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Group 2-
2 Chapter 6 of
( A history of Bangladesh)
Course Title:BPH101
Title: The British Impact
Book: A history of Bangladesh
Author : Williem Van Schendel
Content : Summary of chapter 6.

A brief synopsis:
Bangladesh is a history that reveals the country’s dynamic, colorful past and
variety of culture. As the writer himself has given a perfect for a glimpse and to
get an idea of the readers individual interest. It gives a view point of delta’s
antiquated and later past history and taking references of past occasions , the
writer looked to clarify the display yearnings and clashes among different
bunches whether communal or political.The segment of Bengal, the war with
Pakistan and the birth of Bangladesh as an autonomous state. The British impact
has affected in all ways- ethnic group, economic, social, cultural prospective
and education policy, etc. The political control also meant a long drawn
interaction between two distinct cultures.
Bangladesh is a country of south Asia, located in rivers part of Indian
subcontinent. The British control in the past has shaped to a great extent over a
large part of our country becomes an important determining factor and also it
has highlighted some major effects of special significance of post colonial
Bangladesh like the effects of regional specialization of the Bengal economy.

Critical Analysis
The part on famines, forced labor and massacres perpetrated by the British will
have you seething in anger but as many critics point out, all that happened a
long time ago. The writer only handpicks a few examples from many to show
how colonial rule continues to impact the modern world. One doesn’t have to
look too far - the Penal Code of Bangladesh and its criminalization of
legalization of marital rape, among other things, , today. And as the writer
points out, one of the worst parts of Empire was the total lack of self-respect it
imposed on its subjects. For near on 200 years, the project of colonization went
hand in hand with the project of English superiority, and the colonization of the
mind is something that we are still struggling to fight today.
It offended to damage , in today’s world , beginning with a comprehensive
overview of the plundering of India and the annihilator of its businesses, the
writer reminds us specifically that the British runs the show started when
looting everything and its individuals by larger organization.
Main Learning’s
The British came to India as dealers, but moreover had regional desire.
They continuously picked up control over the complete by utilizing different
implies like coordinate victory, addition and diplomacy .
The fight of plassey stamped the starting of the political dominance of the
British India.
British run the show had a profound affect on the political and social life of the
The financial affect of British run the show was most far-reaching.
It destroyed the traditional economy and depleted their riches to Britain.

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