital Relationships

husband = marido separated = separado / separada

wife = esposa single = soltero / soltera
divorced = divorciado / divorciada widow = viuda
engaged = prometido / prometida widower = viudo
married = casado / casada

Relationships - Verbs

to get divorced (from) = divorciarse (de)

to get engaged (to) = prometerse con
to get married (to) = casarse (con)
to get on (well) with someone = llevarse bien (con)

Other Related Vocabulary

acquaintance = conocido / conocida colleague = compañero / compañera (de

boss = jefe / jefa trabajo)
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

employee = empleado / empleada

employer = empleador / empleadora,
patrón / patrona
fiancé = (masc.) prometido
fiancée = (fem.) novia, prometido
friend = amigo /amiga
best friend = mejor amigo / mejor amiga
neighbour = vecino / vecina
partner = compañero / compañera,
pareja, socio / socia
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Unit 5
cinema cine
movie (US), película
Fundamentals Vocabulary
film Nivelatorio
action film película de
cartoon dibujos animados
comedy comedia
detective film película de
documentary película
film documental
educational película
film educativa
full-length largometraje
horror film película de terror
love story historia de amor
musical musical
romantic film película
science-fiction película de
film ciencia ficción
short-length cortometraje
silent film cine mudo
western película del oeste
commercial publicidad
episode episodio, capítulo
actor actor
actress actriz
cameraman camarógrafo
cast elenco
cinema review críticas de cine
dialogue diálogo
director director
extras extras
film star estrella de
to dance bailar to drive conducir
producer productor
to draw dibujar to hike dar una caminata
role papel, rol
to chat charlar to listen to escuchar música
scene escena music
to cook cocinar
screenwriter guionista
set plató
studio estudio de
subtitles subtítulos
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

to phone a llamar a un amigo to go on a ir de picnic

friend por teléfono picnic
to play jugar al basketball to go to a disco ir a una disco
basketball to go ice skating ir a patinar sobre
to play billiards jugar al billar hielo
to play bowling jugar a los bolos to go shopping ir de compras
to play chess jugar al ajedrez to go skating ir a patinar
to play football jugar al fútbol to go swimming ir a nadar
to play hockey jugar al hockey to go walking ir a caminar
to play the tocar la batería
to play the tocar la guitarra
to play the tocar el piano
to play tennis jugar al tenis
to play with the jugar con la
computer computadora
to read leer
to relax relajarse
to rent a video alquilar un vídeo
to ride a horse andar a caballo,
to ride a bike andar en bicicleta
to ride a andar en motocicleta
to sing cantar
to skate patinar
to ski esquiar
to sleep dormir
to watch a film mirar una película
to watch TV mirar televisión
to go camping ir de campamento
to go climbing ir a escalar
to go dancing ir a bailar
to go fishing ir de pesca
to go hunting ir de caza
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Unit 6


 anorak - anorak  overall - mono

 belt - cinturón  underpants - calzoncillos
 beret - boina  pyjamas - pijama
 bikini - bikini  raincoat - impermeable
 blouse - blusa  sandals - sandalias
 boots - botas  scarf - bufanda
 bowtie - pajarita  shirt -camisa
 bra - sujetador  shoes - zapatos
 braces - tirantes  shorts - pantalones cortos
 button - botón  skirt - falda
 cap - gorra  slippers - zapatillas
 cardigan - rebeca  socks - calcetines
 coat - abrigo  stiletto - tacón de aguja
 dress - vestido  stockings - medias
 laces - cordones  suit - traje
 cufflinks - gemelos  suspender - liguero
 diner jacket - smoking  sweater - jersey
 dress - vestido  sweatshirt - sudadera
 dressing-gown - bata  swimming costume - bañador
 gloves - guantes  "T" shirt - camiseta
 hat - sombrero  tie - corbata
 high heels- tacones altos  tights - panty
 jacket - chaqueta  tracksuit - chandal
 jeans - vaqueros  trousers - pantalones
 jersey - jersey  uniform - uniforme
 jumper - jersey  waistcoat - chaleco
 knickers - bragas  wellingtons - botas de goma
 nightdress - camisón
 zip - cremallera
 mini-skirt - mini-falda
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Associated Vocabulary

 changing room - probador

 shoe size - numero de zapatos
 get dressed - vestirse
 take off - quitar
 it fits you - le sienta bien (tamaño)
 too tight - demasiado pequeño
 it suits you - le sienta bien
 try on - probar
 match - hacer juego con
 undress - desnudarse
 naked - desnudo
 waist - cintura
 put on - poner
 wear - llevar puesto
 size - talla

shirt = camisa jeans = jeans

t-shirt = remera shorts = pantalones cortos
blouse = blusa pinafore
sweatshirt = sweater = pullover = jersey overalls (US) - dungarees (GB) =
= slip-over = suéter jardinero, peto
cardigan = saco liviano de lana trainers (GB) - sneakers (US) =
dress = vestido zapatillas
vest = chaqueta boots = botas
suit = traje Wellingtons = botas
three-piece suit = traje de tres piezas slippers = pantuflas
coat = saco clogs = zuecos
raincoat = piloto shoes = zapatos
waistcoat = chaleco sandals = sandalias
overcoat = sobretodo high-heeled shoes = zapatos de taco alto
mackintosh = abrigo de tela o lana sole = suela
gruesa  - have your shoes soled = ponerle suela
anorak = campera a los zapatos
bomber jacket = campera ajustada en la heel = taco
cintura  - have your shoes heeled = ponerle taco
duffel coat = abrigo de lana a los zapatos
denim jacket = campera de jean shoelaces = cordones
trousers = pantalones flip-flops = ojotas
slacks = pantalones informales espadrilles = alpargatas
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

bathrobe = bata tie-pin = traba de corbata

nightdress = nightgown = camisón braces (GB) = suspenders (US) =
pyjamas (GB) = pajamas (US) = pijama tiradores
socks = calcetines cravat = pañuelo
knee-length socks = medias 3/4 handkerchief = pañuelo
tights = calzas neckerchief = pañuelo de cuello
underwear = ropa interior gloves = guantes
bra = brassiere = corpiño scarf = bufanda
knickers = bombacha shawl = chal
slip = enagua cloak = capa
underpants = calzoncillos cap = gorra
bathing-suit = bathing-costume = traje beret = boina
de baño hat = sombrero
swimming trunks = short de baño wide-brimmed hat = sombrero de ala
bikini = bikini ancha
belt = cinturón bonnet = gorro para bebé
hood = capucha top hat = sombrero de copa
tie = corbata helmet = casco
bowtie = moño

US=American English GB=British English

Unit 7
Parts of the House
antenna - antena door - puerta
attic - desván door handle - picaporte
back yard - patio trasero doorbell - timbre
balcony - balcón driveway - entrada par el auto

basement - sótano fence - cerca

bathroom - baño fence gate - puerta de la cerca
bedroom - dormitorio floor - piso
ceiling - cielorraso front yard - patio frontal

cellar - sótano, bodega garage - garage

chimney - chimenea garden - jardín
deck - balcón terraza garden shed - cobertizo
dining room - comedor ground floor - planta baja
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

hall - vestíbulo pool - piscina

hallway - pasillo porch - pórtico
hedge - cerca roof - techo
key - llave
room - habitación
kitchen - cocina skylight - tragaluz, claraboya
laundry room - lavadero staircase - escalera
lawn - césped study - despacho, estudio
living room - sala utility room - cuarto de servicio
wall - pared
lock - cerradura
mailbox - buzón window - ventana
pantry - despensa
patio – patio

Unit 8
Everyday Activities

to wake up despertarse to go to work ir a trabajar

to get up levantarse to go to school ir a la escuela
to go to the ir al baño to study estudiar
to read a book leer un libro
to have a shower ducharse
to use the usar la computadora
to have a bath bañarse computer
to wash one's lavarse la cara to play with the jugar con la
face computer computadora
to brush one's cepillarse los dientes to chat charlar
to send an email enviar un email
to brush one's cepillarse el cabello
to phone a friend llamar a un amigo
por teléfono
to comb one's peinarse
to cook cocinar
to make dinner preparar la cena
to have breakfast desayunar
to have dinner cenar
to read the paper leer el periódico
to clear the table levantar la mesa
to listen to the escuchar la radio
radio to do the dishes lavar los platos
to watch TV mirar televisión to go to bed ir a la cama
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

to sleep dormir
to dream soñar
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Unit 9

The Weather

Shower llovizna Cloud nube

Drizzle llovizna to cloud over nublarse
to drizzle lloviznar Mist niebla
Rain lluvia Fog niebla, bruma
to rain llover Haze bruma
to teem down llover a cántaros Breeze brisa
Deluge diluvio Drought sequía
Flurry ráfaga Dew rocío
downpour lluvia torrencial heat wave ola de calor
to pour down llover torrencialmente hot spell ola de calor
to hail llover con granizo cold snap ola de frío
hailstones granizo Wind viento
snow nieve gust of wind ráfaga de viento
to snow nevar Gale viento muy fuerte
slush nieve derretida biting wind viento muy fuerte
frost helada blustery wind viento muy fuerte
ice hielo whirlwind torbellino
sleet aguanieve Hurricane huracán
to be soaked to estar mojado hasta los Tornado tornado
the skin huesos (lit. hasta la
weather forecast pronóstico del tiempo
changeable clima cambiante
to be drenched estar empapado
to be wet estar empapado
inclement clima inclemente
Storm tormenta
mild weather clima templado,
Blizzard tormenta de nieve suave
thunderstorm tormenta eléctrica above zero sobre cero
Thunder trueno below zero bajo cero
thunderclap trueno the temperature la temperatura
Lightning relámpago dropped disminuyó

bolt of lightning rayo flood inundación

Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

drought sequía to be humid estar húmedo

climate clima (ex. tropical to be damp estar húmedo
to be dry estar seco
to be hot estar caluroso
to be cold estar frío
to be boiling hot estar muy caluroso
to be freezing estar muy frío
to be warm estar templado
to be icy estar muy frío
to be boiling estar muy caluroso
to be chilly estar demasiado frío
to be stifling estar muy caluroso,
to be cloudy estar nublado
to be overcast estar muy nublado,
to be oppressive estar demasiado
to be rainy estar lluvioso
to be airless estar sin aire
to be misty estar nebuloso
to be fair estar bueno
to be foggy estar brumoso
to be fine estar bueno
to be sunny estar soleado
to be muggy estar templado y
húmedo to be windy estar ventoso

Unit 10
 General Meals - English Vocabulary

baked potatoes- papas al horno meatballs - albóndigas

beef - res noodles - tallarines
beef steak – bistec
pasta - pasta
blood sausage - morcilla pizza - pizza
cheese – queso pork - carne de cerdo
Cheeseburger - hamburguesa de queso pork chops) - costillas de cerdo
chicken - pollo potato chips - papas fritas (en bolsa)
dessert - postre
ribs - costillas
french fries - papas fritas
salad - ensalada
fried chicken - pollo frito sausage - salchicha, chorizo
ham - jamón soup - sopa
hamburger - hamburguesa spaghetti- espagueti
hot dog (hot dog)
steak - bistéc
lamb - cordero stew - guiso, estofado
lasagne- lasaña turkey - pavo
liver - hígado
macaroni - macarrones veal - carne de ternera
vegetables - verduras
mashed potatoes - puré de papas
mayonnaise - mayonesa
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

 Especias y Condimentos - Vocabulario en Inglés

celery - apio oregano - orégano

chilli - chile parsley - perejil
cinnamon - canela
clove - clavo de olor pepper - pimienta
coriander - cilantro rosemary - romero
cumin – comino saffron - azafrán
salad dressing – aderezo
garlic - ajo salt - sal
ginger - jengibre sauce – salsa
herbs - hierbas aromáticas
sugar - azúcar
ketchup - kechup
syrup– sirope
mayonnaise - mayonesa
mint - menta vanilla - vainilla
mustard - mostaza vinegar - vinagre

 Fruits - English Vocabulary

almonds - almendras mango - mango

apple - manzana medlar - níspero
apricot - albaricoque melon - melón
avocado - aguacate orange - naranja
peach - durazno, melocotón
banana - banana peanuts - maníes
blackberry - zarzamora pear - pera
cherry - cereza
coconuts - cocos pineapple - ananá, piña
fig - higo plum - ciruela
grapefruit - toronja raspberry - frambuesa
seed - semilla
grapes - uvas strawberry - fresa
hazelnuts - avellanas tangerine - mandarina
lemon - limón
lime - lima watermelon - sandía

 Vegetables - English Vocabulary

artichoke - alcachofa cauliflower - coliflor

asparagus - espárrago celery - apio
beans - frijoles
beet - remolacha chick peas - garbanzos
broccoli - brócoli chilli - picante
cabbage - repollo, col cucumber - pepino
carrot - zanahoria
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

eggplant - berenjena potato - papa

green onion - cebolla de verde pumpkin - zapallo grande
lentils - lentejas spinach - espinaca
lettuce - lechuga squash - calabaza
mushrooms- hongos sweet potato - camote
tomato - tomate
onion - cebolla zucchini - zapallito
parsley - perejil
peas - arvejas
pepper - pimiento

 Fish and Seafood - English Vocabulary

clam - almeja mussel - mejillón sardines - sardinas

cod - bacalao octopus - pulpo shrimp - camarón
crab (krab) - cangrejo oyster – ostra snail - caracol

eel - anguila squid - calamar

lobster - langosta trout (tráut) - trucha
tuna - atún

 Drinks and Beverages - English Vocabulary

apple juice - jugo de manzana pineapple juice - jugo de piña

brown beer - cerveza negra red wine - vino tinto
Coke - Coca-Cola rum - ron
champagne - champán soda - gaseosa
soft drink - refresco
cider - sidra sparkling water - agua mineral con gas
coffee - café
gin - ginebra still water - agua mineral sin gas
hot chocolate - chocolate caliente tea - té
tomato juice - jugo de tomate
juice - jugo vodka - vodka
lemonade - limonada
light soda - gaseosa dietética water - agua
liqueur - licor whisky - whisky
white wine - vino blanco
milkshake - batido wine– vino
orange juice - jugo de naranja

 Meats and Poultry - English Vocabulary

Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

bacon - tocino
beef - res
beef steak – bistec

boneless - deshuesado
breast - pechuga
cheeseburger - hamburguesa de queso
chicken - pollo
chop – chuleta

grilled - a la parrilla

ham - jamón

lamb - cordero
liver - hígado
meatballs – albóndigas

pork - carne de cerdo

pork chops - chuletas de cerdo

pork sausage - chorizo

poultry - carne de ave
ribs - costillas
roast beef - carne asada

tongue - lengua
tripe - tripas
turkey- pavo
veal - carne de ternero
Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Unit 11

Irregular Verbs
grow grew grown
Present Past Past Participle have had had
be was, were been hear heard heard
become became become hide hid hidden
begin began begun hold held held
blow blew blown hurt hurt hurt
break broke broken keep kept kept
bring brought brought know knew known
build built built lay laid laid
burst burst burst lead led led
buy bought bought leave left left
catch caught caught let let let
choose chose chosen lie lay lain
come came come lose lost lost
cut cut cut make made made
deal dealt dealt meet met met
do did done pay paid paid
drink drank drunk quit quit quit
drive drove driven read read read
eat ate eaten ride rode ridden
fall fell fallen ring rang rung
feed fed fed rise rose risen
feel felt felt run ran run
fight fought fought say said said
find found found see saw seen
fly flew flown seek sought sought
forbid forbade forbidden sell sold sold
forget forgot forgotten send sent sent
forgive forgave forgiven shake shook shaken
freeze froze frozen shine shone shone
get got gotten sing sang sung
give gave given sit sat sat
go went gone

Taken by: Angelo

Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

sleep slept slept

speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
spring sprang sprung
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
swim swam swum
swing swung swung
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke (waked) woken (waked)
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written

Taken by: Angelo

Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Unit 12
The Body
Ankle tobillo wrist muñeca
buttock nalga beard barba
Calf pantorrilla brain cerebro
Femur fémur canine colmillo
foot, feet pie, pies tooth

Heel talón cheek mejilla

Knee rodilla chin mentón

Shin canilla dimple hoyuelo

Thigh muslo ear oreja

Toe dedo del pie eye ojo

Elbow codo eyebrow ceja

Finger dedo eyelash pestaña

fingertip yema del Eyelid párpado

dedo forehead frente
Fist puño freckle peca
forearm antebrazo Gum encía
Hand mano Hair cabello
index índice Lips labios
molars molares
knuckle nudillo
moustach bigote
Pinky meñique e
middle dedo medio mouth boca
Neck cuello
nail uña
Nose nariz
palm palma de la
nostrils agujeros de la
ring anular
Palate paladar
premolars premolares
shoulder hombro
Pupil pupila
thumb pulgar
sideburns patillas
upper arm brazo
tongue lengua

Taken by: Angelo

Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

Tonsil amígdala chest pecho

tooth, diente, groin ingle
teeth dientes
heart corazón
Throat garganta
hip cadera
uvula campanilla
kidney riñón
wisdom muela de
liver hígado
tooth juicio
lung pulmón
abdomen abdomen
navel ombligo
armpit axila
nipple pezón
back espalda
stomach estómago
belly vientre
thorax tórax
bladder vejiga
waist cintura
breasts pechos

Ailments, Symptoms and Injuries

Health salud Injection inyección

Illness enfermedad (en Medicine medicina
Prescription receta médica
Disease enfermedad
Painful doloroso
Bandage venda
Asthma asma
band aid tirita, curita
Chickenpox varicela
Crutch muleta
Smallpox viruela
Plaster yeso
heart attack infarto
Wheelchair silla de ruedas
heart disease cardiopatía
to feel good sentirse bien
hepatitis hepatitis
to catch a cold atrapar un
ulcer úlcera
flu gripe
Cold resfrío
mumps paperas
to sneeze estornudar
wound herida (por un
to cough toser
to blow one's sonarse la nariz
Injury herida

Taken by: Angelo

Fundamentals Vocabulary Nivelatorio

to feel sick tener náuseas to have tener

constipation estreñimiento
to feel dizzy estar mareado
to be allergic to ser alérgico a
to faint desmayarse
to vomit vomitar
to pass out desmayarse
to throw up vomitar
to be tired estar cansado
to hurt doler
to be exhausted estar agotado
to swell hincharse
Backache dolor de espalda
to take an aspirin tomar una
Earache dolor de oídos
Headache dolor de cabeza
to take a tomar un
sore throat dolor de medicine medicamento
stomach-ache dolor de
Toothache dolor de muela
to have a tener fiebre
to have diarrhea tener diarrea
to have a rash tener
to have a black tener un ojo
eye morado
to get a bruise magullarse
to get burnt quemarse
to lose one's perder el apetito
to lose one's quedarse
voice afónico
to break one's quebrarse el
arm brazo
to sprain one's tener un
ankle esguince en el
to twist one's torcerse el
ankle tobillo
to be constipated estar estreñido

Taken by: Angelo

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