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TO: North Carolina State Board of Elections

c/o Rulemaking Coordinator

PO Box 27225
Raleigh, NC 27611

Re: Rule Changes – Public Comments

Dear Board of Election Members:

It is true, the 2020 Election was a “historic” event. The pandemic gave rise to a number of
unprecedent actions which greatly undermined voter confidence in the process, and ultimately the
outcome. As a Board, it is your solemn duty to enact policies that promote confidence and integrity
in the voting process. However, a number of the Proposed Rule Changes illustrate an alternative

We know, in North Carolina, most of the 100 counties use electronic systems or software to
facilitate voting and tabulate the vote count. Time and time again we’ve seen reports that these
systems are unsecure, unreliable, and often use grossly outdated technology. It is of grave concern
to me that the changes proposed by this Board intend to significantly limit the ability to recount
electronic results, and further, significantly limits a candidate from calling for a subsequent
recount. See 08 NCAC 09.0106(d); 08 NCAC 09.0106(g); 08 NCAC 09.0106(h); and, 08 NCAC
09.0107(b). Moreover, it is extremely troubling the Board would prohibit a hand recount of ballots
accepted by machines “regardless of whether the ballot is marked, contains overvotes, or is blank.”
See 08 NCAC 09.0107(a). Why would the Board be opposed to correcting an incorrectly counted

Also concerning are the Board’s efforts to further restrain election observation. Transparency and
accountability are principle to the voting process and poll observers are the front-line in ensuring
those fundamentals. The Board’s choice to further burden our local precincts by placing
additional, arbitrary, restrictions on poll observer’s access only further erodes voter confidence in
these principles. See 08 NCAN 20.0101(a), (c)

Integrity in our elections is NOT a partisan issue. Voting is a civil right that should be protected
at all costs. I am sure you agree. If so, at the very least, the Board should not knowingly accept a
vote incorrectly tabulated. I urge you to reconsider the amendments addressed herein, and to
promote greater transparency and oversight rather than less.

This the ___ day of ______________, 2021

A Concerned Citizen

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