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Popayan is the capital of the department of Cauca and it is located in the

valley of Pubenza, between the Western and Central southwest of the
country. It has 277 540 habitants and It is of temperate climate. Usually
in the month of January people enjoy the carnivals of Pubenza,
afterwards in the greater week or holy week much people religious
people go out to celebration and they come persons from other places to
share the faith. Besides, go out to visit the churches, museums and
parks, is one of the customs of the people in Popayan. On the other
hand, go to eat empanadas de pipian, sancocho and visit the thermal
springs on weekends.
On passing. Tourists admire and wonder what that monument means.
The payaneses pass by their side some without stopping to observe it,
however. Some of us look and try to find out who the members of
Chirimia are.

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