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Ruasa Azizan Zihni (34)


1. During my last holiday, I made a lot of handcrafts. At that time, I was crazy about art and
creativity. Many ideas had come to my mind 3 months before, all of the ideas will written on my
notebook, so I could read them again and again. Also, I search other idea from internet, yap I
googled it, I watch tutorial videos and read many art blogs. My parents help me to prepare the
materials, they also gave me money to buy things I needed. On the first day, i painted on some
rocks, people call it rock arts. It was so fun; my siblings join me on the third day. Then my sibling
and I made paper craft from newspaper and magazine. Papers were rolled, shaped, and glued
together to create decorative design. Many beautiful crafts were created. The last activity was
sewing, my mother is a tailor, so I learn how to sew from her, my mother help me t0o. Sewing
used clothes and towels was very fun, we produced many usefull things. Finally, I really enjoyed
my last holiday.

2. This is about my younger sister Linda; she is a high school student. She has always imagine
herself as a musician. She has told me about her dream many times, it has been her dream since
elementary school. Who has inspired her to be a musician? A great singer name whitney
houston, who has been her favorite singer since she was very child. Linda has always listened to
whitney songs many times in a day. She loves the songs in title ‘I have nothing’ by whitney
houston. Linda has also learnt how to play the guitar for a year. She has made one youtube
chanel since 2017. She has covered many songs and upload it in her chanel. Many viewers have
written positive comments about her covers. Sometimes Linda has music performance with her
friends. Linda and friends have just done music performance this month. They are also great
players they have one five music competition this year. They all want to be great musicians.

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