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1.He looked at me angrily when I interrupted him.

2.Marty and Judith are happily married.
3.I lost the game because I had been playing badly. It was even worse than last
season’s game.
4.The boss is always well-informed. There’s not much you can hide from him.
5.My French is not very good, but I can understand him perfectly if he speaks
6.The film was terrible. I haven’t seen one as bad as that before.
7. Sue was terribly upset about losing her job.
8.Expensive hotels are often more comfortable than cheaper ones.
9.They discussed highly technical matters in the meeting.
10..Do you want to pay separately?
11.They have to work hard for a living, but if you look at other people, they
hardly work at all.
12.The children behaved well, so they were allowed to go to the party.
13.It’s the most valuable painting in the whole exhibition.
14.I nearly drove my car into the river. It was pretty close.
15.The cook prepared an excellent lunch for the guests.
16.She had less money to spend than last year.
17.Obviously, Paris is quite a lovely city.
18.Jerry is the worst student in my whole class.
19.The man became violent when the guard asked him to leave.
20.The exam was surprisingly easy.

1.The Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world.
2.This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
3.A spider is sometimes more frightening than a large snake.
4.Mr Harper is the most boring teacher in the whole school. He is even more
boring than my French teacher
5.A bike path is usually narrower than the lane of a road.
6.People say women are more polite than man.
7.A computer is much more expensive than a pocket calculator.
8.My sister is not as tall as her mother.
9.Snowboarding is more exciting than skiing.
10. Children usually have less money to spend than teenagers.
11.July and August are normally the hottest moths of the year.
12..Paul is the slowest runner in our class . Nobody is slower than he is.
13.In this test she has made fewer mistakes than in the last one.
14.Sandra is the cleverest girl I know.
15.The film I watched yesterday was more interesting than the one on Saturday.
16.Peter is the worst player on our team. He never gets anything right.
17.English is not as difficult as German but more difficult than other
18.Bill works harder than ever. He wants to get a promotion.
19.Mrs Simmons is the most polite teacher I have ever met.
20.This chair is not as comfortable as the one in the living room.

Дві династії, Танг і Сонг, домінували в середньовічному Китаї,в час великого художнього і технологічного
розвитку. Період династії Танг зазвичай зветься золотим віком Китаю.Імператори династії Танг були успішними
у бойових діях війн,і китайський вплив поширився на Центральну Азію.Після періоду роз'єднаності,династія
Сонг принесла повернення процвітання перш ніж він упав до монголів.
Бактриський верблюд був принциповою формою транспорту вздовж шовкового шляху.Каравани верблюдів
несли скло, нефрит,кристал та бавовну у Китай і шовк,чай, папір і тонку кераміку з Китаю.Керамічні фігури
верблюдів і коней, висотою лише 20 дюймів, були часто розміщені вв гробницях вельмож і важливих
чиновників Тангу.
Палацовий концерт.
Елегантні дами Тангського двору п'ють чай,коли вони грають і слухають музику.Маленька собака згорнулася
калачиком під стіл. Ця картина невідомого художника Тангу зроблена у чорнилі на шовку.

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