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Cadaverous (adj) – corpse-thin, thin, pale

The cadaverous beggar ate the rotting apple

2. Implore (verb) - to beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something.

The mother implored her son to resist bad company.

3. Beseech (verb) – to beg or ask earnestly or fervently

He beseeched her for a kiss.

4. Judicious (adj)- wise injudicious

(adj)- unwise
The judge’s decision was not seen as judicious.

5. Sagacious (adj) – wise sagacity (noun)

- wisdom
The sagacious inventor went from rags to riches with one great idea.

6. Impious (adj) – lacking respect for holy things impiety (noun)

The impious man spat on the bible and exposed his genitalia in church.

7. Antediluvian (adj) – old-fashioned or very old

My wife prefers antediluvian clothing.

8. Archaic (adj) – no longer used or old fashioned

Radiograms are now viewed as archaic devices.

9. Malpractice (noun) – wrongdoing

She was admonished for the malpractice.
10. Necromancer (noun) – someone who works with black magic.
The Necromancer turned her tongue black.

11. Psychedelic (adj) – bright and multicoloured

The psychedelic fireworks awed the spectators.

12. Veracious (adj) – truthful veracity (noun) –

No man is veracious these days.

13. Mendacious (adj) – untruthful mendacity (noun) –

The mendacious woman had her services terminated by the organization.

14. Sacrosanct (adj) – sacred

Holy water is sacrosanct.

15. Eviscerate (verb) – to disembowel a person or animal

The murderer eviscerated the nun and priest.

16. Macabre (adj)- horrible/ gruesome.

The accident was macabre.

17. Pyrotechnics (noun) – a display of fireworks.

The children admired the pyrotechnics that embellished the dark sky.

18. Pusillanimous (adj) – cowardly

The pusillanimous man ran from the aggressive woman.

19. Indomitable (adj) - unconquerable/ undefeatable

Many believed that Achilles, the Greek warrior, would be indomitable.

20. Phosphorescent (adj) – glowing in the dark.

The demon’s eyes were phosphorescent.

21. Reticent (adj) – reserved. Reticence (noun)

Pat was reticent at her place of work.

22. Pyromaniac (noun) - someone who gets pleasure from starting fires.
The pyromaniac was expelled from school as a consequence of setting three laboratories afire.

23. Pyromania (noun) – an obsessive fascination with fire.

His pyromania caused his own death.

24. Kleptomaniac (noun or adjective)- someone who has an uncontrollable desire to steal.
The kleptomaniac stole his mother’s wedding ring.

25. Kleptomania- (noun) - an uncontrollable desire to steal.

You will be incarcerated for your kleptomania.

26. Inescapable (adj) – unable to be avoided.

The truth is simply inescapable.

27. Intractable (adj) – stubborn or difficult

Most women can be intractable when it comes to their needs.

28. Reverberate (adj) – to echo and re-echo

Her shrill voice reverberated in the cave.

29. Incantation (noun) – a spell

The necromancer’s incantation caused Frank to become mysteriously ill.

30. Indecipherable (adj) – illegible or incomprehensive

Siyad’s handwriting is indecipherable.

31. Malady (noun) – illness or disease

Kwesi succumbed to an outlandish malady.

32. Onslaught (noun) - a fierce attack

The onslaught of the hurricane left the village in a calamitous condition.

33. Mendicant (adjective or noun) - a beggar

The mendicant was shot in his groin.

34. Pandemonium (noun) - a state of confusion and uproar

There was pandemonium when the grenade suddenly exploded.

35. Escapade (noun) – adventure

Childhood is filled with many escapades.

36. Placate (verb) – to calm or soothe

No one could have placated the grieving mother.
37. Lacerate (verb) – to tear or wound Laceration (noun)
The pit-bull lacerated the intruder’s leg.

38. Inept (adj) – clumsy Ineptitude (noun)

The inept child broke her mother’s punch bowl.

39. Indigent (adj) – poor or impoverished Indigence (noun)

The indigent boy became a target for bullies.
40. Indolent (adj) - lazy Indolence (noun)
Boys are usually indolent in school

41. Roadworthy (adj) – fit to be used on the road.

The vehicle Ann purchased was not roadworthy because of its many defects.

42. Pervade (verb)- to spread through

Silence pervaded the room.

43. Incursion (noun) - an invasion/ a raid

As a consequence of the incursion, two thousand lives were lost.

44. Excursion (noun) – an outing for pleasure/ a trip.

The family went on their annual boat excursion.

45. Infinitesimal (adj)- absolutely tiny

“You infinitesimal worm!’’ barked Sylvia to Ted

46. Rescind (adj)- to cancel/revoke

Plans to execute the law were rescinded.

47. Farcical (adj)- absurd or ridiculous.

Your level of thinking is indeed farcical.

48. Pendulous (adj)- drooping or sagging.

The pendulous skin beneath the old woman’s eyes frightened the toddler.

49. Multitudinous (adj) – very many

There were multitudinous fruits on sale.

50. Predilection (noun) - a preference or special liking for something.

John has a predilection for rotund women.

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