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Name and Group: Islem Hammami M2 BAGP

Exercise One:

1. Classify the following descriptions as: a weakness, an opportunity, a threat, or a strength:

a- Our company has excellent mechanical engineers (strength)

b- On the other hand, our department managers are rather under-qualified (a weakness)
c- The area where our company is located is a big consumer of the items we are producing (an
d- Because of the Covid 19 pandemic there could be some shortages in the importation of raw
material (a threat)

2. We call the above analysis the SWAT analysis

Exercise Two:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.

- Sometimes a company finds it more economical to outsource some of its activities to other
companies. When the second company is located abroad, this is called offshoring
- A warehouse is a large building where materials or goods are stored
- Wholesale is the opposite of retail

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