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Test 1
1. True
2. Only - also
3. Not accepted - accepted
4. True
5. Are needed - are not needed
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. Only the Internal invironment is - Internal and External environment are
11. True
12. True
13. Nonlinear - Linear
14. True
15. True

Test II
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. E
13. C
14. D
15. A

The idea of globalization is creating a one culture community world as people are making connections with other
people, an idea that once was thought of as "impossible" is brushed away through contact and experience. The
connections we are making are very essential in realizing the idea of globalization. We are, right now, part of a
massive cultural experiment but this goes back to our communities. The introduction of globalization is very crucial
since each community has its own culture. For example, here in Iligan, we are a city with three tribes, and each tribe is
a community, and introducing globalization could create a bridge to connect each tribe. We have to educate every
tribe that the world is huge, and we have to be part of the realization of a one-culture community Even as the world
around us appears to shrink back into its shell, we reach out and connect, share fears, and concerns. Offer help and
support. Spread happiness where we can. We are now living in two worlds: digital and remote, and with the help of
globalization we are now skilled to live in these two worlds. We value truth and equality, transparency and
accountability above lies and divisions, greed and hunger for power. When we are pushed we quietly think about how
to overcome the obstacles that we face. We are many. And we are never alone.

Applied social science

Test 1
1. Social Science
2. Natural Science
3. Economics
4. Tue
5. True
6. True
7. Not the main discipline


1. When we say institutional perspective it talks about the stucture of societal units and how each
unit operates. Society is built by different institutions that are interelated. Instituional perspective
views the community as a working working force with different task to perform. For example, the
basic form of institution, the family works with the other institutions. Members from families form
other institution the government, education, economy and religion. In order to answer the different
societal issues we have to identify each problems because their are problems that could be solved
by a specific institution. Example academic problems like bullying and insuffecient school facilities
could be solved by institutions that are focused on education.But as stated society is built by
interelated institutions thats why to fully solve a certain problem Institutions could work with each
other. Just like on the example, bullying could be solved with the help of the school, the family, the
government and religion. In school, teachers could teach the children about bullying and monitor
about it. In the family, parents could talk to their children about it and let the children understand
the consquences of bullying. The government could make a program that will cater this problem.
Religion could greatly help the issue of bullying. Religion is focused on the spiritual upliftment
that’s why it is important the religion would intervine the problem. As we can see almost all of the
bacis instutions works in interelated manner. This is the institutional perspective, taking into
consideration the different functions of societal institutions. In order to have a better community or
society all the institutions must work harmoniosly. Institutional perspective is important on the
social development. Social development is about improving the well-being of every individual in
society so they can reach their full potential. The success of society is linked to the well-being of
each and every citizen. We could not find a specific answer to a certain problem if we don’t know
the functions of the different institutions. Institutional perspective gives us the overview of the
different institutional views.

2. The local and grassroots level is often referred to as the local and grassroots level. Economic
building on a local level necessitates a very different method. Rather than simply providing
facilities, medical clinics, or disaster relief, genuinely sustainable municipal initiatives must
represent the community's true needs and values. Otherwise, it would fail. Nonetheless, even if a
resource is objectively useful, it is useless if no one uses it. Community members working together
to better their mutual livelihoods at the grassroots level. It is bottom-up and locally accountable,
recognizing that the implementation process is just as critical as the outcomes. The grassroots
viewpoint encourages inclusivity and resiliency by focusing mainly on capacity building. It gives
communities a place to talk about local issues, find common ground, and balance conflicting
interests. Rather than delivering a service to a community and then withdrawing, grassroots
development seeks to help communities build their own capacity so that they can continue to
address challenges in the future. Grassroots community organizations and leaders have the passion
to guide development occurring in their communities by making pro-active planning decisions
versus reactionary planning decisions. When members of a group band together to take joint action
on a local issue. These organizations are the "little guys" who are taking on the huge challenge of
community growth. Fortunately, they have a few tricks up their sleeves that their foreign
counterparts lack. They are skilled at managing diverse local socio-cultural environments, have low
operating costs, and have insights into local growth issues that only those who have lived through
them can have. They are the ones who decide what would work in their culture and they are the
ones who make it up. These are the roadblocks that international organizations face, which is why
grassroots development is so important. As a result, strategies that are accountable to local
environments can be found, ensuring that development projects are socio-culturally relevant and
widely implemented.

3. The focus of sociology is on explanation, on understanding why some groups of people

behave in particular ways in specific circumstances. Sociology is a fascinating and enlightening
area of research that examines and discusses key issues in our personal lives, cultures, and the
universe. Sociology studies the social causes and effects of romantic love, ethnic and gender
identity, family conflict, deviant behavior, aging, and religious faith on a personal level. Within the
discipline of sociology, issues and concerns are developed based on what is considered important.

Sociology is the study of human cultures, their relationships, and the mechanisms that maintain
and alter them. Sociology also investigates societal disorder, such as crime, deviance, and
revolution, as well as social status or stratification, social movements, and social change. In
addition, the field provides a variety of research methods that can be applied to almost every area of
social life, including street crime and delinquency, corporate downsizing, how people convey
feelings, welfare and education reform, how families vary and thrive, and peace and war issues.
Since organizations have such a strong influence on human behavior, sociologists must figure out
how they influence people's behavior, how they are formed, how they communicate with one
another, how they degrade, and, finally, how they vanish. Among the most basic organizational
structures are economic, religious, educational, and political institutions, as well as more
specialized institutions such as the family, the community, the military, peer groups, clubs, and
volunteer associations.

There is no other social science that studies society in totality just like what sociology is.
History deals with unique events relating to past. Economic is concerned with activities relating to
production and consumption. These social sciences do not give a complete picture of the society.
Sociology on the other hand, studies society in its entirety. It essentially and fundamentally deals
with that network of social relationships we call society. Science has been defined as a body of
knowledge. Sociology is also a body of knowledge about society. Sociology as science of society
refers to a body of knowledge about society which has been empirically tested. Society may be
defined as the complicated network and ever-changing pattern of social relationships.

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